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The configurations

}}} ---- [[NoteBox(note,Click on the name of any model configuration for more details., 600px)]] [[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents)]] ---- # What is a configuration? # The IPSL climate modeling suite offers various configurations described in the [wiki:Doc/Install#Syntaxinmod.def mod.def] file in modipsl/util. Each configuration consists of one or several model components (including the OASIS coupler) and tools. Tools are, for example, libIGCM, XIOS or IOIPSL. The supported configurations use specific versions of each model component. It is however possible to change the version of a model components and the version of the tools. To do so, you must change mod.def. The supported configurations are maintained and updated by the working groups at the IPSL Climate Modeling Center. {{{#!comment You can find [wiki:Doc/Config/Allconfig here] a list and a short description of all configuration available on mod.def. }}} [[BR]] See the supported configurations below and click on the links for details. # IPSLCM # * [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM6 IPSLCM6.1 ] : the reference coupled model used for CMIP6 simulations * [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM6.2 IPSLCM6.2 ] : this section describes the IPSLCM6.2 version. * [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2 IPSL-CM5A2-VLR ]: the fast version of the IPSL Earth System Model, based on recent technical developments and recent releases of each component. * [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2CHT IPSL-CM5A2-CHT-VLR ]: the ESM version of IPSL-CM5A2-VLR, with tropospheric and stratospheric interactiv chemistry and aersosols * ''[wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5 IPSLCM5_v5 ]: not supported anymore. The reference coupled model used for CMIP5 simulations including atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice and carbon cycle. Details on the CMIP5 model and its history (between 2010 and 2012) can be found (in French) [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki/IPSLCM5A (password required at least)] and [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki/ModifIPSLCM5A here for its history.].'' # LMDZOR # * [wiki:Doc/Config/LMDZOR_v6.1 LMDZOR_v6.1] : Reference forced atmosphere-land configuration used for CMIP6. * [wiki:Doc/Config/LMDZOR_v6.2 LMDZOR_v6.2] : Updated version of LMDZOR_v6.1 with newer model versions under development. * [wiki:Doc/Config/LMDZOR_v5 LMDZOR_v5 and LMDZOR_v5.2] : not supported anymore. The reference atmosphere-land forced configuration used for CMIP5 simulations. # LMDZORINCA # [wiki:Doc/Config/LMDZORINCA LMDZORINCA_v6]: the atmosphere-land version of IPSLCM6 including tropospheric chemistry # LMDZREPR # [wiki:Doc/Config/LMDZREPR LMDZREPR_v6]: the atmosphere-land version of IPSLCM6 including stratospheric chemistry # ICOLMDZOR_v7 # [wiki:Doc/Config/ICOLMDZOR_v7 ICOLMDZOR_v7]: Global configuration coupling DYNAMICO-LMDZ-ORCHIDEE # NEMO # [wiki:Doc/Config/NEMO NEMO]: ocean-only version including sea ice and marine biogeochemistry # ORCHIDEE_OL # [wiki:Doc/Config/ORCHIDEE_OL ORCHIDEE_OL]: Different offline configurations with the land surface model ORCHIDEE. # RegIPSL # [wiki:Doc/Config/RegIPSL RegIPSL]: The Regional IPSL climate model