03/23/18 15:32:55 (6 years ago)

remove these configuration not use anymore

54 edited



    r2456 r3688  
    17 List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_lim2_${RESOL_OCE}_ref, namelist_ice_ref), \ 
     17List=   (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMO/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_lim2_ref, namelist_ice_ref), \ 
    1818        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_lim2_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_ice_cfg) 

    r2456 r3688  
    17 List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_lim3_${RESOL_OCE}_ref, namelist_ice_ref), \ 
    18         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_lim3_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_ice_cfg) 
     17List=   (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref                  , namelist_ice_ref       ), \ 
     18        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/field_def_nemo-lim.xml, field_def_nemo-lim.xml ), \ 
     19        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/ping_seaIce.xml       , ping_seaIce.xml        ), \ 
     20        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_lim3_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg_${LMDZ_Physics}              , namelist_ice_cfg       ), \ 
     21        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/file_def_nemo-lim3.xml                                      , file_def_nemo-lim.xml  ) 
    3135Patches = () 
    32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter) 
    33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bmelt, evap, grLateral, ialb, ice_pres, iicetemp, iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, ileadfra, isnowthi, prsn, rsdssi, sblsi, sim, snoToIce, snomelt, soicecov, strairx, strairy, tmelt, transifs, transix, transiy, tsice) 
     36GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     37TimeSeriesVars2D = (snthic, sithic, sivolu, snvolu, siconc, sisali, sitemp, sistem, siheco, snheco, siages, sivelu, sivelv, sivelo, sishea, sfx) 
    3438ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    3539TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    4044Patches = () 
    41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter) 
    42 TimeSeriesVars2D = (iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, ileadfra) 
    43 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 
     45GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     46TimeSeriesVars2D = (snthic,sithic,sivolu,snvolu,siconc) 
     47ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    4448TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    4549ChunckJob3D = NONE 

    r2456 r3688  
    5 # Physics package to use :  
    6 # LMDZ_Physics=AP for standard/old physics(defalut), can be used with LMDZ4_AR5 or LMDZ5/trunk sources  
    7 # LMDZ_Physics=NPv3.1 for new physics, to be used with LMDZ5/trunk revision 1554 or later 
    8 LMDZ_Physics=AP 
    9 #LMDZ_Physics=NPv4.12 
    11 # Set ConfType to choose parameters for aerosols, solar and green house gazes.  
     5# Physics package to use : 
     6# LMDZ_Physics=AP for standard/old physics(defalut), can be used with LMDZ4_AR5 or LMDZ5/trunk sources 
     9# Set ConfType to choose parameters for aerosols, solar and green house gazes. 
    1210# The parameter file PARAM/config.def_$ConfType will be used. 
    1311# ConfType=preind/actuel/annuel 
    16 # manage radiative aerosol effect and ozone  
     14# Set pmagic in config.def 
     17# Manage radiative aerosol effect and ozone 
    21 read_climoz=2 
    30 # Number of periods where to set parameter adjust=y before switching to adjust=n 
    31 # For adjust=n, set LMDZ_NbPeriod_ajust=0.  
    32 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 
    34 # To force usage of specific Bands file, set LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart experiment 
    35 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/pdControl/XXXXXX/ATM/Debug/pdControl_XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 
    37 # Set OutLevel to choose the level of output files from LMDZ. The file PARAM/output.def_$OutLevel will be used. 
     31# Set OutLevel to choose the level of output for LMDZ 
    3832# OutLevel=low/medium/high 
    39 OutLevel=medium 
    41 # Set COSP activation and Outputs frequency (monthly, daily, HF) = y/n 
     35# Set COSP activation and output frequency (monthly, daily, HF) = y/n 
    43 LMDZ_COSP_monthly=y 
    44 LMDZ_COSP_daily=y 
    47 # Set NMC Outputs frequency (monthly, daily, HF) = y/n 
     41# Set NMC output frequency (monthly, daily, HF) = y/n 
    49 LMDZ_NMC_daily=y 
    52 # Use XIOS as output library 
    53 XIOS=y 
    56 List=  (${R_INIT}/ATM/LMDZ/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/start.nc    , . ), \ 
    57        (${R_INIT}/ATM/LMDZ/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/startphy.nc , . ) 
     47List=  (${R_IN}/ATM/START/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_XY}/start_${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}_o2a_v3.nc   , start.nc      ), \ 
     48       (${R_IN}/ATM/START/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_XY}/startphy_${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}_o2a_v3.nc, startphy.nc    ) 
    6051List=   () 
    61 # With AR5 aerosols (including ASSO4M(=SO4), CSSO4M, AIBCM, ASBCM, AIPOMM, ASPOMM, ASSSM, CSSSM, SSSSM, CIDUSTM) 
    62 # With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 
    63 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1855_v5.nc, aerosols.nat.nc),\ 
    64             (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/climoz_LMDZ_1855_v2.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc) 
     53# With CMIP6 aerosols version 1 
     54# With 3D ozone 
     55ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/ATM/AEROSOLS/CMIP6/v1/${RESOL_ATM_XY}/L${RESOL_ATM_Z}/aerosols1850_from_inca.nc,   aerosols.nat.nc),\ 
     56            (${R_IN}/ATM/OZONE/UReading/historical.v20160711/interpol/${RESOL_ATM_XY}/climoz_LMDZ_1850_1850_clim.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc),\ 
     57            (${R_IN}/ATM/SOLAR/CMIP6/v3.1corr/Control/solarforcing_v3.1_piControl_ave_6bands_366days.nc, solarforcing.nc),\ 
     58            (${R_IN}/ATM/STRATAERO/CMIP6/v3/${RESOL_ATM_XY}/L${RESOL_ATM_Z}/taulwstrat.2D.ave.nc, taulwstrat.2D.nc),\ 
     59            (${R_IN}/ATM/STRATAERO/CMIP6/v3/${RESOL_ATM_XY}/L${RESOL_ATM_Z}/tauswstrat.2D.ave.nc, tauswstrat.2D.nc) 
    67 List=   () 
     62List=   () 
    70 List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}_${LMDZ_Physics}, physiq.def), \ 
    71         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D},    gcm.def),    \ 
    72         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_input_nl.txt,                .),    \ 
    73         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_output_nl.txt,               .),    \ 
    74         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/output.def_${OutLevel},  output.def),    \ 
    75         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType},  config.def),    \ 
    76     (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/guide.def, .), \ 
    77         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 
    78         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 
    79         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/iodef.xml, . ),\ 
    80         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/context_lmdz.xml, . )            ,\ 
    81         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/field_def_lmdz.xml, . )          ,\ 
    82         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histday_lmdz.xml, . )   ,\ 
    83         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml, . )    ,\ 
    84         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histins_lmdz.xml, . )   ,\ 
    85         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histLES_lmdz.xml, . )   ,\ 
    86         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml, . )   ,\ 
    87         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml, . )   ,\ 
    88         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
    89         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
    90         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
    91         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 
    92         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 
    93         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml, .)     
     65List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_${LMDZ_Physics}, physiq.def),       \ 
     66        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_XY}_${LMDZ_Physics}, gcm.def), \ 
     67        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/vert.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z},   vert.def),         \ 
     68        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/cosp_input_nl.txt, .),            \ 
     69        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/cosp_output_nl.txt, .),           \ 
     70        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType},  config.def),          \ 
     71        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/guide.def, .),                                 \ 
     72        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .),                                   \ 
     73        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .),                               \ 
     74        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/iodef.xml, . ),                                \ 
     75        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/context_lmdz.xml, . ),            \ 
     76        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/field_def_lmdz.xml, . ),          \ 
     77        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml, . ),   \ 
     78        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 
     79        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
     80        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histday_lmdz.xml, . ),   \ 
     81        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 
     82        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
     83        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml, . ),    \ 
     84        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml, .), \ 
     85        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml, . ), \ 
     86        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml, . ),   \ 
     87        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histins_lmdz.xml, . ),   \ 
     88        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 
     89        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histLES_lmdz.xml, . ) 
    96 List=   (restart.nc, restart.nc, start.nc), \ 
    97         (restartphy.nc, restartphy.nc,  startphy.nc) 
     94List=   (restart.nc, restart.nc, start.nc), \ 
     95        (restartphy.nc, restartphy.nc,  startphy.nc) 
    100 List=   (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, guide.def, config.def, used_run.def, iodef.xml, context_lmdz.xml,field_def_lmdz.xml,debug.01) 
    101 #List=   (lmdz.x.prt) 
     98List=   (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, guide.def, config.def, vert.def, used_run.def, iodef.xml, context_lmdz.xml, field_def_lmdz.xml, file_def_*lmdz.xml, debug_notroot.01, debug.root.01, lmdz.prt, out_lmdz.x.err, out_lmdz.x.out) 
    104 List=   (histmth.nc,       ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmth.nc,       Post_1M_histmth),       \ 
    105         (histmthCOSP.nc,   ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmthCOSP.nc,   NONE),   \ 
    106         (histmthNMC.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmthNMC.nc,    Post_1M_histmthNMC),    \ 
    107         (dynzon.nc,        ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_dynzon.nc,        NONE),        \ 
    108         (paramLMDZ_phy.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_paramLMDZ_phy.nc, Post_1M_paramLMDZ_phy), \ 
    109         (histday.nc,       ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histday.nc,       Post_1D_histday),       \ 
    110         (histdayCOSP.nc,   ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histdayCOSP.nc,   NONE),   \ 
    111         (histdayNMC.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histdayNMC.nc,    Post_1D_histdayNMC),    \ 
    112         (histhf.nc,        ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhf.nc,        NONE),        \ 
    113         (histhfCOSP.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhfCOSP.nc,    NONE),    \ 
    114         (histhfNMC.nc,     ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhfNMC.nc,     NONE),     \ 
    115         (histhf3h.nc,      ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_3H_histhf3h.nc,      NONE)  
     101List=   (histmth.nc,       ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmth.nc,       Post_1M_histmth),       \ 
     102        (histmthCOSP.nc,   ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmthCOSP.nc,   NONE),                  \ 
     103        (histmthNMC.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_histmthNMC.nc,    Post_1M_histmthNMC),    \ 
     104        (histday.nc,       ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histday.nc,       NONE),                  \ 
     105        (histdayCOSP.nc,   ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histdayCOSP.nc,   NONE),                  \ 
     106        (histdayNMC.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_histdayNMC.nc,    NONE),                  \ 
     107        (histhf.nc,        ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhf.nc,        NONE),                  \ 
     108        (histhfCOSP.nc,    ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhfCOSP.nc,    NONE),                  \ 
     109        (histhfNMC.nc,     ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_histhfNMC.nc,     NONE),                  \ 
     110        (histhf3h.nc,      ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_3H_histhf3h.nc,      NONE),                  \ 
     111        (histhf3hm.nc,     ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}_3H_histhf3hm.nc,     NONE) 
    118114Patches= () 
    119 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds, aire) 
    120 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, solswad, swtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero) 
     115GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds, aire) 
     116TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFC, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, ave_t2m_daily_max, ave_t2m_daily_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, od550_STRAT, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, solswad, swtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero, R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl, solaire, rsun1, co2_ppm, CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt, colO3_strat, colO3_trop) 
    121117ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    122118TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, scdnc, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, tnt, dtdyn, dtphy, dtlschr, tntr, tntscpbl, tnhus, dqdyn, dqvdf, tnhusscpbl, dqphy, evu, mcd) 
    127123Patches = () 
    128 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     124GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds, aire) 
    129125TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 
    130 ChunckJob2D = OFF  
     126ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    131127TimeSeriesVars3D = (clcalipso, clisccp2_c01, clisccp2_c02, clisccp2_c03, clisccp2_c04, clisccp2_c05, clisccp2_c06, clisccp2_c07, parasol_refl) 
    132128ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    136132Patches = () 
    137 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     133GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    138134TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    139135ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    140 TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap) 
    141 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
     136TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, tro3, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap) 
     137ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    144 [Post_1M_dynzon] 
    145 Patches = () 
    146 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    147 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    148 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    149 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    150 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    151 Seasonal=OFF 
    153 [Post_1M_paramLMDZ_phy] 
    154 Patches=() 
    155 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 
    156 TimeSeriesVars2D =(R_ecc,  R_peri, R_incl, solaire, co2_ppm, CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt) 
    157 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    158 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    159 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    160 Seasonal=OFF 
    163141Patches= () 
    164 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     142GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    165143TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, snow, SWdnSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 
    166144ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
    172150Patches = () 
    173 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     151GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    174152TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 
    175153ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    181159Patches = () 
    182 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     160GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    183161TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    184162ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    190168Patches= () 
    191 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     169GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    192170TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m) 
    193171ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
    199177Patches = () 
    200 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     178GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    201179TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso) 
    202180ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    208186Patches = () 
    209 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     187GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    210188TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    211189ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     195Patches= () 
     196GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     197TimeSeriesVars2D = (flat, precip, pluc, snow, topl, topl0, SWupTOA, SWupTOAclr, SWdnTOA, SWupSFC, SWupSFCclr, SWdnSFC, SWdnSFCclr, LWupSFC, LWupSFCclr, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, bils, bils_tke, bils_diss, bils_ec, bils_kinetic, bils_enthalp, bils_latent, sens, cldt, zmax_th) 
     198ChunckJob2D = OFF 
     199TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     200ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    217204Patches= () 
    218 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    219 TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, u10m, v10m, psol, topl, bils) 
     205GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     206TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, ustar, u10m, v10m, psol) 
    220207ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    221208TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    222209ChunckJob3D = OFF 

    r2456 r3688  
    6 FreqCoupling=86400 
    10 List=   (${R_INIT}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/flxat.nc, flxat.nc), \ 
    11         (${R_INIT}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/sstoc.nc, sstoc.nc) 
     11List=   (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/flxat_v3.nc, flxat.nc), \ 
     12        (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/sstoc_v3.nc, sstoc.nc), \ 
     13        (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/icbrg_v3.nc, icbrg.nc), \ 
     14        (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/icshf_v3.nc, icshf.nc) 
    1417List=   () 
    15 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/grids.nc, grids.nc),\ 
    16             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/masks.nc, masks.nc),\ 
    17             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/areas.nc, areas.nc),\ 
    18             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc, rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc),\ 
    19             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc),\ 
    20             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calvin.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calvin.nc),\ 
    21             (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_rivflu.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_rivflu.nc) 
     18ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/grids_v3.nc, grids.nc),\ 
     19            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/masks_v3.nc, masks.nc),\ 
     20            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/areas_v3.nc, areas.nc),\ 
     21            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC_v3.nc, rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc),\ 
     22            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_v3.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc),\ 
     23            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc, .),\ 
     24            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc, .),\ 
     25            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_nosouth_v3.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_nosouth.nc),\ 
     26            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceberg_v3.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceberg.nc),\ 
     27            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceshelf_v3.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceshelf.nc),\ 
     28            (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${config_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_rivflu_v4.nc, rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_rivflu.nc) 
    30 List=   (flxat.nc, flxat.nc, flxat.nc),\ 
    31         (sstoc.nc, sstoc.nc, sstoc.nc) 
     37List=   (flxat.nc, flxat.nc, flxat.nc),\ 
     38    (sstoc.nc, sstoc.nc, sstoc.nc),\ 
     39    (icbrg.nc, icbrg.nc, icbrg.nc),\ 
     40    (icshf.nc, icshf.nc, icshf.nc) 
    5968    (CODFLXDT_LMDZ_23.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_CODFLXDT.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    6069    (COCALVIN_LMDZ_24.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_COCALVIN.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    61     (COLIQRUN_LMDZ_25.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_COLIQRUN.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     70    (COLIQRUN_LMDZ_27.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_COLIQRUN.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    6271    (O_SSTSST_oceanx_01.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_SSTSST.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    6372    (OIceFrc_oceanx_02.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_OIceFrac.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    7988    (OIceEvap_oceanx_18.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_OIceEvap.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    8089    (O_QsrMix_oceanx_19.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QsrMix.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    81     (O_QnsMix_oceanx_20.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QsrIce.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    82     (O_QsrIce_oceanx_21.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QnsMix.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     90    (O_QnsMix_oceanx_20.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QnsMix.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     91    (O_QsrIce_oceanx_21.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QsrIce.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    8392    (O_QnsIce_oceanx_22.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_QnsIce.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    8493    (O_dQnsdT_oceanx_23.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_dQnsdT.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    8594    (OCalving_oceanx_24.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_OCalving.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    86     (O_Runoff_oceanx_25.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_Runoff.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     95    (OIceberg_oceanx_25.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_OIceberg.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     96    (OIcshelf_oceanx_26.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_OIcshelf.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
     97    (O_Runoff_oceanx_27.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}_O_Runoff.nc,    Post_ncks_cdo),\ 
    8798    (TEMPO_1D_cpl_atm.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_cpl_atm.nc , Post_1D_cpl_atm), \ 
    8899    (TEMPO_1D_cpl_oce.nc,    ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_cpl_oce.nc , Post_1D_cpl_oce), \ 
    120131Patches = (Patch_20091119_put_out) 
    121132GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time) 
    123 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     134ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    124135TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    125136ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    126 Seasonal=ON 
    129140Patches = (Patch_20091119_put_out) 
    130141GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time) 
    131 TimeSeriesVars2D = (OCalving, OIceEvap, OIceFrac, OTotEvap, OTotRain, OTotSnow, O_AlbIce, O_QnsIce, O_QnsMix, O_QsrIce, O_QsrMix, O_Runoff) 
    132 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     142TimeSeriesVars2D = (O_OTaux1, O_OTauy1, O_OTauz1, O_OTaux2, O_OTauy2, O_OTauz2, O_Wind10, OTotRain, OTotSnow, OTotEvap, OIceEvap, O_QsrMix, O_QnsMix, O_QsrIce, O_QnsIce, O_dQnsdT, OCalving, OIceberg, OIcshelf, O_Runoff, O_SSTSST, OIceFrc, O_TepIce, O_AlbIce, O_OCurx1, O_OCury1, O_OCurz1) 
     143ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    133144TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    134145ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    135 Seasonal=ON 

    r2519 r3688  
    5 ORCA_version=ORCA2.3 
    6 mesh_mask=n 
    7 iceflx="linear" 
    8 # OUTPUT_LEVEL=2 for standard daily outputs 
    9 # OUTPUT_LEVEL=3 for more daily outputs 
    10 OUTPUT_LEVEL=2 
     6mesh_mask= n 
     7Reproducibility_after_restart= n 
     9Restart_TS_only= n 
    1615List=   () 
    17 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ahmcoef,        .), \ 
    18             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/bathy_meter.nc, .), \ 
    19             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/coordinates.nc, .), \ 
    20             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_1m_potential_temperature_nomask.nc, .), \ 
    21             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_1m_salinity_nomask.nc, .), \ 
    22             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/geothermal_heating.nc, .),\ 
    23             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/subbasins.nc, .),\ 
    24             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/chlorophyll_surface.nc, chlorophyll.nc),\ 
    25             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Tides_K1_drg_ORCA.nc, K1rowdrg.nc),\ 
    26             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Tides_M2_drg_ORCA.nc, M2rowdrg.nc),\ 
    27             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/tmaskitf_ORCA_bis.nc, mask_itf.nc),\ 
    28             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/kRGB61.txt, .) 
     16ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/coordinates.nc                     , .  ), \ 
     17            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/coordinates_xios.nc                , .  ), \ 
     18            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}_bathy_meter.nc    , bathy_meter.nc ), \ 
     19            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/runoffs_${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}_depths.nc    , runoffs_eORCA1.0_depths.nc   ), \ 
     20            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ahmcoef.nc                         , .  ), \ 
     21            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/mask_itf.nc                        , .  ), \ 
     22            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/K1rowdrg.nc                        , K1rowdrg.nc     ), \ 
     23            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/M2rowdrg.nc                        , M2rowdrg.nc     ), \ 
     24            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/subbasins_v10.nc                   , subbasins.nc    ), \ 
     25            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Goutorbe_ghflux.nc                                   ,  . ), \ 
     26            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/conservative_temperature_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim.nc ,  . ), \ 
     27            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/absolute_salinity_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim.nc        ,  . ), \ 
     28            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/weights_3D_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc              ,  . ), \ 
     29            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/weights_Goutorbe1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc               ,  . ), \ 
     30            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/merged_ESACCI_BIOMER4V1R1_CHL_REG05.nc               ,  . ), \ 
     31            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/weights_reg05_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc                   ,  . ), \ 
     32            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/mixing_power_bot.nc                                  ,  . ), \ 
     33            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/mixing_power_pyc.nc                                  ,  . ), \ 
     34            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/mixing_power_cri.nc                                  ,  . ), \ 
     35            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/decay_scale_bot.nc                                   ,  . ), \ 
     36            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/decay_scale_cri.nc                                   ,  . ), \ 
     37            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/vosaline_360x180-ORCA1_WOA13_climatemonth.nc         , sali_ref_clim_monthly.nc ), \ 
     38            (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc       ,.) 
    34 List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_${RESOL_OCE}_ref, namelist_ref),      \ 
    35         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_cfg),      \ 
    36         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/context_nemo.xml,   context_nemo.xml),         \ 
    37         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/field_def_nemo.xml,   field_def_nemo.xml),     \ 
    38         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/domain_def_nemo.xml,  domain_def_nemo.xml) 
     45List=   (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_ref                            , namelist_ref        ), \ 
     46        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/context_nemo.xml       , context_nemo.xml    ), \ 
     47        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/domain_def_nemo.xml    , domain_def_nemo.xml ), \ 
     48        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/axis_def_nemo.xml      , axis_def_nemo.xml   ), \ 
     49        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/grids_def_nemo.xml     , grids_def_nemo.xml  ), \ 
     50        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/field_def_nemo-opa.xml , field_def_nemo-opa.xml  ), \ 
     51        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/ping_ocean.xml         , ping_ocean.xml      ), \ 
     52        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg                                    , namelist_cfg        ), \ 
     53        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/file_def_nemo-opa.xml                                        , file_def_nemo-opa.xml   ) 
    44 List=   (ocean.output, solver.stat, namelist, context_nemo.xml, field_def_nemo.xml, domain_def_nemo.xml, debug.02, out_opa.xx.out, out_opa.xx.err) 
     61List=   (ocean.output, solver.stat, namelist, output.namelist.*, context_nemo.xml, axis_def_nemo.xml, grids_def_nemo.xml, field_def_nemo.xml, domain_def_nemo.xml, out_opa.xx.out, out_opa.xx.err, debug_notroot.02, debug.root.02) 
    47 List=   (mesh_mask.nc      , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_mesh_mask.nc, NONE),\ 
    48         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_scalar.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_scalar.nc, NONE),\ 
    49         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_T.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_T.nc, NONE),\ 
    50         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_U.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_U.nc, NONE),\ 
    51         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_V.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_V.nc, NONE),\ 
    52         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_W.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_W.nc, NONE),\ 
    53         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_scalar.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_scalar.nc, NONE),\ 
    54         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_T.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_T.nc, Post_1M_grid_T),\ 
    55         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_U.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_U.nc, Post_1M_grid_U),\ 
    56         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_V.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_V.nc, Post_1M_grid_V),\ 
    57         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_W.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_W.nc, NONE),\ 
    58         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_diaptr.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_diaptr.nc, Post_1M_diaptr),\ 
    59         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_T.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_T.nc, Post_1D_grid_T),\ 
    60         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_U.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_U.nc, Post_1D_grid_U),\ 
    61         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_V.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_V.nc, Post_1D_grid_V),\ 
    62         (damping.coeff.nc , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_damping.coeff.nc, NONE),\ 
    63         (output.abort.nc  , ${R_OUT_OCE_D}/${PREFIX}_output.abort.nc, NONE),\ 
     64List=   (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_scalar.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_scalar.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     65        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_T.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_T.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     66        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_U.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_U.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     67        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_V.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_V.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     68        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_grid_W.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_grid_W.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     69        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_diaptr.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_diaptr.nc     , Post_1Y_diaptr),\ 
     70        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_trdtra.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_trdtra.nc     , NONE)         ),\ 
     71        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_scalar.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_scalar.nc     , Post_1M_scalar),\ 
     72        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_T.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_T.nc     , Post_1M_grid_T),\ 
     73        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_U.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_U.nc     , Post_1M_grid_U),\ 
     74        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_V.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_V.nc     , Post_1M_grid_V),\ 
     75        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_grid_W.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_grid_W.nc     , Post_1M_grid_W),\ 
     76        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_diaptr.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_diaptr.nc     , Post_1M_diaptr),\ 
     77        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_trdtra.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_trdtra.nc     , Post_1M_trdtra),\ 
     78        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_grid_T.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_5D_grid_T.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     79        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_grid_U.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_5D_grid_U.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     80        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_grid_V.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_5D_grid_V.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     81        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_grid_W.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_5D_grid_W.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     82        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_trdtra.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_5D_trdtra.nc     , NONE)         ),\ 
     83        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_T.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_T.nc     , Post_1D_grid_T),\ 
     84        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_U.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_U.nc     , Post_1D_grid_U),\ 
     85        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_grid_W.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_grid_W.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     86        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_SBC.nc       , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_SBC.nc        , NONE          ),\ 
     87        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_diaptr.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_diaptr.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     88        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_scalar.nc    , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_scalar.nc     , NONE          ),\ 
     89        (mesh_mask.nc     , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_mesh_mask.nc                       , NONE),\ 
     90        (runoffs.nc       , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_runoffs.nc                         , NONE),\ 
     91        (damping.coeff.nc , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}_damping.coeff.nc                                     , NONE),\ 
     92        (output.abort.nc  , ${R_OUT_OCE_D}/${PREFIX}_output.abort.nc                                        , NONE),\ 
    6493        (output.init.nc   , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_I}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateBegin}_output.init.nc, NONE) 
    6998Patches = () 
    70 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    71 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 
     99GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     100TimeSeriesVars2D = (scmastot, scvoltot, scsshtot, scsshste, scsshtst, sctemtot, scsaltot, ibgheat_tot, sbgheat_tot) 
    72101ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    73102TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    78107Patches = () 
    79 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    80 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sohefldo, soicecov, somixhgt, somxl010, sosaline, soshfldo, sossheig, sosstsst, sowaflup, sowindsp) 
    81 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    82 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vosaline,votemper) 
    83 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
     108GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     109TimeSeriesVars2D = (zos, zossq, tos, sos, tossq, omlmax, mldkz5, mldr10_1, nshfls, rsntds, rsds, friver, hc300, wfo) 
     110ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     111TimeSeriesVars3D = (e3t, thetao, so) 
     112ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
    87116Patches = () 
    88 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    89 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sozotaux) 
    90 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    91 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vozocrtx,vozoeivu) 
    92 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
     117GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     118TimeSeriesVars2D = (tauuo, sozohetr, sozosatr) 
     119ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     120TimeSeriesVars3D = (e3u, uo) 
     121ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
    96125Patches = () 
    97 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    98 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sometauy) 
    99 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    100 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vomecrty, vomeeivv) 
    101 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
     126GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     127TimeSeriesVars2D = (tauvo, somehetr, somesatr) 
     128ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     129TimeSeriesVars3D = (e3v, vo) 
     130ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
    105134Patches = () 
    106 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    107 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 
    108 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    109 TimeSeriesVars3D = (difvmo, difvmto, difvtrto, voddmavs, voveeivw, votkeavt, vovecrtz, wmo, wmosq) 
    110 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    111 Seasonal=OFF 
     135GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     136TimeSeriesVars2D = ( ) 
     137ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     138TimeSeriesVars3D = ( ) 
     139ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
    114143Patches = () 
    115 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, deptht, time_counter_bounds) 
    116 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zotemglo, zosalglo, zomsfglo, zotematl, zosalatl, zomsfatl, zotempac, zosalpac, zomsfpac, zotemind, zosalind, zomsfind, zotemipc, zosalipc, zomsfipc, sophtadv, sophtldf, sopstadv) 
    117 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    118 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    119 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    120 Seasonal=ON 
     144GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, deptht, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     145TimeSeriesVars2D = (zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zomsfpac, zomsfind, zomsfipc, zotemglo, zotematl, zotempac, zotemind, zotemipc, zosalglo, zosalatl, zosalpac, zosalind, zosalipc, zosrfglo, zosrfatl, zosrfpac, zosrfind, zosrfipc, sophtadv, sophtldf, sopstadv, sopstldf) 
     146ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     147TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     148ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     152Patches = () 
     153GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     154TimeSeriesVars2D = NONE 
     155ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     156TimeSeriesVars3D = (ttrdtr_zdfp, ttrdtr_eivad, ttrdtr_iso, ttrdtr_totad, ttrdtr_tot, strdtr_zdfp, strdtr_eivad, strdtr_iso, strdtr_totad, strdtr_tot) 
     157ChunckJob3D = 100Y 
    122161# Daily analysis 
    125164Patches = () 
    126 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    127 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sosstsst) 
    128 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 
    129 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vosaline,votemper) 
     165GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     166TimeSeriesVars2D = (tos, tosstd, sos, zos, zosstd, sstdcy, mldr10_1, mldr10_1dcy, mldkz5) 
     167ChunckJob2D = OFF 
     168TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    130169ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    134173Patches = () 
    135 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     174GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     175TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
     176ChunckJob2D = 100Y 
     177TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     178ChunckJob3D = OFF 
     182Patches = () 
     183GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    136184TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    137185ChunckJob2D = 200Y 
    138 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vozocrtx) 
     186TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    139187ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    142 [Post_1D_grid_V] 
    143 Patches = () 
    144 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    145 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    146 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 
    147 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vomecrty) 
    148 ChunckJob3D = OFF 
    149 Seasonal=OFF 
    151190## Yearly analysis 
    154193Patches = () 
    155 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    156 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 
     194GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     195TimeSeriesVars2D = (scmastot, scvoltot, scsshtot, scsshste, scsshtst, sctemtot, scsaltot, ibgheat_tot, sbgheat_tot) 
    157196ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    158197TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    163202Patches = () 
    164 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    165 TimeSeriesVars2D = (evs, ficeberg, friver, fsitherm, hfcorr, hfevapds, hfibthermds, hfrainds, hfrunoffds, hfsithermds, hfsnthermds, nshfls, omlmax, pbo, pr, prsn, sfdsi, so20chgt, so28chgt, sohefldo, sohtc300, soicecov, somixhgt, somxl010, sosaline, soshfldo, sossheig, sosstsst, sotaumod, sowaflcd, sowaflup, sowindsp, tossq, vsfsit, wfcorr, zossq) 
    166 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    167 TimeSeriesVars3D = (rhopoto, rsds, thkcello, vosaline,votemper) 
     203GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     204TimeSeriesVars2D = ( ) 
     205ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     206TimeSeriesVars3D = (thetao, so) 
    168207ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    172211Patches = () 
    173 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     212GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    174213TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfx, hfxba, hfxdiff, sozotaux) 
    175214ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    181220Patches = () 
    182 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    183 TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfy, hfyba, hfydiff, sometauy) 
    184 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    185 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vmo, vomecrty, vomeeivv) 
     221GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     222TimeSeriesVars2D = ( ) 
     223ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     224TimeSeriesVars3D = ( ) 
    186225ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    190229Patches = () 
    191 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    192 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 
    193 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    194 TimeSeriesVars3D = (difvmo, difvmto, difvtrto, voddmavs, voveeivw, votkeavt, vovecrtz, wmo, wmosq) 
     230GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     231TimeSeriesVars2D = ( ) 
     232ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     233TimeSeriesVars3D = ( ) 
    195234ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    199238Patches = () 
    200 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, deptht, time_counter_bounds) 
    201 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zotemglo, zosalglo, zomsfglo, zotematl, zosalatl, zomsfatl, zotempac, zosalpac, zomsfpac, zotemind, zosalind, zomsfind, zotemipc, zosalipc, zomsfipc, sophtadv, sophtldf, sopstadv) 
    202 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    203 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    204 ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    205 Seasonal=OFF 
     239GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, deptht, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     240TimeSeriesVars2D = (zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zotemglo, zotematl, zotempac, zosalglo, zosalatl, zosalpac, zosrfglo, zosrfatl, zosrfpac) 
     241ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     242TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     243ChunckJob3D = NONE 

