# .bashrc #------------------------------------------------------ # To get 644 file and 755 directory umask 0022 #------------------------------------------------------ PS1="\u@\h:\w> " # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi #------------------------------------------------------ # POST-TREATMENTS (FERRET/FAST/ATLAS + NCO + ...) #------------------------------------------------------ # AC : 09/06 : . `ccc_home -u p86ipsl`/.atlas_env_netcdf4_curie_ksh . `ccc_home -u p86ipsl`/.atlas_env_netcdf4.3.3.1_hdf5_parallel_curie_ksh #------------------------------------------------------ #export PATH="~p86ipsl/fcm/bin:~p86ipsl/X64_CURIE/bin:$PATH" export PATH="`ccc_home -u p86ipsl`/fcm/bin:`ccc_home -u p86ipsl`/rebuild/src_X64_CURIE/modipsl_v2_2_2_netcdf4.2/bin:$PATH" #------------------------------------------------------ # User specific aliases and functions alias ls='ls --color' alias ll='ls -l --color' alias h='history' alias rm='rm -i' alias xterm='xterm -ls -sl 500 -sb -vb -fn "-*-fixed-medium-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -bg LightGray -fg black -T $HOST -name $HOST' alias clean='find . \( -name ".*%" -o -name "*%" -o -name "*~" -o -name "core" -o -name "ferret.jnl*" -o -name "metafile*.plt*" \) -print -exec rm {} \;' igcmg () { cd /ccc/cont003/home/igcmg/igcmg/; module load extenv/igcmg ; } igcmg_w () { cd /ccc/work/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/; module load extenv/igcmg ; } home () { module unload extenv/igcmg ; cd ; }