Changes between Version 71 and Version 72 of IPSLCMIP5/SimulationsIPSL

07/10/12 15:25:20 (12 years ago)



  • IPSLCMIP5/SimulationsIPSL

    v71 v72  
    2626|| RCP 4.5 with No Anthropogenic aerosols || Misc/rcp45NoAA ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp45NoAA1''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || TSC OK || RCP 4.5 following historicalNoAA [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoAA More ...] ||  Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
    2727|| RCP 4.5 with No Anthropogenic aerosols || Misc/rcp45NoAA ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp45NoAA2''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || TSC OK || RCP 4.5 following historicalNoAA [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoAA More ...] ||  Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
    28 || RCP 4.5 with GHG and LU || rcp45GHG ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp45GHG1''' || '''Running'''||  || || RCP 4.5 following historicalGHG [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a72:historicalGHG More ...] || GHG, LU || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
    29 || RCP 8.5 with GHG and LU || rcp85GHG ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp85GHG1''' || '''Running''' ||  || || RCP 8.5 following historicalGHG [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a72:historicalGHG More ...] || GHG, LU || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
     28|| RCP 4.5 with GHG and LU || rcp45GHG ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp45GHG1''' || '''Ended'''|| [ MONITORING],  and [ Dods for Analyse]  || TSC OK || RCP 4.5 following historicalGHG [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a72:historicalGHG More ...] || GHG, LU || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
     29|| RCP 8.5 with GHG and LU || rcp85GHG ||  ||  || '''v3.rcp85GHG1''' || '''Ended''' || [ MONITORING],  and [ Dods for Analyse] || TSC OK || RCP 8.5 following historicalGHG [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a72:historicalGHG More ...] || GHG, LU || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
    5050|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data IPSL format || data CMOR format ||  Infos || Remark || To do || Bad variables || 
    5151|| abrupt 10XBC || pi10xBC || 7.3 || tier 2 || pi10XBC || Running || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || Not in CMIP5 design || || Abrupt 10xBC present equivalent 2XCO2 || || mrso KO (facteur 48) || 
    52 || GHG only (with no LU) || historicalGHGNOLU || || || '''v3.historicalGHG1NOLU''' || '''Running''' || || || || GHG|| || || mrso KO (facteur 48), sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     52|| GHG only (with no LU) || historicalGHGNOLU || || || '''v3.historicalGHG1NOLU''' || '''Ended''' || [ MONITORING],  and [ Dods for Analyse] || '''TSC OK'''|| || GHG|| || || mrso KO (facteur 48), sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    5353|| GHG only (with no LU) || historicalGHGNOLU || || || '''v3.historicalCGHG2NOLU''' || '''Running''' || [ ATLAS et MONITORING],  and [ Dods for Analyse]  || || || GHG|| On Curie || || mrso KO (facteur 48)|| 
    5454|| GHG only (with no LU) || historicalGHGNOLU || || || '''v3.historicalTGHG3NOLU''' || '''Running''' || [ ATLAS et MONITORING],  and [ Dods for Analyse]  || || || GHG|| On Titane || || mrso KO (facteur 48)||