    r2481 r3688  
    77# Sef DefSuffix=Choi (default) to activate default 2-layer Choisnel hydrology 
    88# Set DefSuffix=CWRR to activate 11-layer CWRR hydrology 
    9 DefSuffix=Choi 
    11 sechiba_LEVEL=11 
     11# VEGET_UPDATE_at_start=y : orchidee.driver will set VEGET_UPDATE=1Y at the first cumul period when starting a new simulation.  
     12#                           After the first period, VEGET_UPDATE will be set according to the choice done below.   
    13 # Use XIOS as output library 
    14 XIOS=y 
     15# VEGET_UPDATE=0Y : default, do not update the vegetation and woodharvest file except if starting without restart file 
     16# VEGET_UPDATE=1Y : update the vegetation and woodharvest file 1st of January each year 
     19# Specify output level for output files 
     20# Only the files sechiba_history.nc, sechiba_out_2.nc and sechiba_history_4dim.nc can be set here. 
     21# output_level_filename=0     : lowest level writing only variables needed for the monitoring 
     22# output_level_filename=12    : highest level which will output all variables 
     23# output_level_filename=NONE  : deactivate the file 
     24output_level_sechiba_history = 11 
     25output_level_sechiba_out_2 = NONE 
     26output_level_sechiba_history_4dim = 11 
     28# Specify output frequency for each file [1y, 1mo, 1d, 10800s, 1ts] 
     29# Settings using WriteFrequency in config.card is not longer used 
     30output_freq_sechiba_history = 1mo 
     31output_freq_sechiba_out_2 = 10800s 
     32output_freq_sechiba_history_4dim = 1mo 
    17 List=   (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/routing.nc,          . ), \ 
    18         (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/cartepente2d_15min.nc, .), \ 
    19         (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap_IPCC_1850.nc, PFTmap.nc) 
     36List=   (${R_IN}/SRF/soils_param.nc, . ), \ 
     37        (${R_IN}/SRF/reftemp.nc, . ), \ 
     38        (${R_IN}/SRF/routing.nc, . ), \ 
     39        (${R_IN}/SRF/albedo/alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc, alb_bg.nc ), \ 
     40        (${R_IN}/SRF/cartepente2d_15min.nc, .) 
    22 List=   (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/soils_param.nc,      . ) 
    23 ListNonDel= () 
     43List= () 
     44ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/SRF/PFTMAPS/CMIP6/ESA-LUH2v2/historical/15PFT.v1/PFTmap_1850.nc, PFTmap.nc),\ 
     45            (${R_IN}/SRF/WOODHARVEST/LUH2v2/historical/woodharvest_1850.nc,           woodharvest.nc),\ 
    26 List=() 
     48List= () 
    2951List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/orchidee.def_${DefSuffix}, orchidee.def)   ,\ 
     52        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_orchidee.xml, .)  ,\ 
     53        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_input_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ 
    3054        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/context_orchidee.xml, .)   ,\ 
    31         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ 
    32         (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_orchidee.xml, .) 
     55        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml, .) 
    35 # List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : 
    3658List=   (sechiba_rest_out.nc, sechiba_rest.nc, sechiba_rest_in.nc) 
    39 List=   (out_orchidee, orchidee.def, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_orchidee.xml) 
     61List=   (out_orchidee, orchidee.def, used_orchidee.def, iodef.xml, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_input_orchidee.xml, river_desc.nc) 
    42 List=   (sechiba_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history.nc, Post_1M_sechiba_history), \ 
    43         (sechiba_out_2.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_sechiba_out_2.nc, NONE), \ 
    44         (orchidee_watchout.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_watchout.nc, NONE) 
     64List=   (sechiba_history.nc,  ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history.nc, Post_1M_sechiba_history), \ 
     65        (sechiba_history_4dim.nc,${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history_4dim.nc, NONE), \ 
     66        (sechiba_out_2.nc,     ${R_OUT_SRF_O_H}/${PREFIX}_HF_sechiba_out_2.nc,  NONE) 
    4769Patches = () 
    48 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_counter_bounds) 
    49 TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage,mrsos, mrso, mrros, mrro, prveg, evspsblveg, evspsblsoi, tran, treeFrac, grassFrac, cropFrac, baresoilFrac, residualFrac) 
     70GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     71TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, frac_snow, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage,mrsos, mrso, mrros, mrro, prveg, evspsblveg, evspsblsoi, tran, treeFrac, grassFrac, cropFrac, baresoilFrac, residualFrac, TWBR, riverflow, coastalflow, DelSoilMoist_daily, DelIntercept_daily, DelSWE_daily, delstock_routing, snowmelt, LAImean, transpir, evapnu) 
    5072ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    5173TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, ptn, nee) 
    5274ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    53 Seasonal=ON 
     75Seasonal = ON 
    56 Patches= () 
    57 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_counter_bounds) 
    58 TimeSeriesVars2D= (mrsos, mrro) 
    59 ChunckJob2D= 50Y 
    60 TimeSeriesVars3D= (ptn) 
    61 ChunckJob3D= 10Y 
    62 Seasonal= OFF 
     78Patches = () 
     79GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     80TimeSeriesVars2D = (mrsos, mrro) 
     81ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     82TimeSeriesVars3D = (ptn) 
     83ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
     84Seasonal = OFF 

    r2456 r3688  
    1111List=   () 
    12 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/par.orca.nc,                               .), \ 
    13             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/solubility.orca.nc,                        .), \ 
    14             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_DIC_nomask.nc,                        .), \ 
    15             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_Alkalini_nomask.nc,                   .), \ 
    16             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_O2_nomask.nc,                         .), \ 
    17             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_NO3_nomask.nc,                        .), \ 
    18             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_PO4_nomask.nc,                        .), \ 
    19             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_Si_nomask.nc,                         .), \ 
    20             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_DOC_nomask.nc,                        .), \ 
    21             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/data_Fer_nomask.nc,                        .), \ 
    22             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/DUST_INCA_MONTHLY_2000_2006.nc, dust.orca.nc), \ 
    23             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/river_global_news.nc,          river.orca.nc), \ 
    24             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/bathy.orca.nc,                             .), \ 
    25             (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ndeposition.orca.nc,                       .) 
     13ListNonDel=  (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/DIC_GLODAPv2.1_annual_eORCA_R1.nc         , . ), \ 
     14             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Alkalini_GLODAPv2.1_annual_eORCA_R1.nc    , . ), \ 
     15             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/O2_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc            , . ), \ 
     16             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/PO4_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc           , . ), \ 
     17             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Si_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc            , . ), \ 
     18             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/DOC_PISCES_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc            , . ), \ 
     19             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Fer_PISCES_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc            , . ), \ 
     20             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/NO3_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc           , . ), \ 
     21             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Dust_inca_LOI/DUST_INCA_LOI6012-histAER_1M_1850.nc, dust.orca.nc       ), \ 
     22             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Dust_inca_LOI/weights_LMD144142_eORCA1_bilinear.nc, weights_lmd144142_bilin.nc ), \ 
     23             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/pmarge_etopo_eORCA_R1.nc                  , . ), \ 
     24             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc             , . ), \ 
     25             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Ndep_input4MIPs/Ndep_input4MIPs_surfaceFluxes_CMIP_NCAR-CCMI-2-0_gn_185001-185012-clim.nc , ndeposition.orca.nc ), \ 
     26             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Ndep_input4MIPs/weights_CMIP_NCAR-CCMI_eORCA1_bilinear.nc, weights_2d_bilin.nc ), \ 
     27             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/par_fraction_gewex_clim90s00s_366days_eORCA_R1.nc , par_fraction_gewex_clim90s00s_eORCA_R1.nc ), \ 
     28             (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/Solubility_T62_Mahowald_eORCA_R1.nc       , . ) 
    2832List=  () 
    31 List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}_ref, namelist_top_ref), \ 
    32         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_top_cfg), \ 
    33         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_${RESOL_OCE}_ref, namelist_pisces_ref) ,\ 
    34         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_pisces_cfg) 
     35List=   (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_top_ref                             , namelist_top_ref           ), \ 
     36        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_pisces_ref                          , namelist_pisces_ref        ), \ 
     37        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/field_def_nemo-pisces.xml   , field_def_nemo-pisces.xml  ), \ 
     38        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/field_def_nemo-inerttrc.xml , field_def_nemo-inerttrc.xml), \ 
     39        (${MODIPSL}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/ping_ocnBgChem.xml          , ping_ocnBgChem.xml         ), \ 
     40        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}piC_cfg                                  , namelist_top_cfg           ), \ 
     41        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg                                  , namelist_pisces_cfg        ), \ 
     42        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/file_def_nemo-pisces.xml                                          , file_def_nemo-pisces.xml   ) 
    40 List=   (namelist_top_ref, namelist_cfg, namelist_pisces_ref, namelist_pisces_cfg) 
     49List=   (namelist_top_ref, namelist_cfg, namelist_pisces_ref, namelist_pisces_cfg, tracer.stat) 
    43 List=   (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_ptrc_T.nc, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_ptrc_T.nc, Post_1M_ptrc_T), \ 
    44         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_diad_T.nc, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_diad_T.nc, Post_1M_diad_T), \ 
    45         (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_dbio_T.nc, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_dbio_T.nc, NONE) 
     52List=   (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_ptrc_T.nc        , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_ptrc_T.nc    , Post_1Y_ptrc_T   ) , \ 
     53        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_diad_T.nc        , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_diad_T.nc    , Post_1Y_diad_T   ) , \ 
     54        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1y_age.nc           , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_Y}/${PREFIX}_1Y_age.nc       , Post_1Y_age      ) , \ 
     55        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_bioscalar.nc     , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_bioscalar.nc , Post_1M_bioscalar) , \ 
     56        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_ptrc_T.nc        , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_ptrc_T.nc    , Post_1M_ptrc_T   ) , \ 
     57        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_diad_T.nc        , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_diad_T.nc    , Post_1M_diad_T   ) , \ 
     58        (${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_bioscalar.nc     , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_D}/${PREFIX}_1D_bioscalar.nc , NONE) 
     63Patches = () 
     64GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_instant, time_instant_bounds) 
     65TimeSeriesVars2D = (pno3tot, ppo4tot, psiltot, palktot, pfertot, tcflx, tcflxcum, tcexp, tintpp, tnfix, tdenit) 
     66ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     67TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     68ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     72Patches = () 
     73GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_instant, time_instant_bounds) 
     74TimeSeriesVars2D = (pno3tot, ppo4tot, psiltot, palktot, pfertot, tcflx, tcflxcum, tcexp, tintpp, tnfix, tdenit) 
     75ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     76TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     77ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    4881Patches = () 
    49 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
     82GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    5083TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
    51 ChunckJob2D = OFF 
    52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, BFe, CaCO3, DCHL, DFe, DIC, DOC, DSi, Fer, GOC, GSi, NCHL, NFe, NH4, NO3, O2, PHY, PHY2, PO4, POC, SFe, Si, ZOO, ZOO2) 
     84ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     85TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, NCHL, DCHL, DIC, Fer, NO3, O2, PO4, Si) 
    5386ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    5790Patches = () 
    58 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, Dpo2, EPC100, EPCAL100, EPFE100, EPSI100, Heup, Irondep, Kg, Nfix, Oflx) 
    60 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    61 TimeSeriesVars3D = (PPPHY, PPPHY2, PPNEWN, PPNEWD, PAR, PH) 
     91GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     92TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, EPC100, INTPP) 
     93ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     94TimeSeriesVars3D = (TPP) 
    6295ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    65 [Post_1M_dbio_T] 
    6699Patches = () 
    67 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 
    69 ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     100GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     101TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
     102ChunckJob2D = OFF 
     103TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, NCHL, DCHL, DIC, Fer, NO3, O2, PO4, Si ) 
     104ChunckJob3D = NONE 
     108Patches = () 
     109GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     110TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, EPC100, Heup,  Nfix) 
     111ChunckJob2D = 50Y 
     112TimeSeriesVars3D = (PAR, TPP) 
    71113ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    72 Seasonal=ON 
     117Patches = () 
     118GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     119TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
     120ChunckJob2D = OFF 
     121TimeSeriesVars3D = (Age) 
     122ChunckJob3D = NONE 

    r2456 r3688  
    5 stomate_LEVEL=10 
     6# Specify output level for output files 
     7# Only the files stomate_history.nc and stomate_ipcc_history.nc can be set here. 
     8# output_level_filname=0     : lowest level writing only variables needed for the monitoring 
     9# output_level_filname=1     : highest level which will output all variables 
     10# output_level_filname=NONE  : deactivate the file 
     11output_level_stomate_history = 1 
     12output_level_stomate_ipcc_history = 1 
     14# Specify output frequency for each file [1y, 1mo, 1d] 
     15# Settings using WriteFrequency in config.card are not longer used 
     16output_freq_stomate_history = 1mo 
     17output_freq_stomate_ipcc_history = 1mo 
    11 List=   () 
    12 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/reftemp.nc, .) 
     24List=   () 
     25ListNonDel= () 
    15 List=   () 
     28List=   () 
    21 # List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : 
    22 List=   (stomate_rest_out.nc, stomate_rest.nc, stomate_rest_in.nc) 
     34List=   (stomate_rest_out.nc, stomate_rest.nc, stomate_rest_in.nc) 
    28 List=   (stomate_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_stomate_history.nc, Post_1M_stomate_history) \ 
    29     (stomate_ipcc_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_stomate_ipcc_history.nc, Post_1M_stomate_ipcc_history) 
     40List=   (stomate_history.nc,      ${R_OUT_SBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_stomate_history.nc,      Post_1M_stomate_history),    \ 
     41        (stomate_ipcc_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_stomate_ipcc_history.nc, Post_1M_stomate_ipcc_history) 
    32 Patches= () 
    33 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, time_counter_bounds) 
     44Patches = () 
     45GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
    3547ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    3749ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    38 Seasonal=ON 
     50Seasonal = ON 
    41 Patches= () 
    42 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_counter_bounds) 
    43 TimeSeriesVars2D=(cVeg, cLitter, cSoil, cProduct, lai, gpp, ra, npp, rh, fFire, fHarvest, fLuc, nbp, fVegLitter, fLitterSoil, cLeaf, cWood, cRoot, cMisc, cLitterAbove, cLitterBelow, cSoilFast, cSoilMedium, cSoilSlow, landCoverFrac, treeFracPrimDec, treeFracPrimEver, c3PftFrac, c4PftFrac, rGrowth, rMaint, nppLeaf, nppWood, nppRoot, nep) 
     53Patches = () 
     54GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 
     55TimeSeriesVars2D = (cVeg, cLitter, cSoil, cProduct, lai, gpp, ra, npp, rh, fFire, fHarvest, fLuc, nbp, fVegLitter, fLitterSoil, cLeaf, cWood, cRoot, cMisc, cLitterAbove, cLitterBelow, cSoilFast, cSoilMedium, cSoilSlow, landCoverFrac, treeFracPrimDec, treeFracPrimEver, c3PftFrac, c4PftFrac, rGrowth, rMaint, nppLeaf, nppWood, nppRoot, nep, fWoodharvest) 
    4456ChunckJob2D = NONE 
    45 TimeSeriesVars3D=() 
     57TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
    4658ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    47 Seasonal=ON 
     59Seasonal = ON 

    r2456 r3688  
    23 List=   () 
     23List=   (out_xios.x.err.*, out_xios.x.out.*, debug_notroot.03, debug.root.03) 

    r2503 r3688  
    2 # This is config.card file for IPSLCM5A configuration 
     2# This is config.card file for IPSLCM6 configuration 
    11 JobName=CPL01 
     11JobName= CPL01 
    1212#----- Short Name of Experiment 
    1414#----- DEVT TEST PROD 
    15 SpaceName=TEST 
    16 LongName="IPSLCM6_rc0" 
    18 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIEMENTS directory 
     18#D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIMENTS directory 
    2121#-- leap, noleap, 360d 
    22 CalendarType=noleap 
    2323#-- Experiment dates : Beginning and ending 
    2424#-- "YYYY-MM-DD" 
    26 DateEnd=1859-12-31 
    2830#-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D Period Length of one trunk of simulation 
    30 #============================ 
    31 #-- Total Number of Processors (minimum is 2 for a coupled configuration) 
    32 #JobNumProcTot=4 
    33 JobNumProcTot=32 
    34 #============================ 
    35 # config.card configuration options : 
    36 #R_INIT=/u/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM/INIT 
    37 #R_INIT=/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/INIT 
    38 #R_BC=/u/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM/BC 
    39 #R_BC=/dmnfs/cont003/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC 
    40 #============================ 
     33#D- For curie, use ccc_mprun as suggested by TGCC 
    4336#D-- Restarts - 
    5043#D- Last day of the experience used as restart for all components 
    51 RestartDate=2499-12-31 
    5245#D- Define restart simulation name for all components 
    53 RestartJobName=piControl2 
    54 #D- Path Server Group Login 
    55 RestartPath=${R_IN}/RESTART/IPSLCM5A/PROD/piControl 
     47#D- Path Server Group Login 
    5851#D-- ATM - 
    60 # 
    6153WriteFrequency="1M 1D" 
    6254# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    6355Restart= n 
    6456# Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    65 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    66 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    67 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    68 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    69 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    70 OldName= 
     58#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     60#D- Path Server Group Login 
    7364#D-- OCE - 
    75 WriteFrequency="1M 1D" 
    76 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    77 Restart= n 
    78 ##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    79 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    80 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    81 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    82 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    83 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    84 OldName= 
     66WriteFrequency="5D 1M" 
     67# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
     68Restart= y 
     69#-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
     71#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     73#D- Path Server Group Login 
    8777#D-- ICE - 
    89 WriteFrequency="1M 1D" 
    90 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    91 Restart= n 
     80# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
     81Restart= y 
    9282##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    93 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    94 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    95 RestartJobName=EXP00            
    96 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    97 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    98 OldName= 
     84#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     86#D- Path Server Group Login 
    10190#D-- MBG - 
    103 WriteFrequency="1M" 
    104 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
     92WriteFrequency="1M 1Y" 
    10593Restart= n 
    10694##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    107 RestartDate=1990-12-31 
    108 # Define restart simulation name 
    109 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    110 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    111 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    112 OldName= 
     96#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     98#D- Path Server Group Login 
    118105# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    119 Restart=n 
    120 ##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    121 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    122 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    123 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    124 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    125 #-- Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    126 OldName= 
     106Restart= n 
     107# Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
     109#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     111#D- Path Server Group Login 
    132118# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    133 Restart=n 
    134 #-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    135 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    136 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    137 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    138 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    139 #-- Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    140 OldName= 
     119Restart= n 
     120# Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
     122#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     124#D- Path Server Group Login 
    143128#D-- CPL - 
    145 WriteFrequency="1M 1D" 
    146 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
    147 Restart= n 
    148 ##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
    149 RestartDate=1899-12-31 
    150 # Define restart simulation name for this component 
    151 RestartJobName=EXP00 
    152 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 
    153 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    154 OldName= 
     131# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 
     132Restart= n 
     133# Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 
     135#D- Define restart simulation name for this component 
     137#D- Path Server Group Login 
    167 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
    168 OldName= 
    173155#D- For each component, Name of component, Tag of component 
    174 ATM= (lmdz, LMDZ4-dev) 
    175 SRF= (orchidee, ORCHIDEE_1_9_5) 
    176 SBG= (stomate, ORCHIDEE_1_9_5) 
    177 OCE= (opa9, CMIP5_IPSL) 
    178 ICE= (lim2, CMIP5_IPSL) 
    179 MBG= (pisces, CMIP5_IPSL) 
    180 CPL= (oasis, OASIS3-MCT) 
    181 IOS= (xios, XIOS) 
     156ATM= (lmdz, LMDZ-IPSLCM6.0.14-r3140) 
     157SRF= (orchidee, trunk-r4856) 
     158SBG= (stomate, trunk-r4856) 
     159OCE= (opa9, nemo_v3_6_STABLE-r8788) 
     160ICE= (lim3, nemo_v3_6_STABLE-r8788) 
     161MBG= (pisces, nemo_v3_6_STABLE-r8788) 
     162CPL= (oasis, oasis3-mct-r1818) 
     163IOS= (xios, dev-cmip6-r1309) 
    186168#D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis 
    187 ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 27MPI, 4OMP) 
     169ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 71MPI, 8OMP) 
    188170SRF= ("" ,"" ) 
    189171SBG= ("" ,"" ) 
    190 OCE= (opa, opa.xx, 19MPI) 
     172OCE= (opa, opa.xx, 360MPI) 
    191173ICE= ("" ,"" ) 
    192174MBG= ("" ,"" ) 
    197179#D-- Post - 
    199182#D- Do we rebuild parallel output, this flag determines 
    200183#D- frequency of rebuild submission (use NONE for DRYRUN=3) 
    201 RebuildFrequency=1Y 
    202185#D- Do we pack restart and debug txt files, this flag determines 
    203186#D- frequency of pack submission (use NONE for DRYRUN=3) 
     188#D- To have only the last period in RESTART/*.tar : save 90% of volume. 
     189#D- TRUE to be effective (nothing by default) 
    205191#D- If you want to produce time series, this flag determines 
    206 #D- frequency of post-processing submission (NONE if you don't want) 
     192#D- frequency of post-processing submission (NONE if you dont want) 
    208194#D- If you want to produce seasonal average, this flag determines 
    209 #D- the period of this average (NONE if you don't want) 
     195#D- the period of this average (NONE if you dont want) 
     197#D- If you want to produce compute PCMDI metrics from seasonal average 
     198#D- Set FALSE to deactivate the metrics computation. 
    211200#D- Offset for seasonal average first start dates ; same unit as SeasonalFrequency 
    212 #D- Usefull if you do not want to consider the first X simulation's years 
     201#D- Usefull if you do not want to consider the first X simulations years 

