!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !! NEMO/OPA Configuration namelist : used to overwrite defaults values defined in SHARED/namelist_ref !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namrun ! parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cn_exp = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Experience name nn_it000 = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! First time step nn_itend = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Last time step nn_date0 = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) nn_leapy = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) ln_rstart = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) nn_rstctl = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Restart control => activated only if ln_rstart = T ! = 0 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : read in namelist ! = 1 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart ! = 2 nn_date0 read in restart ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart cn_ocerst_in = "restartopa" ! Suffix of ocean restart name (input) cn_ocerst_indir = "." ! directory from which to read input ocean restarts cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! Suffix of ocean restart name (output) cn_ocerst_outdir = "." ! directory in which to write output ocean restarts nn_istate = 0 ! Output the initial state (1) or not (0) nn_stock = _AUTOBLOCKER_ ! Frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) nn_write = 5475 ! Requency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) ln_mskland = .true. ! Masks land points in NetCDF outputs ln_dimgnnn = .false. ! DIMG file format: 1 file for all processors (F) or by processor (T) ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) ln_cfmeta = .false. ! output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard ln_clobber = .true. ! clobber (overwrite) an existing file nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcfg ! parameters of the configuration !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cp_cfg = "orca" ! name of the configuration jp_cfg = 2 ! resolution of the configuration jpidta = 182 ! 1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi ) jpjdta = 149 ! 2nd " " ( >= jpj ) jpkdta = 31 ! number of levels ( >= jpk ) jpiglo = 182 ! 1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta jpjglo = 149 ! 2nd - - --> j =jpjdta jpizoom = 1 ! left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom jpjzoom = 1 ! in data domain indices jperio = 4 ! lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzgr ! vertical coordinate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nn_msh = _AUTO_ ! AUTO - create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) rn_rdt = 5760. ! time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) nn_closea = 1 ! remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) ! jphgr_msh = 0 ! type of horizontal mesh ppglam0 = 999999.0 ! longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) ppgphi0 = 999999.0 ! latitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) ppe1_deg = 999999.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) ppe2_deg = 999999.0 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) ppe1_m = 999999.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) ppe2_m = 999999.0 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) ppsur = -4762.96143546300 ! ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients ppa0 = 255.58049070440 ! (default coefficients) ppa1 = 245.58132232490 ! ppkth = 21.43336197938 ! ppacr = 3.0 ! ppdzmin = 999999. ! Minimum vertical spacing pphmax = 999999. ! Maximum depth ldbletanh = .FALSE. ! Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates ppa2 = 999999. ! Double tanh function parameters ppkth2 = 999999. ! ppacr2 = 999999. ! / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsplit ! time splitting parameters ("key_dynspg_ts") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcrs ! Grid coarsening for dynamics output and/or ! passive tracer coarsened online simulations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtsd ! data : Temperature & Salinity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_tsd_init = .true. ! Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F) ln_tsd_tradmp = .false. ! damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc ! Surface Boundary Condition (surface module) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nn_fsbc = 5 ! frequency of surface boundary condition computation ! (also = the frequency of sea-ice model call) ln_blk_clio = .false. ! CLIO bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_clio) ln_blk_core = .false. ! CORE bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_core) ln_blk_mfs = .false. ! MFS bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_mfs ) ln_cpl = .true. ! atmosphere coupled formulation ( requires key_oasis3 ) ln_mixcpl = .false. ! forced-coupled mixed formulation ( requires key_oasis3 ) ln_apr_dyn = .false. ! Patm gradient added in ocean & ice Eqs. (T => fill namsbc_apr ) nn_ice = 2 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , ! =1 use observed ice-cover , ! =2 ice-model used ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2") nn_ice_embd = 0 ! AUTO - ! =0 levitating ice (no mass exchange, concentration/dilution effect) ! =1 levitating ice with mass and salt exchange but no presure effect ! =2 embedded sea-ice (full salt and mass exchanges and pressure) ln_dm2dc = .false. ! daily mean to diurnal cycle on short wave ln_rnf = .false. ! runoffs (T => fill namsbc_rnf) ln_ssr = .false. ! Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S (T => fill namsbc_ssr) nn_fwb = 0 ! FreshWater Budget: =0 unchecked ! =1 global mean of e-p-r set to zero at each time step ! =2 annual global mean of e-p-r set to zero ! =3 global emp set to zero and spread out over erp area ln_wave = .false. ! Activate coupling with wave (either Stokes Drift or Drag coefficient, or both) (T => fill namsbc_wave) ln_cdgw = .false. ! Neutral drag coefficient read from wave model (T => fill namsbc_wave) ln_sdw = .false. ! Computation of 3D stokes drift (T => fill namsbc_wave) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_core ! namsbc_core CORE bulk formulae !