= ESM2025-N-cycle = [[PageOutline]] This page is dedicated to the ESM2025 project (Earth System Models - European Project), especially for the N-cycle modelling. On this topic are working Marion Gehlen, Juliette Lathière, Didier Hauglustaine, Nicolas Vuichard and Karine Laurent. == Working Documents == * Notebooks : * (22/04/20) 2 different notebooks are useful : Data_viewer and Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn 1. **Data_viewer** : To easily see a dataset. Interactive mode in order to change different variable at different time. 2. **Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn** : The 3 datasets (transcom, bouwman, piscidee=Pisces+orchidee) are loaded. Difference are computed (with Bouwman as a reference). Plots are made per month with same scale. Then, a seasonal analysis is done, calculating means/min/max of each dataset per month/year/season * Emissions files : 1. Bouwman : 360x180, created in 1999, Flux of agr waste burning, biofuel, biomass burning, deforestation, excreta, fossil fuel, industry, ocean, aquatic, soil 2. Transcom : 360x180, created in 2015, total flux of N2O from OCN, PISCES and EDGAR 3. Pisces (N2Oflx_OClim_CNRM-ESM2-1_piControl_r1i1p1f2_gn_185001-234912.nc), 362x294 (irregular grid), created in 2018, total flux of N2O for ocean 4. Orchidee (ORCHIDEE_SH1_fN2O.nc), 720x360, created in 2022, total flux of N2O for land surfaces || |||||| - Output INCASFLX - |||||| - Notebook computing - || || || Ocean || Land || Ratio O/L || Ocean || Land || Ratio O/L || ||**Bouwman** || 5.650486 || 11.83547 || 0.478 || 16.7484 || 20.0572 || 0.835 || ||**Transcom** || 10.648 || 17.294 || 0.616 || 6.634 || 16.615 || 0.399 || ||**Piscidee** || 6.432 || 7.107 || 0.905 || 7.890 || 8.382 || 0.941 || == Meeting Reports == === On Wednesday, 18th May === === On Wednesday, 4th May === Physically with Juliette and Marion. * Presentation of the Wiki page. * Presentation of the two notebooks. * Discussion on the different conceptions used in ocean and land communities (different grids, different units in the flux (mol/m2/s vs kg/m2/s)...). On Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn.ipynb, discussions on visualization with scale, calculation of the full emission on earth per year or per month. __//**To DO**//__ * Make an analysis per month, per hemisphere, in order to get the total flux emissions for each inventory. * Take information on where the inventories come from (especially Bouwman and Transcom). * Draw tables which resume datas used, total emissions, models used in files... * Compare native grid and regular grid for pisces. * Compare values of each file used with outputs of INCASFLX. * Compare total emissions on ocean and land with literature (ciais, ippc) and Bouwman and Trancsom inventories. === On Wednesday, 20th April === Physically with Nicolas. Discussion on: * New page on Wiki/igcmg (this one !) * Explanation of the created notebooks (Data_viewer and Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn) * Data_viewer : interactive ok but add choices/texts... * Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn : change the seasonal analysis made. * Test with Nicolas' network to know about access to my notebooks. * Speak about dods/orchidee to avoid downloading images on wiki. Now, focus on N2O with long living time, but after, we can test on other compounds. __//**To DO**//__ * Change colorbar with mean+/-std, add some texts on Notebooks and add units on charts * Erase rescaling in Bouwman to have a better comparison * Analyse the 3 datasets in a different way : global tables with sum per year, per region, per type (ocean/land) (watch out units) * Give "procedure" and access to notebooks to all * Compare with Auburn data (and Tian 2020) * Look at Mendeley (or Zottero) for bibliography Nicolas: Paths to have regional masks (from Transcom) === On Wednesday, 6th April === In Visio with Nicolas, Juliette, Didier, Marion. Mainly, this meeting was to talk a bit more about the project and the work I(=Karine) can make before the training session (April 14th & 15th). Discussion on: * the first result made with INCAFLX and 3 different inventories, * the planning we can set up (which kind of simulation...) * the impact of N2O on chemistry (if everything is coupled), * the certainty (or uncertainty) of inventories used (to determine an appropriate scaling), * the work of Pierre for aquatic emissions (importance of river emissions), //Planning :// Run simulation without chemistry and no rescaling, first for pre-industrial, then until now to see/understand the correction we can make on both period (a different correction for each period). => This have to be detailed and confirmed Maybe run only 10 years to know where are sinks, determine some lifetime/seasonal cycle in order to calculate the scaling we may use. Suggestions to work with the GES branch for the code (branch for coupled model with CO2, CH4 and N2O) **Meeting every 2 weeks same day, same time (ie, Wednesday at 10:00)** __//**To DO**//__ * Ask for writing a Wiki page on IGCMG * Log on JupyterHub * Make an "experiment plan" for future simulations * Analyse the results that I've already (seasonal analyses, comparison between inventories with Bouwman as a reference, recap origin/grid resolution...) * Show the aquatic variable of Bouwman (and maybe some others) Didier : emissions file for pre-industrial fires to be send to Karine == Bibliography ==