    r2547 r3688  
    3030    echo "INCA Tag : LMDZ-INCA" ${config_UserChoices_TagName} 
     32    ##- LMDZ physics version 
     33    ##  Read LMDZ_Physics option in lmdz.card, if not present take default value AP (old physics)  
     34    if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_Physics} = X ] ; then 
     35        LMDZ_Physics=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_Physics} 
     36    else 
     37        LMDZ_Physics=AP 
     38    fi 
     39    echo LMDZ physics version : ${LMDZ_Physics} 
     41    enable1=.FALSE. 
     42    enable2=.FALSE. 
     44    for frequency in ${config_CHM_WriteFrequency} ; do 
     45        case ${frequency} in  
     46            1D|1d) enable1=.TRUE. ;; 
     47        esac 
     48        case ${frequency} in 
     49            1M|1m) enable2=.TRUE. ;; 
     50        esac 
     51    done 
    3255    IGCM_debug_PopStack "CHM_Initialize" 
    4063    case ${CHEM} in  
    4164        AER) 
    42         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     65            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   forcage1     enabled ${enable1} 
     66            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml forcage2     enabled ${enable2} 
     67            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   aero1        enabled ${enable1} 
     68            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml aero2        enabled ${enable2} 
     69            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   chemistry1   enabled ${enable1} 
     70            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml chemistry2   enabled ${enable2} 
     71            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   emissions1   enabled ${enable1} 
     72            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2   enabled ${enable2} 
     73            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   species1     enabled ${enable1} 
     74            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml species2     enabled ${enable2} 
     75            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   dvel1        enabled ${enable1} 
     76            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml dvel2        enabled ${enable2} 
     77            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   washout1     enabled ${enable1} 
     78            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml washout2     enabled ${enable2} 
     79            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   reacflux1    enabled ${enable1} 
     80            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml reacflux2    enabled ${enable2} 
     81            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml   invariants1  enabled ${enable1} 
     82            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml invariants2  enabled ${enable2} 
     84            if [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"AP" ] ; then 
     85                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     86            else 
     87                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aeNP 
     88            fi 
    4389        ;; 
    44         DUST) 
    45         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     90        DUSS) 
     91            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml forcage1     enabled ${enable1} 
     92            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml aero1        enabled ${enable1} 
     93            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml emissions1   enabled ${enable1} 
     94            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml species1     enabled ${enable1} 
     95            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml vegetation1  enabled ${enable1} 
     97            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml forcage2     enabled ${enable2} 
     98            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml aero2        enabled ${enable2} 
     99            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2   enabled ${enable2} 
     100            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml species2     enabled ${enable2} 
     101            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml vegetation2  enabled ${enable2} 
     103            if [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"AP" ] ; then 
     104                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     105            else 
     106                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aeNP 
     107            fi 
    46108        ;; 
    47109        NMHC)  
    48         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca chem 
     110            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml reacflux1    enabled ${enable1} 
     111            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml emissions1   enabled ${enable1} 
     112            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml species1     enabled ${enable1} 
     113            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml chemistry1   enabled ${enable1} 
     114            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml dvel1        enabled ${enable1} 
     115            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml washout1     enabled ${enable1} 
     117            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml reacflux2  enabled ${enable2}   
     118            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2 enabled ${enable2}   
     119            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml species2   enabled ${enable2}   
     120            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml chemistry2 enabled ${enable2}   
     121            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml dvel2      enabled ${enable2}   
     122            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml washout2   enabled ${enable2}   
     124            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca chem 
     125            ;; 
     126        NMHC_AER) 
     127            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml forcage1     enabled ${enable1} 
     128            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml aero1        enabled ${enable1} 
     129            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml species1     enabled ${enable1} 
     130            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml chemistry1   enabled ${enable1} 
     131            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml emissions1   enabled ${enable1} 
     132            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml dvel1        enabled ${enable1} 
     133            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml phtrate1     enabled ${enable1} 
     134            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml washout1     enabled ${enable1} 
     135            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml reacflux1    enabled ${enable1} 
     136            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml vegetation1  enabled ${enable1} 
     138            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml forcage2    enabled ${enable2}   
     139            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml aero2       enabled ${enable2}  
     140            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml species2    enabled ${enable2}  
     141            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml chemistry2  enabled ${enable2}  
     142            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2  enabled ${enable2}  
     143            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml dvel2       enabled ${enable2}  
     144            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml phtrate2    enabled ${enable2}  
     145            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml washout2    enabled ${enable2}  
     146            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml reacflux2   enabled ${enable2}  
     147            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml vegetation2 enabled ${enable2}  
     149            if [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"AP" ] ; then 
     150                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     151            else 
     152                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aeNP 
     153            fi 
    49154        ;; 
    50         NMHC_AER) 
    51         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
    52         ;; 
    53         CH4) 
    54         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca chem 
    55         ;; 
    56         CH4_AER) 
    57         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     156        NMHC_AER_S) 
     157            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml forcage1     enabled ${enable1} 
     158            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml aero1        enabled ${enable1} 
     159            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml species1     enabled ${enable1} 
     160            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml chemistry1   enabled ${enable1} 
     161            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml emissions1   enabled ${enable1} 
     162            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml dvel1        enabled ${enable1} 
     163            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml phtrate1     enabled ${enable1} 
     164            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml washout1     enabled ${enable1} 
     165            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml reacflux1    enabled ${enable1} 
     166            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml vegetation1  enabled ${enable1} 
     168            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml forcage2    enabled ${enable2}  
     169            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml aero2       enabled ${enable2}  
     170            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml species2    enabled ${enable2}  
     171            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml chemistry2  enabled ${enable2}  
     172            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2  enabled ${enable2}  
     173            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml phtrate2    enabled ${enable2}  
     174            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml dvel2       enabled ${enable2}  
     175            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml washout2    enabled ${enable2}  
     176            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml reacflux2   enabled ${enable2}  
     177            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml vegetation2 enabled ${enable2}   
     179            if [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"AP" ] ; then 
     180                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aero 
     181            else 
     182                IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca aeNP 
     183            fi 
    58184        ;; 
    59185        GES) 
    60         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca chem 
     186            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_daily.xml emissions1    enabled ${enable1} 
     188            IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_inca_monthly.xml emissions2    enabled ${enable2} 
     190            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def config_inca chem 
    61191        esac 
    63194    # inca.def : Activate reading of 10m wind in files if LMDZ_10m_winds=n in inca.card 
    68199    fi 
     201    if [  X${inca_UserChoices_10m_winds_method} = X ] ; then 
     202    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  10m_winds_method  threshold 
     203    else 
     204    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  10m_winds_method ${inca_UserChoices_10m_winds_method} 
     205    fi 
     208    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_wind_parameter} = X ] ; then  
     209        if [  X${inca_UserChoices_10m_winds_method} = Xthreshold ] ; then  
     210            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  tref ${inca_UserChoices_wind_parameter} 
     211            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  kref DEFAULT 
     212        else 
     213            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  kref ${inca_UserChoices_wind_parameter} 
     214            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  tref DEFAULT 
     215        fi 
     216    else 
     217            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  kref DEFAULT 
     218            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  tref DEFAULT 
     219    fi 
     221    if [  X${inca_UserChoices_seasalt_corr} = X ] ; then 
     222    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  ss_corr  DEFAULT 
     223    else 
     224    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  ss_corr ${inca_UserChoices_seasalt_corr} 
     225    fi 
    70229    # inca.def : choose write frequency for inca_avgr in inca.card 
    71230    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_freq_write_chem} = X ] ; then 
    82241    fi 
     243    #inca.def : choose coupled model with orchidee   
     244    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_CoupOrchInca} = X ]; then  
     245        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def CoupOrchInca ${inca_UserChoices_CoupOrchInca} 
     246    else 
     247        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def CoupOrchInca n 
     248    fi 
     250    #inca.def : choose sedimentation schema  
     251    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_multilayer_sedim} = X ]; then  
     252        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def multilayer_sediment ${inca_UserChoices_multilayer_sedim} 
     253    else 
     254        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def multilayer_sediment y 
     255    fi 
     257    #inca.def : choose calcul interactif des diagnostiques flux chimique ou non   
     258    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_calcul_flux} = X ]; then  
     259        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def calcul_flux ${inca_UserChoices_calcul_flux} 
     260    else 
     261        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def calcul_flux n 
     262    fi 
     264    #inca.def : choose aircraft emission  
     265    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_flag_plane} = X ]; then  
     266        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def flag_plane ${inca_UserChoices_flag_plane} 
     267    else 
     268        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def flag_plane 0 
     269    fi 
     271    #inca.def : choose time interpolation for sflx.nc 
     272    if [ ! X${inca_UserChoices_emi_interp_time} = X ]; then  
     273        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def emi_interp_time ${inca_UserChoices_emi_interp_time} 
     274    else 
     275        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def emi_interp_time 1 
     276    fi 
    84278    #inca.def : choose output library  
    85279    if [  X${inca_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    95289    fi 
    98     if [  X${inca_UserChoices_10m_winds_method} = X ] ; then 
    99     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  10m_winds_method  threshold 
    100     else 
    101     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker inca.def  10m_winds_method ${inca_UserChoices_10m_winds_method} 
    102     fi 
    115303    fi 
     305    # Add LongName as global attribute in XIOS output files (if LongName is not empty) 
     306    if [ ! "X${config_UserChoices_LongName}" = "X" ] ; then 
     307        listfile=$(ls file_def*inca.xml) 
     308        echo "<variable id=\"LongName\" type=\"string\">${config_UserChoices_LongName}</variable>" > add.tmp 
     309        for file in ${listfile} 
     310        do 
     311            cp ${file} ${file}.tmp 
     312            sed -e "/<file id/r add.tmp" \ 
     313                ${file}.tmp > ${file} 
     314            rm ${file}.tmp  
     315        done 
     316        rm add.tmp 
     317    fi 
    117319    IGCM_debug_PopStack "CHM_Update" 

    r2456 r3688  
    1616    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ICE_Update" 
     18    ##--Write Frequency for iomput 
     19    ## Differents frequencies are allowed for ICE files 
     21    VI1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     22    VI5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     23    VI1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     24    VI1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     26    for frequency in ${config_ICE_WriteFrequency} ; do 
     27        case ${frequency} in 
     28            ( 1D|1d ) VI1D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     29            ( 5D|5d ) VI5D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     30            ( 1M|1m ) VI1M_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     31            ( *[yY] ) VI1Y_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     32        esac 
     33    done 
     36  # Update iodef.xml 
     38    IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Informations into iodef.xml : VI1D_ENABLE VI5D_ENABLE VI1M_ENABLE VI1Y_ENABLE ' 
     39    IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${VI1D_ENABLE}  ${VI5D_ENABLE} ${VI1M_ENABLE} ${VI1Y_ENABLE} 
     41    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1d_lim enabled ${VI1D_ENABLE} 
     42    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 5d_lim enabled ${VI5D_ENABLE} 
     43    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1m_lim enabled ${VI1M_ENABLE} 
     44    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1y_lim enabled ${VI1Y_ENABLE} 
    1846    echo UPDATE ICE !!! 

    r2456 r3688  
    1616    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ICE_Update" 
     18    ##--Write Frequency for iomput 
     19    ## Differents frequencies are allowed for ICE files 
     21    VI1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     22    VI5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     23    VI1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     24    VI1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     26    for frequency in ${config_ICE_WriteFrequency} ; do 
     27        case ${frequency} in 
     28            ( 1D|1d ) VI1D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     29            ( 5D|5d ) VI5D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     30            ( 1M|1m ) VI1M_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     31            ( *[yY] ) VI1Y_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     32        esac 
     33    done 
     36  # Update iodef.xml 
     38    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then        
     39        VI1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     40        VI5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     41        VI1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     42        VI1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     43    fi 
     45    IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Informations into iodef.xml : VI1D_ENABLE VI5D_ENABLE VI1M_ENABLE VI1Y_ENABLE ' 
     46    IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${VI1D_ENABLE}  ${VI5D_ENABLE} ${VI1M_ENABLE} ${VI1Y_ENABLE} 
     48    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1d_lim enabled ${VI1D_ENABLE} 
     49    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 5d_lim enabled ${VI5D_ENABLE} 
     50    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1m_lim enabled ${VI1M_ENABLE} 
     51    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-lim.xml 1y_lim enabled ${VI1Y_ENABLE} 
    1853    echo UPDATE ICE !!! 

    r2841 r3688  
    1313    RESOL_ATM_Y=$( echo ${RESOL_ATM_3D} | awk "-Fx" '{print $2}' ) 
    1414    RESOL_ATM_XY="${RESOL_ATM_X}x${RESOL_ATM_Y}" 
    16     ##-- Calendar type for LMDZ and create_etat0_limit 
    17     case ${config_UserChoices_CalendarType} in 
    18         leap|gregorian) 
    19             CalendarTypeForLmdz=earth_366d 
    20             CalendarTypeForCreate=gregorian;; 
    21         noleap) 
    22             CalendarTypeForLmdz=earth_365d 
    23             CalendarTypeForCreate=${CalendarTypeForLmdz};; 
    24         360d) 
    25             CalendarTypeForLmdz=earth_360d 
    26             CalendarTypeForCreate=${CalendarTypeForLmdz};; 
    27         *) 
    28             CalendarTypeForLmdz=earth_360d 
    29             CalendarTypeForCreate=${CalendarTypeForLmdz} 
    30     esac 
    3216    ##- LMDZ physics version 
    6347    ##-- Output frequency purpose .... 
    6448    ##--  Initialisation  .... 
    65     ok_mensuel=n 
    66     ok_journe=n 
    67     ok_hf=n 
    68     ok_hf3h=n 
    69     ok_hf3hm=n 
    70     ok_stn=n 
     49    ok_mensuel=.FALSE. 
     50    ok_journe=.FALSE. 
     51    ok_hf=.FALSE. 
     52    ok_hf3h=.FALSE. 
     53    ok_hf3hm=.FALSE. 
     54    ok_stn=.FALSE. 
    7257    case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    73         1Y|1y|1M|1m) ok_mensuel=y ;; 
    74         5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=y ;; 
     58        1Y|1y|1M|1m) ok_mensuel=.TRUE. ;; 
     59        5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=.TRUE. ;; 
    7560    esac 
    7762    for frequency in ${config_ATM_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    7863        case ${frequency} in 
    79             1M|1m) ok_mensuel=y ;; 
     64            1M|1m) ok_mensuel=.TRUE. ;; 
    8065        esac 
    8166        case ${frequency} in 
    82             5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=y ;; 
     67            5D|5d|1D|1d) ok_journe=.TRUE. ;; 
    8368        esac 
    8469        case ${frequency} in 
    85             HF|hf) ok_hf=y ;; 
     70            HF|hf) ok_hf=.TRUE. ;; 
    8671        esac 
    8772        case ${frequency} in  
    88             HF3h|hf3h) ok_hf3h=y ;; 
     73            HF3h|hf3h) ok_hf3h=.TRUE. ;; 
    8974        esac 
    9075        case ${frequency} in  
    91             HF3hm|hf3hm) ok_hf3hm=y ;; 
     76            HF3hm|hf3hm) ok_hf3hm=.TRUE. ;; 
    9277        esac 
    9378        case ${frequency} in 
    94             STN|stn) ok_stn=y ;; 
     79            STN|stn) ok_stn=.TRUE. ;; 
    9580        esac 
    9681    done 
    98     ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in lmdz.card  
    99     if [ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust}" = X"" ] ; then 
    100         # The variable is not in lmdz.card, set default value 
    101         LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 
    102     else         
    103         LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} 
    104     fi 
    106     if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 
    107         LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} 
    108     fi 
    111     ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_OK in lmdz.card 
    112     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} = X ] ; then 
    113         LMDZ_COSP_OK=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} 
    114     else 
    115         LMDZ_COSP_OK=n 
    116     fi 
    117     ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_monthly in lmdz.card 
    118     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_monthly} = X ] ; then 
    119         LMDZ_COSP_monthly=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_monthly} 
    120     else 
    121         LMDZ_COSP_monthly=n 
    122     fi 
    123     ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_daily in lmdz.card 
    124     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_daily} = X ] ; then 
    125         LMDZ_COSP_daily=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_daily} 
    126     else 
    127         LMDZ_COSP_daily=n 
    128     fi 
    129     ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_hf in lmdz.card 
    130     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_hf} = X ] ; then 
    131         LMDZ_COSP_hf=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_hf} 
    132     else 
    133         LMDZ_COSP_hf=n 
    134     fi 
     83    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then 
     84        ok_mensuel=.FALSE. 
     85        ok_journe=.FALSE. 
     86        ok_hf=.FALSE. 
     87        ok_hf3h=.FALSE. 
     88        ok_hf3hm=.FALSE. 
     89        ok_stn=.FALSE. 
     90    fi 
     92##  Read LMDZ_COSP_OK in lmdz.card 
     93    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} = Xy ] ; then 
     94        ##  LMDZ_COSP_OK=y, now read all other COSP variables 
     95        ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_monthly in lmdz.card 
     96        if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
     97            LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.TRUE. 
     98        else 
     99            LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.FALSE. 
     100        fi 
     101        ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_daily in lmdz.card 
     102        if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
     103            LMDZ_COSP_daily=.TRUE. 
     104        else 
     105            LMDZ_COSP_daily=.FALSE. 
     106        fi 
     107        ##  Read LMDZ_COSP_hf in lmdz.card 
     108        if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
     109            LMDZ_COSP_hf=.TRUE. 
     110        else 
     111            LMDZ_COSP_hf=.FALSE. 
     112        fi 
     113    else 
     114        # LMDZ_COSP_OK=n : All cosp output are deactivated 
     115        LMDZ_COSP_monthly=.FALSE. 
     116        LMDZ_COSP_daily=.FALSE. 
     117        LMDZ_COSP_hf=.FALSE. 
     118    fi   
    136120    ##  Read LMDZ_NMC_monthly in lmdz.card 
    137     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_monthly} = X ] ; then 
    138         LMDZ_NMC_monthly=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_monthly} 
    139     else 
    140         LMDZ_NMC_monthly=n 
    141     fi 
     121    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
     122        LMDZ_NMC_monthly=.TRUE. 
     123    else 
     124        LMDZ_NMC_monthly=.FALSE. 
     125    fi 
    143127    ## Read LMDZ_NMC_daily in lmdz.card 
    144     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_daily} = X ] ; then 
    145         LMDZ_NMC_daily=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_daily} 
    146     else 
    147         LMDZ_NMC_daily=n 
     128    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
     129        LMDZ_NMC_daily=.TRUE. 
     130    else 
     131        LMDZ_NMC_daily=.FALSE. 
    148132    fi 
    150134    ## Read LMDZ_NMC_hf in lmdz.card 
    151     if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_hf} = X ] ; then 
    152         LMDZ_NMC_hf=${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_hf} 
    153     else 
    154         LMDZ_NMC_hf=n 
    155     fi 
     135    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_NMC_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
     136        LMDZ_NMC_hf=.TRUE. 
     137    else 
     138        LMDZ_NMC_hf=.FALSE. 
     139    fi 
    158142    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Initialize" 
    164148    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Update" 
    167     case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    168         *Y|*y)  
    169                LMDZ_ecrit_ISCCP=30. 
    170                LMDZ_periodav=30. 
    171                if [ "${config_UserChoices_CalendarType}" != "360d" ] ; then 
    172                   echo Do not consider following warning if your running create_etat0_limit : 
    173                   echo WARNING !!! For lmdz : calendartype in config.card. PeriodLength=1Y allowed only for CalendarType=360d  
    174                fi 
    175                ;; 
    176         *) 
    177                LMDZ_ecrit_ISCCP=${PeriodLengthInDays}. 
    178                LMDZ_periodav=${PeriodLengthInDays}. 
    179                ;; 
    180     esac 
    182     ##-- Remise ou non a zero de la date initiale de LMDZ pour le fichier run.def 
    183     if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
    184         RAZ_DATE=1 
    185     else 
    186         RAZ_DATE=0 
    187     fi 
    189     ## Algorithme for special treatment for Bands_xxx file 
    190     ## For CumulPeriod=1 ;  
    191     ##        IF NbPeriod_Adjust = 0 ; set LMDZ_adjust=n 
    192     ##                                IF LMDZ_Bands_file_name was given in lmdz.card THEN Get Bands file directly from server. Store it later with _0 suffix. 
    193     ##                                IF no LMDZ_Bands_file_name was given, start without Bands file. Store it later with _0 suffix. 
    194     ##        ELSE set LMDZ_adjust=y ; start without Bands file ; Store it later in PARAM/ directory in submit directory with suffix _1 ; 
    195     ## 
    196     ## For CumulPeriod=2 to LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust ;  
    197     ##       Get Bands file from PARAM/ in submit directory (CumulPeriod-1) ; set LMDZ_adjust=y ; Store Bands file in PARAM/ ; 
    198     ## 
    199     ## For CumulPeriod > LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust ; LMDZ_adjust=n ; Get Bands file from PARAM/ ; Do not store ; 
    201     if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
    202         if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 
    203             if [ ! X${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} = X ] ; then 
    204                 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat  
    205                 IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 
    206                 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 
    207             fi 
    208         fi 
    209     fi 
    211     LMDZ_adjust=n 
    212     [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 
    214     RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 
    215     [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 ))  
    217     # Get Bands file from PARAM directory if file exist 
    218     if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && [ -f ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} ] ) ; then 
    219         IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 
    220         IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 
    221     fi 
    223150    ##-- GHG forcing : 
    224151    ##   If forcing file exist in run directory, read values for the current year  
    227154    # Read value for solaire from file SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt. If file not existing, take DEFAULT value from file.  
     155    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Note that the solaire parameter is here below changed but it is only used by LMDZ for old physics(AP and NPv3.2)" 
     156    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "For newer physics with iflag_rrtm=1 and ok_suntime_rrtm=y, the solar constant is instead taken from solarforcing.nc file" 
    228157    if [ -f SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt ] ; then 
    229158        value=`grep Annee_${year} SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 
    241170    # Read value for co2_ppm from file CO2.txt. If file not existing, take DEFAULT value from file.  
     171    # Calculate co2_ppm_per as co2_ppm*4. 
    242172    if [ -f CO2.txt ] ; then 
    243173        value=`grep Annee_${year} CO2.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 
    247177            IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit 
    248178        fi 
     179        value4=`grep Annee_${year} CO2.txt | awk -F= '{print $2 * 4}'` 
    249180    else 
    250181        value=DEFAULT 
     182        value4=DEFAULT 
    251183    fi 
    252184    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def co2_ppm $value 
     185    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def co2_ppm_per $value4 
    322255    ##   COSP daily output for years 1979 and later (mandatory for historical CMIP5 run). 
    323256    if ([ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_daily1979}" = X"y" ] &&  [ ${year} -ge 1979 ]) ; then 
    324         LMDZ_COSP_daily=y 
    325     fi 
    328     ## output.def parameters 
    329     #  columns in phys_output_filekeys refer to the filenames given in phys_out_filenames in output.def :   
    330     #                                            histmth       histday        histhf    histhf3h   histhf3hm   histstn 
    331     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def phys_out_filekeys "${ok_mensuel} ${ok_journe}   ${ok_hf}  ${ok_hf3h} ${ok_hf3hm} ${ok_stn}" 
    332     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ecrit_ISCCP ${LMDZ_ecrit_ISCCP} 
    333     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ok_cosp     ${LMDZ_COSP_OK} 
    334     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ok_mensuelCOSP  ${LMDZ_COSP_monthly} 
    335     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ok_journeCOSP   ${LMDZ_COSP_daily} 
    336     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ok_hfCOSP   ${LMDZ_COSP_hf} 
    337     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker output.def ok_histNMC  "${LMDZ_NMC_monthly} ${LMDZ_NMC_daily} ${LMDZ_NMC_hf}" 
    339     # XIOS XML definition 
    340     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_XIOS}  = Xy ] ; then 
    341     # Default init : files are desactivated 
    342         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled .FALSE.  
    343         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled .FALSE.  
    344         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled .FALSE. 
    345 #       IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h enabled .FALSE. 
    346 #       IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm enabled .FALSE. 
    347         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled .FALSE. 
    348         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled .FALSE. 
    349         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled .FALSE. 
    350         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled .FALSE. 
    351         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled .FALSE. 
    352         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled .FALSE. 
    353         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled .FALSE. 
    355     # Default output level : 5 
    356         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth output_level 5  
    357         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 5  
    358         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 5 
    359 #       IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h output_level 5 
    360 #       IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm output_level 5 
    361         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn output_level 5 
    362         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC output_level 5 
    363         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC output_level 5 
    364         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC output_level 5 
    365         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP output_level 5 
    366         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP output_level 5 
    367         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP output_level 5 
    368      # Filling of XML files  
    369         if [ X${ok_mensuel} = Xy ] ; then 
    370             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled .TRUE.  
    371             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth output_freq 1mo 
    372             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth name histmth 
    373         fi 
    374         if [ X${ok_journe} = Xy ] ; then         
    375             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled .TRUE.  
    376             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_freq 1d 
    377             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday name histday 
    378             if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] || [ X${OutLevel} = Xmedium ] ; then 
    379                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 2 
    380             fi 
    381         fi 
    382         if [ X${ok_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    383             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled .TRUE.  
    384             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_freq 6h 
    385             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf name histhf 
    386             if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] ; then 
    387                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 2 
    388             fi 
    389         fi       
    390 #       if [ X${ok_hf3h} = Xy ] ; then 
    391 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h enabled .TRUE.  
    392 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h output_freq 3h 
    393 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h name histhf3h 
    394 #       fi       
    395 #       if [ X${ok_hf3hm} = Xy ] ; then 
    396 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm enabled .TRUE.  
    397 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm output_freq 3h 
    398 #           IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm name histhf3hm 
    399 #       fi 
    400         if [ X${ok_stn} = Xy ] ; then 
    401             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled .TRUE.  
    402             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn output_freq 1800s 
    403             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn name histstn 
    404         fi 
    405         if [ X${LMDZ_NMC_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
    406             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled .TRUE.  
    407             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC output_freq 1mo 
    408             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC name histmthNMC 
    409         fi 
    410         if [ X${LMDZ_NMC_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
    411             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled .TRUE.  
    412             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC output_freq 1d 
    413             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC name histdayNMC 
    414         fi 
    415         if [ X${LMDZ_NMC_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    416             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled .TRUE.  
    417             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC output_freq 6h 
    418             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC name histhfNMC 
    419         fi 
    421         if [  X${LMDZ_COSP_OK} = Xy ] ; then 
    422             if [ X${LMDZ_COSP_monthly} = Xy ] ; then 
    423                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled .TRUE.  
    424                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP output_freq 1mo 
    425                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP name histmthCOSP 
    426             fi 
    427             if [ X${LMDZ_COSP_daily} = Xy ] ; then 
    428                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled .TRUE.  
    429                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP output_freq 1d 
    430                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP name histdayCOSP 
    431             fi 
    432             if [ X${LMDZ_COSP_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    433                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled .TRUE.  
    434                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP output_freq 6h 
    435                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP name histhfCOSP 
    436             fi 
    437         fi 
    439     fi 
    441     ## gcm.def parameters :  
    442     # Modification of variable iphysiq depending on the physics 
    443     if [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"AP" ] ; then 
    444         if [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 96x95x39 ]; then 
    445             value=10 
    446         elif [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 144x142x39 ]; then 
    447             value=15 
    448         else 
    449             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LMDZ_Physics=${LMDZ_Physics} has not been tested for the current resolution RESOL_ATM_3D=${RESOL_ATM_3D}. " 
    450             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "iphysiq must be defined for the current combination of resolution and phyiscs package" 
    451             IGCM_debug_Exit "You need to add a special case in lmdz.driver to handle the above combination." 
    452         fi 
    453     elif [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"NPv3.1" ] ; then 
    454         if  [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 96x95x39 ] ; then 
    455             value=5 
    456         elif [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 144x142x39 ] ; then 
    457             value=5 
    458         else 
    459             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LMDZ_Physics=${LMDZ_Physics} has not been tested for the current resolution RESOL_ATM_3D=${RESOL_ATM_3D}. " 
    460             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "iphysiq must be defined for the current combination of resolution and phyiscs package" 
    461             IGCM_debug_Exit "You need to add a special case in lmdz.driver to handle the above combination." 
    462         fi 
    463     elif [ X${LMDZ_Physics} = X"NPv3.2" ] ; then 
    464         if [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 96x95x39 ] ; then 
    465             value=5 
    466         elif [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 144x142x39 ] ; then 
    467             value=5 
    468         elif [ ${RESOL_ATM_3D} = 128x118x39 ] ; then 
    469             value=15 
    470         else 
    471             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LMDZ_Physics=${LMDZ_Physics} has not been tested for the current resolution RESOL_ATM_3D=${RESOL_ATM_3D}. " 
    472             IGCM_debug_Print 1 "iphysiq must be defined for the current combination of resolution and phyiscs package" 
    473             IGCM_debug_Exit "You need to add a special case in lmdz.driver to handle the above combination." 
    474         fi 
    475     else 
    476         # Take default value set in gcm.def 
    477         value=DEFAULT 
    478     fi 
    479     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker gcm.def iphysiq $value 
     257        LMDZ_COSP_daily=.TRUE. 
     258    fi 
     260    ## Modifiy  
     261    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml histmth enabled ${ok_mensuel} 
     263    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday enabled ${ok_journe} 
     265    if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] || [ X${OutLevel} = Xmedium ] ; then 
     266        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 2 
     267    else 
     268        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histday_lmdz.xml histday output_level 5 
     269    fi 
     271    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf enabled ${ok_hf} 
     273    if [ X${OutLevel} = Xlow ] ; then 
     274        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 5 
     275    elif [ X${OutLevel} = Xmedium ] ; then 
     276        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 6 
     277    elif [ X${OutLevel} = Xhigh ] ; then 
     278        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml histhf output_level 7 
     279    fi 
     281    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf3h_lmdz.xml histhf3h enabled ${ok_hf3h} 
     282    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhf3hm_lmdz.xml histhf3hm enabled ${ok_hf3hm} 
     284    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml histstn enabled ${ok_stn} 
     286    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml histmthNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_monthly} 
     287    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml histdayNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_daily} 
     288    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml histhfNMC enabled ${LMDZ_NMC_hf} 
     290    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml histmthCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_monthly} 
     291    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml histdayCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_daily} 
     292    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml histhfCOSP enabled ${LMDZ_COSP_hf} 
     294    # Activate the histstrataer output file only for configuration with interactive stratospheric aersols  
     295    # done by setting the key word LMDZ_strataero=y in lmdz.card 
     296    if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_strataero} = Xy ] ; then 
     297        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled .TRUE. 
     298    else 
     299        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_histstrataer_lmdz.xml histstrataer enabled .FALSE. 
     300    fi 
    482303    ## run.def parameters 
    483     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def dayref   ${InitDay} 
    484     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def nday     ${PeriodLengthInDays} 
    485     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def raz_date ${RAZ_DATE} 
    486     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def periodav ${LMDZ_periodav} 
    487     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def adjust   ${LMDZ_adjust} 
     306    ##-- Remise ou non a zero de la date initiale de LMDZ pour le fichier run.def 
     307    if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
     308        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def raz_date  1 
     309    else 
     310        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def raz_date  0 
     311    fi 
     313    ##-- Calendar type for LMDZ and create_etat0_limit 
     314    case ${config_UserChoices_CalendarType} in 
     315        leap|gregorian) 
     316            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend  gregorian ;; 
     317        noleap) 
     318            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend  earth_365d ;; 
     319        360d) 
     320            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend  earth_360d ;; 
     321        *) 
     322            IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend  earth_360d ;; 
     323    esac 
     325    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def dayref    ${InitDay} 
     326    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def nday      ${PeriodLengthInDays} 
    489328    # Set anneeref different for gcm and ce0l 
    490     # Variable calend is different for a run with create_etat0_limit and the gcm 
    491329    # Test if executable create_etat0_limit is present and lmdz.x is not present 
    492330    if [ -f create_etat0_limit* ] || [ -f ce0l* ] && [ ! -f lmdz.x ] ; then 
    493331        # for case ce0l : always take current year 
    494332        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def anneeref ${year} 
    495         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend   ${CalendarTypeForCreate} 
    497334        # Temporary, set use_filtre_fft=n because we now use dyn3d for ce0l version where fft is not implemented.  
    501338        # for case gcm : take first year of simulation 
    502339        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def anneeref ${InitYear} 
    503         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker run.def calend   ${CalendarTypeForLmdz} 
    504     fi 
    506     # Activate creation of file grilles_gcm.nc only at first period 
    507     if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
    508         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def grilles_gcm_netcdf y 
    509     else 
    510         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def grilles_gcm_netcdf n 
    511340    fi 
    587416    else 
    588417        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def ok_cdnc n  
     418    fi  
     420    # config.def : Activate COSP 
     421    if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} = X ]; then  
     422        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def ok_cosp ${lmdz_UserChoices_LMDZ_COSP_OK} 
     423    else 
     424        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def ok_cosp n  
     425    fi  
     427    # config.def : Modify parameter pmagic if it is set in lmdz.card 
     428    if [ ! X${lmdz_UserChoices_pmagic} = X ]; then  
     429        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def pmagic ${lmdz_UserChoices_pmagic} 
     430    else 
     431        # Take default value set in config.def 
     432        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def pmagic DEFAULT 
    589433    fi  
    622466    fi 
    624     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_XIOS}  = Xy ] ; then 
    625468    # Add include of LMDZ context in iodef.xml 
    626469    # In iodef.xml add on next line after "COMPONENT CONTEXT" 
    627470    #  <context id="LMDZ" src="./context_lmdz.xml"/> 
    628         echo '<context id="LMDZ" src="./context_lmdz.xml"/>' > add.tmp 
    629         cp iodef.xml iodef.xml.tmp 
    630         sed -e "/COMPONENT CONTEXT/r add.tmp" \ 
    631             iodef.xml.tmp > iodef.xml 
    632         rm iodef.xml.tmp add.tmp 
    634         # Set ok_all_xml=y in run.def 
    635         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def ok_all_xml y 
    636     else 
    637         # Deactivate ok_all_xml in run.def 
    638         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker run.def ok_all_xml n 
    639     fi 
     471    echo '<context id="LMDZ" src="./context_lmdz.xml"/>' > add.tmp 
     472    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then 
     473        echo '<context id="LMDZ" src="./ping_lmdz.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
     474        echo '<context id="LMDZ" src="./dr2xml_lmdz.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
     475    fi 
     476    cp iodef.xml iodef.xml.tmp 
     477    sed -e "/COMPONENT CONTEXT/r add.tmp" iodef.xml.tmp > iodef.xml 
     478    rm iodef.xml.tmp add.tmp 
     480    #Long Name as global attribute (if LongName is not empty) 
     481    if [ ! "X${config_UserChoices_LongName}" = "X" ] ; then 
     482        listfile=$(ls file_def*lmdz.xml) 
     483        echo "<variable id=\"LongName\" type=\"string\">${config_UserChoices_LongName}</variable>" > add.tmp 
     484        for file in ${listfile} 
     485        do 
     486            cp ${file} ${file}.tmp 
     487            sed -e "/<file id/r add.tmp" \ 
     488                ${file}.tmp > ${file} 
     489            rm ${file}.tmp  
     490        done 
     491        rm add.tmp 
     492    fi 
    641494    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Update" 
    647500    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 
    649     # If the file exist, copy Bands_ file to PARAM/ in submit directory. This file will be used for the simulation. 
    650     # Copy also the same file into ATM/Restart at ARCHIVE directory for backup. 
    651     if [ -f Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ] ; then  
    652       if [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] ; then 
    653         IGCM_sys_Cp Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 
    654         IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 
    655       elif [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] && [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 
    656         # Special case : first period and no adjust => Save bands file with suffix _0 
    657         IGCM_sys_Cp Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 
    658         IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${RESOL_ATM_3D}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 
    659       fi 
    660     fi 
    662502    # Add special treatement for CARBON CYCLE 

