# #************************************************************************** # Parameter file list for ORCHIDEE #************************************************************************** # Input and output #************************************************************************** # Restart the time from the GCM. # default = n SECHIBA_reset_time = y # Name of restart to read for initial conditions # default = NONE SECHIBA_restart_in = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Name of restart to read for initial conditions of STOMATE # default = NONE STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file # defulat = n XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = _AUTO_ # Flag to activate sechiba_out_2.nc history file for SECHIBA # default = FALSE SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 = _AUTO_ # SECHIBA history output level (0..10) # default = 5 SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = _AUTO_ # SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) # default = 1 SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = _AUTO_ # STOMATE history output level (0..10) # default = 10 STOMATE_HISTLEVEL = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in seconds in sechiba_history.nc # default = 86400.0 WRITE_STEP = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in seconds sechiba_out_2.nc # default = 1800.0 WRITE_STEP2 = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in days in stomate_history.nc # default = 10. STOMATE_HIST_DT = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in days or -1 for monthly output in stomate_ipcc_history.nc # default = 0. STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT = -1 # Hydrology parameters #************************************************************************** # Activate the multi-layer diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR # by default the Choisnel hydrology is used. # default = n HYDROL_CWRR = n # Total depth of soil reservoir # default = 2./4. depending on HYDROL_CWRR HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH = 4. # Root profile HYDROL_HUMCSTE = 5., .4, .4, 1., .8, .8, 1., 1., .8, 4., 1., 4., 1. # Activate river routing # default = n RIVER_ROUTING = y #************************************************************************** # Activate Stomate component # default = n STOMATE_OK_STOMATE = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Activate calculations of CO2 according to Farqhuar and Ball # default = n STOMATE_OK_CO2 = y # Prescribed height of vegetation # default = 0., 30., 30., 20., 20., 20., 15., 15., 15., .5, .6, 1.0, 1.0 SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__01 = 0. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__02 = 50. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__03 = 50. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__04 = 30. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__05 = 30. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__06 = 30. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__07 = 20. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__08 = 20. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__09 = 20. SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__10 = .2 SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__11 = .2 SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__12 = .4 SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__13 = .4 # Use cdrag coefficient from gcm CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y # Interception reservoir coefficient. # default = 0.1 SECHIBA_QSINT = 0.02 # Parmeters related to vegetation map #************************************************************************** # Read a land_use vegetation map # default = n LAND_USE = y # Year of the land_use vegetation map readed # year off the pft map # default = 282 VEGET_YEAR = 1 # The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count # and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. # Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. # If LAND_USE # default = y VEGET_REINIT = n # Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) # The veget datas will be update at this period if LAND_USE # default = 1Y VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ # treat land use modifications # With this variable, you can use a Land Use map # to simulate anthropic modifications such as # deforestation. # If LAND_USE # default = y LAND_COVER_CHANGE = _AUTO_ # Read reftemp file. Note behaviour and default value in the code has change in rev 2441 trunk ORCHIDEE # default=NONE REFTEMP_FILE=reftemp.nc