Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of IPSLCM6/MOSAIX

12/12/18 14:58:48 (6 years ago)




    v9 v10  
    77== Known problems == 
    8 * Generation of weights for 2^nd^ order interpolation doesn't work 
    9 * Some precision problems. 
     8* None so far ... 
    1110== Code availability == 
    1615== Portability == 
    17 MOSAIX has been tested on Curie (TGCC).  
     16MOSAIX has been tested on Curie and Irene (TGCC) .  
    1918== Requirement == 
    2120* fcm version 1.2 
    2221* NetCDF. See XIOS for a suitable version. 
    23 * Python version>2.7 
     22* Python version>3.6 with netCDF4 and numpy modules 
    2423* NCO 
    3130* '''!CreateWeightsMask.bash'''. Creates the weights to interpolate between atmospheric and ocean grid. Weight files are suitable for OASIS-MCT. Creates the fraction of ocean in atmospheric grid cells. Use parallel processing with MPI. 
    33 * '''!CreateOasisGrids.bash'''.  Creates files, and with information from both models, suitable for OASIS-MCT. Mono CPU. 
     32* '''!CreateOasisGrids.bash'''.  Creates files {{{}}}, {{{}}} and {{{}}} with information from both models, suitable for OASIS-MCT. Mono CPU. Automatically started by !CreateWeightsMask.bash. 
    3534* ''''''. Python script used to perform on the fly editing of xml files. Used by the previous bashes. 
    3938* '''MOSAIX/src/MOSAIX/interpol.f90'''. Fortran source using the XIOS library.  
    41 * '''bld.cfg'''. fcm configuration file to compile {{{interpol.f90}}}.  
     40* '''make_mosaix'''. Small script for compiling '''interpol.f90'''. You need to compile XIOS first. Use compiler, compiler options and librairies defined by XIOS. 
    43 * '''CreateRestartOce4Oasis.bash'''. Creates restart files for the coupler, ocean side. Should be moved elsewhere. Mono CPU. 
     42* '''!'''. Python code to generates weights for run-off.  
     44  1) Defines a coastal band on land in the atmosphere model. For LMDZ rectilinear grids, the width of this band is parametrized, in grid points. For ico grids, the band contains only point with a fraction of ocean in ]0,1[. 
    45 * '''CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash'''.  Creates restart files for the coupler, atmosphere side. Should be moved elsewhere. Mono CPU. 
     46  2) Defines a coastal band on ocean in the ocean model. The width of this band is parametrized. 
     48  3) An atmosphere point of the coastal bans is link to an ocean point in the coastal band if the distance between the two is less than {{{searchRadius}}}. 
     50* ''''''. Python code to generates weights for calving. 
     51  1) The atmosphere model should integrate the calving on specific region. Presently the region are three latitudinal bands with limites 90°S/40°S/50°N/90°N 
     53 2) The weights distribute the calving over the corresponding latitudinal bands. By default, the distribution is uniform. 
     55 3) For the most southern band, is is possible to use a geographical distributio,n read in a file. 
    4757== Grids == 
    4959* tlmd. LMD rectilinear grid at scalar (physics) point. Masked on land, with area equal to grid box surface. 
    5060* tico. LMD icosahedron grid at scalar (physics) point. Masked on land, with area equal to grid box surface. 
    51 * olmd. LMD rectilinear grid at scalar (physics) point. Not masked,  with area equal to 1.. 
    52 * oico. LMD icosahedron grid at scalar (physics) point. Not masked,  with area equal to 1. 
     61* olmd. LMD rectilinear grid at scalar (physics) point. Not masked,  with areas equal to 1. 
     62* oico. LMD icosahedron grid at scalar (physics) point. Not masked,  with areas equal to 1. 
    5363* corc. ORCA grid at t point. Masked on land, duplicated (from periodicity) point masked, with area equal to grid box surface. 
     64* corc. ORCA grid at t point. Masked on land, duplicated (from periodicity) point masked, with area equal 1.