    r2456 r3688  
    5252    FreqCoupling=${oasis_UserChoices_FreqCoupling:-86400} 
     53    FreqCouplingRoffCalv=${oasis_UserChoices_FreqCouplingRoffCalv:-86400} 
    5455    ## Calculate lag for transfer of fields from atmosphere -> ocean. 
    6566    IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Parametre de calcul Lag LMDZ mis a jour " ${day_step} ${iphysiq} ${nsplit_phys} 
    67     (( LagAtm = 86400 / day_step * iphysiq / nsplit_phys )) 
     68    (( LagAtm = 86400 * iphysiq / day_step / nsplit_phys )) 
     69    (( LagAtmRoffCalv = $FreqCoupling + $LagAtm )) 
     70    (( LagOce = 86400 / OPA_NPDT_DAY )) 
    69     (( LagOce = 86400 / ORCA_NPDT_JOUR )) 
     72    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_NPDT_DAY : ${OPA_NPDT_DAY}" 
     73    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LagAtm        : ${LagAtm}" 
     74    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LagAtmRoffCalv : ${LagAtmRoffCalv}" 
     75    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LagOce        : ${LagOce}" 
    7177    ## Use of Lucia ## 
    8086        -e "s/<output_mode>/${CPL_OutputVar}/g" \ 
    8187        -e "s/<freq_coupling>/${FreqCoupling}/g" \ 
     88        -e "s/<freq_coupling_roff_calv>/${FreqCouplingRoffCalv}/g" \ 
    8289        -e "s/<lag_atm>/${LagAtm}/g" \ 
     90        -e "s/<lag_atm_roff_calv>/${LagAtmRoffCalv}/g" \ 
    8391        -e "s/<lag_oce>/${LagOce}/g" \ 
    8492        namcouple > namcouple.tmp 

    r2456 r3688  
    99    RESOL_OCE_ICE=$( echo ${RESOL} | awk "-Fx" '{print $1}' ) 
    1010    case ${RESOL_OCE_ICE} in 
    11         ( *LIM2* ) 
    12         SEAICE_MODEL=LIM2  
    13         LIM_VERSION=2 
    14         ;; 
    16         ( *LIM3* ) 
    17         SEAICE_MODEL=LIM3 
    18         LIM_VERSION=3 
    19         ;; 
    20         ( *CICE*) SEAICE_MODEL=CICE ;; 
    21         ( *     ) SEAICE_MODEL=UNKNOWN ;; 
     11        ( *LIM2* ) SEAICE_MODEL=LIM2 ;  LIM_VERSION=2 ;; 
     12        ( *LIM3* ) SEAICE_MODEL=LIM3 ;  LIM_VERSION=3 ;; 
     13        ( *CICE* ) SEAICE_MODEL=CICE                  ;; 
     14        ( *      ) SEAICE_MODEL=UNKNOWN               ;; 
    2215    esac 
    2316    RESOL_OCE=$( echo ${RESOL_OCE_ICE} | sed "s/${SEAICE_MODEL}//" ) 
    3124    # Local function to find namelists parameters 
    32     supergrep () { 
    33         grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" 
    34     } 
     25    #supergrep () { grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" ; } 
     26    supergrep () { grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" -e "s%^ *$1 *=%%" ; } 
    3627    ##--Variables used by OPA -- 
    38     # cn_exp    experience name 
    39     # nn_it000  number of the first time step 
    40     # nn_itend  number of the last time step 
    41     # nn_date0  initial calendar date yymmdd (used if  nn_rstctl=1) 
    42     # nn_leapy  Leap year calendar (1) or not (0), or 360 days calendar (30) 
    43     # nn_stock  frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 
    44     # nn_write  frequency of write in the output file   (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 
    45     # ln_rstart start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 
    46     # nn_rstctl restart control = 0 nn_it000 is not compared to the restart file value 
    47     #                           = 1 use nn_date0 in namelist_cfg (not the value in the restart file) 
    48     #                           = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 
    49     # nn_msh    =1 create a mesh file (coordinates, scale factors, masks) 
    50     # rn_rdt    time step in seconds for the dynamics (and tracer if nacc=0)   ==> 5760 (coming from namelist) 
    51     # nn_prg    time-step frequency of gap print in model output 
    52     # nn_fwri   frequency of zonal means and transport output 
    5428    NAMELIST_OPA_CFG=${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg 
    55     NAMELIST_OPA_REF=${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_${RESOL_OCE}_ref 
    56     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "namelist_ref : ${NAMELIST_OPA_REF}" 
    57     if [ ! -r ${NAMELIST_OPA_REF} ] ; then 
    58         echo "${NAMELIST_OPA_REF} non trouve" 
    59     fi 
    6029    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "namelist_cfg : ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG}" 
    6130    if [ ! -r ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ] ; then 
    62         echo "${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} non trouve" 
    63     fi 
    65     PAT_CEXPER=$(   supergrep cn_exp      ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    66     PAT_NIT000=$(   supergrep nn_it000    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    67     PAT_NITEND=$(   supergrep nn_itend    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    68     PAT_NDATE0=$(   supergrep nn_date0    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    69     PAT_NLEAPY=$(   supergrep nn_leapy    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    70     PAT_NSTOCK=$(   supergrep nn_stock    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    71     PAT_NWRITE=$(   supergrep nn_write    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    72     PAT_RESTAR=$(   supergrep ln_rstart   ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    73     PAT_NRSTAR=$(   supergrep nn_rstctl   ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    74     PAT_NMSH=$(     supergrep nn_msh      ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    75     PAT_NN_WRITE=$( supergrep nn_write    ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    76     PAT_NN_FWRI=$(  supergrep nn_fwri     ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    77     PAT_ICE_EMBD=$( supergrep nn_ice_embd ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    78     PAT_ICEFLX=$(   supergrep cn_iceflx   ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    79     PAT_JPNI=$(     supergrep jpni        ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    80     PAT_JPNJ=$(     supergrep jpnj        ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    81     PAT_JPNIJ=$(    supergrep jpnij       ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
    82     PAT_NN_FSBC=$(  supergrep nn_fsbc     ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} )  
    84     ORCA_RDT=$(       supergrep rn_rdt        ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} | sed 's/ *rn_rdt *=//'  | sed 's/\. *//' ) 
    85     ORCA_NN_FSBC=$(   supergrep nn_fsbc       ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} | sed 's/ *nn_fsbc *=//' | sed 's/\. *//' ) 
    86     (( ORCA_NPDT_JOUR  = 86400 / ORCA_RDT     )) 
    87     #(( ORCA_NPDT_SBC   = ORCA_NPDT_JOUR / ORCA_NN_FSBC )) 
    88     (( ORCA_RDT_SBC =  ORCA_RDT * ORCA_NN_FSBC )) 
     31        IGCM_debug_Exit "${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} not found" 
     32        IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit 
     33    fi 
     34    OPA_RDT=$(       supergrep rn_rdt        ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
     35    OPA_NN_FSBC=$(   supergrep nn_fsbc       ${NAMELIST_OPA_CFG} ) 
     36    # 
     37    # OPA_RDT=$(       supergrep rn_rdt        namelist_cfg ) 
     38    # OPA_NN_FSBC=$(   supergrep nn_fsbc       namelist_cfg ) 
     39    (( OPA_NPDT_DAY   =  86400 / OPA_RDT        )) 
     40    (( OPA_NPDT_YEAR  =  OPA_NPDT_DAY * 365     )) 
     41    (( OPA_RDT_SBC    =  OPA_RDT * OPA_NN_FSBC )) 
    9143    # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and first day of calendar 0001 01 01 
    9244    # /!\ Needed by OPA namelist to compute file names /!\ 
    9345    (( DaysSinceJC = $( IGCM_date_DaysSinceJC ${DateBegin} ) + 1 )) 
    95     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_CEXPER   $PAT_CEXPER " 
    96     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NIT000   $PAT_NIT000" 
    97     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NITEND   $PAT_NITEND" 
    98     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NDATE0   $PAT_NDATE0" 
    99     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NLEAPY   $PAT_NLEAPY" 
    100     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NSTOCK   $PAT_NSTOCK" 
    101     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NWRITE   $PAT_NWRITE" 
    102     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_RESTAR   $PAT_RESTAR" 
    103     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NRSTAR   $PAT_NRSTAR" 
    104     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NMSH     $PAT_NMSH" 
    105     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NN_WRITE $PAT_NN_WRITE" 
    106     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NN_FWRI  $PAT_NN_FWRI" 
    107     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_ICE_EMBD $PAT_ICE_EMBD" 
    108     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_ICEFLX   $PAT_ICEFLX" 
    109     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_JPNI     $PAT_JPNI" 
    110     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_JPNJ     $PAT_JPNJ" 
    111     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_JPNIJ    $PAT_JPNIJ" 
    112     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "PAT_NN_FSBC  $PAT_NN_FSBC" 
    11347    IGCM_debug_Print 1 " " 
    114     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_RDT        $ORCA_RDT" 
    115     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_NN_FSBC    $ORCA_NN_FSBC" 
    116     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_RDT_SBC    $ORCA_RDT_SBC" 
    117     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_NPDT_JOUR  $ORCA_NPDT_JOUR" 
    118     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DaysSinceJC     $DaysSinceJC" 
     48    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_RDT        ${OPA_RDT}" 
     49    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_NN_FSBC    ${OPA_NN_FSBC}" 
     50    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_RDT_SBC    ${OPA_RDT_SBC}" 
     51    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_NPDT_DAY   ${OPA_NPDT_DAY}" 
     52    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_NPDT_YEAR  ${OPA_NPDT_YEAR}" 
     53    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DaysSinceJC    ${DaysSinceJC}" 
     55    ## Check that nn_fsbc is correct compare to coupling frequency 
     56    FreqCoupling=${oasis_UserChoices_FreqCoupling:-86400} 
     58    ## This informations are used for diaptr, trends and diagap files 
     59    ## only the first frequency is used for this files 
     61    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "FreqCoupling    ${FreqCoupling}" 
     62    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_NN_FSBC    ${OPA_NN_FSBC}" 
     63    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_RDT        ${OPA_RDT}" 
     64    IGCM_debug_Print 1 "OPA_RDT_SBC    ${OPA_RDT_SBC}" 
     66    if [[ ${OPA_RDT_SBC} -gt ${FreqCoupling} ]] ; then 
     67        IGCM_debug_Exit "OPA_RDT_SBC=${OPA_RDT_SBC} is greater than FreqCoupling=${FreqCoupling}" 
     68        IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit 
     69    fi 
    12071    IGCM_debug_PopStack "OCE_Initialize" 
    12778    IGCM_debug_PushStack "OCE_Update" 
    129     ## Check that nn_fsbc is correct compare to coupling frequency 
    131     FreqCoupling=${oasis_UserChoices_FreqCoupling:-86400} 
    133     ## This informations are used for diaptr, trends and diagap files 
    134     ## only the first frequency is used for this files 
    136     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "FreqCoupling    $FreqCoupling" 
    137     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_NN_FSBC    $ORCA_NN_FSBC" 
    138     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_RDT        $ORCA_RDT" 
    139     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ORCA_RDT_SBC    $ORCA_RDT_SBC" 
    141     if [[ ${ORCA_RDT_SBC} -gt ${FreqCoupling} ]] ; then 
    142         IGCM_debug_Exit "ORCA_RDT_SBC=${ORCA_RDT_SBC} is greater than FreqCoupling=${FreqCoupling}" 
    143         IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit 
    144     fi 
    146     ##--Write Frequency Purpose .... 
    147     frequency=$( echo ${config_OCE_WriteFrequency} | awk "-F " '{print $1}' ) 
    148     factor=$( echo ${frequency} | sed -e "s/[yYmMdD]//" ) 
    149     case ${frequency} in 
    150         1Y|1y) 
    151             (( ORCA_NWRITE = ORCA_NPDT_JOUR * factor * $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear  ${year} ) ))          ; 
    152             PREFIX_NWRITE=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}y ; 
    153             R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE=${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y} ; 
    154             WF1=${factor}Y ;; 
    155         1M|1m) 
    156             (( ORCA_NWRITE = ORCA_NPDT_JOUR * factor * $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth ${year} ${month} ) )) ; 
    157             PREFIX_NWRITE=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}m ; 
    158             R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE=${R_OUT_OCE_O_M} ; 
    159             WF1=${factor}M ;; 
    160         *D|*d) 
    161             (( ORCA_NWRITE = ORCA_NPDT_JOUR * factor  ))  ; 
    162             PREFIX_NWRITE=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}d ; 
    163             R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE=${R_OUT_OCE_O_D} ; 
    164             WF1=${factor}D ;; 
    165         *) 
    166             (( ORCA_NWRITE = 0 ))                                                            ;; 
    167     esac 
    16980    ##--Write Frequency for iomput 
    170     ## Differents frequencies are allowed for grid_[TUVW] and icemod files 
     81    ## Differents frequencies are allowed for OCE files 
    17283    V1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     84    V5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
    17385    V1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
    17486    V1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
    17688    for frequency in ${config_OCE_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    17789        case ${frequency} in 
    178             1D|1d) V1D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
    179         esac 
    180         case ${frequency} in 
    181             1M|1m) V1M_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
    182         esac 
    183         case ${frequency} in 
    184             *[yY]) V1Y_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     90            ( 1D|1d ) V1D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     91            ( 5D|5d ) V5D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     92            ( 1M|1m ) V1M_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     93            ( *[yY] ) V1Y_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
    18594        esac 
    18695    done 
    189     ##-- Output level : 3 for more 1D variables 
    190     eval opa9_OUTPUT_LEVEL=\${opa9_UserChoices_OUTPUT_LEVEL} > /dev/null 2>&1 
    191     OUTPUT_LEVEL=${opa9_OUTPUT_LEVEL} 
    19497    # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and first day of calendar 0001 01 01 
    198101    ##-- Number of time steps updated : the first, the last and the number of time steps 
    199     (( ORCA_NIT000 = ( PeriodDaysSinceJC - DaysSinceJC ) * ORCA_NPDT_JOUR + 1 )) 
    200     (( ORCA_NPDT   = PeriodLengthInDays * ORCA_NPDT_JOUR )) 
    201     (( ORCA_NITEND = ORCA_NIT000 + ORCA_NPDT - 1)) 
     102    (( OPA_NIT000 = ( PeriodDaysSinceJC - DaysSinceJC ) * OPA_NPDT_DAY + 1 )) 
     103    (( OPA_NPDT   = PeriodLengthInDays * OPA_NPDT_DAY )) 
     104    (( OPA_NITEND = OPA_NIT000 + OPA_NPDT - 1)) 
    203106    ##-- We force one restart file at the end of the trunk 
    204     ORCA_NSTOCK="${ORCA_NITEND}" 
    206     ##-- Restart configuration 
    207     if ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_OCE_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 
    208         ORCA_LRSTAR=.FALSE. 
    209         ORCA_NRSTDT=0 
    210         # Put ORCA_NMSH=0 when OPA running in parallel mode 
    211         ORCA_NMSH=1 
    212         #echo "NO OPA RESTART" 
     107    OPA_NSTOCK="${OPA_NITEND}" 
     110    ##-- Additionnal Restart Option to force reproducibility ; force kt to kt red in restart file 
     111    ## ${opa9_UserChoices_Reproducibility_after_restart} 
     113    IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/opa9.card UserChoices Reproducibility_after_restart 
     115   ##-- Restart configuration 
     116    if ( [ "${opa9_UserChoices_Reproducibility_after_restart}" = "y" ] ) ; then 
     117      OPA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. 
     118      OPA_NRSTDT=2 
     119      #echo "OPA RESTART" 
     120      IGCM_debug_Print 1 'WARNING : dangerous option' 
     121      IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Reproducibility_after_Restart forced ie kt forced to kt red in restart file : ' ${opa9_UserChoices_Reproducibility_after_restart} 
     122    elif ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_OCE_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 
     123      OPA_LRSTAR=.FALSE. 
     124      OPA_NRSTDT=0 
     125      #echo "NO OPA RESTART" 
    213126    elif ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_OCE_Restart}" = "y" ] ) ; then 
    214         ORCA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. 
    215         ORCA_NRSTDT=0 
    216         ORCA_NMSH=1 
    217         #echo "OPA RESTART" 
     127      OPA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. 
     128      OPA_NRSTDT=0 
     129      #echo "OPA RESTART" 
    218130    else 
    219         ORCA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. 
    220         ORCA_NRSTDT=2 
    221         ORCA_NMSH=0 
    222         #echo "OPA RESTART" 
    223     fi 
    225     ##-- Meshmask option 
     131      OPA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. 
     132      OPA_NRSTDT=2 
     133      #echo "OPA RESTART" 
     134    fi 
     136    if ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${opa9_UserChoices_Restart_TS_only}" = "y" ] ) ; then 
     137      OPA_LRSTAR_TS=.TRUE. 
     138    else 
     139      OPA_LRSTAR_TS=.FALSE. 
     140    fi 
     142    ##-- Meshmask option. Forced only once. 
    226143    IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/opa9.card UserChoices mesh_mask 
     145    OPA_NMSH=0 
    228146    if [ "${opa9_UserChoices_mesh_mask}" = "y" ]; then 
    229         ORCA_NMSH=1 
     147        OPA_NMSH=1 
    230148        IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/opa9.card UserChoices mesh_mask "n" 
    231149    fi 
    233151    # nleapy configuration 
    234152    case ${config_UserChoices_CalendarType} in 
    235         leap|gregorian) 
    236             ORCA_NLEAPY=1;; 
    237         noleap) 
    238             ORCA_NLEAPY=0;; 
    239         360d) 
    240             ORCA_NLEAPY=30;; 
    241         *) 
    242             ORCA_NLEAPY=30 
     153        ( leap|gregorian) OPA_NLEAPY=1  ;; 
     154        ( noleap        ) OPA_NLEAPY=0  ;; 
     155        ( 360d          ) OPA_NLEAPY=30 ;; 
     156        ( *             ) OPA_NLEAPY=30 ;; 
    243157    esac 
     159    if ( [ "${opa9_UserChoices_Reproducibility_after_restart}" = "y" ] ) ; then 
     160      NEMO_KT_FROM_RESTART=$(ncdump -v kt restartopa_0000.nc|grep 'kt ='|awk '{print $3}' ) 
     161      (( NEMO_NIT000 = NEMO_KT_FROM_RESTART + 1 )) 
     162      (( NEMO_NITEND = NEMO_KT_FROM_RESTART + OPA_NITEND - OPA_NIT000 + 1 )) 
     163      IGCM_debug_Print 1 "NEMO_NIT000 (from Restart)        : ${NEMO_NIT000}" 
     164      IGCM_debug_Print 1 "NEMO_NITEND (from Restart + ... ) : ${NEMO_NITEND}" 
     165      ##-- We force one restart file at the end of the trunk 
     166      OPA_NSTOCK="${NEMO_NITEND}" 
     167      OPA_NIT000="${NEMO_NIT000}" 
     168      OPA_NITEND="${NEMO_NITEND}" 
     169    fi 
    245171    typeset -r PRECIS=8 
    246     NEMO_END=$( echo $( awk "BEGIN { printf \"%0${PRECIS}d\",${ORCA_NITEND} }" ) )  
    249     case ${SEAICE_MODEL} in 
    250         ( LIM2 )  
    251         NN_ICE_EMBD=0 
    252         ICEFLX=none 
    253         ;; 
    254         ( LIM3 )  
    255         NN_ICE_EMBD=2 
    256         ICEFLX=${opa9_UserChoices_iceflx:-linear} 
    257         ;; 
    258     esac 
    260     IGCM_debug_Print 1 "NUM_PROC_OCE : " ${NUM_PROC_OCE} 
    262     sed -e "s/${PAT_CEXPER}/       cn_exp=\"${config_UserChoices_JobName}\"/"   \ 
    263         -e "s/${PAT_NIT000}/       nn_it000=${ORCA_NIT000}/"                    \ 
    264         -e "s/${PAT_NITEND}/       nn_itend=${ORCA_NITEND}/"                    \ 
    265         -e "s/${PAT_NDATE0}/       nn_date0=${PeriodDateBegin}/"                \ 
    266         -e "s%${PAT_NLEAPY}%       nn_leapy=${ORCA_NLEAPY}%"                    \ 
    267         -e "s/${PAT_NSTOCK}/       nn_stock=${ORCA_NSTOCK}/"                    \ 
    268         -e "s/${PAT_NWRITE}/       nn_write=${ORCA_NWRITE}/"                    \ 
    269         -e "s/${PAT_RESTAR}/       ln_rstart=${ORCA_LRSTAR}/"                   \ 
    270         -e "s/${PAT_NRSTAR}/       nn_rstctl=${ORCA_NRSTDT}/"                   \ 
    271         -e "s/${PAT_NMSH}/         nn_msh=${ORCA_NMSH}/"                        \ 
    272         -e "s/${PAT_NN_WRITE}/     nn_prg=${ORCA_NWRITE}/"                      \ 
    273         -e "s/${PAT_NN_FWRI}/      nn_fwri=${ORCA_NWRITE}/"                     \ 
    274         -e "s/${PAT_NN_FSBC}/      nn_fsbc=${ORCA_NN_FSBC}/"                    \ 
    275         -e "s/${PAT_ICE_EMBD}/     nn_ice_embd=${NN_ICE_EMBD}/"                 \ 
    276         -e "s/${PAT_ICEFLX}/       cn_iceflx=\'${ICEFLX}'/"                     \ 
    277         -e "s/${PAT_JPNI}/         jpni=1/"                                     \ 
    278         -e "s/${PAT_JPNJ}/         jpnj=${NUM_PROC_OCE}/"                       \ 
    279         -e "s/${PAT_JPNIJ}/        jpnij=${NUM_PROC_OCE}/"                      \ 
    280         namelist_cfg > namelist_cfg.tmp 
    282     IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_cfg.tmp namelist_cfg 
    284     IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Variables automatically updated in ORCA namelist_cfg' 
    285     grep AUTO namelist_cfg 
    287     # update iodef.xml 
    289     IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Informations into iodef.xml : V1D_ENABLE V1M_ENABLE V1Y_ENABLE OUTPUT_LEVEL' 
    290     IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${V1D_ENABLE} ${V1M_ENABLE} ${V1Y_ENABLE} ${OUTPUT_LEVEL} 
    292     sed -e "s/_1D_ENABLE_/${V1D_ENABLE}/" \ 
    293         -e "s/_1M_ENABLE_/${V1M_ENABLE}/" \ 
    294         -e "s/_1Y_ENABLE_/${V1Y_ENABLE}/" \ 
    295         -e "s/_OUTPUT_LEVEL_/${OUTPUT_LEVEL}/" \ 
    296         context_nemo.xml > context_nemo.xml.tmp 
    298     IGCM_sys_Mv context_nemo.xml.tmp context_nemo.xml 
     172    NEMO_END=$( echo $( awk "BEGIN { printf \"%0${PRECIS}d\",${OPA_NITEND} }" ) )  
     174    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg cn_exp       ${config_UserChoices_JobName} 
     175    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_it000     ${OPA_NIT000} 
     176    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_itend     ${OPA_NITEND} 
     177    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg ln_rstart    ${OPA_LRSTAR} 
     178    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg ln_rstart_ts ${OPA_LRSTAR_TS} 
     179    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_stock     ${OPA_NSTOCK} 
     180    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_rstctl    ${OPA_NRSTDT} 
     181    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_date0     ${PeriodDateBegin} 
     182    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist nonblocker namelist_cfg nn_msh       ${OPA_NMSH} 
     183    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist nonblocker namelist_cfg nn_rnf_depth_file  ${OPA_NMSH} 
     184    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker    namelist_cfg nn_leapy     ${OPA_NLEAPY} 
     186    # Update iodef.xml 
     188    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then        
     189        V1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     190        V5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     191        V1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     192        V1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     193    fi 
     195    IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Informations into iodef.xml : V1D_ENABLE V5D_ENABLE V1M_ENABLE V1Y_ENABLE ' 
     196    IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${V1D_ENABLE}  ${V5D_ENABLE} ${V1M_ENABLE} ${V1Y_ENABLE} 
     198    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-opa.xml 1d_opa enabled ${V1D_ENABLE} 
     199    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-opa.xml 5d_opa enabled ${V5D_ENABLE} 
     200    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-opa.xml 1m_opa enabled ${V1M_ENABLE} 
     201    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-opa.xml 1y_opa enabled ${V1Y_ENABLE} 
     203    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force context_nemo.xml ref_year NONE ${opa9_UserChoices_TimeOrigin} 
    300206    # vargas/titane/MPP and switch from 1 proc to 5 procs. We need to suppres restartopa the second month, if restartopa_0000 exist 
    301207    # same thing for restart_trc and restart_ice_in 
    309215    #  <context id="nemo" src="./context_nemo.xml"/> 
    310216    echo '<context id="nemo" src="./context_nemo.xml"/>' > add.tmp 
     217    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then 
     218        echo '<context id="nemo" src="./ping_nemo.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
     219        echo '<context id="nemo" src="./dr2xml_opa9.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
     220    fi 
    311221    cp iodef.xml iodef.xml.tmp 
    312222    sed -e "/COMPONENT CONTEXT/r add.tmp" \ 
    314224    rm iodef.xml.tmp add.tmp 
     226    #Long Name as global attribute (if LongName is not empty) 
     227    if [ ! "X${config_UserChoices_LongName}" = "X" ] ; then 
     228        listfile=$(ls file_def_nemo*.xml) 
     229        echo "<variable id=\"LongName\" type=\"string\">${config_UserChoices_LongName}</variable>" > add.tmp 
     230        for file in ${listfile} 
     231        do 
     232            cp ${file} ${file}.tmp 
     233            sed -e "/<file id/r add.tmp" \ 
     234                ${file}.tmp > ${file} 
     235            rm ${file}.tmp  
     236        done  
     237        rm add.tmp 
     238    fi 
    317240    IGCM_debug_PopStack "OCE_Update" 
    323246    IGCM_debug_PushStack "OCE_Finalize" 
    325     if [ -f date.file ] ; then 
    326         # Prefix use in opa9.card AND in lim2.card : 
    327         DATE_OPA=$( cat date.file | \ 
    328             sed "s/\ ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_[0-9]*[a-z]_\([0-9]*_[0-9]*\)_\ */\1/g" ) 
    329         MainPrefix=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_${DATE_OPA} 
    330         SecondPrefix=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1m_${DATE_OPA} 
    331     fi 
    333248    IGCM_debug_Print 1 FINALIZE OCE !!! 

