Script updated on 5 Feb. 2018 Th. Lurton * Paths changed to retrieve new input data versions; * Correction of hyphens/underscores in directory/file names in order to suit the new data version. GHG data for CMIP6 are initially coming from see also They have been in September replaced by v1-2-0 from ESGF. The format of the netcdf has changed with one variable (and sectors) per file. The data were downloaded in September 2016 and are available on ciclad in /prodigfs/project/input4MIPs/UoM The data are processed to produce annual global mean files for the IPSL model. This is currently done on ciclad in /home/oboucher/CMIP6/GHG but will be moved in a central repository. The GHG to be used are CO2 CH4 N2O and either CFC11=CFC11eq CFC12=CFC12 OR HFC134a-eq CFC12eq Do not use the original CFC11eq and CFC12eq together as some species would be double-counted At IPSL we chose the second way of doing for CMIP5, and we do likewise for CMIP6. HFC134-eq are converted into CFC11-eq using AR5 values for their 2011 RF and volume mixing ratios (Table 8.2 from Chapter 8, CFC11 0.062 Wm-2 for 238 pptv and HFC134eq 0.0100 Wm-2 for 62.7 pptv), which gives the following conversions: CFC11eq_CMIP6 <== HFC134a-eq * (0.0100/62.7)/(0.062/238.0) CFC12eq_CMIP6 <== CFC12eq So in the end, we have 5 files for GHG for CMIP6 runs with IPSL-CM6 CO2_CMIP6_0000_2014.txt CH4_CMIP6_0000_2014.txt N2O_CMIP6_0000_2014.txt CFC11eq_CMIP6_0000_2014.txt CFC12eq_CMIP6_0000_2014.txt Note that the CFCeq files have non-zero values for pre-industrial conditions because they include some natural species. To produce the data used in CMIP6, just run the script The plots in graphs are from Jean-Louis, blue is CMIP6, green is CMIP5. Olivier 11/10/2016 updated 13/12/2016