= Intermediate conclusions = [[PageOutline]] == Present day simulations to compare with Prather's article == * Run from 1990 to 2015 (slight spin-up + period of comparison) * Started in 1990 with our emissions, oxydants from Yann, no nudge and no ozone guide. * after 10 years of simulation: lifetime at 150 years, burden of 1530 TgN/yr and total loss of 12TgN/y. Multiple tests done from 2000 (in order to be as close as possible to Prather's results) || Name || continued || restart.prather.2000 || climoz.nudge || aero.forc.cloz.nudg || lessEmi || physiqNPv6.2 || actuel || overrule Yann || config Yann || || Copy from || prather.comparison || prather.comparison || restart || climoz || aerosol || aerosol || aerosol || aerosol || aerosol || || What have changed ? || nothing || nudge (ok_guide=n=>y) || read_climoz=n=>y || flag_aerosol + ok_aie ok_ade || in code: put 0.8*tot_emi || physiq || ConfigType || restarts || many things || || Results || lft 138 yr || lft 108 yr || lft 101 yr || lft 100 yr || lft 100 yr || lft 100 yr || lft 101 yr || lft || lft || ||(year 2000) || burden 1525 TgN/y || burden 1525 TgN/y || burden 1523 TgN/y || burden 1523 TgN/y || burden 1523 TgN/y || burden 1523 TgN/y || burden 1523 TgN/y || burden TgN/y || burden TgN/y || || || tot loss 11 TgN/y || tot loss 14 TgN/y || tot loss 15 TgN/y || tot loss 15 TgN/y || tot loss 15 TgN/y || tot loss 15 TgN/y || tot loss 15 TgN/y || tot loss TgN/y || tot loss TgN/y || The high value of lifetime comes from an high value of total loss, especially loss by photolysis in the stratosphere. This can be due to the amount and/or transport of ozone in the stratosphere. Moreover, we have seen a high concentration of N,,2,,O at 10hPa in the high latitudes (South), occurring in May/June. The nudging seems to affect too much the transportation. However, other configurations with nudging (CovidRef, CM5A2xxx, Rescaled-79-washout,..) don't have this problem. All are NMHC_AER_S configuration, and not GES. == Lifetime values on different simulations == || - || Run of Yann || preindus.off || 39L(L39.v03) || 39L (piscideeL)|| preindus.c79 || OxydantsYann (1850) || OxydantsYann (1857) || oxYann.newpht (1850)|| ||**lifetime** || 191,86 || 160,59 || 129,05 || 129,33 || 159,28 || 156,86 || 146,33 || 137,858 || ||**burden** || 1570,97 || 1343,02 || 1364,54 || 1368,25 || 1343,08 || 1342,9 || 1359,17 || 1335,6 || ||**loss tot** || 8,18 || 8,36 || 10,58 || 10,57 || 8,43 || 8,56 || 9,28 || 9,68 || ||**loss o1d** || 1,017 || 1,163 || 1,136 || 1,13 || 1,00 || 0,95 || 1,01 || 1,24 || ||**loss pho** || 7,17 || 7,2 || 9,43 || 9,44 || 7,43 || 7,61 || 8,27 || 8,45 || ||**photorate**|| 7,02E-09 || 6,99E-09 || 6,65E-09 || 6,64E-09 || 7,03E-09 || 7,88E-09 || 7,90E-03 || 7,85E-09 || || **o1d** || 3,25E-10 || 5,63E-11 || || 2,80E-10 || || 3,25E-10 || 3,25E-10 || 3,78E-10 || * Run of Yann: The one use for the restart Rescaled-79-washout, * preindus.off and preindus.c79: coupled and non coupled version for preindustrial period, * 39L (L39.v03 and piscideeL): reference run in 39 levels, * OxydantsYann: same run as preindus.off but with oxydant of Yann's run, * oxYann.newpht: same run as preindus.off but with new phototable and photorate + oxydants of Yann. == Configurations to use for the coupling with PISCES == We decide to go step by step: 1. Use IPSLCM6.3_work with the original files/config. (maybe at this stage, update ORCHIDEE 3) 2. Test INCA version with GES configuration, 3. Implement in INCA the development I've made, 4. Test coupling INCA + DMS Thibaut, 5. Develop the transfert of N,,2,,O fluxes between PISCES and INCA. Once everything above is done, we could move to IPSLCM7 with NEMO 4 and new ORCHIDEE (3 or 4?). == Reconstruction of anthropogenic N,,2,,O emissions in pre industrial == 1. from 1850 to 1969: proxy with NMVOC and linear regression, only total emissions per region (no information about