    r2456 r3688  
    2 #D- Driver du script pour ORCHIDEE 
     2## Driver for the component SRF corresponding to the sechiba part of ORCHIDEE 
    44function SRF_Initialize 
    66    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Initialize" 
    8     RESOL_SRF=ALL 
    10     for frequency in ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    11         case ${frequency} in 
    12             HF|hf) SRF_ok_hf=y ;; 
    13         esac 
    14     done 
    168    ##- Define variable DefSuffix set in orchidee.card 
    17     ##  This variable is used in orchidee.card to choose  
    18     ##  parameter file(orchidee.def_DefSuffix).  
     9    ##  This variable is used in orchidee.card to choose 
     10    ##  parameter file(orchidee.def_DefSuffix). 
    1911    if [ ! X${orchidee_UserChoices_DefSuffix} = X ] ; then 
    20         DefSuffix=${orchidee_UserChoices_DefSuffix} 
     12        DefSuffix=${orchidee_UserChoices_DefSuffix} 
    2113    else 
    22         DefSuffix=Choi 
     14        DefSuffix=Choi 
    2315    fi 
    3123    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Update" 
     25    ## 1. Modifications in orchidee.def parameter file 
    3327    # Activate STOMATE if the compontent SBG=stomate is set in config.card 
    3428    if [ X${config_ListOfComponents_SBG} = Xstomate ] ; then 
    35         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE y 
     29        # Activate stomate in orchidee.def 
     30        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE y 
    3631    else 
    37         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE n 
     32        # Deactivate stomate in orchidee.def 
     33        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE n 
     34        # Deactivate output files for stomate 
     35        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 
     36        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level 0 
     37        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
     38        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 
     39        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level 0 
     40        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
    3841    fi 
    40     typeset SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP 
    42     if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    43         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .FALSE.  
    44         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .FALSE.  
    45         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK y 
     43    # Define in orchidee.def if restart file should be used 
     44    if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -ne 1 ] || [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" != "n" ] ) ; then 
     45        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_restart_in sechiba_rest_in.nc 
    4646    else 
    47         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK n 
    48     fi     
    50     SRF_WriteFrequency=$( echo ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*[yYmMdDs]\).*/\1/' )  
    51     case ${SRF_WriteFrequency} in 
    52         *Y|*y)  
    53             WriteInYears=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    54             PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    55             (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = PeriodLengthInDays * WriteInYears / PeriodLengthInYears * 86400 ))  
    56             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    57                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    58                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInYears}y 
    59                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    60             fi 
    61             ;; 
    62         1M) 
    63             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    64                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    65                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1mo 
    66                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    67             fi 
    68             case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    69             *Y|*y) 
    70                 SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP=-1. 
    71                 ;; 
    72             *M|*m) 
    73                 SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP=-1. 
    74                 ;; 
    75             *) 
    76                 (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) * 86400 )) 
    77                 ;; 
    78             esac 
    79             ;; 
    80         *M|*m)  
    81             WriteInMonths=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    82             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    83                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    84                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInMonths}mo 
    85                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    86             fi 
    87             case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    88             *Y|*y) 
    89                 PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    90                 (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = PeriodLengthInDays * 86400 / PeriodLengthInYears / 12  )) 
    91                 ;; 
    92             *M|*m) 
    93                 PeriodLengthInMonths=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    94                 (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = PeriodLengthInDays * WriteInMonths  * 86400 / PeriodLengthInMonths  )) 
    95                 ;; 
    96             *) 
    97                 (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) * 86400 )) 
    98                 if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    99                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    100                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP}s 
    101                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 
    102                 fi 
    103                 ;; 
    104             esac 
    105             ;; 
    106         5D|5d)  
    107             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    108                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    109                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 5d 
    110                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    111             fi 
    112             (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = 5 * 86400 ))  
    113             ;; 
    114         1D|1d)  
    115             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    116                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    117                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1d 
    118                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    119             fi 
    120             (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = 86400 ))  
    121             ;; 
    122         *s) 
    123             WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 
    124             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    125                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    126                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInSeconds}s 
    127                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    128             fi 
    129             (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = WriteInSeconds )) ;; 
    130         *)  
    131             IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update " ${SRF_WriteFrequency} " invalid WriteFrequency : choose in 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D."  
    132             IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    133     esac 
    135 #Use of XIOS ouputs only 
    137     if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    138         (( SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP = 0 )) 
    139     fi 
    140     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def WRITE_STEP ${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP} 
    141     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL ${orchidee_UserChoices_sechiba_LEVEL} 
    143     # Outputs HF in HISTFILE2 if required 
    144     if [ X${SRF_ok_hf} = Xy ] ; then 
    145         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 y 
    146         if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    147             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .TRUE.  
    148             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq 10800s 
    149             IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 name sechiba_out_2 
    150         fi 
    151     else 
    152         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 n 
    153     fi 
    154     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 1 
    155     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def WRITE_STEP2 10800.0 
    157     if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -ne 1 ] || [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" != "n" ] ) ; then 
    158         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_restart_in sechiba_rest_in.nc 
    159     else 
    160         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_restart_in NONE 
     47        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_restart_in NONE 
    16148    fi 
    163 # Modify in orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE and LAND_COVER_CHANGE if they are set in orchidee.card section UserChoices 
    164     if [ ! X${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} = X ] ; then 
    165         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE   ${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} 
    166     else 
    167         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE 0Y 
    168     fi 
    169     if [ ! X${orchidee_UserChoices_LAND_COVER_CHANGE} = X ] ; then 
    170         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def LAND_COVER_CHANGE ${orchidee_UserChoices_LAND_COVER_CHANGE} 
    171     else 
    172         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def LAND_COVER_CHANGE n 
     50    # Set VEGET_UPDATE=1Y in orchidee.def if VEGET_UPDATE_at_start=y in orchidee.card and if it is the first cumul periond (start of new simulation) 
     51    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE_at_start} = Xy ] && [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
     52        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE   1Y 
    17353    fi 
    175     #IGCM_sys_Cp ${RUN_DIR}/orchidee.def ${RUN_DIR}/run.def 
    176     #IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_run.def 
     55    # Modify in orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE if it is set in orchidee.card section UserChoices 
     56    # Note: if the variable has been set by VEGET_UPDATE_at_start, this section will not overwrite it. 
     57    if [ ! X${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} = X ] ; then 
     58        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE   ${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} 
     59    else 
     60        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE 0Y 
     61    fi 
    178 #Temporary way to fix bug on cimean variable 
    179     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force field_def_orchidee.xml cimean enabled .FALSE.  
     63    # Activate creation of river description file only for the first period 
     64    if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
     65        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def RIVER_DESC y 
     66    else 
     67        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def RIVER_DESC n 
     68    fi 
    181     if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
     71    ## 2. Mangement of output and modifications of related xml files 
     72    # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file using settings from orchidee.card 
     73    # We here suppose that for each file, in orchidee.card UserChoices section, if the parameter  
     74    # output_level_filename is set, then also output_freq_filename must be set. The existance of output_freq_filename will not be checked.  
     75    # If output_level_filename=NONE or if it is not set, the corresponding file will be deactivated. 
     76    # Settings in config.card WriteFrequency are not used any more. 
     78    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     79        # output_level_sechiba_history is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     80        # Deactivate the file. 
     81        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .FALSE. 
     82        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level 0 
     83        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1mo 
     84    else 
     85        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled      .TRUE. 
     86        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} 
     87        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history} 
     88    fi 
     90    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = XNONE ] ; then 
     91        # output_level_sechiba_out_2 is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     92        # Deactivate the file. 
     93        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .FALSE. 
     94        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level 0 
     95        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq 1mo 
     96    else 
     97        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled      .TRUE. 
     98        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} 
     99        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_out_2} 
     100    fi 
     102    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = XNONE ] ; then 
     103        # output_level_sechiba_history_4dim is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     104        # Deactivate the file. 
     105        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled .FALSE. 
     106        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level 0 
     107        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq 1mo 
     108    else 
     109        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled      .TRUE. 
     110        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     111        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     112    fi 
    182115    # Add include of orchidee context in iodef.xml 
    183116    # In iodef.xml add on next line after "COMPONENT CONTEXT" 
    184117    #  <context id="orchidee" src="./context_orchidee.xml"/> 
    185         echo '<context id="orchidee" src="./context_orchidee.xml"/>' > add.tmp 
    186         cp iodef.xml iodef.xml.tmp 
    187         sed -e "/COMPONENT CONTEXT/r add.tmp" \ 
    188             iodef.xml.tmp > iodef.xml 
    189         rm iodef.xml.tmp add.tmp 
     118    echo '<context id="orchidee" src="./context_orchidee.xml"/>' > add.tmp 
     119    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then 
     120        echo '<context id="orchidee" src="./ping_orchidee.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
     121        echo '<context id="orchidee" src="./dr2xml_orchidee.xml"/>' >> add.tmp 
    190122    fi 
     123    cp iodef.xml iodef.xml.tmp 
     124    sed -e "/COMPONENT CONTEXT/r add.tmp" iodef.xml.tmp > iodef.xml 
     125    rm iodef.xml.tmp add.tmp 
     127    # Add LongName as global attribute in XIOS output files (if LongName is not empty) 
     128    if [ ! "X${config_UserChoices_LongName}" = "X" ] ; then 
     129        listfile=$(ls file_def*orchidee.xml) 
     130        echo "<variable id=\"LongName\" type=\"string\">${config_UserChoices_LongName}</variable>" > add.tmp 
     131        for file in ${listfile} 
     132        do 
     133            cp ${file} ${file}.tmp 
     134            sed -e "/<file id/r add.tmp" \ 
     135                ${file}.tmp > ${file} 
     136            rm ${file}.tmp  
     137        done  
     138        rm add.tmp 
     139    fi 
    192142    IGCM_debug_PopStack "SRF_Update" 
    198148    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Finalize" 
    200     #IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/used_run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_used_run.def 
    202     echo FINALIZE SRF !!! 
    204150    IGCM_debug_PopStack "SRF_Finalize" 

    r2456 r3688  
    66    IGCM_debug_PushStack "MBG_Initialize" 
    8 # Local function to find namelists parameters 
    9 supergrep () { 
    10     grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" 
    11 } 
     8    # Local function to find parameters in LMDZ .def files 
    13 # Local function to find parameters in LMDZ .def files 
    15 lmdzgrep () { 
    16     grep $1 $2 |grep -v "#" | awk "-F=" '{print $2}' 
     10lmdzgrep2 () { 
     11     grep -w ${1} ${2} | grep -v "#"  | sed -e 's/=//g' -e 's/://g' -e 's/_AUTO_//' -e 's/DEFAULT//' | sed -e "s/${1}//"  
    2217    # nrsttr    control of the time step (0, 1 or 2) 
    24     ##--Variables used by PISCES -- 
    26     NAMELIST_TOP_CFG=${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg 
    27     NAMELIST_PISCES_CFG=${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg 
    29     PAT_TOP_LRSTTR=$( supergrep ln_rsttr          ${NAMELIST_TOP_CFG} ) 
    30     PAT_TOP_NRSTTR=$( supergrep nn_rsttr          ${NAMELIST_TOP_CFG} ) 
    31     PAT_PIS_ATCCO2=$( supergrep atcco2            ${NAMELIST_PISCES_CFG} ) 
    32     PAT_PIS_LRIVER=$( supergrep ln_river          ${NAMELIST_PISCES_CFG} ) 
    3419    IGCM_debug_PopStack "MBG_Initialize" 
    4025    IGCM_debug_PushStack "MBG_Update" 
     27    ##--Write Frequency for iomput 
     28    ## Differents frequencies are allowed for MBG files 
     30    VT1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     31    VT5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     32    VT1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     33    VT1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     35    for frequency in ${config_MBG_WriteFrequency} ; do 
     36        case ${frequency} in 
     37            ( 1D|1d ) VT1D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     38            ( 5D|5d ) VT5D_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     39            ( 1M|1m ) VT1M_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     40            ( *[yY] ) VT1Y_ENABLE=".TRUE." ;; 
     41        esac 
     42    done 
    4244    ##-- Restart configuration 
    4345    if ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_MBG_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 
    4547        #echo "NO RESTART FOR TOP" 
    46         TOP_LRSTTR=.FALSE. 
    47         TOP_NRSTTR=0 
    49         PISCES_LRIVER=.FALSE. 
     48        TOP_LN_RSTR=.FALSE. 
     49        TOP_NN_RSTR=0 
    5151    elif ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_MBG_Restart}" = "y" ] ) ; then 
    5353        #echo "RESTART TOP" 
    54         TOP_LRSTTR=.TRUE. 
    55         TOP_NRSTTR=0 
    57         PISCES_LRIVER=.TRUE. 
     54        TOP_LN_RSTR=.TRUE. 
     55        TOP_NN_RSTR=0 
    5957        # If we start from IPSLCM5* restart files. 
    6664        #echo "RESTART TOP" 
    67         TOP_LRSTTR=.TRUE. 
    68         TOP_NRSTTR=2 
    70         PISCES_LRIVER=.FALSE. 
     65        TOP_LN_RSTR=.TRUE. 
     66        TOP_NN_RSTR=2 
    7268    fi 
    8177    # update iodef.xml 
    83     echo 'Informations into iodef.xml : DBIO_ENABLE' 
    84     echo ${DBIO_ENABLE} 
     79    IGCM_debug_Print 1 " 'Informations into iodef.xml : DBIO_ENABLE : ${DBIO_ENABLE}" 
    8681    sed -e "s/<DBIO_ENABLE>/${DBIO_ENABLE}/" \ 
    9186    ##-- CO2 forcing : update atcco2 value in namelist_pisces_cfg 
    9287    if [ "${pisces_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = "y" ]; then 
    93         # Special case for carbon cycle 
     88        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Special case for carbon cycle" 
    9489        # Activate this case by putting CARBON_CYCLE=y in pisces.card section UserChoices 
    95         echo 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces_cfg with value from file co2.log' 
     90        IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces_cfg with value from file co2.log' 
    9691        PathCO2log=${SUBMIT_DIR} 
    9792        PreviousLinelog=$( tail -1 ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
    9893        IPCC_PIS_CO2=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
    99         sed -e "s%${PAT_PIS_ATCCO2}%          atcco2=${IPCC_PIS_CO2}%"             \ 
    100             namelist_pisces_cfg > namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp 
    101         IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp namelist_pisces_cfg 
     94        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IPCC_PIS_CO2 : ${IPCC_PIS_CO2} " 
     95        IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist force  namelist_pisces_cfg atcco2 ${IPCC_PIS_CO2} 
    10296    else 
    103         # Take same CO2 as for LMDZ, in parameter file config.def. 
    104         # ATM_Update is done before MBG_Update and therefor config.def file contains the correct value for CO2. 
    105         echo 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces_cfg with same value as for LMDZ' 
    106         LMDZ_CO2=$( lmdzgrep co2_ppm config.def ) 
    107         sed -e "s%${PAT_PIS_ATCCO2}%          atcco2=${LMDZ_CO2}%"             \ 
    108             namelist_pisces_cfg > namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp 
    109         IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp namelist_pisces_cfg 
     97        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Take same CO2 as for LMDZ, in parameter file config.def." 
     98        # ATM_Update is done before MBG_Update and therefore config.def file contains the correct value for CO2. 
     99        IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Update atcco2 in namelist_pisces_cfg with same value as for LMDZ' 
     100        LMDZ_CO2=$( lmdzgrep2 co2_ppm config.def ) 
     101        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "LMDZ_CO2 : ${LMDZ_CO2} " 
     102        IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist force  namelist_pisces_cfg atcco2 ${LMDZ_CO2} 
    110103    fi 
    112105    ##-- Update namelist_top_cfg and namelist_pisces_cfg 
     106    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker  namelist_top_cfg     ln_rsttr   ${TOP_LN_RSTR} 
     107    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker  namelist_top_cfg     nn_rsttr   ${TOP_NN_RSTR} 
     108    IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist blocker  namelist_pisces_cfg  nn_pisdmp  ${OPA_NPDT_YEAR} 
     110    # Update iodef.xml 
    114     sed -e "s%${PAT_TOP_LRSTTR}%          ln_rsttr=${TOP_LRSTTR}%"                   \ 
    115         -e "s%${PAT_TOP_NRSTTR}%          nn_rsttr=${TOP_NRSTTR}%"                   \ 
    116         namelist_top_cfg > namelist_top_cfg.tmp 
     112    if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then        
     113        VT1D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     114        VT5D_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     115        VT1M_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     116        VT1Y_ENABLE=".FALSE." 
     117    fi 
    118     IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_top_cfg.tmp namelist_top_cfg 
     119    IGCM_debug_Print 1 'Informations into iodef.xml : VT1D_ENABLE VT5D_ENABLE VT1M_ENABLE VT1Y_ENABLE ' 
     120    IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${VT1D_ENABLE}  ${VT5D_ENABLE} ${VT1M_ENABLE} ${VT1Y_ENABLE} 
    120     sed -e "s%${PAT_PIS_LRIVER}%          ln_river=${PISCES_LRIVER}%"                \ 
    121         namelist_pisces_cfg > namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp 
    123     IGCM_sys_Mv namelist_pisces_cfg.tmp namelist_pisces_cfg 
     122    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-pisces.xml 1d_pis enabled ${VT1D_ENABLE} 
     123    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-pisces.xml 5d_pis enabled ${VT5D_ENABLE} 
     124    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-pisces.xml 1m_pis enabled ${VT1M_ENABLE} 
     125    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_nemo-pisces.xml 1y_pis enabled ${VT1Y_ENABLE} 
    126127    IGCM_debug_PopStack "MBG_Update" 

    r2456 r3688  
    3 #D- Driver du script pour ORCHIDEE 
     3#D- Driver for ORCHIDEE stomate component (SBG) 
    88    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SBG_Initialize" 
    10     RESOL_SBG=ALL 
    1210    IGCM_debug_PopStack "SBG_Initialize" 
    1816    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SBG_Update" 
    20     typeset STOMATE_WRITE_STEP 
    22     if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    23         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE.  
    24         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE.  
    25     fi    
    26     case ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} in 
    27         *Y|*y)  
    28             WriteInYears=$( echo ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    29             PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    30             (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = PeriodLengthInDays * WriteInYears / PeriodLengthInYears ))  
    31             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    32                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    33                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq ${WriteInYears}y 
    34                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history  
    35                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    36                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq ${WriteInYears}y 
    37                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    39             fi 
    40             ;; 
    41         1M|1m)  
    42             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    43                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    44                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
    45                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history  
    46                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    47                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
    48                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    49             fi 
    50             case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    51             *Y|*y) 
    52                 STOMATE_WRITE_STEP=-1. 
    53                 ;; 
    54             *M|*m) 
    55                 STOMATE_WRITE_STEP=-1. 
    56                 ;; 
    57             *) 
    58                 (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) )) ;; 
    59             esac 
    60             ;; 
    61         *M|*m)  
    62             WriteInMonths=$( echo ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    63             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    64                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    65                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq ${WriteInMonths}mo 
    66                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history  
    67                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    68                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq ${WriteInMonths}mo 
    69                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    70             fi 
    71             case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in 
    72             *Y|*y) 
    73                 PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    74                 (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = 30 )) 
    75                 ;; 
    76             *M|*m) 
    77                 PeriodLengthInMonths=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    78                 (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = PeriodLengthInDays * WriteInMonths / PeriodLengthInMonths )) 
    79                 ;; 
    80             *) 
    81                 (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) ))  
    82                 if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    83                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    84                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq ${STOMATE_WRITE_STEP}s 
    85                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history 
    86                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    87                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq ${STOMATE_WRITE_STEP}s 
    88                     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history 
    89                 fi 
    90                 ;; 
    91             esac 
    92             ;; 
    93         5D|5d)  
    94             (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = 5 )) 
    95             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    96                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    97                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 5d 
    98                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history  
    99                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    100                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 5d 
    101                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    102             fi 
    103             ;; 
    104         1D|1d)  
    105             (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = 1 ))  
    106             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    107                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .TRUE.  
    108                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1d 
    109                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 name stomate_history  
    110                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    111                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1d 
    112                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    113             fi 
    114             ;; 
    115         *s) 
    116             WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 
    117             if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    118                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE.  
    119                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInSeconds}s 
    120                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history  
    121                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .TRUE.  
    122                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq ${WriteInSeconds}s 
    123                 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 name stomate_ipcc_history  
    124             fi 
    125             (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = 1 )) ;; 
    126         *)  
    127             IGCM_debug_Exit "SBG_Update " ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} " invalid WriteFrequency : choose in 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D."  
    128             IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    129     esac 
    132 #Use of XIOS library only 
    134     if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_XIOS} = Xy ] ; then 
    135         (( STOMATE_WRITE_STEP = 0 )) 
     18    # Output management 
     19    # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file using settings from stomate.card 
     20    # We here suppose that for each file, in stomate.card UserChoices section, if the parameter  
     21    # output_level_filename is set, then also output_freq_filename must be set. The existance of output_freq_filename will not be checked.  
     22    # If output_level_filename=NONE or if it is not set, the corresponding file will be deactivated. 
     24    if [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} = X ] || [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     25        # output_level_stomate_history is not set in stomate.card or it is set to NONE. 
     26        # Deactivate the file. 
     27        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 
     28        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level 0 
     29        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
     30    else 
     31        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled      .TRUE. 
     32        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level ${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} 
     33        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq  ${stomate_UserChoices_output_freq_stomate_history} 
     34    fi 
     36    if [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} = X ] || [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     37        # output_level_stomate_ipcc_history is not set in stomate.card or it is set to NONE. 
     38        # Deactivate the file. 
     39        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 
     40        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level 0 
     41        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
     42    else 
     43        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled      .TRUE. 
     44        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level ${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} 
     45        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq  ${stomate_UserChoices_output_freq_stomate_ipcc_history} 
    13646    fi 
    138     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def STOMATE_HIST_DT ${STOMATE_WRITE_STEP} 
    139     IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def STOMATE_HISTLEVEL ${stomate_UserChoices_stomate_LEVEL} 
     50    # Define in orchidee.def if restart file should be used 
    14151    if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_SBG_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 
    142         echo "STOMATE : without restart" 
    143         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN NONE 
     52        echo "STOMATE : without restart" 
     53        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN NONE 
    14454    else 
    145         IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN stomate_rest_in.nc 
     55        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN stomate_rest_in.nc 
    14656    fi 
    15262function SBG_Finalize 
    154 #set -vx 
    15564    IGCM_debug_PushStack "SBG_Finalize" 
    157     if [ $( IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate ${PeriodDateEnd} ${year}1230 ) -ge 0 ] ; then 
    158         IGCM_sys_Put_Out stomate_Cforcing.nc ${R_OUT_SBG_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_stomate_Cforcing.nc 
    159         IGCM_sys_Put_Out stomate_forcing.nc  ${R_OUT_SBG_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_stomate_forcing.nc 
    160 #       rm -f stomate_Cforcing.nc 
    161 #       rm -f stomate_forcing.nc 
    162     fi 
    16466    IGCM_debug_PopStack "SBG_Finalize" 

