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IPSLCM7 configuration - the ESM configuration

}}} [[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents,,numbered)]] [[NoteBox(note, IPSLCM7_work is a configuration under construction. Contact one of the persons in charge before first use. , 600px)]] Persons in charge: Arnaud Caubel, Anne Cozic, Christian Ethé, Josefine Ghattas ---- # Philosophy of v7 # v7 configuration lets you choose between a simulation using an icosahedral grid or a simulation using a regular grid. By default the compilation will compile for both grids and the user can switch between all experiments. An other new feature is that now all sub-configuration will be available in the coupled model one, and will not exist anymore in the mod.def selection. The user can choose to extract all models, create executables for all sub-configuration, or extract only a specific subconfiguration. To do this you need to add the subconfiguration chosen after the name of the configuration when you are using the `model` script in `modipsl/util` directory {{{ cd modipsl/util ./model IPSLCM7_work or for example cd modipsl/util ./model IPSLCM7_work ICOLMDZOR }}} For configurations using ORCHIDEE model, (LMDZOR, IPSLCM, or ORCHIDEE_offline - but not for LMDZORINCA) the user will have the choice to compile and run with ORCHIDEE_2_2 or ORCHIDEE_4. # Resolutions and configurations # IPSLCM7 model is available for different resolutions and sub-configurations : * '''LR''' : LMDZ 144x144x79-ORCHIDEE - NEMO4 eORCA1xL75 * IPSLCM-reg (for the moment without CO2 or biogenic cycles) * LMDZ * LMDZOR * LMDZORINCA (chemistries AER, GES, NMHC_AER_S) * '''nbp40''' : DYNAMICO LMDZ - ORCHIDEE - NEMO4 eORCA1xL75 * IPSLCM-ico (for the moment without CO2 or biogenic cycles) * ICOLMDZ * ICOLMDZOR * ICOLMDZORINCA (chemistries AER, GES) # Models Revision # '''IPSLCM7''' is composed of following components and tools (reference version used for training courses in Jan. 2024) : {{{ #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 master 3558d704 21 DYNAMICO modeles DYNAMICO #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 ICOSA_LMDZ 4616 20 ICOSA_LMDZ modeles DYNAMICO #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_5 6644 8 IOIPSL modeles IOIPSL #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 branches/ORCHIDEE_2_2/ORCHIDEE 8388 14 ORCHIDEE_2_2 modeles ORCHIDEE #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 trunk/ORCHIDEE 8388 14 ORCHIDEE_4 modeles ORCHIDEE #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 CPL/oasis3-mct/branches/OASIS3-MCT_5.0_branch 6331 8 oasis3-mct . OASIS #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 LMDZ6/trunk 4515 20 LMDZ modeles LMDZ #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 LMDZ6/trunk/arch 4726 20 LMDZ/arch modeles LMDZ #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 CONFIG/UNIFORM/v7/IPSLCM7 6733 8 IPSLCM7 config CONFIG #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 branches/ORCHIDEE_2_2/ORCHIDEE_OL 8391 14 ORCHIDEE_OL_2_2 config ORCHIDEE #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 trunk/ORCHIDEE_OL 8378 14 ORCHIDEE_OL_4 config ORCHIDEE #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 trunk/libIGCM 1621 10 libIGCM . libIGCM #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 4.2.0 HEAD 22 NEMO modeles NEMO #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 trunk/INCA6 1106 9 INCA modeles INCA #-C- IPSLCM7_TP2024 XIOS2/trunk 2590 12 XIOS modeles XIOS }}} # Experiments # For the forced models on the regular grid (LMDZ, LMDZOR, LMDZORINCA) the configuration is close to [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM6.2 IPSLCM6.2] configuration. For the coupled model on the regular grid, the main difference from IPSLCM6.2 is the use of NEMO4 instead of NEMO3. When you download IPSLCM7 in full version, or only for a sub-configuration, you will also download config directories to run ORCHIDEE model in offline mode. * To compile you will use the target the command `./compile_ipslcm7.sh` (see [wiki:Doc/Compile#Compilationoptionsforconfigurations_v7andnewer here] for more details on compilation) * For the experiments, you can choose between `EXPERIMENTS/': * ICOLMDZ/aquaplanet * ICOLMDZ/clim_noleap * ICOLMDZ/CREATE_amip * ICOLMDZ/CREATE_hadisst * ICOLMDZ/LAM * ICOLMDZOR/clim_pdControl * ICOLMDZOR/clim_pdControl.orch4 * ICOLMDZOR/highresmip * ICOLMDZOR/highresmip_CMIP6 * ICOLMDZORINCA/AER * ICOLMDZORINCA/GES * ICOLMDZORINCA/NMHC_AER_S * ICOLMDZORINCA/CREATE_etat0 * ICOLMDZOR/LAM * IPSLCM7-ico/piControl_TEST * IPSLCM7-ico/piControl_TEST.orch4 * IPSLCM7-reg/pdControl_TEST * IPSLCM7-reg/pdControl_TUNING * IPSLCM7-reg/piControl_TEST * LMDZ/clim_360d * LMDZ/CREATE_amip * LMDZ/CREATE_clim * LMDZ/CREATE_clim_360d * LMDZOR/amip * LMDZOR/clim_pdControl * LMDZORINCA/AER * LMDZORINCA/GES * LMDZORINCA/NMHC_AER_S with LAM directory which contains amip, amip_ERA5_LAM, amip_LAM, CREATE_amip, CREATE_amip_ERA5_LAM, CREATE_amip_LAM experiments. + ORCHDIDEE_offline configuration