WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Install a configuration

Download a model configuration to a specific machine using the modipsl tool.

1. Description

modipsl is a suite of scripts which allow you to

modipsl is also the architecture hosting the models and tools of a chosen model configuration. modipsl is developed at IPSL.

2. Downloading modipsl

svn co --username icmc_users modipsl

The password must be asked a Platform group member. To avoid typing this command line for every new modipsl retrieval, we recommend to create an alias :

alias svn_ano='svn co --username icmc_users modipsl'

The retrieval command then becomes


To learn more about SVN and other useful scripts, click here.

3. How to use modipsl

3.1. The modipsl directories

After downloading modipsl, you should have the following directory structure:

modipsl also contains the following directories (empty at the beginning) :

Main scripts in the directory util

3.2. Available configurations via modipsl

Using modipsl will give you access to a large number of model configurations, each of them uses one or more IPSL models. To list the available model configurations, use the following script:

cd modipsl/util
./model -h 

To obtain information on the models used (tags, versions,...) in a specific configuration, use the following script:

./model -h config_name

Example with LMDZOR_v6.1.10 :

./model -h LMDZOR_v6.1.10
model : LMDZOR_v6.1.10
LMDZ and ORCHIDEE model configuration
Configuration corresponding to the coupled modele IPSLCM6.1.10-LR
model manager email address :
Component 1 : IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src
Revision  1 : HEAD
System    1 : svn
Server    1 :
Directory 1 : IOIPSL/src
Local Dir 1 : modeles
Component 2 : tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE
Revision  2 : 5661
System    2 : svn
Server    2 : svn://
Directory 2 : ORCHIDEE
Local Dir 2 : modeles
Component 3 : LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15
Revision  3 : 3554
System    3 : svn
Server    3 :
Directory 3 : LMDZ
Local Dir 3 : modeles
Component 4 : XIOS/branchs/xios-2.5
Revision  4 : 1550
System    4 : svn
Server    4 :
Directory 4 : XIOS
Local Dir 4 : modeles
Component 5 : CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZOR_v6
Revision  5 : 4691
System    5 : svn
Server    5 :
Directory 5 : LMDZOR_v6
Local Dir 5 : config
Component 6 : tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE_OL
Revision  6 : 5626
System    6 : svn
Server    6 : svn://
Directory 6 : ORCHIDEE_OL
Local Dir 6 : config
Component 7 : trunk/libIGCM
Revision  7 : 1487
System    7 : svn
Server    7 :
Directory 7 : libIGCM
Local Dir 7 : .

If the requested model configuration does not exist :

./model -h Ornithorynque
Model Ornithorynque unknown
Try "model -h"

3.2.1. v7 family

Configuration management in mod.def has evolved with v7 configurations. Until now, all forced and coupled configurations were explicitly described in mod.def (e.g. IPSLCM6.2.2, LMDZOR_v6.2.2, etc.). From v7 onwards, only the IPSLCM7 coupled configuration is offered in mod.def, from which you can choose the sub-configuration you wish to extract.

./model IPSLCM7_tag [subconfig]



You can choose to extract the entire IPSLCM7 configuration, enabling you to use all the sub-configurations included in this model (IPSLCM7-ico, IPSLCM7-reg, ICOLMDZOR, LMDZOR, ICOLMDZORINCA, LMDZORINCA) with a single executable.

3.3. How to download and use a selected model configuration

Downloading is the recovery of the source codes of the model components of a specific model configuration from different SVN servers. The download can be done with this script:

./model config_name

When you try to access to the component servers, some of them request a login and a password: ORCHIDEE, NEMO, INCA and REPROBUS. To do so, you must contact the person in charge of the model configuration (see above the list of special cases; model managers email addresses is available via the command model -h)

Example :

cd modipsl/util
# see all the available configurations
./model -h
# extract the LMDZOR_v6.1.10 configuration  
./model LMDZOR_v6.1.10

The source codes of the downloaded models are in the modipsl/modeles/ directory.

For the previous example you will obtain the following directories :

Coupled configuration will download the coupler directyl in modipsl/oasic-mct

modipsl also installs a model configuration. It is installed in the directory modipsl/config (here modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v6).
Each model will be compiled and the simulation will be run in the config directory.

The log files of the installation are stored in the modipsl/util/log file.

3.4. Syntax in mod.def

The file mod.def contains a section per predefined configuration. Each section must contain one or several lines starting with:

As optional in mod.def, lines starting with #-M- config_name will specify a different email adress used to send a mail only at first extraction at a new machine for a specific login.

The code extraction line has the following syntax :

#-C- config_name  versionOnServer      revisionNumber    depotNumber modelName    dirInModipsl

As an example see here an extract from mod.def:

#-S- 8 svn
#-S- 9 svn --username inca
#-S- 10 svn
#-S- 11 svn
#-S- 12 svn
#-S- 13 svn
#-S- 14 svn svn://
#---- LMDZOR configurations

#-H- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  LMDZ and ORCHIDEE model configuration
#-H- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  Configuration corresponding to the coupled modele IPSLCM6.1.10-LR
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src             HEAD    8    IOIPSL/src   modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE         5661    14   ORCHIDEE     modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15        3554    11   LMDZ         modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  XIOS/branchs/xios-2.5              1550    12   XIOS         modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZOR_v6        4691    8    LMDZOR_v6    config
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE_OL      5626    14   ORCHIDEE_OL  config
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  trunk/libIGCM                      1487    10   libIGCM      .

By launching ./model LMDZOR_v6.1.10, you'll install in directory

3.5. Change a model version

By default the available model configurations use specific model versions. But different versions of a given model can be used with a specific configuration. This is the case for the LMDZ version in the "_v6" configurations. You might want to use the latest version on an LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15 branch (used for CMIP6 simulations). To find out which model version to use, please contact the model development team directly.

If you already know which model version to use, you just have to change the section about the model configuration you selected in modipsl/util/mod.def.

For example with LMDZOR_v6.1.10, in mod.def you have the following lines:

#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src             HEAD    8    IOIPSL/src   modeles

The second column tells the version and third column the revision for this version. If it says HEAD, this means the latest revision. This means that you'll extract IOIPSL version IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src, latest revision.

For example, to extract the LMDZOR_v6.1.10 configuration with the latest revision (HEAD) of LMDZ6, change mod.def to obtain :

#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10 LMDZ6/trunk         HEAD               11 LMDZ       modeles

or for LMDZ6/trunk revision 3563 :

#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.10  LMDZ6/trunk                 3563               11 LMDZ       modeles

4. Special cases