    r2456 r3688  
    1818# Activate server mode 
    1919    IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force iodef.xml using_server NONE true 
    20 # If lmdz_UserChoices_XIOS=y add LMDZ as component id : 
    21     if [ X${lmdz_UserChoices_XIOS}  = Xy ] ; then 
    22         IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force iodef.xml oasis_codes_id NONE LMDZ,oceanx 
    23     fi  
    2421    if [ -f namcouple ] ; then 
    2522        sed -e "s/2  LMDZ oceanx/3 LMDZ oceanx ${config_Executable_IOS[1]}/" namcouple > namcouple.tmp  

    r2505 r3688  
    88## Nombre  d'appels des routines de rayonnements ( par jour)                  
    9 nbapp_rad=24 
    1111##  Facteur additif pour l'albedo 
    12 pmagic=0.0 
     12pmagic =  _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.0 
    2222R_incl = 23.441 
    2323### solaire =    Constante solaire 
    24 solaire = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1366.0896 
     24#solaire = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1366.0896 
     25solaire = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1361.20  
     26### constante solaire lue dans un fichier par defaut 
    2629# Taux gaz a effet de serre 
    28 ### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm 
    29 co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.36886500E+03 
    30 ### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb 
    31 CH4_ppb = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 0.17510225E+04 
    32 ### N2O_ppb =    taux N2O en ppb 
    33 N2O_ppb = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 0.31585000E+03 
    34 ### CFC11_ppt =  taux CFC11 en ppt 
    35 CFC11_ppt = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 5.18015181E+01 
    36 ### CFC12_ppt =  taux CFC12 en ppt 
    37 CFC12_ppt = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 0.99862742E+03 
     31### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm, l'année 2000 forcage CMIP6 
     32co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 3.6912e+02 
     33### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     34co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 14.7648e+02 
     35### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb, l'année 2000 forcage CMIP6 
     36CH4_ppb = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1.7780e+03 
     37### N2O_ppb =    taux N2O en ppb, l'année 2000 forcage CMIP6 
     38N2O_ppb = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 3.1576e+02 
     39### CFC11_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 2000 forcage CFC11eq_CMIP6 
     40CFC11_ppt = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 6.3990e+01 
     41### CFC12_ppt =  taux en ppt, l'année 2000 forcage CFC12eq_CMIP6 
     42CFC12_ppt = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1.0511e+03 
    3944# Parametres effets directs/indirects des "aerosols" 
    5257### ok_cdnc=y/n   Cloud droplet number concentration 
    54 ### bl95_b0 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    55 bl95_b0=1.7 
    56 ### bl95_b1 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    57 bl95_b1=0.2 
     59# ok_alw=y flag pour activer l effet LW des poussieres 
    5962# Parametre de lecture de l'ozone 
    6467# 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night climatology and the daylight climatology 
     70# Aerosols stratospheriques utilises par defaut  
     73# COSP 

    r2456 r3688  
    88## Nombre  d'appels des routines de rayonnements ( par jour)                  
    9 nbapp_rad=24 
    1111##  Facteur additif pour l'albedo 
    12 pmagic=0.0 
     12pmagic =  _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.0 
    2222R_incl = 23.441 
    2323### solaire =    Constante solaire 
    24 solaire = _AUTO_  
     24# solaire est modifie avec les valeurs du fichier SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt 
     25# solaire parameter est utilise uniquement avec si iflag_rrtm=0 et ok_suntime_rrtm=n 
     26solaire = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.0  
     27### constante solaire lue dans un fichier par defaut 
    2630# Taux gaz a effet de serre 
    2832### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm 
    2933co2_ppm = _AUTO_ 
     34### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     35co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_ 
    3036### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb 
    3137CH4_ppb = _AUTO_ 
    5258### ok_cdnc=y/n   Cloud droplet number concentration 
    54 ### bl95_b0 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    55 bl95_b0=1.7 
    56 ### bl95_b1 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    57 bl95_b1=0.2 
     60# ok_alw=y flag pour activer l effet LW des poussieres 
    5964# Parametre de lecture de l'ozone 
    6469# 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night climatology and the daylight climatology 
     72# Aerosols stratospheriques utilises par defaut  
     74# COSP 

    r2505 r3688  
    1010## Nombre  d'appels des routines de rayonnements ( par jour)                  
    11 nbapp_rad=24 
    1313##  Facteur additif pour l'albedo 
    14 pmagic=0.0 
     14pmagic =  _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.0 
    2424R_incl = 23.441 
    2525### solaire =    Constante solaire 
    26 solaire = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1365.6537 
     26solaire = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1361.20 
     27### constante solaire lue dans un fichier par defaut 
    2830# Taux gaz a effet de serre 
    30 ### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm 
    31 co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.28472500E+03 
    32 ### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb 
    33 CH4_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.79097924E+03 
    34 ### N2O_ppb =    taux N2O en ppb 
    35 N2O_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0.27542506E+03 
    36 ### CFC11_ppt =  taux CFC11 en ppt 
    37 CFC11_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0. 
    38 ### CFC12_ppt =  taux CFC12 en ppt 
    39 CFC12_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 0. 
     32### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
     33co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT  = 2.8432e+02 
     34### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     35co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_: DEFAULT  =11.3728e+02 
     36### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
     37CH4_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 8.0825e+02 
     38### N2O_ppb =    taux N2O en ppb, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
     39N2O_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 2.7302e+02 
     40### CFC11_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 1850 forcage CFC11eq_CMIP6 
     41CFC11_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1.1726e+01 
     42### CFC12_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 1850 forcage CFC12eq_CMIP6 
     43CFC12_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1.6513e+01 
    4145# Parametres effets directs/indirects des "aerosols" 
    5458### ok_cdnc=y/n   Cloud droplet number concentration 
    56 ### bl95_b0 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    57 bl95_b0=1.7 
    58 ### bl95_b1 =    Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 
    59 bl95_b1=0.2 
     60# ok_alw=y flag pour activer l effet LW des poussieres 
    6163# Parametre de lecture de l'ozone 
    6668# 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night climatology and the daylight climatology 
     71# Aerosols stratospheriques utilises par defaut  
     75# COSP 

    r2547 r3688  
    22# parametres pour INCA 
    4 #climatological=y --> use 10m wind from LMDZ, =n --> use 10m wind from output file 
     4#LMDZ_10m_winds=y --> use 10m wind from LMDZ, =n --> use 10m wind from output file 
    7 #freq_write_chem --> write frequency for inca_inst and inca_avgr (86400 = 1/day) 
    8 freq_write_chem=_AUTO_ 
    97#choose if there is a feedback with the areosol effect 
    14 #weibull 10m wind parameter 
    15 kref=4.0 
    16 #threshold 10m wind parameter 
    17 tref=0.85 
     12#weibull 10m wind parameter / def 4 
     13kref=_AUTO_: DEFAULT =4 
     14#threshold 10m wind parameter / def 0.78 
     15tref=_AUTO_: DEFAULT =0.78 
     16#seasalt_correctif / def = 1  
     17ss_corr=_AUTO_: DEFAULT =1  
     20#coupled model with orchidee 
     22#use or not the deposition from orchidee 
     24# uncomment two next line if we want to coupled with orchidee without transfer any flux 
     27#output diagnostic for chemistry flux 
     31#choose which type of aircraft you will use (0 - 1 - 2 - 3) (no aircraft / old inca aircraft / new subsonic inca aircraft / subsonic + hypersonic inca aircraft) 
     33#choose which time interpolation you want to interpolate sflx file. ( 0 - 1 - 2) (no interpolation / point to point interpolation / Sheng & Zwiers interpolation)  

    r2456 r3688  
    1313  <context id="xios"> 
    15     <variable_definition> 
    17      <!-- We must have buffer_size > jpi*jpj*jpk*8 (with jpi and jpj the subdomain size) --> 
    18           <variable id="buffer_size"               type="integer">10000000</variable> 
    19           <variable id="buffer_server_factor_size" type="integer">2</variable> 
    20           <variable id="info_level"                type="integer">1</variable> 
    21           <variable id="using_server"              type="boolean">false</variable> 
    22           <variable id="using_oasis"               type="boolean">false</variable> 
    23           <variable id="oasis_codes_id"            type="string" >oceanx</variable> 
    25       </variable_definition> 
     15    <variable_definition>        
     16      <variable id="optimal_buffer_size" type="string">performance</variable> 
     17      <variable id="buffer_size_factor" type="double">1.0</variable> 
     18      <variable id="min_buffer_size" type="int">10000000</variable> 
     19      <variable id="info_level"            type="int">1</variable> 
     20      <variable id="using_server"          type="bool">false</variable> 
     21      <variable id="using_oasis"           type="bool">false</variable> 
     22      <variable id="oasis_codes_id"        type="string" >LMDZ,oceanx</variable>         
     23    </variable_definition> 
    2725  </context> 

    r2456 r3688  
    2020 $NFIELDS 
    21             25 
     21            27 
    2222 $END 
    4141 $NLOGPRT 
    42    2 <lucia_ok> 
     42   0 <lucia_ok> 
    4343 $END 
    5151# Field 1 : Weighted sea surface temperature (o->a 1) 
    53 O_SSTSST  SISUTESW 1 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode>  
    54 362 292 144 143 torc  tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
    55 P  2 P  0 
     53O_SSTSST  SISUTESW 1 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode>  
     54362 332 144 143 torc  tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
     55P  2 P  0 
    5757# LOCTRANS: AVERAGE to average value over coupling period 
    5858 AVERAGE 
    5959# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    60  INT=1 
    6160# Mozaic: 1) mapping filename 2) connected unit 3) dataset rank 4) Maximum 
    6261#         number of overlapped neighbors 
    6362rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    6463# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    65  INT=1 
    6967# Field 2 : Sea ice extent  (o->a 2) 
    71 OIceFrc SIICECOV 44 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc <output_mode> 
    72 362 292 144 143 torc  tlmd   LAG=<lag_oce> 
    73 P  2 P  0 
    74 # 
    76  AVERAGE 
    77 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    78  INT=1 
    79 # 
    80 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    81 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    82  INT=1 
     69OIceFrc SIICECOV 44 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc <output_mode> 
     70362 332 144 143 torc  tlmd   LAG=<lag_oce> 
     71P  2 P  0 
     74 AVERAGE 
     75# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     77rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     78# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    8783# Field 3 : Weighted Sea Ice Temperature (o->a 3) 
    89 O_TepIce  SIICTEMW 34 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
    90 362 292 144 143 torc  tlmd   LAG=<lag_oce> 
    91 P  2 P  0 
    93  AVERAGE 
    94 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    95  INT=1 
    96 #  
    97 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    98 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    99  INT=1 
     85O_TepIce  SIICTEMW 34 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
     86362 332 144 143 torc  tlmd   LAG=<lag_oce> 
     87P  2 P  0 
     89 AVERAGE 
     90# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     92rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     93# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    10397# Field 4 : Weighted Sea ice albedo (o->a 4) 
    105 O_AlbIce  SIICEALW 17 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
    106 362 292 144 143 torc  tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce>   
    107 P  2 P  0 
    108 # 
    110  AVERAGE 
    111 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    112  INT=1 
    113 # 
    114 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    115 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    116  INT=1 
     99O_AlbIce  SIICEALW 17 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
     100362 332 144 143 torc  tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce>   
     101P  2 P  0 
     104 AVERAGE 
     105# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     107rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     108# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    121113# Field 5 : Current surface (o->a 5) 
    122 O_OCurx1 CURRENTX 321 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
    123 362 292 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
    124 P  2 P  0 
    126  AVERAGE 
    127 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    128  INT=1 
    129 # 
    130 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    131 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    132  INT=1   
     114O_OCurx1 CURRENTX 321 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
     115362 332 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
     116P  2 P  0 
     118 AVERAGE 
     119# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     121rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     122# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    137127# Field 6 : Current surface (o->a 6) 
    138 O_OCury1 CURRENTY 321 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
    139 362 292 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
    140 P  2 P  0 
    142  AVERAGE 
    143 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    144  INT=1 
    145 # 
    146 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    147 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    148  INT=1 
     128O_OCury1 CURRENTY 321 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
     129362 332 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
     130P  2 P  0 
     132 AVERAGE 
     133# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     135rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     136# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    152140# Field 7 : Current surface (o->a 7) 
    153 O_OCurz1 CURRENTZ 321 <freq_coupling>  4  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
    154 362 292 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
    155 P  2 P  0 
    157  AVERAGE 
    158 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    159  INT=1 
    160 # 
    161 rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
    162 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    163  INT=1 
     141O_OCurz1 CURRENTZ 321 <freq_coupling>  2  sstoc.nc  <output_mode> 
     142362 332 144 143 torc    tlmd  LAG=<lag_oce> 
     143P  2 P  0 
     145 AVERAGE 
     146# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     148rmp_torc_to_tlmd_MOSAIC.nc src 
     149# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    172158# Field 8 : wind stress along X axis (a->o 1) 
    174 COTAUXXU O_OTaux1 23 <freq_coupling>  3  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    175 144 143 362 292 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    176 P  0 P  2 
    178 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    179  INT=1 
     160COTAUXXU O_OTaux1 23 <freq_coupling>  1  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     161144 143 362 332 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     162P  0 P  2 
     164# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     165# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     166rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc dst 
     167# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     171# Field 9 : stress along Y axis (a->o 2) 
     173COTAUYYU O_OTauy1 23 <freq_coupling>  1  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     174144 143 362 332 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     175P  0 P  2 
     177# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     178# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     179rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc dst 
     180# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     184# Field 10 :wind stress along Z axis (a->o 3) 
     186COTAUZZU O_OTauz1 23 <freq_coupling>  1  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     187144 143 362 332 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     188P  0 P  2 
     190# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     191# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     192rmp_tlmd_to_uorc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc dst 
     193# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     197# Field 11 : wind stress along X axis 2 (a->o 4) 
     199COTAUXXV O_OTaux2  24 <freq_coupling>  1    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     200144 143 362 332 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     201P  0 P  2 
     203# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    181205# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    182  INT=1 
     209# Field 12 : wind stress along Y axis 2 (a->o 5)  
     211COTAUYYV O_OTauy2  24 <freq_coupling>  1    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     212144 143 362 332 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     213P  0 P  2 
     215# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     217# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     221# Field 13 :  wind stress along Z axis 2 (a->o 6)  
     223COTAUZZV O_OTauz2  24 <freq_coupling>  1    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     224144 143 362 332 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     225P  0 P  2 
     227# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     229# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     232# Field 14 :  wind speed 10m (a->o 7)  
     234COWINDSP O_Wind10  56 <freq_coupling>  1    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     235144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     236P  0 P  2 
     238# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     239# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     240rmp_tlmd_to_torc_BILINEAR_Corrected.nc dst 
     241# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     245# Field 15 : Total rain (a->o 8) 
     247COTOTRAI OTotRain 26 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     248144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     249P  0 P  2 
     251# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     252# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     253rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     254# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     258# Field 16 :  Total snow (a->o 9) 
     260COTOTSNO  OTotSnow 28 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     261144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     262P  0 P  2 
     264# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     265# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     266rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     267# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     271# Field 17 : Total evap (a->o 10) 
     273COTOTEVA  OTotEvap 25 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     274144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     275P  0 P  2 
     277# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     278# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     279rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     280# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     284# Field 18 : Evaporation Ice  (a->o 11) 
     286COICEVAP OIceEvap 41 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     287144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     288P  0 P  2 
     290# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     291# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     292rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     293# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     297# Field 19 : Total solar heat flux (a->o 12) 
     299COQSRMIX O_QsrMix  7 <freq_coupling> 1   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     300144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     301P  0 P  2 
     303# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     304# Interpolation method or mozaic parameters 
     305rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     306# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     310# Field 20 : Total Non solar heat flux (a->o 13) 
     312COQNSMIX O_QnsMix 6 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     313144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc   LAG=<lag_atm> 
     314P  0 P  2 
     316# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     317# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     318rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     319# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    186 # Field 9 : stress along Y axis (a->o 2) 
    187 # 
    188 COTAUYYU O_OTauy1 23 <freq_coupling>  3  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    189 144 143 362 292 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    190 P  0 P  2 
    192 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    193  INT=1 
    195 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    196  INT=1 
    197 # 
    198 ########################################################################### 
    199 # 
    200 # Field 10 :wind stress along Z axis (a->o 3) 
    201 # 
    202 COTAUZZU O_OTauz1 23 <freq_coupling>  3  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    203 144 143 362 292 tlmd    uorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    204 P  0 P  2 
    206 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    207  INT=1 
    209 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    210  INT=1 
    211 # 
    212 ########################################################################## 
    213 # 
    214 # Field 11 : wind stress along X axis 2 (a->o 4) 
    215 # 
    216 COTAUXXV O_OTaux2  24 <freq_coupling>  3    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    217 144 143 362 292 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    218 P  0 P  2 
    220 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    221  INT=1 
    223 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    224  INT=1 
    225 # 
    226 ########################################################################## 
    227 # 
    228 # Field 12 : wind stress along Y axis 2 (a->o 5)  
    229 # 
    230 COTAUYYV O_OTauy2  24 <freq_coupling>  3    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    231 144 143 362 292 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    232 P  0 P  2 
    234 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    235  INT=1 
    237 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    238  INT=1 
    239 # 
    240 ########################################################################## 
    241 # 
    242 # Field 13 :  wind stress along Z axis 2 (a->o 6)  
    243 # 
    244 COTAUZZV O_OTauz2  24 <freq_coupling>  3    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    245 144 143 362 292 tlmd    vorc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    246 P  0 P  2 
    248 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    249  INT=1 
    251 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    252  INT=1 
    253 # 
    254 ######################################################################### 
    255 # Field 14 :  wind speed 10m (a->o 7)  
    256 # 
    257 COWINDSP O_Wind10  56 <freq_coupling>  3    flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    258 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    259 P  0 P  2 
    261 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    262  INT=1 
    264 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    265  INT=1 
    266 #  
    267 ######################################################################### 
    268 # 
    269 # Field 15 : Total rain (a->o 8) 
    270 # 
    271 COTOTRAI OTotRain 26 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    272 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    273 P  0 P  2 
    275 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    276  INT=1 
    277 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    278 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    279 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    280  INT=1 
    281 # 
    282 ########################################################################## 
    283 # 
    284 # Field 16 :  Total snow (a->o 9) 
    285 # 
    286 COTOTSNO  OTotSnow 28 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    287 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    288 P  0 P  2 
    290 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    291  INT=1 
    292 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    293 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    294 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    295  INT=1 
    296 # 
    297 ######################################################################### 
    298 # 
    299 # Field 17 : Total evap (a->o 10) 
    300 # 
    301 COTOTEVA  OTotEvap 25 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    302 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    303 P  0 P  2 
    305 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    306  INT=1 
    307 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    308 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    309 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    310  INT=1 
    311 # 
    312 ########################################################################## 
    313 # 
    314 # Field 18 : Evaporation Ice  (a->o 11) 
    315 # 
    316 COICEVAP OIceEvap 41 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    317 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    318 P  0 P  2 
    320 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    321  INT=1 
    322 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    323 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    324 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    325  INT=1 
    326 # 
    327 ########################################################################## 
    328 # 
    329 # Field 19 : Total solar heat flux (a->o 12) 
    330 # 
    331 COQSRMIX O_QsrMix  7 <freq_coupling> 3   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    332 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    333 P  0 P  2 
    335 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    336  INT=1 
     323# Field 21 : solar heat flux on ice (a->o 14) 
     325COSHFICE O_QsrIce  7 <freq_coupling> 1   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     326144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     327P  0 P  2 
     329# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    337330# Interpolation method or mozaic parameters 
    338 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    339 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    340  INT=1 
    341 # 
    342 ######################################################################### 
    343 # 
    344 # Field 20 : Total Non solar heat flux (a->o 13) 
    345 # 
    346 COQNSMIX O_QnsMix 6 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    347 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc   LAG=<lag_atm> 
    348 P  0 P  2 
    350 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    351  INT=1 
    352 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    353 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    354 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    355  INT=1 
    356 # 
    357 ########################################################################### 
    358 # 
    359 # Field 21 : solar heat flux on ice (a->o 14) 
    360 # 
    361 COSHFICE O_QsrIce  7 <freq_coupling> 3   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    362 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    363 P  0 P  2 
    365 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    366  INT=1 
    367 # Interpolation method or mozaic parameters 
    368 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    369 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    370  INT=1 
     331rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     332# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    374336# Field 22 : Non solar heat flux on ice (a->o 15) 
    376 CONSFICE O_QnsIce 6 <freq_coupling>  3  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    377 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    378 P  0 P  2 
    380 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    381  INT=1 
    382 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    383 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    384 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    385  INT=1 
     338CONSFICE O_QnsIce 6 <freq_coupling>  1  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     339144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     340P  0 P  2 
     342# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     343# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     344rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     345# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    389349# Field 23 : Non solar heat flux derivative (a->o 16) 
    391 CODFLXDT O_dQnsdT  35 <freq_coupling>  3   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    392 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
    393 P  0 P  2 
    395 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    396  INT=1 
    397 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    398 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc src 
    399 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    400  INT=1 
    401 # 
    402 ######################################################################### 
    403 # 
    404 # Field 24 : iceberg calving (a->o 17) 
    405 # 
    406 COCALVIN OCalving  36 <freq_coupling>  4  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
    407 144 143 362 292 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    408 P  0 P  2 
    410 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    411  INT=1 
    412 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    413 rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calvin.nc src 
    414 # Set to ZERO \!/ 
    415 0.0 0 
    416 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    417  INT=1 
    418 # 
    419 ######################################################################### 
    420 # 
    421 # Field 25 : liquid run-off (river + direct)  (a->o 18) 
    422 # 
    423 COLIQRUN  O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling>  5  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    424 144 143 362 292 aone    otot  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    425 P  0 P  2 
    427 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    428  INT=1 
     351CODFLXDT O_dQnsdT  35 <freq_coupling>  1   flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     352144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm> 
     353P  0 P  2 
     355# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     356# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     357rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC.nc dst 
     358# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     362# Field 24 : iceberg calving north (a->o 17) 
     364COCALVIN OCalving  36 <freq_coupling_roff_calv>  2  flxat.nc  <output_mode> 
     365144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm_roff_calv>  
     366P  0 P  2 
     369# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     370# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     371rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_nosouth.nc dst 
     372# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     376# Field 25 : iceberg melting (a->o 17) 
     378COCALVIN OIceberg  36 <freq_coupling_roff_calv>  3  icbrg.nc  <output_mode> 
     379144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm_roff_calv>  
     380P  0 P  2 
     383# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     384# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     385rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceberg.nc dst 
     3860.5 0 
     387# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     390# Field 26 : ice shelf melting (a->o 17) 
     392COCALVIN OIcshelf  36 <freq_coupling_roff_calv>  3  icshf.nc  <output_mode> 
     393144 143 362 332 tlmd    torc  LAG=<lag_atm_roff_calv>  
     394P  0 P  2 
     397# CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     398# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
     399rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calving_iceshelf.nc dst 
     4000.5 0 
     401# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
     404# Field 27 : liquid run-off (river + direct)  (a->o 18) 
     406COLIQRUN  O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling_roff_calv>  4  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
     407144 143 362 332 aone  torc  LAG=<lag_atm_roff_calv>  
     408P  0 P  2 
    429411# Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 
    430412# weights convert from kg/s to kg/m^2/s 
    433415GLOBAL bfb 
    434416# change units from m/s to kg/s 
    435 0.0 0 
    436 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    437  INT=1 
     4171000.0 0 
     418# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 

    r2456 r3688  
    413413rmp_tlmd_to_torc_MOSAIC_calvin.nc src 
    414414# Set to ZERO \!/ 
    415 0.0 0 
     4151.0 0 
    416416# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    417417 INT=1 
    423423COLIQRUN  O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling>  5  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    424 96 96 362 292 aone    otot  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     42496 96 362 292 aone torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    425425P  0 P  2 
    433433GLOBAL bfb 
    434434# change units from m/s to kg/s 
    435 0.0 0 
     4351000.0 0 
    436436# CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 
    437437 INT=1 

    r2456 r3688  
    421421COLIQRUN  O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling>  5  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    422 144 143 182 149 aone    otot  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     422144 143 182 149 aone torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    423423P  0 P  2 

    r2456 r3688  
    421421COLIQRUN  O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling>  5  flxat.nc   <output_mode> 
    422 96 96 182 149 aone    otot  LAG=<lag_atm>  
     42296 96 182 149 aone torc  LAG=<lag_atm>  
    423423P  0 P  2 