sectors); 2. from 1850 to 1969: reconstruction per region using 1970's emissions as reference; 3. from 1970 to 1999 (extended to 2019): reconstruction per region and sector, using 2000's emissions as reference. (+''modification of agriculture sector by factor 0.40 in order to drop soil emissions.'') [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:final_em.png, 500px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:final_em_sect.png, 500px)]] **Remark:** A slight difference exists between data from csv file and data in netCDF file; it can be shown with the comparison of 'Notebooks/N2O_sector_country_via_ncfile_maks.csv' (data from netCDF file) and 'Notebooks/total_em_CEDS_sector_country_1970_2019_repartEDGAR2.csv'. This might be due to the maks used... == Emissions == * Land: from 7 TgN/Yr to 9.5 TgN/yr (increasing from 1930) => from 11 TgN,,2,,O/yr to 15 TgN,,2,,O/yr * Ocean: 3.75 TgN/yr => 6 TgN,,2,,O/yr * BBG: 0.5 TgN/yr => 0.8 TgN,,2,,O/yr * Anthro: from 0 to 3.75 TgN/yr => from 0 to 5.5 TgN,,2,,O/yr [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:global_em_alone_TgN.png, 500px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:global_em_accumulated_TgN.png, 500px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:global_em_N2O_alone.png, 500px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:global_em_N2O_accumulated.png, 500px)]] == Pre industrial run == Some miscellaneous characteristics: - GES configuration, - 39 vertical layers, resolution 144x142, - from fictives years 1970 to 2015, - no anthropogenic emissions, - BBG emissions stayed at 1850 (as well as aircraft). **__ Quantities to remember: __** * Total N,,2,,O loss: 10.73 TgN/y * Total N,,2,,O emissions: 10.73 TgN/y * Burden : 1368 TgN [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle:ev_pi_loss.png, 500px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle:ev_pi_vmr.png, 500px)]] == CEDS emissions for N,,2,,O (and NH,,3,,) == [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle:N2O_CEDS_supplementary_avion.png, 700px)]] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle:NH3_CEDS_supplementary.png, 700px)]] List of categories and subcategories: * Agriculture: ['3B_Manure-management', '3D_Soil-emissions'] * Energy: ['1A1a_Electricity-autoproducer', '1A1a_Electricity-public', '1A1a_Heat-production', '1A1bc_Other-transformation','1B1_Fugitive-solid-fuels', '1B2_Fugitive-petr', '7A_Fossil-fuel-fires'] * Industrial: ['1A2a_Ind-Comb-Iron-steel', '1A2b_Ind-Comb-Non-ferrous-metals', '1A2c_Ind-Comb-Chemicals', '1A2d_Ind-Comb-Pulp-paper', '1A2e_Ind-Comb-Food-tobacco', '1A2f_Ind-Comb-Non-metalic-minerals', '1A2g_Ind-Comb-Construction', '1A2g_Ind-Comb-machinery','1A2g_Ind-Comb-mining-quarying', '1A2g_Ind-Comb-other','1A2g_Ind-Comb-textile-leather', '1A2g_Ind-Comb-transpequip','1A2g_Ind-Comb-wood-products','1A5_Other-unspecified', '2A1_Cement-production', '2B_Chemical-industry', '7BC_Indirect-N2O-non-agricultural-N', '2B2_Chemicals-Nitric-acid', '2B3_Chemicals-Adipic-acid'] * Transportation: ['1A3b_Road', '1A3c_Rail','1A3dii_Domestic-navigation', '1A3eii_Other-transp'] * Residential, Commercial, Other: ['1A4a_Commercial-institutional', '1A4b_Residential', '1A4c_Agriculture-forestry-fishing'] * Solvents production and application: [ '2D_Other-product-use' ] * Waste: ['5C_Waste-combustion', '5D_Wastewater-handling', '5E_Other-waste-handling'] * Int. Aviation / Shipping ['1A3di_International-shipping', '1A3ai_International-aviation', '1A3aii_Domestic-aviation'] NB: It exists also some other subcategories but, there are zero N,,2,,O emission. [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:CEDS_emissions.png, 500px)]] == EDGAR emissions == List of categories and subcategories: * AFOLU : ['Biomass burning (CH4, N2O)', 'Managed soils and pasture (CO2, N2O)', 'Manure management (N2O, CH4)', 'Synthetic fertilizer application (N2O)'] * Buildings : ['Residential', 'Non-residential'] * Energy systems : ['Electricity & heat', 'Other (energy systems)', 'Oil and gas fugitive emissions', 'Petroleum refining'] * Industry : ['Chemicals', 'Other (industry)', 'Waste', 'Metals'] * Transport : ['Domestic Aviation', 'Other (transport)', 'Road', 'Inland Shipping', 'International Aviation', 'Rail ', 'International Shipping'] [[Image(wiki:ESM2025-N-cycle/Intermediate_conclusions:EDGAR_emissions.png, 500px)]] == Exploration of inventories == * //Bouwman Inventory// : 1. 