03/20/19 12:31:42 (5 years ago)
  • Added AUTO in lmdz xml files.
  • Now activate output files for LMDZ and set there output_leveles from lmdz.card instead of using WriteFrequency? in config.card.
1 edited



    r4323 r4336  
    4444    ConfType=${lmdz_UserChoices_ConfType} 
    46     ##- LMDZ output level, to be set in lmdz.card 
    47     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_OutLevel} = X ] ; then 
    48         # OutLevel is not set. Take default value low. 
    49         OutLevel=low 
    50     else 
    51         OutLevel=${lmdz_UserChoices_OutLevel} 
    52     fi 
    54     ##-- Output frequency purpose .... 
    55     ##--  Initialisation  .... 
    56     ok_mensuel=.FALSE. 
    57     ok_journe=.FALSE. 
    58     ok_hf=.FALSE. 
    59     ok_hf3h=.FALSE. 
    60     ok_hf3hm=.FALSE. 
    61     ok_stn=.FALSE. 
    64     case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    65         1Y|1y|1M|1m) ok_mensuel=.TRUE. ;; 
    66         5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=.TRUE. ;; 
    67     esac 
    69     for frequency in ${config_ATM_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    70         case ${frequency} in 
    71             1M|1m) ok_mensuel=.TRUE. ;; 
    72         esac 
    73         case ${frequency} in 
    74             5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=.TRUE. ;; 
    75         esac 
    76         case ${frequency} in 
    77             HF|hf) ok_hf=.TRUE. ;; 
    78         esac 
    79         case ${frequency} in  
    80             HF3h|hf3h) ok_hf3h=.TRUE. ;; 
    81         esac 
    82         case ${frequency} in  
    83             HF3hm|hf3hm) ok_hf3hm=.TRUE. ;; 
    84         esac 
    85         case ${frequency} in 
    86             STN|stn) ok_stn=.TRUE. ;; 
    87         esac 
    88     done 
    91 ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_OK in lmdz.card 
    92     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} = Xy ] ; then 
    93         ##  LMDZ_COSP_OK=y, now read all other COSP variables 
    94         ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_monthly in lmdz.card 
    95         if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
    96             LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.TRUE. 
    97         else 
    98             LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.FALSE. 
    99         fi 
    100         ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_daily in lmdz.card 
    101         if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
    102             LMDZ_COSP_daily=.TRUE. 
    103         else 
    104             LMDZ_COSP_daily=.FALSE. 
    105         fi 
    106         ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_hf in lmdz.card 
    107         if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    108             LMDZ_COSP_hf=.TRUE. 
    109         else 
    110             LMDZ_COSP_hf=.FALSE. 
    111         fi 
    112     else 
    113         # LMDZ_COSP_OK=n : All cosp output are deactivated 
    114         LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.FALSE. 
    115         LMDZ_COSP_daily=.FALSE. 
    116         LMDZ_COSP_hf=.FALSE. 
    117     fi   
    119     ##  Read LMDZ_NMC_monthly in lmdz.card 
    120     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
    121         LMDZ_NMC_monthly=.TRUE. 
    122     else 
    123         LMDZ_NMC_monthly=.FALSE. 
    124     fi 
    126     ## Read LMDZ_NMC_daily in lmdz.card 
    127     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
    128         LMDZ_NMC_daily=.TRUE. 
    129     else 
    130         LMDZ_NMC_daily=.FALSE. 
    131     fi 
    133     ## Read LMDZ_NMC_hf in lmdz.card 
    134     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    135         LMDZ_NMC_hf=.TRUE. 
    136     else 
    137         LMDZ_NMC_hf=.FALSE. 
    138     fi 
    14147    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Initialize" 
    297203    ## Modifiy  
    298     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled ${ok_mensuel} 
    300     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled ${ok_journe} 
    302     if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] || [ X${OutLevel} = Xmedium ] ; then 
    303         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 2 
    304     else 
    305         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 5 
    306     fi 
    308     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled ${ok_hf} 
    310     if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] ; then 
    311         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 5 
    312     elif [ X${OutLevel} = Xmedium ] ; then 
    313         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 6 
    314     elif [ X${OutLevel} = Xhigh ] ; then 
    315         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 7 
    316     fi 
    318     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h enabled ${ok_hf3h} 
    319     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm enabled ${ok_hf3hm} 
    321     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled ${ok_stn} 
    323     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_monthly} 
    324     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_daily} 
    325     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_hf} 
    327     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_monthly} 
    328     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_daily} 
    329     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_hf} 
    331     # Activate the histstrataer output file only for configuration with interactive stratospheric aersols  
    332     # done by setting the key word LMDZ_strataero=y in lmdz.card 
    333     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_strataero} = Xy ] ; then 
    334         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled .TRUE. 
    335     else 
    336         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled .FALSE. 
     205    # histmth 
     206    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmth} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmth} = XNONE ] ; then 
     207        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled FALSE 
     208        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth output_level 0 
     209    else 
     210        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled TRUE 
     211        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmth}  
     212    fi 
     214    # histday 
     215    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histday} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histday} = XNONE ] ; then 
     216        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled FALSE 
     217        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 0 
     218    else 
     219        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled TRUE 
     220        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histday}  
     221    fi 
     223    # histhf 
     224    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhf} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhf} = XNONE ] ; then 
     225        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled FALSE 
     226        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 0 
     227    else 
     228        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled TRUE 
     229        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhf}  
     230    fi 
     232    # histmthNMC 
     233    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthNMC} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthNMC} = XNONE ] ; then 
     234        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled FALSE 
     235        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC output_level 0 
     236    else 
     237        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled TRUE 
     238        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthNMC}  
     239    fi 
     241    # histdayNMC 
     242    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayNMC} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayNMC} = XNONE ] ; then 
     243        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled FALSE 
     244        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC output_level 0 
     245    else 
     246        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled TRUE 
     247        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayNMC}  
     248    fi 
     250    # histhfNMC 
     251    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfNMC} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfNMC} = XNONE ] ; then 
     252        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled FALSE 
     253        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC output_level 0 
     254    else 
     255        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled TRUE 
     256        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfNMC}  
     257    fi 
     259    # histstrataer 
     260    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstrataer} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstrataer} = XNONE ] ; then 
     261        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled FALSE 
     262        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer output_level 0 
     263    else 
     264        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled TRUE 
     265        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstrataer}  
     266    fi 
     268    # histstn 
     269    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstn} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstn} = XNONE ] ; then 
     270        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled FALSE 
     271        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn output_level 0 
     272    else 
     273        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled TRUE 
     274        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histstn}  
     275    fi 
     278    # histmthCOSP 
     279    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthCOSP} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthCOSP} = XNONE ] ; then 
     280        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled FALSE 
     281        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP output_level 0 
     282    else 
     283        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled TRUE 
     284        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histmthCOSP}  
     285    fi 
     288    # histdayCOSP 
     289    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayCOSP} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayCOSP} = XNONE ] ; then 
     290        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled FALSE 
     291        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP output_level 0 
     292    else 
     293        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled TRUE 
     294        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histdayCOSP}  
     295    fi 
     298    # histhfCOSP 
     299    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfCOSP} = X ] || [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfCOSP} = XNONE ] ; then 
     300        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled FALSE 
     301        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP output_level 0 
     302    else 
     303        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled TRUE 
     304        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP output_level ${lmdz_UserChoices_output_level_histhfCOSP}  
    337305    fi 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.