    r2456 r3688  
    23!! NEMO/OPA  Configuration namelist : used to overwrite defaults values defined in SHARED/namelist_ref 
    67&namrun        !   parameters of the run 
    8    cn_exp      = "ORCA1"   !  AUTO - experience name 
    9    nn_it000    =       1   !  AUTO - first time step 
    10    nn_itend    =    5475   !  AUTO - last  time step (std 5475) 
    11    nn_date0    =  010101   !  AUTO - date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 
    12    nn_leapy    =       0   !  AUTO - Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) 
    13    ln_rstart   = .false.   !  AUTO - start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 
    14    nn_rstctl   =       0   !  AUTO - restart control => activated only if ln_rstart = T 
     9   cn_exp      = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Experience name 
     10   nn_it000    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  First time step 
     11   nn_itend    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Last  time step 
     12   nn_date0    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 
     13   nn_leapy    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) 
     14   ln_rstart   = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 
     15   ln_rstart_ts = _AUTOBLOCKER_   !  start from rest for current only (F) or from a restart file (T) 
     16   nn_rstctl   = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Restart control => activated only if ln_rstart = T 
    1517                           !    = 0 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : read in namelist 
    1618                           !    = 1 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart 
    1719                           !    = 2 nn_date0 read in restart  ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart 
    18    cn_ocerst_in  = "restartopa"   !  suffix of ocean restart name (input) 
    19    cn_ocerst_out = "restart"   !  suffix of ocean restart name (output) 
    20    nn_istate   =       0   !  output the initial state (1) or not (0) 
    21    nn_stock    =    5475   !  AUTO - frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 
    22    nn_write    =    5475   !  AUTO - frequency of write in the output file   (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 
     20   cn_ocerst_in  = "restartopa"   !  Suffix of ocean restart name (input) 
     21   cn_ocerst_indir = "."       !  directory from which to read input ocean restarts 
     22   cn_ocerst_out = "restart"      !  Suffix of ocean restart name (output) 
     23   cn_ocerst_outdir = "."      !  directory in which to write output ocean restarts 
     24   nn_istate   =       0   !  Output the initial state (1) or not (0) 
     25   nn_stock    =  _AUTOBLOCKER_   !  Frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 
     26   nn_write    =    5475   !  Requency of write in the output file   (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 
    2327   ln_mskland  = .true.    !  Masks land points in NetCDF outputs 
     28   ln_mskutil  = .true.    !  Outputs without halos 
     29   ln_cfmeta   = .true.    !  output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard 
    2935   jp_cfg      =       1               !  resolution of the configuration 
    3036   jpidta      =     362               !  1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi ) 
    31    jpjdta      =     292               !  2nd    "         "    ( >= jpj ) 
     37   jpjdta      =     332               !  2nd    "         "    ( >= jpj ) 
    3238   jpkdta      =      75               !  number of levels      ( >= jpk ) 
    3339   jpiglo      =     362               !  1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta 
    34    jpjglo      =     292               !  2nd    -                  -    --> j  =jpjdta 
    35    jpizoom     =       1               !  left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 
    36    jpjzoom     =       1               !  in data domain indices 
     40   jpjglo      =     332               !  2nd    -                  -    --> j  =jpjdta 
    3741   jperio      =       6               !  lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) 
    4448&namzgr_sco    !   s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate 
    46    rn_sbot_min =  300.     !  minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) 
    47    rn_sbot_max = 5250.     !  maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) 
    48    rn_theta    =    6.0    !  surface control parameter (0<=rn_theta<=20) 
    49    rn_thetb    =    0.75   !  bottom control parameter  (0<=rn_thetb<= 1) 
    50    rn_rmax     =    0.15   !  maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<rn_max<1) 
    51    rn_bb       =    0.8    !  stretching with s-sigma 
    52    rn_hc       =  150.0    !  critical depth with s-sigma  
    5552&namdom        !   space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) 
    57    nn_msh      =    0      !  AUTO - create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) 
    58    rn_rdt      = 3600.     !  time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) 
    59    nn_closea    =   1      !  remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) 
     54    nn_closea    =   1      !  remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) 
    6055   ! 
    6156   jphgr_msh   =       0               !  type of horizontal mesh 
    7368   ppdzmin     =  999999.0             !  Minimum vertical spacing 
    7469   pphmax      =  999999.0             !  Maximum depth 
    75    ldbletanh   =   .TRUE.              !  Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates 
    7670   ppa2        =     100.7609285000000 !  Double tanh function parameters 
    7771   ppkth2      =      48.02989372000000    ! 
    7872   ppacr2      =      13.00000000000   ! 
    79    rn_hmin     =   20.  
     73   rn_rdt      = 2700.     !  time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) 
     74   rn_hmin     =   20. 
     75   nn_msh      = _AUTO_    !  AUTO - Create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) 
     80   ln_bt_fw      =    .FALSE.          !  leap-frog integration of barotropic equations 
     81   ln_bt_av      =    .TRUE.           !  Time filtering of barotropic variables 
     82   ln_bt_nn_auto =    .TRUE.           !  Set nn_baro automatically to be just below 
     83                                       !  a user defined maximum courant number (rn_bt_cmax) 
     84   nn_baro       =    30               !  Number of iterations of barotropic mode 
     85                                       !  during rn_rdt seconds. Only used if ln_bt_nn_auto=F 
     86   rn_bt_cmax    =    0.8              !  Maximum courant number allowed if ln_bt_nn_auto=T  
     87   nn_bt_flt     =    1                !  Time filter choice 
     88                                       !  = 0 None 
     89                                       !  = 1 Boxcar over   nn_baro barotropic steps 
     90                                       !  = 2 Boxcar over 2*nn_baro     "         
    8798&namtsd    !   data : Temperature  & Salinity 
    89    ln_tsd_init   = .true.   !  Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F) 
    90100   ln_tsd_tradmp = .false.  !  damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F) 
     101   sn_tem  = 'conservative_temperature_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim', -1 ,'votemper' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_3D_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc'  ,   ''    ,    '' 
     102   sn_sal  = 'absolute_salinity_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim'       , -1 ,'vosaline' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_3D_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc'  ,   ''    ,    '' 
    93105&namsbc        !   Surface Boundary Condition (surface module) 
    95    nn_fsbc     = 6         !  frequency of surface boundary condition computation 
     107   nn_fsbc     =  2        !  frequency of surface boundary condition computation 
    96108                           !     (also = the frequency of sea-ice model call) 
    97109   ln_blk_core = .false.   !  CORE bulk formulation                     (T => fill namsbc_core) 
    98    ln_cpl      = .true.    !  Coupled formulation                       (T => fill namsbc_cpl ) 
    99    ln_apr_dyn  = .false.   !  Patm gradient added in ocean & ice Eqs.   (T => fill namsbc_apr ) 
    100    nn_ice      = 2         !  =0 no ice boundary condition   , 
    101                            !  =1 use observed ice-cover      , 
    102                            !  =2 ice-model used                         ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2") 
    103    cn_iceflx   = 'linear'  !  AUTO -  
    104                            !  ="ave"    - Average flux over all ice categories ("key_lim3") 
    105                            !  ="linear" - Linear repartition of fluxes over ice categories ("key_lim3") 
    106    nn_ice_embd = 0         !  AUTO -  
     110   ln_cpl      = .true.    !  atmosphere coupled   formulation          ( requires key_oasis3 ) 
     111   nn_limflx =   2         !  LIM3 Multi-category heat flux formulation (use -1 if LIM3 is not used) 
     112                           !  =-1  Use per-category fluxes, bypass redistributor, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled 
     113                           !  = 0  Average per-category fluxes (forced and coupled mode) 
     114                           !  = 1  Average and redistribute per-category fluxes, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled 
     115                           !  = 2  Redistribute a single flux over categories (coupled mode only) 
     116   nn_ice_embd = 1         !  AUTO -  
    107117                           !  =0 levitating ice (no mass exchange, concentration/dilution effect) 
    108118                           !  =1 levitating ice with mass and salt exchange but no presure effect 
    109119                           !  =2 embedded sea-ice (full salt and mass exchanges and pressure) 
    110    ln_dm2dc    = .false.   !  daily mean to diurnal cycle on short wave 
    111120   ln_rnf      = .false.   !  runoffs                                   (T => fill namsbc_rnf) 
    112121   ln_ssr      = .false.   !  Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S       (T => fill namsbc_ssr) 
    113122   nn_fwb      = 0         !  FreshWater Budget: =0 unchecked 
    114                            !     =1 global mean of e-p-r set to zero at each time step 
    115 / 
     123   nn_isf      = 3         !  ice shelf melting/freezing                (/=0 => fill namsbc_isf) 
     124                           !  3 = rnf file for isf 
    117126&namsbc_core   !   namsbc_core  CORE bulk formulae 
    121130&namtra_qsr    !   penetrative solar radiation 
    123    nn_chldta   =      0    !  RGB : Chl data (=1) or cst value (=0) 
     132   sn_chl      ='merged_ESACCI_BIOMER4V1R1_CHL_REG05',  -1  , 'CHLA' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_reg05_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc' , '' , '' 
     133   ln_traqsr   = .true.    !  Light penetration (T) or not (F) 
     134   ln_qsr_rgb  = .false.    !  RGB (Red-Green-Blue) light penetration 
     135   ln_qsr_2bd  = .false.   !  2 bands              light penetration 
     136   ln_qsr_bio  = .true.   !  bio-model light penetration 
    126139&namsbc_rnf    !   runoffs namelist surface boundary condition 
     141!              !  file name           ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     142!              !                      !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     143   sn_rnf      = 'eORCA_R1_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask',        -1         , 'sorunoff',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     144   sn_cnf      = 'eORCA_R1_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask',         0         , 'socoeff' ,   .false.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     145   sn_s_rnf    = 'runoffs'                         ,        24         , 'rosaline',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     146   sn_t_rnf    = 'runoffs'                         ,        24         , 'rotemper',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     147   sn_dep_rnf  = 'runoffs_eORCA1.0_depths.nc'      ,         0         , 'rodepth' ,   .false.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     149   ln_rnf_mouth = .false.    !  specific treatment at rivers mouths 
     150   ln_rnf_depth = .true.     !  read in depth information for runoff 
     151   ln_rnf_tem   = .false.    !  read in temperature information for runoff 
     152   ln_rnf_sal   = .false.    !  read in salinity information for runoff 
     153   ln_rnf_depth_ini = .false.!  compute depth at initialisation from runoff file 
     154   rn_rnf_max   = 0.05       !  max value of the runoff climatology over global domain ( if ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) 
     155   rn_dep_max = 150.         !  depth over which runoffs is spread ( ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) 
     156   nn_rnf_depth_file =  _AUTO_   ! create (=1) a runoff depth file or not (=0) 
     159&namsbc_isf    !  Top boundary layer (ISF) 
     161!              ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. !  clim   ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! 
     162!              !           !  (if <0  months)  !   name   !    (logical)   !  (T/F)  ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! 
     163!              ! 
     164   sn_rnfisf     = 'runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc' ,   -12      ,'sornfisf',    .false.      , .true.  , 'yearly'  ,  ''      ,   '' 
     165   sn_depmax_isf = 'runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc' ,   -12      ,'sodepmax_isf' ,   .false.  , .true.  , 'yearly'  ,  ''      ,   '' 
     166   sn_depmin_isf = 'runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc' ,   -12      ,'sodepmin_isf' ,   .false.  , .true.  , 'yearly'  ,  ''      ,   '' 
     169&namsbc_apr    !   Atmospheric pressure used as ocean forcing or in bulk 
    130173&namsbc_ssr    !   surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring 
     175!              !   file name  ! frequency (hours) ! variable   ! time interpol. !  clim   ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! 
     176!              !              !  (if <0  months)  !   name     !    (logical)   !  (T/F)  ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! 
     177   sn_sss      = 'sss_absolute_salinity_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim', -1. , 'sosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc' , '' 
    134180&namsbc_alb    !   albedo parameters 
    136    rn_cloud    =    0.00   !  cloud correction to snow and ice albedo 
    137    rn_albice   =    0.5    !  albedo of melting ice in the arctic and antarctic 
    138    rn_alphd    =    0.80   !  coefficients for linear interpolation used to 
    139    rn_alphc    =    0.65   !  compute albedo between two extremes values 
    140    rn_alphdi   =    0.72   !  (Pyane, 1972) 
     182   nn_ice_alb   =    1   !  parameterization of ice/snow albedo 
     183                         !     0: Shine & Henderson-Sellers (JGR 1985), giving clear-sky albedo 
     184                         !     1: "home made" based on Brandt et al. (JClim 2005) and Grenfell & Perovich (JGR 2004), 
     185                         !        giving cloud-sky albedo 
     186   rn_alb_sdry  =  0.87  !  dry snow albedo         : 0.80 (nn_ice_alb = 0); 0.85 (nn_ice_alb = 1); obs 0.85-0.87 (cloud-sky) 
     187   rn_alb_smlt  =  0.82  !  melting snow albedo     : 0.65 ( '' )          ; 0.75 ( '' )          ; obs 0.72-0.82 ( '' ) 
     188   rn_alb_idry  =  0.65  !  dry ice albedo          : 0.72 ( '' )          ; 0.60 ( '' )          ; obs 0.54-0.65 ( '' ) 
     189   rn_alb_imlt  =  0.58  !  bare puddled ice albedo : 0.53 ( '' )          ; 0.50 ( '' )          ; obs 0.49-0.58 ( '' ) 
    162211sn_rcv_cal    =       'coupled'              ,    'no'    ,     ''      ,         ''          ,   '' 
    163212sn_rcv_co2    =       'none'              ,    'no'    ,     ''      ,         ''          ,   '' 
    164 / 
     213sn_rcv_icb    =       'coupled'              ,    'no'    ,     ''      ,         ''          ,   '' 
     214sn_rcv_isf    =       'coupled'              ,    'no'    ,     ''      ,         ''          ,   '' 
    167218&namberg       !   iceberg parameters 
     220      ln_icebergs              = .false. 
     221      ln_bergdia               = .false.              ! Calculate budgets 
     222      nn_verbose_level         = 0                    ! Turn on more verbose output if level > 0 
     223      nn_verbose_write         = 120                  ! Timesteps between verbose messages 
     224      nn_sample_rate           = 1                    ! Timesteps between sampling for trajectory storage 
     225                                                      ! Initial mass required for an iceberg of each class 
     226      rn_initial_mass          = 8.8e7, 4.1e8, 3.3e9, 1.8e10, 3.8e10, 7.5e10, 1.2e11, 2.2e11, 3.9e11, 7.4e11 
     227                                                      ! Proportion of calving mass to apportion to each class   
     228      rn_distribution          = 0.24, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.12, 0.07, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02 
     229                                                      ! Ratio between effective and real iceberg mass (non-dim) 
     230                                                      ! i.e. number of icebergs represented at a point          
     231      rn_mass_scaling          = 2000, 200, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1 
     232                                                      ! thickness of newly calved bergs (m) 
     233      rn_initial_thickness     = 40., 67., 133., 175., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250. 
     234      rn_rho_bergs             = 850.                 ! Density of icebergs 
     235      rn_LoW_ratio             = 1.5                  ! Initial ratio L/W for newly calved icebergs 
     236      ln_operator_splitting    = .true.               ! Use first order operator splitting for thermodynamics 
     237      rn_bits_erosion_fraction = 0.                   ! Fraction of erosion melt flux to divert to bergy bits 
     238      rn_sicn_shift            = 0.                   ! Shift of sea-ice concn in erosion flux (0<sicn_shift<1) 
     239      ln_passive_mode          = .false.              ! iceberg - ocean decoupling    
     240      nn_test_icebergs         =   8                  ! Create test icebergs of this class (-1 = no) 
     241                                                      ! Put a test iceberg at each gridpoint in box (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2) 
     242      !rn_test_box              = 108.0,  116.0, -66.0, -58.0 
     243      rn_test_box              = -180.0,  180.0,  70.0,  90.0     ! 
     244      rn_speed_limit           = 0.                   ! CFL speed limit for a berg    
     246!              ! file name ! frequency (hours) !   variable   ! time interp.   !  clim   ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     247!              !           !  (if <0  months)  !     name     !   (logical)    !  (T/F ) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     248      sn_icb =  'calving' ,       -1           , 'calvingmask',  .true.        , .true.  , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     250      cn_dir = './'  
    185267&nambbc        !   bottom temperature boundary condition 
    187    ln_trabbc   = .false.   !  Apply a geothermal heating at the ocean bottom 
     269   sn_qgh      ='Goutorbe_ghflux.nc',  -12.  , 'gh_flux'    ,   .false.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , 'weights_Goutorbe1_2_eorca1_bilinear.nc'       , ''       , '' 
     270   ! 
     271   cn_dir      = './'      !  root directory for the location of the runoff files 
     272   nn_geoflx   =    2      !  geothermal heat flux: = 0 no flux 
    198283&namtra_adv    !   advection scheme for tracer 
     285   ln_traadv_tvd    =  .true.   !  TVD scheme 
     286   ln_traadv_ubs    =  .false.  !  UBS scheme 
    210297&namtra_ldf    !   lateral diffusion scheme for tracers 
    212    ln_traldf_grif   =  .true.   !  griffies skew flux formulation       (require "key_ldfslp") 
    213    ln_traldf_gdia   =  .true.   !  griffies operator strfn diagnostics  (require "key_ldfslp") 
    214    ln_botmix_grif   =  .true.   !  griffies operator with lateral mixing on bottom (require "key_ldfslp") 
     299   ln_traldf_grif   =  .false.   !  griffies skew flux formulation       (require "key_ldfslp") 
     300   ln_traldf_gdia   =  .false.   !  griffies operator strfn diagnostics  (require "key_ldfslp") 
     301   ln_botmix_grif   =  .false.   !  griffies operator with lateral mixing on bottom (require "key_ldfslp") 
    215302   rn_aht_0         =  1000.    !  horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] 
    216303   rn_aeiv_0        =  1000.    !  eddy induced velocity coefficient [m2/s]    (require "key_traldf_eiv") 
    221308   ln_tradmp   =  .false.  !  add a damping termn (T) or not (F) 
    222    nn_zdmp     =    1      !  vertical   shape =0    damping throughout the water column 
    226311&namdyn_adv    !   formulation of the momentum advection 
     313   ln_dynadv_vec = .true.  !  vector form (T) or flux form (F) 
     314   ln_dynadv_cen2= .false. !  flux form - 2nd order centered scheme 
     315   ln_dynadv_ubs = .false. !  flux form - 3rd order UBS      scheme 
     316   nn_dynkeg     = 1       !  scheme for grad(KE): =0  C2  ; =1  Hollingsworth correction 
     319&nam_vvl    !   vertical coordinate options 
    234327&namdyn_hpg    !   Hydrostatic pressure gradient option 
    236    ln_dynhpg_imp = .true.  !  time stepping: semi-implicit time scheme  (T) 
    237    ln_hpg_zps    = .false. !  z-coordinate - partial steps (interpolation) 
    238    ln_hpg_prj    = .true.  !  s-coordinate (Pressure Jacobian scheme) 
     329   ln_hpg_zps  = .false.   !  z-coordinate - partial steps (interpolation) 
     330   ln_hpg_sco  = .true.    !  s-coordinate (standard jacobian formulation) 
     331   !ln_hpg_isf  = .true.    !  s-coordinate (sco ) adapted to isf 
     332   ln_dynhpg_imp = .false. !  time stepping: semi-implicit time scheme  (T) 
     333                           !           centered      time scheme  (F) 
    250345&namzdf_tke    !   turbulent eddy kinetic dependent vertical diffusion  ("key_zdftke") 
     347  nn_etau     = 0         !  penetration of tke below the mixed layer (ML) due to internal & intertial waves 
     348                          !    = 0 no penetration 
     349                          !    = 1 add a tke source below the ML 
     350                          !    = 2 add a tke source just at the base of the ML 
     351                          !    = 3 as = 1 applied on HF part of the stress    ("key_oasis3") 
     352  nn_mxl0     = 2         ! type of scaling under sea-ice 
     353                          !    = 0 no scaling under sea-ice 
     354                          !    = 1 scaling with constant sea-ice thickness 
     355                          !    = 2  scaling with mean sea-ice thickness 
     356                          !    = 3  scaling with maximum sea-ice thickness 
     357  rn_hice    = 10.        ! max constant ice thickness value when scaling under sea-ice ( nn_mxl0=1) 
     358  ln_lc      = .true.     !  Langmuir cell parameterisation (Axell 2002) 
     359  rn_lc      =  0.20      !  coef. associated to Langmuir cells 
     370&namzdf_tmx_new    !   new tidal mixing parameterization                ("key_zdftmx_new") 
     372   nn_zpyc     = 2         !  pycnocline-intensified dissipation scales as N (=1) or N^2 (=2) 
     373   ln_mevar    = .true.    !  variable (T) or constant (F) mixing efficiency 
     374   ln_tsdiff   = .true.    !  account for differential T/S mixing (T) or not (F) 
    262377&namsol        !   elliptic solver / island / free surface 
    266381&nammpp        !   Massively Parallel Processing                        ("key_mpp_mpi) 
    268    jpni        =   1       !  jpni   number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) 
    269    jpnj        =  29       !  jpnj   number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) 
    270    jpnij       =  29       !  jpnij  number of local domains (set automatically if < 1) 
     383   ln_nnogather=  .true.   ! 
     384   jpni        =   22      !  jpni   number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) 
     385   jpnj        =   22      !  jpnj   number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) 
     386   jpnij       =  360      !  jpnij  number of local domains (set automatically if < 1), 360 for eORCA1/IPSLCM6-LR 
    277393&namptr       !   Poleward Transport Diagnostic 
    279    ln_diaptr  = .false.     !  Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) 
    280    ln_diaznl  = .false.     !  Add zonal means and meridional stream functions 
    281    ln_subbas  = .false.     !  Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not 
     395   ln_diaptr  = .true.      !  Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) 
     396   ln_subbas  = .true.      !  Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not 
    282397                            !  (orca configuration only, need input basins mask file named "subbasins.nc" 
    283    ln_ptrcomp = .false.     !  Add decomposition : overturning 
    284    nn_fptr    =  1          !  Frequency of ptr computation [time step] 
    285    nn_fwri    =  15         !  AUTO - Frequency of ptr outputs [time step] 
    286 / 
    287 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    288 &nam_asminc   !   assimilation increments                               ('key_asminc') 
    289 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    290 / 
    291 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    292 &namsbc_wave   ! External fields from wave model 
    293 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    296400&namhsb       !  Heat and salt budgets 
     402   ln_diahsb  = .true.   
     409&nam_vvl    !   vertical coordinate options 
     413&namzdf_gls                !   GLS vertical diffusion                   ("key_zdfgls") 
     417&namtrd        !   diagnostics on dynamics and/or tracer trends 
     418!              !       and/or mixed-layer trends and/or barotropic vorticity 
     420   ln_tra_trd  = .true.   ! (T) 3D tracer trend output 
     423&namsto       ! Stochastic parametrization of EOS 

    r2456 r3688  
    66&namrun        !   parameters of the run 
    8    cn_exp      =  "ORCA2"  !  AUTO - experience name 
    9    nn_it000    =       1   !  AUTO - first time step 
    10    nn_itend    =    5475   !  AUTO - last  time step (std 5475) 
    11    nn_date0    =  010101   !  AUTO - date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 
    12    nn_leapy    =       0   !  AUTO - Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) 
    13    ln_rstart   = .false.   !  AUTO - start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 
    14    nn_rstctl   =       0   !  AUTO - restart control => activated only if ln_rstart = T 
     8   cn_exp      = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Experience name 
     9   nn_it000    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  First time step 
     10   nn_itend    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Last  time step 
     11   nn_date0    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 
     12   nn_leapy    = _AUTOBLOCKER_    ! Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) 
     13   ln_rstart   = _AUTOBLOCKER_    ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 
     14   nn_rstctl   = _AUTOBLOCKER_    !  Restart control => activated only if ln_rstart = T 
    1515                           !    = 0 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : read in namelist 
    1616                           !    = 1 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart 
    1717                           !    = 2 nn_date0 read in restart  ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart 
    18    cn_ocerst_in  = "restartopa"   !  suffix of ocean restart name (input) 
    19    cn_ocerst_out = "restart"   !  suffix of ocean restart name (output) 
    20    nn_istate   =       0   !  output the initial state (1) or not (0) 
    21    nn_stock    =    5475   !  AUTO - frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 
    22    nn_write    =    5475   !  AUTO - frequency of write in the output file   (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 
     18   cn_ocerst_in  = "restartopa"   !  Suffix of ocean restart name (input) 
     19   cn_ocerst_indir = "."       !  directory from which to read input ocean restarts 
     20   cn_ocerst_out = "restart"      !  Suffix of ocean restart name (output) 
     21   cn_ocerst_outdir = "."      !  directory in which to write output ocean restarts 
     22   nn_istate   =       0   !  Output the initial state (1) or not (0) 
     23   nn_stock    =  _AUTOBLOCKER_   !  Frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 
     24   nn_write    =    5475   !  Requency of write in the output file   (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 
    2325   ln_mskland  = .true.    !  Masks land points in NetCDF outputs 
     26   ln_mskutil  = .false.    !  Outputs without halos 
     27   ln_dimgnnn  = .false.   !  DIMG file format: 1 file for all processors (F) or by processor (T) 
     28   ln_cfmeta   = .false.   !  output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard 
     29   ln_clobber  = .true.    !  clobber (overwrite) an existing file 
     30   nn_chunksz  =       0   !  chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) 
    4451&namdom        !   space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) 
    46    nn_msh      =    0      !  AUTO - create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) 
     53   nn_msh      =    _AUTO_ !  AUTO - create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) 
    4754   rn_rdt      = 5760.     !  time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) 
    4855   nn_closea    =   1      !  remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) 
    8794   nn_fsbc     = 5         !  frequency of surface boundary condition computation 
    8895                           !     (also = the frequency of sea-ice model call) 
     96   ln_blk_clio = .false.   !  CLIO bulk formulation                     (T => fill namsbc_clio) 
    8997   ln_blk_core = .false.   !  CORE bulk formulation                     (T => fill namsbc_core) 
    90    ln_cpl      = .true.    !  Coupled formulation                       (T => fill namsbc_cpl ) 
     98   ln_blk_mfs  = .false.   !  MFS bulk formulation                      (T => fill namsbc_mfs ) 
     99   ln_cpl      = .true.    !  atmosphere coupled   formulation          ( requires key_oasis3 ) 
     100   ln_mixcpl   = .false.   !  forced-coupled mixed formulation          ( requires key_oasis3 ) 
    91101   ln_apr_dyn  = .false.   !  Patm gradient added in ocean & ice Eqs.   (T => fill namsbc_apr ) 
    92102   nn_ice      = 2         !  =0 no ice boundary condition   , 
    93103                           !  =1 use observed ice-cover      , 
    94104                           !  =2 ice-model used                         ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2") 
    95    cn_iceflx   = 'linear'  !  AUTO -  
    96                            !  ="ave"    - Average flux over all ice categories ("key_lim3") 
    97                            !  ="linear" - Linear repartition of fluxes over ice categories ("key_lim3") 
    98105   nn_ice_embd = 0         !  AUTO -  
    99106                           !  =0 levitating ice (no mass exchange, concentration/dilution effect) 
    118125&namtra_qsr    !   penetrative solar radiation 
     127!              !  file name  ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     128!              !             !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     129   sn_chl      = 'chlorophyll_surface.nc',        -1         , 'CHLA'    ,   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
    122132&namsbc_rnf    !   runoffs namelist surface boundary condition 
     134!              !  file name           ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     135!              !                      !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     136   sn_rnf      = 'ORCA_R2_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask',        -1         , 'sorunoff',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     137   sn_cnf      = 'ORCA_R2_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask',         0         , 'socoeff' ,   .false.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     138   sn_s_rnf    = 'runoffs'                        ,        24         , 'rosaline',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     139   sn_t_rnf    = 'runoffs'                        ,        24         , 'rotemper',   .true.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     140   sn_dep_rnf  = 'runoffs_ORCA2_depths.nc'        ,         0         , 'rodepth' ,   .false.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     142   ln_rnf_mouth = .false.    !  specific treatment at rivers mouths 
     143   ln_rnf_depth = .true.     !  read in depth information for runoff 
     144   ln_rnf_tem   = .false.    !  read in temperature information for runoff 
     145   ln_rnf_sal   = .false.    !  read in salinity information for runoff 
     146   ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true. !  compute depth at initialisation from runoff file 
     147   rn_rnf_max   = 0.05       !  max value of the runoff climatology over global domain ( if ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) 
     148   rn_dep_max = 150.         !  depth over which runoffs is spread ( ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) 
     149   nn_rnf_depth_file = _AUTO_     ! create (=1) a runoff depth file or not (=0) 
    130156&namsbc_alb    !   albedo parameters 
    132    rn_cloud    =    0.00   !  cloud correction to snow and ice albedo 
    133    rn_albice   =    0.5    !  albedo of melting ice in the arctic and antarctic 
    134    rn_alphd    =    0.80   !  coefficients for linear interpolation used to 
    135    rn_alphc    =    0.65   !  compute albedo between two extremes values 
    136    rn_alphdi   =    0.72   !  (Pyane, 1972) 
     158   nn_ice_alb   =    0   !  parameterization of ice/snow albedo 
     159                         !     0: Shine & Henderson-Sellers (JGR 1985), giving clear-sky albedo 
     160                         !     1: "home made" based on Brandt et al. (JClim 2005) and Grenfell & Perovich (JGR 2004), 
     161                         !        giving cloud-sky albedo 
     162   rn_alb_sdry  =  0.80  !  dry snow albedo         : 0.80 (nn_ice_alb = 0); 0.85 (nn_ice_alb = 1); obs 0.85-0.87 (cloud-sky) 
     163   rn_alb_smlt  =  0.65  !  melting snow albedo     : 0.65 ( '' )          ; 0.75 ( '' )          ; obs 0.72-0.82 ( '' ) 
     164   rn_alb_idry  =  0.72  !  dry ice albedo          : 0.72 ( '' )          ; 0.60 ( '' )          ; obs 0.54-0.65 ( '' ) 
     165   rn_alb_imlt  =  0.50  !  bare puddled ice albedo : 0.53 ( '' )          ; 0.50 ( '' )          ; obs 0.49-0.58 ( '' ) 
    207236&namtra_dmp    !   tracer: T & S newtonian damping 
    209     ln_tradmp   =  .FALSE.   !  add a damping termn (T) or not (F) 
     238   ln_tradmp   =  .false.  !  add a damping termn (T) or not (F) 
    260289   ln_nnogather=  .false.  !  activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold 
    261290   jpni        =   1       !  jpni   number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) 
    262    jpnj        =   5       !  jpnj   number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) 
    263    jpnij       =   5       !  jpnij  number of local domains (set automatically if < 1) 
     291   jpnj        =  31       !  jpnj   number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) 
     292   jpnij       =  31       !  jpnij  number of local domains (set automatically if < 1) 
    270 &namc1d        !   1D configuration options                             ("key_c1d") 
    271 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    272 / 
    273 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    274 &namc1d_dyndmp !   U & V newtonian damping                              ("key_c1d") 
    275 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    276 / 
    277 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    278299&namptr       !   Poleward Transport Diagnostic 
    280301   ln_diaptr  = .true.     !  Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) 
    281    ln_diaznl  = .true.     !  Add zonal means and meridional stream functions 
    282302   ln_subbas  = .true.     !  Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not 
    283303                           !  (orca configuration only, need input basins mask file named "subbasins.nc" 
    284    ln_ptrcomp = .true.     !  Add decomposition : overturning 
    285    nn_fptr    =  1         !  Frequency of ptr computation [time step] 
    286    nn_fwri    =  15        !  AUTO - Frequency of ptr outputs [time step] 
    293 &namsbc_wave   ! External fields from wave model 
    294 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    295 / 
    296 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    297310&namhsb       !  Heat and salt budgets 

