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The IPSLCM6 configuration

}}} ---- [[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents,,numbered)]] Person in charge: Arnaud Caubel ---- # The IPSLCM6 configuration # IPSLCM6 is '''the configuration of the coupled IPSL model''' under development for the CMIP6 simulations including atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice and carbon cycle. This configuration includes : * the model components: * LMDZ, the atmospheric model ; * NEMO, the ocean model including sea ice (LIM2) and marine biogeochemistry (PISCES) ; * ORCHIDEE, the land model ; * the OASIS-MCT coupler ; * the tools : * XIOS, the I/O server ; * scripts to run the model and to perform post processing and the ksh functions library libIGCM [[Image(IPSLCM6.jpg, 360px)]] As a reminder, here are the versions of the components and tools. {{{ vi modipsl/util/mod.def }}} # Resolutions and configurations # One configurations is available : * ORCA2xLMD9695-L39. ## IPSLCM6A-VLR ## By default the coupled version is IPSLCM6A-VLR. # Ressources on usual machines # ## TGCC ## ### Bull Curie thin nodes ### The basic configuration uses 128 computing cores or 8 nodes: 1 for XIOS, 19 for NEMO, and 27 MPI and 4 OpenMP for LMDZ. ## IDRIS ## ### IBM : Ada ### The basic configuration uses 56 computing cores or 2 nodes: 1 for XIOS, 7 for NEMO, and 24 MPI and 2 OpenMP for LMDZ. # Command summary # Here are the commands you need to know if you want to retrieve and compile the IPSLCM5_v5 model and if you want to setup and run an EXP00/pdControl experiment: {{{ #!sh mkdir MONREPERTOIRE ; cd MONREPERTOIRE svn_ano # svn co http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/modipsl/trunk modipsl cd modipsl/util ./model IPSLCM6_rc0 cd ../config/IPSLCM6 gmake # by default ORCA2xLMD9695-L39 cp EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM5/EXP00/config.card . vi config.card # modify JobName (at least) : MYJOBNAME, restarts ../../util/ins_job # Check and complete job's header cd MYJOBNAME vi Job_MYJOBNAME # modify PeriodNb, adjust the time, headers ... llsubmit Job_MYJOBNAME # IDRIS ccc_msub Job_MYJOBNAME # TGCC }}} ## headers and config.card ## ### curie ### {{{ #MSUB -n 128 # reservation des coeurs pour le job (ce doit etre egal a l'ensemble de process/threads : par exemple 27x4 + 19 + 1 = 128 #MSUB -x # Specifier que le noeud doit être dédié #MSUB -E '--cpu_bind=none' }}} ### ada ### {{{ # Nombre de processus MPI demandes (ici 24 + 7 + 1 = 32) # @ total_tasks = 32 # Nombre de coeurs réellement utilisés (ici 24 x 2 + 7 + 1 = 56) # @ environment = "BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=56" # Nombre de taches OpenMP/pthreads par processus MPI # @ parallel_threads = 2 }}} config.card on ada {{{ #======================================================================== #D-- Executable - [Executable] #D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 24MPI, 2OMP) SRF= ("" ,"" ) SBG= ("" ,"" ) OCE= (opa, opa.xx , 7MPI) ICE= ("" ,"" ) MBG= ("" ,"" ) CPL= ("", "" ) IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI) }}} ## Restart files ## IPSLCM6 configuration could restart from any IPSLCM5A restart file. # Evaluation # Remember to evaluate the files produced by this simulation.