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_qsr ! penetrative solar radiation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! sn_chl = 'chlorophyll_surface.nc', -1 , 'CHLA' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_rnf ! runoffs namelist surface boundary condition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! sn_rnf = 'ORCA_R2_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask', -1 , 'sorunoff', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_cnf = 'ORCA_R2_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask', 0 , 'socoeff' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_s_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_t_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rotemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_dep_rnf = 'runoffs_ORCA2_depths.nc' , 0 , 'rodepth' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' ln_rnf_mouth = .false. ! specific treatment at rivers mouths ln_rnf_depth = .true. ! read in depth information for runoff ln_rnf_tem = .false. ! read in temperature information for runoff ln_rnf_sal = .false. ! read in salinity information for runoff ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true. ! compute depth at initialisation from runoff file rn_rnf_max = 0.05 ! max value of the runoff climatology over global domain ( if ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) rn_dep_max = 150. ! depth over which runoffs is spread ( ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) nn_rnf_depth_file = _AUTO_ ! create (=1) a runoff depth file or not (=0) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_ssr ! surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_alb ! albedo parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rn_cloud = 0.00 ! cloud correction to snow and ice albedo rn_albice = 0.5 ! albedo of melting ice in the arctic and antarctic rn_alphd = 0.80 ! coefficients for linear interpolation used to rn_alphc = 0.65 ! compute albedo between two extremes values rn_alphdi = 0.72 ! (Pyane, 1972) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_cpl ! coupling parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! description ! multiple ! vector ! vector ! vector ! ! ! ! categories ! reference ! orientation ! grids ! ! send sn_snd_temp = 'weighted oce and ice' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_snd_alb = 'weighted ice' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_snd_thick = 'none' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_snd_crt = 'mixed oce-ice' , 'no' , 'cartesian' , 'eastward-northward' , 'T' sn_snd_co2 = 'none' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' ! receive sn_rcv_w10m = 'coupled' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_taumod = 'none' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_tau = 'mixed oce-ice' , 'no' , 'cartesian' , 'eastward-northward', 'U,V' sn_rcv_dqnsdt = 'coupled' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_qsr = 'conservative' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_qns = 'conservative' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_emp = 'conservative' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_rnf = 'coupled' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_cal = 'coupled' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' sn_rcv_co2 = 'none' , 'no' , '' , '' , '' / / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namberg ! iceberg parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namlbc ! lateral momentum boundary condition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcla ! cross land advection !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nambfr ! bottom friction !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nambbc ! bottom temperature boundary condition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nambbl ! bottom boundary layer scheme !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nameos ! ocean physical parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_adv ! advection scheme for tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_adv_mle ! mixed layer eddy parametrisation (Fox-Kemper param) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_adv_mle ! mixed layer eddy parametrisation (Fox-Kemper param) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for tracers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_dmp ! tracer: T & S newtonian damping !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_tradmp = .false. ! add a damping termn (T) or not (F) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdyn_adv ! formulation of the momentum advection !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdyn_vor ! option of physics/algorithm (not control by CPP keys) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdyn_hpg ! Hydrostatic pressure gradient option !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdyn_ldf ! lateral diffusion on momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzdf ! vertical physics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzdf_tke ! turbulent eddy kinetic dependent vertical diffusion ("key_zdftke") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rn_ebb = 67.83 ! coef. of the surface input of tke (=67.83 suggested when ln_mxl0=T) rn_mxl0 = 0.01 ! surface buoyancy lenght scale minimum value nn_etau = 0 ! penetration of tke below the mixed layer (ML) due to internal & intertial waves ! = 0 no penetration ! = 1 add a tke source below the ML ! = 2 add a tke source just at the base of the ML ! = 3 as = 1 applied on HF part of the stress ("key_coupled") / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzdf_ddm ! double diffusive mixing parameterization ("key_zdfddm") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzdf_tmx ! tidal mixing parameterization ("key_zdftmx") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsol ! elliptic solver / island / free surface !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nammpp ! Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cn_mpi_send = 'I' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send, ! buffer blocking send or immediate non-blocking sends, resp. nn_buffer = 0 ! size in bytes of exported buffer ('B' case), 0 no exportation ln_nnogather= .false. ! activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold jpni = 1 ! jpni number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) jpnj = 31 ! jpnj number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) jpnij = 31 ! jpnij number of local domains (set automatically if < 1) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namctl ! Control prints & Benchmark !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namptr ! Poleward Transport Diagnostic !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_diaptr = .true. ! Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) ln_subbas = .true. ! Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not ! (orca configuration only, need input basins mask file named "subbasins.nc" / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nam_asminc ! assimilation increments ('key_asminc') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namhsb ! Heat and salt budgets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdyn_nept ! Neptune effect (simplified: lateral and vertical diffusions removed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- /