# # Include file for OASIS3 Makefile for nemo lenovo at Cerfacs with OpenMP # To use this, # module purge # module load compiler/intel/ # module load mpi/intelmpi/2018.1.163-ddt # module load lib/phdf5/1.10.4_impi # module load lib/netcdf-fortran/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4 # To use the python interface, in addition (pyoasis target for TopMakefileOasis3): # module load python/3.7.7 # source /scratch/globc/andrea/PY_ENV/PyO/bin/activate # ############################################################################### # # CHAN : communication technique used in OASIS3 (MPI1/MPI2) CHAN = MPI1 # # Paths for libraries, object files and binaries # # COUPLE : path for oasis3-mct main directory (defined in .bash_profile) COUPLE = $(OASIS3_ROOT) # # ARCHDIR : directory created when compiling ARCHDIR = $(COUPLE)/NEMO_LENOVO_INTEL # # MPI library # 27/10/2020: /data/softs/intel/impi/2018.1.163/ (module load mpi/intelmpi/2018.1.163-ddt) MPIRUN = mpirun # # NETCDF library #NETCDF_LIB_DIR= NETCDF_INC_DIR= ${NETCDF4_INCDIR} # 27/10/2020: /data/softs/local_intel18/netcdf/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4/include (module load lib/netcdf-fortran/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4) NETCDF_INCLUDE = ${NETCDF_INC_DIR} NETCDF_LIBRARY = `nf-config --flibs` # 27/10/2020: -L/data/softs/local_intel18/netcdf/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4/lib -lnetcdff -L/data/softs/local_intel18/phdf5/1.10.4_impi/lib -L/data/softs/local_intel18/netcdf/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4/lib -Wl,-rpath,/data/softs/local_intel18/phdf5/1.10.4_impi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/data/softs/local_intel18/netcdf/4.4.4_phdf5_1.10.4/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lnetcdf -lnetcdf # # Compiling and other commands MAKE = gmake F90 = mpiifort # 27/10/2020: /data/softs/intel/impi/2018.1.163/bin64/mpiifort -va chercher /data/softs/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/bin/intel64/ifort (module load compiler/intel/ F = $(F90) f90 = $(F90) f = $(F90) CC = mpiicc LD = mpiifort AR = ar ARFLAGS = -ruv DYNOPT = -fPIC LDDYNOPT = -shared ${NETCDF_LIBRARY} # Fortran libraries for C linking F2C_LIBS = -lifcore -lifcoremt -lifport -limf # # CPP keys and compiler options # CPPDEF = -Duse_netCDF -Duse_comm_$(CHAN) -D__VERBOSE -DTREAT_OVERLAY CCPPDEF = -Duse_netCDF -Duse_comm_$(CHAN) -D__VERBOSE -DTREAT_OVERLAY # # -g is necessary in F90FLAGS and LDFLAGS for pgf90 versions lower than 6.1 # F90FLAGS_1 = -O2 -xCORE-AVX2 -I. -assume byterecl -mt_mpi -qopenmp #F90FLAGS_1 = -g -traceback -fpe0 -O0 -I. -assume byterecl -mt_mpi -qopenmp f90FLAGS_1 = $(F90FLAGS_1) FFLAGS_1 = $(F90FLAGS_1) fFLAGS_1 = $(F90FLAGS_1) CCFLAGS_1 = -O2 -qopenmp LDFLAGS = $(F90FLAGS_1) ${NETCDF_LIBRARY} # ################### # # Additional definitions that should not be changed # # BINDIR : directory for executables BINDIR = $(ARCHDIR)/bin # INCPSMILE : includes all *o and *mod for each library INCPSMILE = -I$(ARCHDIR)/include F90FLAGS = $(F90FLAGS_1) $(INCPSMILE) $(CPPDEF) -I$(NETCDF_INCLUDE) f90FLAGS = $(f90FLAGS_1) $(INCPSMILE) $(CPPDEF) -I$(NETCDF_INCLUDE) FFLAGS = $(FFLAGS_1) $(INCPSMILE) $(CPPDEF) -I$(NETCDF_INCLUDE) fFLAGS = $(fFLAGS_1) $(INCPSMILE) $(CPPDEF) -I$(NETCDF_INCLUDE) CCFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS_1) $(INCPSMILE) $(CPPDEF) -I$(NETCDF_INCLUDE) F2C_LDFLAGS = $(F2C_LIBS) # #############################################################################