846 N,,2,,O emission measurements in agricultural fields and 99 measurements for NO emissions 2. The data set includes literature reference; location of the Measurement; climate; soil type, texture, organic C content, N content, drainage, and pH; residues left in the field; crop; fertilizer type; N application rate; method and timing of fertilizer application; NH,,4,,+ application rate (for organic fertilizers), N,,2,,O/NO emission/denitrification (expressed as total over the measurement period, as % of N rate, and as % of N rate accounting for control); measurement technique; length of measurement period; frequency of the measurements; and additional information, such as year/season of measurement, information on soil, crop or fertilizer management, specific characteristics of the fertilizer used, and specific weather events important for explaining the measured emissions. 3. global gridded (1°x1° resolution) data bases of soil type, soil texture, NDVI (vegetation indices) and climate. 4. global emission thus calculated is 6.8 Tg N,,2,,O-N y-1. The tropics (± 30° of the equator) contribute 5.4 Tg N,,2,,O-N y-1 and the emission from extra-tropical regions (poleward of 30°) is 1.4 Tg N,,2,,O-N y-1 . * //Transcom Inventory// : 1. "Emissions from natural soils (6–7 TgN yr −1 ) account for 60–70 % of global N2O emissions (Syakila and Kroeze, 2011; Zaehle et al., 2011). The remaining 30–40 % of emissions is from oceans (4.5 TgN yr −1 )" 2. Five different inversion frameworks (chemistry transport model) : MOZART4 (2.5° × 1.88°), ACMt42167 (2.8° × 2.8°), TM3 (5.0° × 3.75°), TM5 (6.0° × 4.0°), LMDZ4 (3.75° × 2.5°). 3. Data set from Orchidee O-CN, Pisces, edgar-4.1, gfed-2 and from different category (terrestrial biosphere, ocean, waste water, solid waste, solvents, fuel prod, ground transport, industry combustion, residential and other combustion, shipping, biomass burning) * Values of N,,2,,O emissions per inventory : || (MtN/yr) || Ocean || Land || Total || (MtN,,2,,O/yr) || Ocean || Land || Total || ||**Bouwman** || 3.595 || 7.531 || 11.126 || xxx || 5.650 || 11.835 || 17.485 || ||**Transcom** || 4.222 || 10.573 || 14.795 || xxx || 6.634 || 16.614 || 23.248 || ||**Piscidee** || 3.962 || 7.107 || 11.069 || xxx ||6.226 || 11.168 || 17.394 || * Comparison between Incasflx outputs and masks on NetCDF files: || |||||| - Output INCASFLX - |||||| - Notebook computing (FracMask) - |||||| - Notebook computing (0/1 Mask) - || || (MtN2O/yr) || Ocean || Land || Ratio O/L || Ocean || Land || Ratio O/L || Ocean || Land || Ratio O/L || ||**Bouwman** || 5.6505 || 11.835 || 0.478 || 6.58 || 10.945 || 0.6012 || 5.973 || 11.552 || 0.517 || || || 32.3% || 67.7% || || 37.6% || 62.4% || || 34.1% || 65.9% || || ||**Transcom** || 6.634 || 16.614 || 0.399 || 8.879 || 14.421 || 0.616 || 8.118 || 15.184 || 0.535 || || || 28.5% || 71.5% || || 38.1% || 61.9% || || 34.8% || 65.2% || || ||**Piscidee** || 6.226 || 11.168 || 0.557 || 6.651 || 10.782 || 0.617 || 6.095 || 11.339 || 0.538 || || || 35.8% || 64.2% || || 38.2% || 61.8% || || 34.9% || 65.1% || || __General remarks__: Variable for Bouwman = fn2o_oce & fn2o_soil. Land emissions > Ocean emissions. Ocean emissions ~ 6 Mt/yr. Land emissions -> differences because of different period (pre-industrial & nowadays). Per line, Ocean+Land are equal independently of the calculation made.