if [[ ${-} != *i* || ( ${TERM} != xterm* && ${TERM} != screen ) || ${TERM} = "su" || ${TERM} = "dumb" || ${TERM} = "network" || -z ${TERM} ]] ; then return 0 fi ##################################### # This file, ~/.bashrc, should be sourced by your ~/.bash_profile # # Below, source ~/.basrch_curie or ~/.bashrc_irene depending on the computer # This file should be in your home u_s=$(uname -s) ; u_n=$(uname -n) ; u_r=$(uname -r) ; u_m=$(uname -m) case ${u_n} in ( irene* ) if [[ $(lscpu | grep "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum") ]] ; then if [[ "$(ccc_os)" = "Atos_7__x86_64" ]] ; then . ~/.bashrc_irene_prev fi if [[ "$(ccc_os)" = "Rhel_8__x86_64" ]] ; then . ~/.bashrc_irene fi fi if [[ $(lscpu | grep "AMD") ]] ; then if [[ "$(ccc_os)" = "Atos_7__x86_64" ]] ; then . ~/.bashrc_irene-amd_prev fi if [[ "$(ccc_os)" = "Rhel_8__x86_64" ]] ; then . ~/.bashrc_irene fi fi ;; esac #####################################