= Coupling information = == New == A FAQ to explain how to print min and max value of exchanged fields through OASIS : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg_doc/wiki/DocLfaq#HowtohaveminandmaxvalueexchangedthroughOASIS == Fields exchanged in IPSL-CM6 coupler == * Variables in OASIS atmosphere: COTAUYYV, COWINDSP, CODFLXDT, COTAUXXV, SIICTEMW, COQNSMIX, COQSRMIX, COTAUZZU, COLIQRUN, COTOTSNO, SIICEALW, CURRENTX, COSHFICE, CURRENTZ, COCALVIN, SISUTESW, CONSFICE, COICEVAP, COTOTRAI, COTOTEVA, SIICECOV, COTAUYYU, CURRENTY, COTAUZZV, COTAUXXU COTAU[X,Y,Z][U,V] are wind stress components in a 3D geocentric referentiel. It's an average over sea-ice and free ocean (weighted by their respective fraction). * Variables in OASIS ocean: OCalving, OIceEvap, OIceFrc, OTotEvap, OTotRain, OTotSnow, O_AlbIce, O_OCurx1, O_OCury1, O_OCurz1, O_OTaux1, O_OTaux2, O_OTauy1, O_OTauy2, O_OTauz1, O_OTauz2, O_QnsIce, O_QnsMix, O_QsrIce, O_QsrMix, O_Runoff, O_SSTSST, O_TepIce, O_Wind10, O_dQnsdT O_OCur[x,y,z]![1,2] are surface velocity components in a 3D geocentric referentiel. It's an average over sea-ice and free ocean (weighted by their respective fraction). * Fields are exchanged every sea ice time step (2 ocean time steps). Except COLIQRUN et COCALVIN, exchanged once a day. * ATM => OCE || '''Variable''' || '''Name ATM''' || '''Name OCE''' || '''Properties''' || '''Remark''' || || wind stress along X axis || COTAUXXU || O_OTaux1 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> uorc || Bug in Oasis : use of rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected in IPSLCM6.0.8 || || wind stress along Y axis || COTAUYYU || O_OTauy1 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> uorc || Bug in Oasis : use of rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected in IPSLCM6.0.8 || || wind stress along Z axis || COTAUZZU || O_OTauz1 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> uorc || Bug in Oasis : use of rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected in IPSLCM6.0.8 || || wind stress along X axis || COTAUXXV || O_OTaux2 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> vorc || || || wind stress along Y axis || COTAUYYV || O_OTauy2 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> vorc || || || wind stress along Z axis || COTAUZZV || O_OTauz2 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> vorc || || || wind speed 10m module || COWINDSP || O_Wind10 || SCRIP bilinear interpolation tlmd -> torc || Bug in Oasis : use of rmp_tlmd_to_torc_BILINEAR_Corrected in IPSLCM6.0.8 || || Total rain || COTOTRAI || OTotRain || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Total snow || COTOTSNO || OTotSnow || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Total evap || COTOTEVA || OTotEvap || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Evaporation Ice || COICEVAP || OIceEvap || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Total solar heat flux || COQSRMIX || O_QsrMix || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Total Non solar heat flux || COQNSMIX || O_QnsMix || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || long-wave + turbulent (sensible + latent) || || Solar heat flux on ice || COSHFICE || O_QsrIce || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Non solar heat flux on ice || CONSFICE || O_QnsIce || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || Non solar heat flux derivative over sea-ice || CODFLXDT || O_dQnsdT || Conservative MOZAIC transformation tlmd -> torc || || || calving || COCALVIN || OCalving, OIceberg, OIcshelf || conserved flux || Divided into iceberg calving north, Antarctic iceberg melting and Antarctic ice shelf melting in IPSLCM6.0.8. Coupled once a day || || river flow || COLIQRUN || O_Runoff || conserved flux || Coupled once a day || * OCE => ATM || '''Variable''' || '''Name OCE''' || '''Name ATM''' || '''Properties''' || '''Remark''' || || Weighted sea surface temperature || O_SSTSST || SISUTESW || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || Mean over time steps of : fraction_of_free_ocean * sea_surface_temp || || Sea ice fraction || OIceFrc || SIICECOV || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || sea-ice fraction in ![0,1] || || Weighted Sea Ice Temperature || O_TepIce || SIICTEMW || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || Mean over time steps of : fraction_of_sea_ice * ice_surface_temp || || Weighted Sea ice albedo || O_AlbIce || SIICEALW || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || Mean over time steps of : fraction_of_sea_ice * ice_surface_albedo || || Current surface || O_OCurx1 || CURRENTX || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || || || Current surface || O_OCury1 || CURRENTY || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || || || Current surface || O_OCurz1 || CURRENTZ || Conservative MOZAIC transformation torc -> tlmd || ||