Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of ESM2025-N-cycle

08/05/22 10:18:11 (2 years ago)



  • ESM2025-N-cycle

    v21 v22  
    1111      1. **Data_viewer**: To easily see a dataset. Interactive mode in order to change different variable at different time. 
    1212      2. **Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn**: The 3 datasets (transcom, bouwman, piscidee=Pisces+orchidee) are loaded. Difference are computed (with Bouwman as a reference). Plots are made per month with same scale. Then, a seasonal analysis is done, calculating means/min/max of each dataset per month/year/season. 
    13       3. **Budget_inventories**: Using the output of incasflx with the three inventories, different sums/computations/plots given percentages and charts per land and ocean, plots per latitude bands, per hemisphere of these emissions... 
     13   * (22/05/23) compare three inventories by total emissions and repatition. 
     14      3. **Budget_inventories**: Using the output of Incasflx with the three inventories, different sums/computations/plots given percentages and charts per land and ocean, plots per latitude bands, per hemisphere of these emissions... 
     15   * (22/06/15) notebooks to construct charts from CEDS emissions --supplementary data mainly-- 
    1416      4. **CEDS_charts_supllementary_data_N2O** and **Charts_N2O_CEDS** : Notebooks to reconstruct charts in the article of McDuffie 'A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants' (same notebooks exist with NH3 charts). It uses the emissions of N2O distributed per category (Agriculture, Energy, Industrial, Transportation, Residential, Commercial, Other, Solvents production and application, Waste, International Shipping) 
     17    * (22/08/04) 2 notebooks created: in relation with CEDS emissions. 
     18      5. **work_on_data_to_complete_sectors_with_unknows_categories** : Notebook in order to better understand repartition of subcategories that are not in CEDS emissions files and grouped in sectors. 
     19      6. **Transform_2000nc_from1970_to1999_via_CEDScsv** : To reconstruct geographical emissions from 1970 to 1999 from 2000's emissions and with a ratio computed thanks to csv's data. Need to use obelix' script `home/users/klaurent/CEDS_transform/` after this notebook (delete _FillValue mainly). 
    1621* Emissions files : 
    1924  3. Pisces (, 362x294 (irregular grid), created in 2018, total flux of N2O for ocean  
    2025  4. Orchidee (, 720x360, created in 2022, total flux of N2O for land surfaces 
     26  5. CEDS emissions from McDuffie/Hoesly 
    6167== Meeting Reports ==  
     69=== On Tuesday, 12th July ===  
     71In person with Didier. 
     73Discussion of simulations and set-up to make. 
     75Check N,,2,,O loss in 1999 for v03 simulation (to be continued) and create pi_piscideeL run from it to turn 40 years (1980-2020, L means libre/free/not rescaled at 285 ppm). 
     77Explanation of how to create ncfiles from 1970 to 1999 from 2000's geographical repartition and ratio computed with total emissions per sector (csv file). 
     78Once done, adapt ciclad's code to transform them on Incasflx 144x142 grid. 
    6381=== On Monday, 11th July ===  
    6583In person with Didier, Nicolas and Juliette. 
    67 Conversation on Workshop N2O source in Toulouse (6-8 July) : very interesting to see different communities (observation, inversion, modellers) 
    69 First result with a decreasing total emission (from 285ppm to 280ppm in 20 years) : seems to be promising. 
     85Conversation on Workshop N,,2,,O source in Toulouse (6-8 July) : very interesting to see different communities (observation, inversion, modellers) 
     87First result with a decreasing total emission (from 285 ppm to 280 ppm in 20 years) : seems to be promising. 
    7189Reflection on what is needed in order to **move to coupled system**. Remembrance of deadlines and expectations for ESM2025 project. Land emission per year ok, Nicolas will ask to Sarah or Laurent to have same emission for ocean. After that, work with Thibault Lurton and/or Anne Cozic to adapt code. 
    7795 * Reconstruct N,,2,,O emission with CEDS inventory with rescaling year by year (height with total budget and spatial with year 2000) 
    7896 * When all is fixed, simulation from 1970 to 2015 in order to see if the model is coherent or not (with a rescaling at ~300ppm : CMIP6). 
     97 * Find information on Japanese model (the one of Prabir Patra) 
     98 * Get more information on Pisces simulation (does it use flag or many change in order to have it? Is it possible to have emissions per year from pre-industrial to present time?) 
     101 * Computation of loss rate 
     102 * Coupled model (with Anne and Thibaut) 
    98122==== + Meeting with Ddiier ==== 
    99123 * See different scripts to compute the N,,2,,O-loss and N,,2,,O-burden. 
    100  * Show what and how to change incasflx files in order to use a irregular grid as input (avoiding the remapping problem). 
     124 * Show what and how to change Incasflx files in order to use a irregular grid as input (avoiding the remapping problem). 