
Version 2 (modified by klaurent, 22 months ago) (diff)


Working Documents

  • Notebooks :
    • (22/04/20) 2 different notebooks are useful : Data_viewer and Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn
      1. Data_viewer: To easily see a dataset. Interactive mode in order to change different variable at different time.
      2. Analyse_3_sflx_NAT_dyn: The 3 datasets (transcom, bouwman, piscidee=Pisces+orchidee) are loaded. Difference are computed (with Bouwman as a reference). Plots are made per month with same scale. Then, a seasonal analysis is done, calculating means/min/max of each dataset per month/year/season.
    • (22/05/23) compare three inventories by total emissions and repatition.
      1. Budget_inventories: Using the output of Incasflx with the three inventories, different sums/computations/plots given percentages and charts per land and ocean, plots per latitude bands, per hemisphere of these emissions...
    • (22/06/15) notebooks to construct charts from CEDS emissions --supplementary data mainly--
      1. CEDS_charts_supllementary_data_N2O and Charts_N2O_CEDS : Notebooks to reconstruct charts in the article of McDuffie? 'A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants' (same notebooks exist with NH3 charts). It uses the emissions of N2O distributed per category (Agriculture, Energy, Industrial, Transportation, Residential, Commercial, Other, Solvents production and application, Waste, International Shipping)
    • (22/08/04) 2 notebooks created: in relation with CEDS emissions.
      1. work_on_data_to_complete_sectors_with_unknows_categories : Notebook in order to better understand repartition of subcategories that are not in CEDS emissions files and grouped in sectors.
      2. Transform_2000nc_from1970_to1999_via_CEDScsv : To reconstruct geographical emissions from 1970 to 1999 from 2000's emissions and with a ratio computed thanks to csv's data. Need to use obelix' script home/users/klaurent/CEDS_transform/ after this notebook (delete _FillValue mainly).
  • Emissions files :
    1. Bouwman : 360x180, created in 1999, Flux of agr waste burning, biofuel, biomass burning, deforestation, excreta, fossil fuel, industry, ocean, aquatic, soil
    2. Transcom : 360x180, created in 2015, total flux of N2O from OCN, PISCES and EDGAR, ACTUAL PERIOD
    3. Pisces (, 362x294 (irregular grid), created in 2018, total flux of N2O for ocean
    4. Orchidee (, 720x360, created in 2022, total flux of N2O for land surfaces
    5. CEDS emissions from McDuffie/Hoesly?