


18:26 IPSLCMIP5/SimulationsIPSL edited by mafoipsl
18:23 IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table6 edited by mafoipsl


14:25 Changeset [2576] by acosce
Add INCA in IPSLCMCHT configuration
10:43 Changeset [2575] by acosce
create new experiments in IPSLCM6CHT - coupled model with interactive …
10:32 Changeset [2574] by acosce
create a new config IPSLCM6CHT from IPSLCM6 v6_rc0 versiono


10:47 Changeset [2573] by aclsce
Use of last LMDZ rc0 revision.


17:23 Changeset [2572] by aclsce
- Cleaning in general Makefile for rc0 configuration


16:06 Changeset [2571] by sdipsl
- remove some UserChoices? output level options : those dont have any …


15:28 Changeset [2570] by sdipsl
- XIOS flag is back in the driver because ce0l needs IOIPSL
15:25 Changeset [2569] by sdipsl
- XIOS flag is back because ce0l needs IOIPSL. - Use file_def for 3 hours …
15:09 Changeset [2568] by omamce


17:16 Changeset [2567] by sdipsl
- tentative to homogenize v6_rc0 configurations. - Issue with ce0l. Seems …
16:33 Changeset [2566] by sdipsl
- Reference or actions related to IOIPSL output management has been …


10:59 Changeset [2565] by omamce
O.M. : add LMDZ parameter files pour NP
09:57 Changeset [2564] by omamce


17:26 Changeset [2563] by sdipsl
- first pass adjusting the output level for v6_rc0 configuration - Use a …
12:38 Changeset [2562] by sdipsl
cleaning up executable properties
12:26 Changeset [2561] by sdipsl
cleaning up executable properties


16:10 Changeset [2560] by aclsce
- IPSLCM6_rc1 : modified to dispatch field_def and file_def NEMO xml …
14:33 Changeset [2559] by omamce
O.M. : LMDZ version for IPSLCM6_rc1 : trunk/2292 Compatible with restart …
14:06 Changeset [2558] by aclsce
- Use of libIGCM_v2.6 and XIOS rev 604 to use netcdf4.3.3.1 by default on …
13:50 Changeset [2557] by omamce
O.M. : nopisces configuration (temp)
13:49 Changeset [2556] by omamce
O.M. : Save a working configuration with 128 CPU
13:46 Changeset [2555] by omamce
O.M. some cleaning
11:40 Changeset [2554] by omamce
O.M. : ajout des fichiers parametres LMDZ pour la nouvelle physique
11:37 Changeset [2553] by omamce
O.M. : Config ORCA1 : suppression temporaire de TOP a la creation de la …


16:27 Changeset [2552] by omamce
O.M. : add physiq.def pour IPSLCM6 LR


17:23 Changeset [2551] by aclsce
- Modified default configuration for IPSLCM6_VLR_rc0 : before 128 cores, …
14:51 Changeset [2550] by acosce
change inca revision inca lmdzorinca_v6 config


14:58 Changeset [2549] by acosce
change inca version in lmdzorinca
13:56 Changeset [2548] by aclsce
- IPSLCM6_rc0 : use of LMDZ bug fix related to NMC files.
11:05 Changeset [2547] by acosce
Change some parameter names in inca configurations
09:55 Changeset [2546] by aclsce
IPSLCM6_rc0 : use of LMDZ modification related to NMC files.


18:13 Changeset [2545] by aclsce
- Back to HEAD revision for IPSLCM6_rc0 : clean situation now.
18:10 Changeset [2544] by aclsce
IPSLCM6_rc0 : - fixed bug in diaptr files with XIOS - use of -fp-model …
16:15 Changeset [2543] by acosce
reactivate xios output, change output directory from 1M to 1D .
16:08 Changeset [2542] by acosce
Reactivate xios output in configurations lmdzorinca - change output …


15:06 Changeset [2541] by omamce
O.M.: adapted to use IGCM_comp_ModifyMakefile
15:03 Changeset [2540] by omamce
O.M. : - Change handling the couplign frequency (coherency with OPA forced …
10:45 Changeset [2539] by omamce
O.M. : - ORCA2.3 -> ORCA1 - Switch to new variables names
10:30 Changeset [2538] by omamce
O.M. : Change time step
10:27 Changeset [2537] by omamce
O.M. - remove obsolete targets - set nopisces target for ORCA1 - set …
10:26 Changeset [2536] by omamce
O.M. : change time stepping, and mpp decomposition
10:19 Changeset [2535] by omamce
O.M. : config.def_predind : change pmagic and radiation computation …
10:16 Changeset [2534] by omamce
O.M. : add some control print in oasis.driver
10:13 Changeset [2533] by omamce
O.M. : Set IPSCLM6 config.card for ORCA1 LIM3 (NOPISCES)


17:22 Changeset [2532] by aclsce
Waiting for fixing head of CM6_rc0.
11:16 Changeset [2531] by aclsce
Modifications to have correct NEMO diaptr files with mask.


15:41 Changeset [2530] by aclsce
- Changed name of environment variables for netcdf path on Curie : before …
11:23 IPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl


10:57 Changeset [2529] by aclsce
- Modified default restart state for IPSLCM6-VLR_rc0 : start from IPSLCM5A …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.