Changes between Version 78 and Version 79 of IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR

08/01/12 12:39:05 (12 years ago)




    v78 v79  
    88|| pre-industrial control || piControl || 3.1 || core || '''piControlMR3''' || Ended (300 years : 1800-2099) 30 years redo for 3H variables ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and  [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' || || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#a31:piControl More ...] || ||  || 
    99|| || || ||  || '''piControlMR3''' || '''Ended''' (2100-2299) ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and  [ Analyse] ||  TSC OK sur STORE (2100-2299)  ||  || libIGCM v2 || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#a31:piControl More ...] || ||  || 
    10 || historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalMR1''' || Ended  ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' || HF and DA partially available at IDRIS : /u/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A-MR/PROD/historical/v5.historicalMR1|| ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR1 More ...] ||start year 1850 of piControlMR3 ||  || 
    11 || historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalMR2''' || Ended ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 6hrLev''' || || ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR2 More ...] ||start year 1860 of piControlMR3 ||  || 
     10|| historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalMR1''' || '''Ended'''  ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' || HF and DA partially available at IDRIS : /u/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A-MR/PROD/historical/v5.historicalMR1|| ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR1 More ...] ||start year 1850 of piControlMR3 ||  || 
     11|| historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalMR2''' || '''Ended''' ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 6hrLev''' || || ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR2 More ...] ||start year 1860 of piControlMR3 ||  || 
    1212|| historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalMR3''' || '''Running''' ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] ||  ||  || || ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR3 More ...] ||start year 1870 of piControlMR3 ||  || 
    1313|| historical (1850-2005)|| historical || 3.2 || core || '''v5.historicalCMR4''' || '''Running''' ||  IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] ||  ||  || || ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table3#v5.historicalMR4 More ...] ||start year 1880 of piControlMR3, run on curie on 53 procs ||  || 
    1414|| AMIP  (1950-2009)||  [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp3.3 amip] || 3.3 || core || '''v5cf.amipMR1''' || '''Running''' || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || - || - || [ More ...]. Start from spin-up ran under 1950 condition || || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    15 || AMIP  (1950-2009)||  [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp3.3 amip] || 3.3-E || tiers1 || '''v5cf.amipMR2''' || '''Running''' || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || - || - || [ More ...]. Start from spin-up ran under 1950 condition || || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    16 || AMIP  (1950-2009)||  [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp3.3 amip] || 3.3-E || tiers1 || '''v5cf.amipMR3''' || '''Running''' || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || - || - || [ More ...]. Start from spin-up ran under 1950 condition || || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
     15|| AMIP  (1950-2009)||  [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp3.3 amip] || 3.3-E || tiers1 || '''v5cf.amipMR2''' || '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || '''TSC Ongoing''' || - || [ More ...]. Start from spin-up ran under 1950 condition || || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
     16|| AMIP  (1950-2009)||  [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp3.3 amip] || 3.3-E || tiers1 || '''v5cf.amipMR3''' || '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || '''TSC Ongoing''' || - || [ More ...]. Start from spin-up ran under 1950 condition || || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    1818== Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations. == 
    2020|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data IPSL format || '''data in __CMOR format__''' ||  '''ESG published''' || Infos ||Remark || To do || Bad variables || 
    21 || RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp45] ||4.1||core||'''v5.rcp45MR1'''|| Ended || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
     21|| RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp45] ||4.1||core||'''v5.rcp45MR1'''|| '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
    2222|| RCP 4.5 (2101-2300) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp45] ||4.1||core||'''v5.rcp45MR1'''|| '''Running''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || ||  ||   || Continuation, libIGCMv2beta ||  || || 
    23 || RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp85] ||4.2||core||'''v5.rcp85MR1'''|| Ended || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
    24 || RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp26] ||4.3||tier1||'''v5.rcp26MR1'''|| Ended || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
    25 || RCP 6.0 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.4 rcp60] ||4.4||tier1||'''v5.rcp60MR1'''|| Ended || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
     23|| RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp85] ||4.2||core||'''v5.rcp85MR1'''|| '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
     24|| RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.1 rcp26] ||4.3||tier1||'''v5.rcp26MR1'''|| '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
     25|| RCP 6.0 (2006-2100) || [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp4.4 rcp60] ||4.4||tier1||'''v5.rcp60MR1'''|| '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal-MR/Table4 More ...] || Start year 2006 of v5.historicalMR1 ||  || || 
    2828== Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only. == 
    2929|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data IPSL format || '''data in __CMOR format__''' ||  '''ESG published''' || Infos ||Remark || To do || Bad variables || 
    30 || ESM feedback 1|| [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp5.5-2 esmFdbk1] ||5.5-2||tier 2|| '''v5.esmFdbk1MR1''' || Ended ||  IPSL [ MONITORING and ATLAS] and [ Dods Analyse TS and SE] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  SX9, libIGCM v2 beta1 ||  ||  ||  || 
     30|| ESM feedback 1|| [wiki:IPSLCM5/CMP5_design_short#Exp5.5-2 esmFdbk1] ||5.5-2||tier 2|| '''v5.esmFdbk1MR1''' || '''Ended''' ||  IPSL [ MONITORING and ATLAS] and [ Dods Analyse TS and SE] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  SX9, libIGCM v2 beta1 ||  ||  ||  || 
    3535|| Experiment || Short Name || Exp Nb ||  Tier || Simu Name || Status || Data access || '''data in __CMOR format__''' || '''ESG published''' || Config files || Infos || Remark || To do ||  
    36 || 1 percent per year CO2 || 1pctCO2 || 6.1 || core || '''v5.1pctCO2MR1''' || Ended|| IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and   [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 3hr''' || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table6#a61:1pctCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControlMR3 || || 
    37 || abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3 || core || '''v5.abrupt4xCO2MR1''' || Ended || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and   [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 6hrLev''' || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table6#a63:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControlMR3 || || 
     36|| 1 percent per year CO2 || 1pctCO2 || 6.1 || core || '''v5.1pctCO2MR1''' || '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and   [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 3hr''' || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table6#a61:1pctCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControlMR3 || || 
     37|| abrupt 4XCO2 || abrupt4xCO2 || 6.3 || core || '''v5.abrupt4xCO2MR1''' || '''Ended''' || IPSL [ ATLAS/MONIT] and   [ Analyse] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done except 6hrLev''' || || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-MR/Table6#a63:abrupt4xCO2 More ...] || start year 1850 of piControlMR3 || || 
    3939== Table 7 and related to Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.  ==