Solar forcing dataset from CMIP6 See and Version 3.1 Not distributed through ESGF yet The data is available on ciclad in /prodigfs/project/input4MIPs/SOLAR/ Data was processed by Rong-Ming in June 2016 and reprocessed in October 2016 by Olivier Boucher. The final versions of the script are CMIP6_historical.m and CMIP6_piControl.m it can be run in matlab on ciclad only on a line command > run CMIP6_historical.m A script runs all scripts and post-processes the files for use in IPSL-CM6. The data are used to prescribe the solar constant (tsi) and its distribution (ssi_frac) in the new (RRTM) SW scheme of the LMDz model. This is activated with the ok_suntime_rrtm=y flag. The solar constant and RSUN are output in the paramphy netcdf output file. Daily data are used. The number of timesteps in the nc file has to match the number of days of the year in the model (ie 360, 365 or 366 days). Otherwise the model stops. A tolerance was added so that a 366-day file can be used in a 365-day model year. Files are prepared for two bands (NSW=2) or 6 bands (NSW=6) option. Default NSW=6 is used ! For piControl and pdControl, a single value (repeated over the number of days) is used: XX=pi or pd for pre-industrial or present-day control Y=2 or 6 depending on whether NSW=2 or 6 ZZZ=360, 365 or 366 days according to which calendar (and number of days in the year) is chosen. The average for piControl consists of the first two solar cycles after 1850 (as per CMIP6 protocol) The average for pdControl consists of a 1991-2010 average (not an official CMIP6 run). Annual files are available for the historical and future period: where XXXX is the year. The files are for a Gregorian calendar (365 and 366 days according to the year). There is also a scenario with a lower solar constant in 21st century for sensitivity study. This is not an official CMIP6 scenario though. The solar forcing file is to be renamed in the running directory. Olivier Boucher 11/10/2016 revised 27/09/2017