
Version 4 (modified by mafoipsl, 9 years ago) (diff)


The IPSLCM6 configuration

Person in charge: Arnaud Caubel

1. The IPSLCM6 configuration

IPSLCM6 is the configuration of the coupled IPSL model under development for the CMIP6 simulations including atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice and carbon cycle. This configuration includes :

  • the model components:
    • LMDZ, the atmospheric model ;
    • NEMO, the ocean model including sea ice (LIM2) and marine biogeochemistry (PISCES) ;
    • ORCHIDEE, the land model ;
    • the OASIS-MCT coupler ;
  • the tools :
    • XIOS, the I/O server ;
    • scripts to run the model and to perform post processing and the ksh functions library libIGCM

As a reminder, here are the versions of the components and tools.

vi modipsl/util/mod.def

2. Resolutions and configurations

One configurations is available :

  • ORCA2xLMD9695-L39.


By default the coupled version is IPSLCM6A-VLR.

3. Ressources on usual machines

3.1. TGCC

3.1.1. Bull Curie thin nodes

The basic configuration uses 128 computing cores or 8 nodes: 1 for XIOS, 19 for NEMO, and 27 MPI and 4 OpenMP for LMDZ.

3.2. IDRIS

3.2.1. IBM : Ada

The basic configuration uses 56 computing cores or 2 nodes: 1 for XIOS, 7 for NEMO, and 24 MPI and 2 OpenMP for LMDZ.

4. Command summary

Here are the commands you need to know if you want to retrieve and compile the IPSLCM5_v5 model and if you want to setup and run an EXP00/pdControl experiment:

svn_ano # svn co modipsl
cd modipsl/util
./model IPSLCM6_rc0
cd ../config/IPSLCM6
gmake # by default ORCA2xLMD9695-L39
cp EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM5/EXP00/config.card .
vi config.card # modify JobName (at least) : MYJOBNAME, restarts
../../util/ins_job # Check and complete job's header
vi Job_MYJOBNAME # modify PeriodNb, adjust the time, headers ...
llsubmit Job_MYJOBNAME # IDRIS
ccc_msub  Job_MYJOBNAME # TGCC

4.1. headers and config.card

4.1.1. curie

#MSUB -n 128 # reservation des coeurs pour le job (ce doit etre egal a l'ensemble de process/threads : par exemple 27x4 + 19 + 1 = 128
#MSUB -x # Specifier que le noeud doit être dédié
#MSUB -E '--cpu_bind=none'

4.1.2. ada

# Nombre de processus MPI demandes (ici 24 + 7 + 1 = 32)
# @ total_tasks = 32
# Nombre de coeurs réellement utilisés (ici 24 x 2 + 7 + 1 = 56)
# @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=56"
# Nombre de taches OpenMP/pthreads par processus MPI
# @ parallel_threads = 2

config.card on ada

#D-- Executable -
#D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis
ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 24MPI, 2OMP)
SRF= ("" ,"" )
SBG= ("" ,"" )
OCE= (opa, opa.xx  , 7MPI)
ICE= ("" ,"" )
MBG= ("" ,"" )
CPL= ("", "" )
IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI)

4.2. Restart files

IPSLCM6 configuration could restart from any IPSLCM5A restart file.

5. Evaluation

Remember to evaluate the files produced by this simulation.

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