Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of ESM2025-N-cycle

04/24/23 15:02:31 (14 months ago)



  • ESM2025-N-cycle

    v51 v52  
    1616== Last meeting == 
    18 === On Wednesday, 15th March === 
     18=== On Wednesday, 19th April === 
    20 With Anne, Nicolas, Juliette, Didier and Marion. 
     20With Marion, Didier and Anne. 
    22 Try to  understand the bug I have when running with 79 levels. 2 different modipsl, one with Orchidee_Quest and the other with Orchidee_3. Configuration with 79 levels doesn't work, even when running only LMDZ (core dump, caught signal 11). Fixed flush=> flush(6) into LMDZ/libf/phylmd/add_phys_tend_mod and add_wake_tend. But, the bug persists.  
     22Code on Irene: Before the update, two versions of the code were working. Initial files and some parameters were different from one version to the other. Unfortunately, these configurations didn't work after the change of environment. Anne will see with me where this may have come from. 
    24 Marion is in charge of sending a mail to Roland, copying Laurent and Thibaut, in order to organise a meeting on ocean and talk about NEMO version... 
     24Marion will send a mail to organize an meeting on ocean and N,,2,,O with Thibaut, Roland and the team. 
    26 For AG ESM2025, Christoph Heinze wants me to present my work: we discuss of a title and more precisely, the subject: context of N2O and nitrogen cycle, reconstruction of emissions (easy for natural emissions and more work for anthropogenic ones), box model and simulations' results. 
    28 We come back to the box model's results. We try to study in more detail the two bumps of 1900 and 1940. Some explanations have been tried, I have to play with the model to see the consequences on N2O concentrations. 
     26Box model: Last results with the remarks of previous week + review of old results (Didier and Marion were not there). See attached file (pattern_boxmodel.pdf)[[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Meetings:pattern_boxmodel.pdf)]] for the different plots (with week by week updates). 
    3028__//**TO DO**//__ 
    31    * Try different experiments in order to fix the bug (change physiqs => NPv6.1.3; old modipsl with only lmdz, debug version); 
    32    * Play with the box model: change emissions profiles and minimize during a different period. 
    33    * On CMIP6 data, try to find error bars + relationships with temperature or CO2 or landuse... 
     29   * Debug code with RedHat8. 
     30   * Run simulation for pre industrial period. 
    3533== Last intermediate conclusions == 
    4947== Last notebooks/working documents == 
    50       13. **Proxy_reconstruction_preindustriel.ipynb**: With NMVOC emissions from pre industrial, analyses evolution and correlation between NMVOC and N,,2,,O. (not very useful except to have dataframe for the next step) 
    51       14. **Proxy_reconstruction_preindustriel-NOx.ipynb**: same as the previous one but using NOx emissions rather than NMVOC. Made because emissions converge to zero in 1750, which is not the case for NMVOC. 
    52       15. **create_proxy_n2o_via_nmvoc.ipynb**: using NMVOC data, reconstruction of a csv files with emissions per country from 1850 to 1969. Also, reconstruction without RCO sector (in order to begin more around 0 Tg/Yr in 1850). 
     48      16. **compare_ant_emissions.ipynb**: Different methods are used to reconstruct nc files for N,,2,,O emissions. This notebook served to visualisation of global emissions. 
     49      17. **check_coeff_reconstruction_proxy.ipynb**: with different method of reconstruction, result are different, this notebook explore coefficient used to reduce emissions for pre industrial period and after (coeff only per region and coeff per region and sector). 
     50      18. **black_box_emissions_model.ipynb**: little box model to compute concentration with given emissions and inverted model. 
    5452   + on Irene: 
    55    * on workdir: scripts_nco/prepare_N2OLOSS.job: will compute N2O total loss, N2O phtolyse loss, N2O o1d loss and N2O burden. This file creates some nc file on scratch directory (in Loss_files) and some txt file in place. 
     53   * on workdir: scripts_nco/prepare_N2OLOSS.job: will compute N2O total loss, N,,2,,O photolyse loss, N,,2,,O o1d loss and N,,2,,O burden. This file creates some nc file on scratch directory (in Loss_files) and some txt file in place. 
     54   * on workdir: scripts_ferret: some scripts to draw more or less beautiful pictures. 
     55   * path to simulation directory (on work-gen2201-cont003): 
     56        * with Orchidee_Quest: ESM2025/modipsl/config/LMDZORINCA_v6 
     57        * with Orchidee_3: ESM2025/modipsl_v6.3/config/LMDZORINCA_v6 
     58        * with Maureen's Code: extract_Maureen/modipsl/config/LMDZORINCA_v6 
    5760   + on Ciclad/Spirit: 
    6063   + on Obelix: 
    61    * CEDS_transform/ final step on nc files while transforming excel data into nc files. 
     64   * CEDS_transform/ and final step on nc files while transforming excel data into nc files. 
     65   * Interpol_With_rmp.ipynb: Notebook of O. Marti that transform eORCA1 grid into regular one (144x142 here). 
     66   * Ciclad_N2O_values.ipynb: Notebook to quickly see evolution of BBG and ANT emissions, needs a `grep` command on Ciclad and file transfer to Obelix. 
    6267   * script corresponding to the notebook Transform_country_csv_to_nc_1970_2019.ipynb for preindustrial period. 