mpi_threading_mode=funneled # ------------------------------- Mesh --------------------------------- schmidt_lon=3 schmidt_lat=47 schmidt_factor=4 # Number of subdivision on a main triangle (nbp) : integer (default=40) nbp=80 # nbp 20 40 80 160 # T-edge length (km) 500 250 120 60 # sub splitting of main rhombus : integer (default=1) nsplit_i=8 nsplit_j=8 omp_level_size=1 # read_metric : read grid description from file read_metric = _AUTO_ # optim_it : mesh optimisation : number of iteration : integer (default=0) optim_it= _AUTO_ guided_type= _AUTO_ nudging_freq=3600 nudging_lon_start=-9 nudging_lon_end=13 nudging_lon_delta=0.25 nudging_lat_start=38 nudging_lat_end=55 nudging_lat_delta=0.25 # ---------------------------------- Time--------------------------------- # timestep : real (default=480s) #dt = 75 dt = 50 # advection called every itau_adv time steps : integer (default 2) # standard : umax=100m/s vs c=340m/s (ratio 1:3) # in JW06 umax=35m/s vs c=340m/s (ratio 1:10) itau_adv=1 # run length : real (default=dt*itaumax) run_length=_AUTOBLOCKER_ # etat0_start_iteration_reset : set y to reset iteration from etat0_start_iteration_reset=_AUTOBLOCKER_ # output field period : integer (default none) write_period=86400 itau_check_conserv=100 # ---------------------------------- Misc -------------------------------- # number of tracer (nqtot) : integer (default 1) nqtot=_AUTO_: DEFAULT=4 # pression value where output is interpolated : real (default=0, no output) out_pression_level=85000 start_file_name=start restart_file_name=restart # Use of oasis or not (needed to initialize and finalize coupling mode) using_oasis=_AUTOBLOCKER_ # ---------------------------------- Dissipation --------------------------------- # dissipation time graddiv : real (default=5000) tau_graddiv = 3600 # number of iteration for graddiv : integer (default=1) nitergdiv = 1 # dissipation time nxgradrot (default=5000) tau_gradrot = 21600 # number of iteration for nxgradrot : integer (default=1) nitergrot=2 # dissipation time divgrad (theta) (default=5000) tau_divgrad=10800 # number of iteration for divgrad : integer (default=1) niterdivgrad=2 # -------------------------------- Physics ------------------------------------- # kind of physics : string : none, dcmip (default=none) physics=phys_external # itau_physics: dt_phys=itau_physics*dt here dt=450s => dt_phys=900s itau_physics=18 # Following parameters are changed by options set in dynamico.card create_etat0_limit=_AUTO_ etat0=_AUTO_ iflag_phys=_AUTO_ # heldsz_p0 is only read if etat0=held_suarez (aquaplanet simulation) heldsz_p0=101080