[Ens_PARAMETRIC] active=n #################################################################################### [Ens_DATE] # active=y to use this ensemble type active=n #################################################################################### [Ens_PERTURB] # active=y to use this ensemble type active=y # ensemble name (must be equal to JobName in config.card) NAME=DCPPNAME-LR-dcppA-XXXX # member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date) MEMBER=10 # member list simulations length LENGTH=10Y # start date of the first ensemble BEGIN_INIT=YYYY0101 # start date of the last ensemble END_INIT=YYYY1231 # timestep between each periodic simulation (NONE for nonperiodic) PERIODICITY=XY #1Y # perturbation type PERTURB_BIN=(AddNoise, CPL, sstoc, O_SSTSST, 0.1) # Restart name INITFROM=CM61-LR-nudgSSTSire-r1-2DERS-m # Restart directory INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/gencmip6/estellav/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/DEVT/historical