Changes between Version 69 and Version 70 of Pirates2022/Tuning2023

09/08/23 16:22:03 (10 months ago)



  • Pirates2022/Tuning2023

    v69 v70  
     1=== 6 setpembre 2023 === 
     3Myriam, Guillaume Gac, Julie, Juliette, Maelle, Guillaume Gas, Brady, Juliette, Karsten, Fred 
     4Karsten (CCCma) 
     6Note on Karsten's activities : developing parameterizations for atm convection  and calibration. currently CCCma using NEMO v3.4 & LIM2, moving to NEMO v4 with SI3 ; Going to 1deg atmosphere to 1/4deg ocean  
     8rappel contexte de cet exercice : lack of sea ice in VLR and LR with NEMOv4 -> exploration of sensitivity to sea ice parameters needed for coupled tuning 
     10mais Abaques entre SST et glob rt suggerent qu'il faudrait un glob rt de 5.9 W/m2 pour atteindre la bonne cible en SST globale 
     12    - c’est acceptable, on refait un préconditionnement? 
     14    - ce n’est pas acceptable, il faut envisager du tuning plus important du modele ocean + glace 
     16    - c’est du à du transitoire, il faudrait faire les simulations couplées plus longues. A priori non, d’apres les longues simulations qu’on a faites. 
     18Karsten: their SST has a very strong transient behavior. if vertical diffusion and other related parameters is changed. 
     20    Our approach: some parameters are well constrained by ocean only simulation and not touched by the tuning. We change the quantity of energy that is injected below the mixed layer and sea ice albedo. 
     22jets closer to equ -> atm cooler because more reflection. 
     24    Forced to Coupled : jets move towards atm. This may explain that we need to be a bit warmer in Forced to have good SSTs in Coupled. 
     26    Should be checked. Easy to diagnose, but also pb that we do not have the same sea ice. 
     27Could be diagnosed from SW. 
     29    Brady ongoing to diagnose latitude of the jets. Look at the Forced-Coupled systematic difference. 
     31    Remember : Model is too cold with not enough sea ice with netau = 0. nnetau=1 yields cooling. 
     33What about including metric of the jets in the preconditionning? 
     35    Fred: no, because it requires 20 yrs of simulation in history matching 
     37What about not doing preconditionning and running 20yrs coupled simulations? 
     39    Fred: you will end up with globrt from -15W/m2 to 15W/m2. 
     41Rq John Sinocca is in favor of NOT doing preconditionning. 
     43Idee: refaire en 1D des simulations non preconditionnées pour voir si on les aurait ruled out ou pas? 
     45Fred: Reruns QUEST configuration with latest versions to make sure the atmospheric configurations we are setting in LMDZ lead to acceptable coupled configuration in coupled mode? Julie says it is indeed the case by contruction of the protocol. 
     46Configuration 18 is not to bad in LR. Even for sea ice in SH. To be further analyzed. 
     48Fred: re-run 3D preconditionning with more appropriate target. 
     50Karsten: in CMIP6 AMIP gobrt reaches such values in some models. 
     52VLR: Myriam a fait les AMIP 
     54    retracer abaques avec VLR 
     56    Calculer les métriques de controle de preconditionnement avec VLR, à comparer avec LR? 
     58Fred voudrait les cycles saisonniers pour tous les runs. -> GGac? 
     62    1. Rerun preconditionning -> Brady? 
     64    2. Run metrics on the already performed simulations -> GGac? 
     66    3. Diagnose latitude of the jets. -> Brady + Juliette & GGas? 
     68    4. VLR diagnostics. -> GGas + Myriam + all? 
     70    5. Préparer les cycles saisonniers moyens de toutes les simulations pour Fred. 
    173=== 30 aout 2023 === 
    274Julie, GGas, Myriam, Brady, Juliette