Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Doc/Footprint

04/20/23 12:06:28 (15 months ago)



  • Doc/Footprint

    v17 v18  
    33<h1>Reducing our environmental footprint </h1> 
    5 [[NoteBox(note, Running simulations has a significant environmental impact both in terms of computing and mass storage. Determining the carbon footprint of a simulation is not an easy task as it depends on several factors. However to provide a rough estimate we may consider that running a 100 year long climate simulation with IPSL-CM6A-LR requires 150 000 core-hours and produces about 150 kg CO2eq. Multiplied by the number of simulations performed this constitutes a non-negligible fraction of the IPSL carbon footprint. This is why we should collectively aim to reduce the environmental footprint of climate modeling. , 600px)]] 
     5[[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents)]] 
    7 [[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents)]] 
     7[[NoteBox(note, Running simulations has a significant environmental impact both in terms of computing and mass storage. Determining the carbon footprint of a simulation is not an easy task as it depends on several factors.  , 600px)]] 
     10= Estimate the CO2eq computation footprint =  
     11To provide a rough estimate we may consider that running a '''100 year long''' climate simulation with IPSL-CM6A-LR requires '''150 000 core-hours''' and produces about '''150 kg CO2eq'''. Multiplied by the number of simulations performed (for example 80 000 years of simulation were done for cmip6) this constitutes a non-negligible fraction of the IPSL carbon footprint. This is why we should collectively aim to reduce the environmental footprint of climate modeling. 
    913Adopting good computing practices can contribute towards that goal. Here we attempt to provide such good practices when it comes to using the IPSL climate models. The environmental footprint comes from the computing itself but also from the mass storage hence it is important to target both aspects in our modeling activity.