####################################### EXECUTION of : /usr/bin/time ccc_mprun -E-K1 -f ./run_file slurmstepd-irene1446: error: *** STEP 4130830.0 ON irene1446 CANCELLED AT 2020-04-24T13:32:14 *** srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 302 seconds for job step to finish. srun: error: irene1506: tasks 24-29: Killed srun: Terminating job step 4130830.0 srun: error: irene1446: tasks 0-5: Killed srun: error: irene1688: tasks 36-41: Killed srun: error: irene1489: tasks 6-11: Killed srun: error: irene1497: tasks 12-17: Killed srun: error: irene1685: tasks 30-35: Killed srun: error: irene1693: tasks 48-53: Killed srun: error: irene2287: tasks 60-65: Killed srun: error: irene1503: tasks 18-23: Killed srun: error: irene1692: tasks 42-47: Killed srun: error: irene2286: tasks 54-59: Killed srun: error: irene2289: tasks 66-78: Killed srun: error: irene2554: tasks 415-442: Killed srun: error: irene2292: tasks 79-126: Killed srun: error: irene2552: tasks 319-366: Killed srun: error: irene2548: tasks 127-174: Killed srun: error: irene2553: tasks 367-414: Killed srun: error: irene2551: tasks 271-318: Killed srun: error: irene2550: tasks 223-270: Killed srun: error: irene2549: tasks 175-222: Killed 1.76user 1.54system 0:49.05elapsed 6%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 13732maxresident)k 2592inputs+4544outputs (15major+341190minor)pagefaults 0swaps