
Version 23 (modified by mafoipsl, 13 years ago) (diff)


CMIP5 simulations performed with the IPSLCM5A-LR model at IPSL

The data in CMOR format may be access by ftp or dods/threads

  • using the links below, where the experiments are listed according to the CMIP5 table numbers
  • using the Prodiguer data portal


  • When start year N of simulation S is specified, this means that this run has the same restart as the 1 Jan of year N of simulation S. This also means that the run starts after the 31 Dec of year N-1 of simulation S.

Table 3 : Baseline simulations for model evaluation and for understanding historical and paleoclimates.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
pre-industrial control (1800-) piControl 3.1 core piControl2 Running IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... > 1000 years. CMOR period:180001-279912 variables fLUC and nbp après 2889 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
historical (1850-2005) historical 3.2 core v3.historical1 Ended (2005) IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... start year 1850 of piControl2 - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
historical Ensemble historical 3.2 E tier 1 v3.historical2 Ended (2005) IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... start year 1860 of piControl2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
historical Ensemble historical 3.2 E tier 1 v3.historical3 Ended (2005) IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... start year 1870 of piControl2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
historical Ensemble historical 3.2 E tier 1 v3.historical4 Ended (2005) IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... start year 1985 of piControl2. Diag aerosols OK - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
historical Ensemble historical 3.2 E tier 1 v3.historical5 Ended (2005) IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK same starting date as Chistorical01 : 1849-12-31 from !CpiControl01
historical Ensemble historical 3.2 E tier 1 v3.historical6 Running with complete outputs for ATM and OCE. start year 2000 of piControl2
AMIP (1979-2009) amip 3.3 core v3.amip1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
AMIP Ensemble amip 3.3-E tier 1 v3.amip2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
AMIP Ensemble amip 3.3-E tier 1 v3.amip3 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
AMIP Ensemble amip 3.3-E tier 1 v3.amip4 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
AMIP Ensemble amip 3.3-E tier 1 v3.amip5 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
mid-Holocene midHolocene 3.4 tier 1 CM5H6K02 Running IPSL ftp and Dods - Start year 1861 of piControl2, with 6ka's trace gazes, CFC and orbital parameters. Aerosols as in piControl2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
last glacial minimum lgm 3.5 tier 1 lgm8 Running IPSL ftp and Dods - More ... sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
last millenium past1000 3.6 tier 2 Dods - - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic

Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark Bad variables
RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) rcp45 4.1corev3.rcp45.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods 'CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical1 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 4.2corev3.rcp85.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical1 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) rcp26 4.3tier 1v3.rcp26.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical1 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) rcp26 4.3tier 1v3.rcp26.2 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) rcp26 4.3tier 1v3.rcp26.3 Running IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical3 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 6 (2006-2100) rcp60 4.4 tier 1v3.rcp60.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical1 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 4.5 Ext. (2101-2300) rcp45 4.1-L tier 1 v3.rcp45.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ... Continue v3.rcp45.1 up to 2300 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 8.5 Ext. (2101-2300) rcp85 4.2-L tier 2 v3.rcp85.1 Running IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK --> 2100 More ... Continue v3.rcp85.1 up to 2300 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 2.6 Ext. (2101-2300) rcp26 4.3-L tier 2 v3.rcp26.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ... Continue v3.rcp26.1 up to 2300 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) rcp45 4.1-E tier 2v3.rcp45.2 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) rcp45 4.1-E tier 2v3.rcp45.3 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical3 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 4.5 (2006-2100) rcp45 4.1-E tier 2v3.rcp45.4 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical4 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 4.2-Etier 2v3.rcp85.2 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 4.2-Etier 2v3.rcp85.3 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical3 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 4.2-Etier 2v3.rcp85.4 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... Start year 2006 of v3.historical4 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic

Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
ESM pre-industrial control esmControl 5.1 core cpiControl01 Ended (2100) IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... start year 1850 of piControl2
ESM historical esmHistorical 5.2 core Chistorical01 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods
ESM RCP 8.5 esmrcp85 5.3 core
ESM fixed Climate 1 esmFixClim1 5.4-1 tier 1 esmFixClim12 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... start year 1850 of piControl2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
ESM fixed Climate 2 esmFixClim2 5.4-2 tier 1 v3.esmFixClim21 Ended (2100) IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
ESM feedback 1 esmFdbk1 5.5-1 tier 2 esmFdbk12 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... - TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac, sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
ESM feedback 2 esmFdbk2 5.5-2tier 2 v3.esmFdbk21 Ended (2100) IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods Done More ... sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic

Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
1 percent per year CO2 1pctCO2 6.1 core 1pctCO22 Ended ISPL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ... start year 1850 of piControl2 sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
control SST climatology sstClim 6.2a core v3.sstClim Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
CO2 forcing sstClim4xCO2 6.2b core v3.sstClim4xCO2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
abrupt 4XCO2 abrupt4xCO2 6.3 core abrupt4xCO22 Running Until 2109 IPSL ftp and Dods ftp and dods More ... 260 ans variables TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac, sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
abrupt 4XCO2 abrupt4xCO2 6.3-E tier 1 abrupt4xCO22r?t3 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ... 11x5 yr, climoz_v2 variables TS_MO_YE SRF, TS_MO_YE NEMO sohtpac, sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
all aerosol forcing sstClimAerosol 6.4a tier 1 v3.sstClimAerosol Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ...
sulfate aerosol forcing sstClimSulfate 6.4b tier 1 v3.sstClimSulfate Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
4xCO2 AMIP amip4xCO2 6.5 tier 1 v3.amip4xCO2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
AMIP plus patterned anomaly amipFuture 6.6 tier 1 v3.amipFuture Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
aqua planet control aquaControl 6.7a tier 1 v3.aquaControl Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...
4xCO2 aqua planet aqua4xCO2 6.7b tier 1 v3.aqua4xCO2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods More ...
aqua planet plus 4K anomaly aqua4K 6.7c tier 1 v3.aqua4K Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dodss done More ...
AMIP plus 4K anomaly amip4K 6.8 tier 2 v3.amip4K Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR ftp and dods done More ...

Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Forcing Remark To do Bad variables
natural only historicalNat 7.1 tier 1 historicalNat2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods CMOR files More ... Nat sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
natural only historicalNat 7.1-E tier 1 historicalNat22 Running IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Nat
natural only historicalNat 7.1-E tier 1 historicalNat23 Running IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Nat
GHG only historicalGHG 7.2 tier 1 v3.historicalGHG1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... GHG sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
No Land Use Misc/historicalNoLU 7.3 tier 2 v3.historicalNoLU1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA move-and-rename v2.historicalNolU1 puis poursuite 1995-2005 avec aerosols v3 - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
No Land Use Misc/historicalNoLU 7.3 E tier 2 v3.historicalNoLU2 Started (vargas) IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA sur vargas - -
Anthropogenic forcing Misc/historicalAnt 7.3 tier 2 v3.historicalAnt1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... Ant avec diag aerosols OK - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/historicalAA 7.3 tier 2 v3.historicalAA1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... AA avec diag aerosols OK - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/historicalNoAA 7.3 tier 2 v3.historicalNoAA1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK - More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC - sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic
No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/historicalNoAA 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoAA2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC -
No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/historicalNoAA 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoAA3 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC -
No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/historicalNoAA 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoAA4 Running IPSL ftp and Dods More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC -
No Ozone Misc/historicalNoOz 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoOz1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC running Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA
No Ozone Misc/historicalNoOz 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoOz2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA
No Ozone Misc/historicalNoOz 7.3-E tier 2 v3.historicalNoOz3 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA