Changes between Version 180 and Version 181 of IPSLCMIP5/Centennal

02/22/11 21:16:15 (13 years ago)



  • IPSLCMIP5/Centennal

    v180 v181  
    4040|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data ||  Config files || Infos ||Remark || Bad variables || 
    41 || RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1||core||'''v3.rcp45.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.1 v3.rcp45.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    42 || RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2||core||'''v3.rcp85.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.1 v3.rcp85.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    43 || RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) || rcp26 ||4.3||tier 1||'''v3.rcp26.1'''||!StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp26/v3.rcp26.1 v3.rcp26.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    44 || RCP 6 (2006-2100) || rcp60 || 4.4 ||tier 1||'''v3.rcp60.1'''||Running|| [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp60/v3.rcp60.1 v3.rcp60.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     41|| RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1||core||'''v3.rcp45.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.1 v3.rcp45.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     42|| RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2||core||'''v3.rcp85.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.1 v3.rcp85.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     43|| RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) || rcp26 ||4.3||tier 1||'''v3.rcp26.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp26/v3.rcp26.1 v3.rcp26.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     44|| RCP 6 (2006-2100) || rcp60 || 4.4 ||tier 1||'''v3.rcp60.1'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp60/v3.rcp60.1 v3.rcp60.1] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical1 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    4545|| RCP 4.5 Ext. (2101-2300) || rcp45 || 4.1-L || tier 1 || || || || || || || || || 
    4646|| RCP 8.5 Ext. (2101-2300) || rcp85 || 4.2-L || tier 2 || || || || || || || || || 
    4747|| RCP 2.6 Ext. (2101-2300) || rcp26 || 4.3-L || tier 2 || || || || || || || || || 
    48 || RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1-E|| tier 2||'''v3.rcp45.2'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.2 v3.rcp45.2] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical2 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    49 || RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1-E|| tier 2||'''v3.rcp45.3'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.3 v3.rcp45.3] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical3 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    50 || RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2-E||tier 2||'''v3.rcp85.2'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.2 v3.rcp85.2] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical2|| sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    51 || RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2-E||tier 2||'''v3.rcp85.3'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.3 v3.rcp85.3] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical3|| sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     48|| RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1-E|| tier 2||'''v3.rcp45.2'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.2 v3.rcp45.2] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical2 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     49|| RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || rcp45 ||4.1-E|| tier 2||'''v3.rcp45.3'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.3 v3.rcp45.3] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical3 || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     50|| RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2-E||tier 2||'''v3.rcp85.2'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.2 v3.rcp85.2] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical2|| sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     51|| RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || rcp85 ||4.2-E||tier 2||'''v3.rcp85.3'''|| !StandBy (2095) || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK 2095''' || [browser:CMIP5/rcp85/v3.rcp85.3 v3.rcp85.3] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2005 of v3.historical3|| sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    5353== Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only. == 
    5656|| ESM historical || esmHistorical || 5.2 || core || || || || || || || || || || 
    5757|| ESM RCP 8.5 || esmrcp85 || 5.3 || core || || || || || || || || || || 
    58 || ESM fixed Climate 1|| esmFixClim1 || 5.4-1 || tier 1 || '''esmFixClim12''' || Ended || [ Dods] || TSC ?|| [browser:CMIP5/esmFixClim1/esmFixClim12 esmFixClim12]|| [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a54-1 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2  || || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     58|| ESM fixed Climate 1|| esmFixClim1 || 5.4-1 || tier 1 || '''esmFixClim12''' || Ended || [ Dods] || TSC ongoing || [browser:CMIP5/esmFixClim1/esmFixClim12 esmFixClim12]|| [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a54-1 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2  || || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    5959|| ESM fixed Climate 2|| esmFixClim2 || 5.4-2 || tier 1 ||'''v3.esmFixClim21''' || Standby (2095) || [ Dods] || - || [browser:CMIP5/esmFixClim2/v2.esmFixClim21 v2.esmFixClim21] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a5.5-2:esmFixClim2 More ...] ||  ||  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    6060|| ESM feedback 1|| esmFdbk1 || 5.5-1 || tier 2 || '''esmFdbk12''' || Ended|| [ Dods] || [ CMOR files] || [browser:CMIP5/esmFdbk1/esmFdbk12 esmFdbk12]|| [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table5#a55-1 More ...] || -  || variables nbp and fLuc, TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    6565|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || CMOR data || Config files || Infos || Remark || To do || Bad variables || 
    6666|| 1 percent per year CO2 || 1pctCO2 || 6.1 || core || '''1pctCO22''' || Ended || [ Dods] || [ CMOR files]|| [browser:CMIP5/1pctCO2/1pctCO22 1pctCO22] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a61:1pctCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControl2 || || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    67 || control SST climatology || sstClim || 6.2a || core || '''v3.sstClim''' || Ended || [ Dods] || TSC ongoing || - || [ More ...] || || ||  || 
    68 || CO2 forcing || sstClim4xCO2 || 6.2b || core || '''v3.sstClim4xCO2''' || Ended || [ Dods] || TSC ongoing || - || [ More ...] || || ||  || 
     67|| control SST climatology || sstClim || 6.2a || core || '''v3.sstClim''' || Ended || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK''' || - || [ More ...] || || ||  || 
     68|| CO2 forcing || sstClim4xCO2 || 6.2b || core || '''v3.sstClim4xCO2''' || Ended || [ Dods] || '''TSC OK''' || - || [ More ...] || || ||  || 
    6969|| abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3 || core || '''abrupt4xCO22''' || Ended || [ Dods] || [ CMOR files] || [browser:CMIP5/abrupt4xCO2/abrupt4xCO22 abrupt4xCO22] || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a63:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || 260 ans || variables nbp and fLuc, TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    7070|| abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3-E || tier 1 || '''abrupt4xCO22r?t3''' || Ended || [ Dods] || [ CMOR files] || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6#a63E:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || 11x5 yr, climoz_v2 || variables nbp and fLuc, TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic ||