Back to [wiki:IPSLCMIP5] wiki page = Les simulations Centennales CMIP5 de l'IPSL avec le couplé IPSLCM5A = Les expériences CMIP5 sont décrites officiellement là : [ CMIP5 experiment design] ''Merci d'ajouter là toute simulation CMIP5 centennale avec le couplé IPSLCM5A. La partie Infos pointe vers les wikis de travail à compléter autant que de besoin. Il y a une page wiki par table.'' 11/11/2010 : Figure synthétique des simulations centennales réalisées avec le couplé IPSLCM5A et IPSLCM5A-MR : [attachment:simu-11-11-2010.pdf en pdf] et [attachment:simu-11-11-2010.odp en odp]. == Table 3 : Baseline simulations for model evaluation and for understanding historical and paleoclimates. == || Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb || Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos || Remark || || pre-industrial control || piControl || 3.1 || core || '''piControl2''' || Running || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a31:piControl More ...] || > 700 years || || historical || historical || 3.2 || core || '''v2.historical1''' || Finished || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2, ozone v2 to be confirmed || || historical || historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v2.historical2''' || Running || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1860 of piControl2, ozone v2 to be confirmed || || historical || historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v2.historical3''' || Running || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1860 of piControl2, ozone v2 to be confirmed || || historical || historical || 3.2 || core || '''historical2''' || Ended (2005) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2 || || historical || historical || 3.2 E || tier 1 || '''historical3''' || Stand by (1950) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1860 of piControl2 || || historical || historical || 3.2 E || tier 1 || '''historical4''' || Ended (2005) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1870 of piControl2 || || historical || historical || 3.2 E || tier 1 || '''historical5''' || Stand by (1900) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || start year 1880 of piControl2 || || AMIP || amip || 3.3 || core || '''amip1''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP || amip || 3.3 E || tier 1 || '''amip2''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP || amip || 3.3 E || tier 1|| '''amip3''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP || amip || 3.3 E || tier 1|| '''amip4''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP || amip || 3.3 E || tier 1|| '''amip5''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || mid-Holocene || midHolocene || 3.4 || tier 1 ||CM5H6K02 || running || [ Dods] || - || || [http://xxx More ...] || Sart year 1861 of piControl2, with trace gazes, CFC and orbital parameters set to those of 6ka, aerosols as in pi || || last glacial minimum || lgm || 3.5 || tier 1 || || || [ Dods] || - || || [http://xxx More ...] || || || last millenium || past1000 || 3.6 || tier 2 || || || [ Dods] || - || || [http://xxx More ...] || || == Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations. == || Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb || Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos ||Remark || || rcp4.5 || rcp45 || 4.1 || core || v2.rcp45.1 || Running || [ Dods] || || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || || || rcp8.5 || rcp85 || 4.2 || core || v2.rcp85.1 || Running || [ Dods] || || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || || == Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only. == || Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb || Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos || Remark || || ESM fixed Climate 1|| esmFixClim1 || 5.4-1|| tier 1 || '''esmFixClim12''' || Ended|| [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a54-1 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2 || || ESM fixed Climate 2|| esmFixClim2 || 5.4-2|| tier 1 || '''v2.esmFixClim21''' || Running|| [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a54-2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2 || || ESM feedback 1|| esmFdbk1 || 5.5-1|| tier 2 || '''esmFdbk12''' || Ended|| [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a55-1 More ...] || - || || ESM feedback 2|| esmFdbk1 || 5.5-2|| tier 2 || '''v2.esmFdbk21''' || Running|| [ Dods] || - || [browser: v2.esmFdbk21] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a55-2 More ...] || - || == Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations. == || Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb || Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos || Remark || || 1 percent per year CO2 || 1pctCO2 || 6.1 || core || '''1pctCO22''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a61:1pctCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2 || ||control SST climatology || sstClim || 6.2a || core || '''sstClim''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || ||CO2 forcing || sstClim4xCO2 || 6.2b || core || '''sstClim4xCO2''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3 || core || '''abrupt4xCO22''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a63:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || 260 ans || || abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3 || core || '''abrupt4xCO22C''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a63:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || 150 ans, without CO2 augmentation known by Carbon cycle (Orchidee and Pisces) || || all aerosol forcing || sstClimAerosol || 6.4a || tier 1 || '''sstClimAerosol''' || To be redone || - || - || - || - || - || || sulfate aerosol forcing || sstClimSulfate || 6.4b || tier 1 || '''sstClimSulfate''' || To be redone || - || - || - || - || - || || 4xCO2 AMIP || amip4xCO2 || 6.5 || tier 1 || '''amip4xCO2''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP plus patterned anomaly || amipFuture || 6.6 || tier 1 || '''amipFuture''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || aqua planet control || aquaControl || 6.7a || tier 1 || '''aquaControl''' || To be redone || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || ||4xCO2 aqua planet || aqua4xCO2 || 6.7b || tier 1 || '''aqua4xCO2''' ||To be redone || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || aqua planet plus 4K anomaly || aqua4K || 6.7c || tier 1 || '''aqua4K''' || To be redone || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || || AMIP plus 4K anomaly || amip4K || 6.8 || tier 1 || '''amip4K''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [ More ...] || || == Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies. == || Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb || Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos || Remark || || natural only || historicalNat || 7.1 || tier 1 || '''historicalNat2''' || Ended || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a71:historicalNat More ...] || || || GHG only || historicalGHG || 7.2 || tier 1 || '''historicalGHG2''' || Stand by (1995) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a72:historicalGHG More ...] || || || No Land Use || historicalNOLU || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''historical2NOLU''' || Stand by (1880) || [ Dods] || - || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalxxx More ...] || || ------------ Voir aussi : Liste des simulations centennales CMIP5 prévues de l'IPSL : [attachment:IPSL-simus-Noms-v1.pdf tableau en pdf] et en [wiki:TableauSimusIPSLCMIP5 html]