Changes between Version 101 and Version 102 of Pirates2022/Tuning2023

05/13/24 15:51:32 (7 weeks ago)



  • Pirates2022/Tuning2023

    v101 v102  
     1=== 12 Mai 2024 === 
     3* Brady's analysis 
     5   when removing global SST trend from coupled ensemble, spatial pattern of EOF1 resembles more to that of AMIP ensemble, yet still some differences 
     7   and correlation drops in between PCs => maybe there are not so much in common between coupled and AMIP ensemble  
     9   pending question : why atmospheric structure (warming of tropical troposphere associated with cooling of extratropical stratosphere) very active in both coupled and forced simulations, and seems to dominate diversity in ensembles ?  
     11   second pending question : what controls coupled ensemble diversity, besides global SST (possibly related with fallv, tropical warming and stratospheric extratropical cooling...) ? 
     13   comparing forest-importance and sobol for PC1, toplCRE and sa150 (Brady's index in stratosphere) : same predominant parameters (FALLV and OMEPMX for the last two) for all ensembles, but different for PC1 => coupled ensemble may be influenced by other modes of variability than toplCRE, sa150 and global SST... 
     15* quel lien entre les differents TOA imbalance ?  
     17   2.7 W/m2 : cible AMIP pour que IPSLCM6ALR soit à la bonne SST globale  
     19   0.9 W/m2 : non conservation de chaleur de IPSLCM6ALR, principalement dans l'atmosphere 
     21   5 W/m2 : serait la cible AMIP pour IPSLCM6.5.2, d'apres ensemble tuning 
     23   ???? W/m2 : la cible pour IPSLCM7 AMIP (avec 95 niveaux) pour que le couplé IPSLCM7 ait la bonne SST globale ? 
     25* breve discussion autour de l'effet potentiel de pmagic sur l'ensemble couplé (pdCtrl) 
    134=== 2 Mai 2024 === 
    235Brady, Julie, Juliette, Guillaume Gachon, Balaji, Kenza, Hugo