    r2456 r3688  
    1414&namicedyn     !   ice dynamic 
    16       creepl      =   1.0e-08 !  creep limit 

    r2456 r3688  
    2 !! NEMO/LIM3 :  1 - dynamics/advection/thermo          (namicerun) 
    3 !! namelists    2 - ice intialisation                  (namiceini) 
    4 !!              3 - ice dynamic                        (namicedyn) 
    5 !!              4 - ice advection                      (namicetrp) 
    6 !!              5 - thermodynamic                      (namicethd) 
    7 !!              6 - ice salinity                       (namicesal) 
    8 !!              7 - mechanical redistribution of ice   (namiceitdme) 
    9 !!              8 - ice diagnostics                    (namicedia) 
     2!! NEMO/LIM-3 : Ice configuration namelist. Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 
    136&namicerun     !   Share parameters for dynamics/advection/thermo 
    15    cn_icerst_in  = "restart_ice_in"   !  suffix of ice restart name (input) 
     8   cn_icerst_in  = "restart_ice_in" !  suffix of ice restart name (input) 
     9   rn_amax_n     = 0.997            !  maximum tolerated ice concentration NH 
     10   rn_amax_s     = 0.950            !  maximum tolerated ice concentration SH 
     11   ln_limdiahsb  = .false.          !  check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 
     12   ln_limdiaout  = .true.            !  output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 
    2219&namicedyn     !   ice dynamic 
    24    ahi0        = 175.e0     !  horizontal eddy diffusivity coefficient for sea-ice [m2/s] 
    25    telast      = 3600.0     !  timescale for EVP elastic waves 
    27 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    28 &namicetrp     !   ice transport 
    29 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     23&namicehdf     !   Ice horizontal diffusion 
    3227&namicethd     !   ice thermodynamic 
    34    parsub      = 0.0       !  switch for snow sublimation or not - O.M. attention : 0 en couple 
     29   rn_cdsn     = 0.30              !  thermal conductivity of the snow (0.31 W/m/K, Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971) 
     30                                   !  Obs: 0.1-0.5 (Lecomte et al, JAMES 2013) 
    41 &namiceitdme   !   parameters for mechanical redistribution of ice  
     37&namiceitdme   !   parameters for mechanical redistribution of ice 
     39   rn_astar    =   0.03            !  exponential measure of ridging ice fraction (nn_partfun = 1) 
     40   rn_hstar    = 25.0             !  determines the maximum thickness of ridged ice (m) (Hibler, 1980) 
     47&namiceitd     !   Ice discretization 

    r2456 r3688  
    2 !! NEMO/LIM3 :  1 - dynamics/advection/thermo          (namicerun) 
    3 !! namelists    2 - ice intialisation                  (namiceini) 
    4 !!              3 - ice dynamic                        (namicedyn) 
    5 !!              4 - ice advection                      (namicetrp) 
    6 !!              5 - thermodynamic                      (namicethd) 
    7 !!              6 - ice salinity                       (namicesal) 
    8 !!              7 - mechanical redistribution of ice   (namiceitdme) 
    9 !!              8 - ice diagnostics                    (namicedia) 
     2!! NEMO/LIM-3 : Ice configuration namelist. Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 
    2215&namicedyn     !   ice dynamic 
    24    pstar       =   4.0e+04 !  1st bulk-rheology parameter 
    26 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    27 &namicetrp     !   ice transport 
    28 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     19&namicehdf     !   Ice horizontal diffusion 
     21   nn_ahi0        =  2          !  horizontal diffusivity computation 
    3124&namicethd     !   ice thermodynamic 
    33    parsub      = 0.0       !  switch for snow sublimation or not - O.M. attention : 0 en couple 
    40 &namiceitdme   !   parameters for mechanical redistribution of ice  
     32&namiceitdme   !   parameters for mechanical redistribution of ice 
     40&namiceitd     !   Ice discretization 

    r2456 r3688  
    55&nampisext     !   air-sea exchange 
    7    ln_co2int  =  .false.       ! AUTO - read atm pco2 from a file (T) or constant (F) 
    8    atcco2     = 0.36886500E+03 ! AUTO - atmospheric pCO2 
     7   atcco2     =  _AUTO_: DEFAULT=287.    ! Constant value atmospheric pCO2 - ln_co2int = F 
    2423&nampisopt     !   parameters for optics 
    26  ln_varpar   =  .false.   ! boolean for PAR variable - WARNING changement temporaire 
     25!              !  file name                                 ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     26!              !                                            !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     27   sn_par      = 'par_fraction_gewex_clim90s00s_eORCA_R1.nc',     24            , 'fr_par'  ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''       , '' 
     28   ln_varpar   =  .true.   ! boolean for PAR variable 
    5759&nampissbc     !   parameters for inputs deposition 
    59    ln_river    =  .false.   ! AUTO - boolean for river input of nutrients 
    60    ln_hydrofe  =  .false.   ! AUTO - boolean for hydrothermal vents 
    61    ln_dust     =  .false.   ! boolean for dust input from the atmosphere WARNING changement temporaire 
    62    ln_solub    =  .false.   ! boolean for variable solubility of atm. Iron  WARNING changement temporaire 
    63    ln_ndepo    =  .false.   ! boolean for atmospheric deposition of N  WARNING changement temporaire 
    64    ln_ironsed  =  .false.   ! boolean for Fe input from sediments  WARNING changement temporaire 
     61!              !  file name                           ! frequency (hours) ! variable      ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights        ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     62!              !                                      !  (if <0  months)  !   name        !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename       ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     64   sn_dust     = 'dust.orca.nc'                       ,    -1             , 'dust'        ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , 'weights_lmd144142_bilin.nc', ''    , '' 
     65   sn_solub    = 'Solubility_T62_Mahowald_eORCA_R1.nc',    -12            , 'solubility2' ,  .false.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     66   sn_riverdic = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdic'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     67   sn_riverdoc = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdoc'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     68   sn_riverdin = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdin'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     69   sn_riverdon = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdon'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     70   sn_riverdip = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdip'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     71   sn_riverdop = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdop'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     72   sn_riverdsi = 'river_global_news_eORCA_R1.nc'      ,    -1             , 'riverdsi'    ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     73   sn_ndepo    = 'ndeposition.orca.nc'                ,    -1             , 'ndep'        ,  .true.      , .true. , 'yearly'  , 'weights_2d_bilin.nc', ''    , '' 
     74   sn_ironsed  = 'pmarge_etopo_eORCA_R1.nc'           ,    -12            , 'bathy'       ,  .false.     , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''    , '' 
     75   cn_dir      = './'      !  root directory for the location of the dynamical files 
     76   ln_dust     =  .true.   ! boolean for dust input from the atmosphere 
     77   ln_solub    =  .true.   ! boolean for variable solubility of atm. Iron 
     78   ln_river    =  .true.   ! boolean for river input of nutrients 
     79   ln_ndepo    =  .true.   ! boolean for atmospheric deposition of N 
     80   ln_ironsed  =  .true.   ! boolean for Fe input from sediments 
     81   ln_ironice  =  .true.   ! boolean for Fe input from sea ice 
     82   sedfeinput  =  1.e-9    ! Coastal release of Iron 
    6785&nampisdmp     !  Damping  
    69    nn_pisdmp   =  8760 
     87   ln_pisdmp   = .false.                      ! No relaxation for PISCES passive tracers 
     88   nn_pisdmp   =  _AUTO_: DEFAULT=8760       !  Frequency of Relaxation 
    7291&nampismass     !  Mass conservation 
    74   ln_check_mass =  .true. 

    r2456 r3688  
    55&nampisext     !   air-sea exchange 
    7    ln_co2int  =  .false.       ! AUTO - read atm pco2 from a file (T) or constant (F) 
    8    atcco2     = 0.36886500E+03 ! AUTO - atmospheric pCO2 
     7   ln_co2int  =  .false.        ! AUTO - read atm pco2 from a file (T) or constant (F) 
     8   atcco2     = 0.36886500E+03  ! AUTO - atmospheric pCO2 
    1111&nampisatm     !  Atmospheric pressure  
    13   ln_presatm  = .false.   ! constant atmopsheric pressure (F) or from a file (T) 
    5655&nampissbc     !   parameters for inputs deposition 
    58    ln_river    =  .true.   ! AUTO - boolean for river input of nutrients 
    59    ln_hydrofe  =  .false.  ! AUTO - boolean for hydrothermal vents 

    r2456 r3688  
    55&namtrc_run     !   run information 
    7    nn_dttrc      =  1        !  time step frequency for passive sn_tracers 
    8    nn_writetrc   =  5475     !  time step frequency for sn_tracer outputs 
    97   ln_top_euler  = .true.    !  use Euler time-stepping for TOP 
    10    ln_rsttr      = .false.   !  AUTO - start from a restart file (T) or not (F) 
    11    nn_rsttr      =   0       !  AUTO - restart control = 0 initial time step is not compared to the restart file value 
     8   ln_rsttr      = _AUTOBLOCKER_   !  AUTO - start from a restart file (T) or not (F) 
     9   nn_rsttr      = _AUTOBLOCKER_   !  AUTO - restart control = 0 initial time step is not compared to the restart file value 
    1210                             !                  = 1 do not use the value in the restart file 
    1311                             !                  = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 
    1816&namtrc     !   tracers definition 
     18   ln_trcdta     =  .true.  !  Initialisation from data input file (T) or not (F) 
     19   ln_trcdmp_clo =  .true.  !  restoring on closed seas (T) or not (F)  
    2022!                !    name   !           title of the field              ! initial data ! initial data ! save   ! 
    2123!                !           !                                           !  units       ! from file    ! or not !  
    4951&namtrc_dta      !    Initialisation from data input file 
    51 !          !  file name  ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
    52 !          !             !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
    53    sn_trcdta(1)  = 'data_DIC_nomask'        ,        -12        ,  'DIC'     ,    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    54    sn_trcdta(2)  = 'data_Alkalini_nomask'   ,        -12        ,  'Alkalini',    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    55    sn_trcdta(3)  = 'data_O2_nomask'         ,        -1         ,  'O2'      ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    56    sn_trcdta(5)  = 'data_PO4_nomask'        ,        -1         ,  'PO4'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    57    sn_trcdta(7)  = 'data_Si_nomask'         ,        -1         ,  'Si'      ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    58    sn_trcdta(10) = 'data_DOC_nomask'        ,        -12        ,  'DOC'     ,    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    59    sn_trcdta(14) = 'data_Fer_nomask'        ,        -12        ,  'Fer'     ,    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    60    sn_trcdta(23) = 'data_NO3_nomask'        ,        -1         ,  'NO3'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
    61    rn_trfac(1)   =   1.0      !  multiplicative factor 
    62    rn_trfac(2)   =   1.0      !  -      -      -     - 
     53!                !  file name                          ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp. !  clim  ! 'yearly'/ ! weights  ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 
     54!                !                                     !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical)  !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing  ! filename      ! 
     55   sn_trcdta(1)  = 'DIC_GLODAP_annual_eORCA_R1.nc'     ,        -12        ,  'DIC'     ,    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     56   sn_trcdta(2)  = 'Alkalini_GLODAP_annual_eORCA_R1.nc',        -12        ,  'Alkalini',    .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     57   sn_trcdta(3)  = 'O2_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'    ,        -1         ,  'O2'      ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     58   sn_trcdta(5)  = 'PO4_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'   ,        -1         ,  'PO4'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     59   sn_trcdta(7)  = 'Si_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'    ,        -1         ,  'Si'      ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     60   sn_trcdta(10) = 'DOC_PISCES_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'    ,        -1         ,  'DOC'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     61   sn_trcdta(14) = 'Fer_PISCES_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'    ,        -1         ,  'Fer'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     62   sn_trcdta(23) = 'NO3_WOA2009_monthly_eORCA_R1.nc'   ,        -1         ,  'NO3'     ,    .true.    , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''       , ''   , '' 
     63   rn_trfac(1)   =   1.028e-06  !  multiplicative factor 
     64   rn_trfac(2)   =   1.028e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    6365   rn_trfac(3)   =  44.6e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    6466   rn_trfac(5)   = 122.0e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    6567   rn_trfac(7)   =   1.0e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    66    rn_trfac(10)  =   1.0      !  -      -      -     - 
    67    rn_trfac(14)  =   1.0      !  -      -      -     - 
     68   rn_trfac(10)  =   1.0e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
     69   rn_trfac(14)  =   1.0e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    6870   rn_trfac(23)  =   7.6e-06  !  -      -      -     - 
    7779&namtrc_ldf    !   lateral diffusion scheme for passive tracer  
    79    rn_ahtrc_0       =  1000.    !  horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] 
     81   rn_fact_lap      =     15.    !     enhanced zonal eddy diffusivity 
     92&namtrc_dmp    !   passive tracer newtonian damping 
     96&namtrc     !   tracers definition 
     100&namtrc_ice       !    Representation of sea ice growth & melt effects 
     104&namtrc_trd       !   diagnostics on tracer trends        ('key_trdtrc') 
     105!                          or mixed-layer trends          ('key_trdmld_trc') 
    90109&namtrc_dia       !   parameters for passive tracer additional diagnostics 
     113&namtrc_bc        !   data for boundary conditions 

    r2456 r3688  
    55&namtrc_run     !   run information 
    7    nn_dttrc      =  1        !  time step frequency for passive sn_tracers 
    8    nn_writetrc   =  5475     !  time step frequency for sn_tracer outputs 
    9    ln_top_euler  = .true.    !  use Euler time-stepping for TOP 
    10    ln_rsttr      = .false.   !  AUTO - start from a restart file (T) or not (F) 
    11    nn_rsttr      =   0       !  AUTO - restart control = 0 initial time step is not compared to the restart file value 
    12                              !                  = 1 do not use the value in the restart file 
    13                              !                  = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 
    14    cn_trcrst_in  = "restart_trc"   !  suffix of pass. sn_tracer restart name (input) 
    15    cn_trcrst_out = "restart_trc"   !  suffix of pass. sn_tracer restart name (output) 
     7   ln_rsttr      = _AUTO_ 
     8   nn_rsttr      = _AUTO_ 
     9   ln_top_euler  = .true. 
    1812&namtrc     !   tracers definition 
     14   ln_trcdta     =   .true.  !  Initialisation from data input file (T) or not (F) 
     15   ln_trcdmp_clo =  .true.   !  restoring on closed seas (T) or not (F)  
    2017!                !    name   !           title of the field              ! initial data ! initial data ! save   ! 
    2118!                !           !                                           !  units       ! from file    ! or not !  
     90&namtrc_bc        !   data for boundary conditions 

    r2456 r3688  
    33#                    Parameter file list for ORCHIDEE 
     4# See all optional parameters in modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/orchidee.default 
    2021# Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file 
    21 # defulat = n 
    24 # Flag to activate sechiba_out_2.nc history file for SECHIBA 
    25 # default  = FALSE 
    28 # SECHIBA history output level (0..10) 
    29 # default = 5 
    32 # SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) 
    33 # default = 1 
    36 # STOMATE history output level (0..10) 
    37 # default = 10 
     22# default = y 
     23XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = y 
    4025# Writefrequency in seconds in sechiba_history.nc 
    41 # default = 86400.0 
    42 WRITE_STEP = _AUTO_ 
    44 # Writefrequency in seconds sechiba_out_2.nc  
    45 # default = 1800.0 
    46 WRITE_STEP2 = _AUTO_ 
    48 # Writefrequency in days in stomate_history.nc 
    49 # default = 10. 
    52 # Writefrequency in days or -1 for monthly output in stomate_ipcc_history.nc 
    53 # default = 0. 
     26# default = 0 
     27WRITE_STEP = 0 
     29# Print level for text output in out_orchidee_* 
     30# PRINTLEV = 1 : some output in initialization phase 
     31# PRINTLEV = 2 : more output in initialization phase and printing of new date 
     32# PRINTLEV = 3, 4,.. : more output also at each timestep 
    5735# Hydrology parameters 
    5937# Activate the multi-layer diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR 
    60 # by default the Choisnel hydrology is used. 
    61 # default = n 
     38# default = y 
    6239HYDROL_CWRR = y 
    64 # Total depth of soil reservoir 
    65 # default = 2./4. depending on HYDROL_CWRR 
    66 HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH = 2. 
    68 # Root profile 
    69 HYDROL_HUMCSTE = 5.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0  
    7141# Activate river routing 
    72 # default = n 
     42# default = y 
    7343RIVER_ROUTING = y 
     45# Activate creation of river_desc.nc file 
     46# RIVER_DESC will be activated only the first execution in the simulation.  
     47RIVER_DESC = _AUTO_ 
     49# SOILTYPE_CLASSIF :  Type of classification used for the map of soil types (default zobler) 
     50SOILTYPE_CLASSIF = zobler  
     51SOILALB_FILE     = soils_param.nc 
     52SOILCLASS_FILE   = soils_param.nc 
     54# DO_RSOIL : Reduce soil evaporation with a soil resistance (default n) 
     55DO_RSOIL = n 
     57# To make AVAN and NVAN constant with depth (default CWRR_AKS_A0=0, CWRR_AKS_POWER=0, CWRR_NKS_A0=0, CWRR_NKS_POWER=0 ) 
     58CWRR_AKS_A0 = 0. 
     59CWRR_AKS_POWER = 0. 
     60CWRR_NKS_A0 = 0. 
     61CWRR_NKS_POWER = 0. 
    7764# Activate Stomate component 
    78 # default = n 
    8167# Activate calculations of CO2 according to Farqhuar and Ball 
    82 # default = n 
     68# default = y 
    8369STOMATE_OK_CO2 = y 
    85 # Use cdrag coefficient from gcm 
    86 CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y 
     71# CDRAG_from_GCM: Use cdrag coefficient from gcm (default=y if coupled to LMDZ) 
     72CDRAG_from_GCM = y 
    8874# Interception reservoir coefficient. 
    9076SECHIBA_QSINT = 0.02 
    92 # Parmeters related to vegetation map 
    93 #************************************************************************** 
    94 # Read a land_use vegetation map 
    95 # default = n 
    96 LAND_USE = y 
    98 # Year of the land_use vegetation map readed 
    99 # year off the pft map 
    100 # default = 282 
    101 VEGET_YEAR = 1 
    103 # The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count  
    104 # and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. 
    105 # Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. 
    106 # If LAND_USE 
    107 # default = y 
    108 VEGET_REINIT = n 
    110 # Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) 
    111 # The veget datas will be update at this period if LAND_USE 
     78# Use 15 PFTs. Note that PFTmap.nc must contains 15PFTs. 
     79# PFT=10, 14 and 15 share the same parametrization except for VCMAX and LAI_MAX specified below.   
     82NAME__10='temperate C3           grass      ' 
     83NAME__14='tropical  C3           grass      ' 
     84NAME__15='boreal    C3           grass      ' 
     87# Default STRESS_GS=1, STRESS_GM=1, STRESS_VCMAX=1 for all PFTs 
     92# Optimized parameters for albedo (default values) 
     93ALB_LEAF_NIR = 0.,0.23,0.18,0.18,0.20,0.24,0.15,0.26,0.20,0.24,0.27,0.28,0.26,0.24,0.24 
     94ALB_LEAF_VIS = 0.,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06 
     95SNOWA_AGED_NIR = 0.50,0,0,0.10,0.37,0.08,0.16,0.17,0.27,0.44,0.44,0.44,0.44,0.44,0.44 
     96SNOWA_DEC_NIR = 0.13,0,0,0.10,0.10,0.16,0.04,0.07,0.08,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12 
     97SNOWA_AGED_VIS = 0.74,0,0,0.08,0.24,0.07,0.18,0.18,0.33,0.57,0.57,0.57,0.57,0.57,0.57 
     98SNOWA_DEC_VIS = 0.21,0,0,0.14,0.08,0.17,0.05,0.06,0.09,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15 
     100# Optimized parameters for photosynthetic capacity  
     101# Default values except for PFT=15 
     102VCMAX25__02 = 45.0 
     103VCMAX25__03 = 45.0 
     104VCMAX25__04 = 35.0 
     105VCMAX25__05 = 40.0 
     106VCMAX25__06 = 50.0 
     107VCMAX25__07 = 45.0 
     108VCMAX25__08 = 35.0 
     109VCMAX25__09 = 35.0 
     110VCMAX25__10 = 50.0 
     111VCMAX25__11 = 50.0 
     112VCMAX25__12 = 60.0 
     113VCMAX25__13 = 60.0 
     114VCMAX25__14 = 50.0 
     115VCMAX25__15 = 40.0 
     117# Optimized parameters for LAI 
     118# Default values except for PFT=15 
     119LAI_MAX__02 = 7.0 
     120LAI_MAX__03 = 5.0 
     121LAI_MAX__04 = 5.0 
     122LAI_MAX__05 = 4.0 
     123LAI_MAX__06 = 5.0 
     124LAI_MAX__07 = 3.5 
     125LAI_MAX__08 = 4.0 
     126LAI_MAX__09 = 3.0 
     127LAI_MAX__10 = 2.5 
     128LAI_MAX__11 = 2.0 
     129LAI_MAX__12 = 5.0 
     130LAI_MAX__13 = 5.0 
     131LAI_MAX__14 = 2.5 
     132LAI_MAX__15 = 2.0 
     134# Activate downregulation for CO2 
     138# Activate harvest of wood 
     141# Growth respiration (default values except for PFT=14 and PFT=15) 
     142FRAC_GROWTHRESP__02 = 0.35 
     143FRAC_GROWTHRESP__03 = 0.35 
     144FRAC_GROWTHRESP__04 = 0.28 
     145FRAC_GROWTHRESP__05 = 0.28 
     146FRAC_GROWTHRESP__06 = 0.28 
     147FRAC_GROWTHRESP__07 = 0.35 
     148FRAC_GROWTHRESP__08 = 0.35 
     149FRAC_GROWTHRESP__09 = 0.35 
     150FRAC_GROWTHRESP__10 = 0.28 
     151FRAC_GROWTHRESP__11 = 0.28 
     152FRAC_GROWTHRESP__12 = 0.28 
     153FRAC_GROWTHRESP__13 = 0.28 
     154FRAC_GROWTHRESP__14 = 0.35 
     155FRAC_GROWTHRESP__15 = 0.35 
     157# Maintenance respiration slope C (default values except for PFT=14 and PFT=15) 
     158MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__02 = 0.12 
     159MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__03 = 0.12 
     160MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__04 = 0.16 
     161MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__05 = 0.16 
     162MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__06 = 0.16 
     163MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__07 = 0.25 
     164MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__08 = 0.25 
     165MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__09 = 0.25 
     166MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__10 = 0.16 
     167MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__11 = 0.12 
     168MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__12 = 0.16 
     169MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__13 = 0.12 
     170MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__14 = 0.12 
     171MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__15 = 0.25 
     173# Soil turnover (default CARBON_TAU=7, CARBON_TAU_IPASSOVE=300) 
     174CARBON_TAU_ISLOW = 7 
     175CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE = 300 
     177# Take carbon from atmosphere if carbohydrate reserve too small, PFT dependent 
     178# Set to y for all pft except C4 grass (pft=11) and tropical C3 grass (pft=14) 
     179ALWAYS_INIT =  y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, n, y, y, n, y 
     181# Do not use default fire module 
     182# Default FIRE_DISABLE=y 
     183FIRE_DISABLE = y 
     185# Parameters related to vegetation map 
     187# Update vegetation frequency 
     188# The maximum vegetation fractions will be update at this period 
    112189# default = 1Y 
    113190VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ 
    115 # treat land use modifications 
    116 # With this variable, you can use a Land Use map 
    117 # to simulate anthropic modifications such as    
    118 # deforestation.                                 
    119 # If LAND_USE 
    120 # default = y 
     193# Parameters related to surface and thermal physical properties 
     195# Read bare soil albedo from file with background MODIS data 
     196# Default ALB_BG_MODIS=y 
     197ALB_BG_MODIS = y 
     198ALB_BG_FILE  = alb_bg.nc 
     200# ROUGH_DYN : Account for a dynamic roughness height (activation of Su et al. parametrization) (default y) 
     203# OK_FREEZE :  Activate the complet soil freezing scheme (default y) 
     206# DEPTH_MAX_T (m) :  Maximum depth of the soil thermodynamics (default 90) 
     209# OK_EXPLICITSNOW :  Activate explict snow scheme (default y) 
     212# READ_REFTEMP :  Initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature (default y if OK_FREEZE=y) 
     215# Parameters related to chemistry bvoc  
     217# CHEMISTRY_OK_BVOC :  Activate chemistry 
     218CHEMISTRY_BVOC =  n 
     220# CO2 FOR BVOC - WILKINSON :  CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Wilkinson approach? 
     223# CO2 FOR BVOC - POSSELL :  CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Possell approach? 

    r2456 r3688  
    2020# Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file 
    2121# defulat = n 
    24 # Flag to activate sechiba_out_2.nc history file for SECHIBA 
    25 # default  = FALSE 
    28 # SECHIBA history output level (0..10) 
    29 # default = 5 
    32 # SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) 
    33 # default = 1 
    36 # STOMATE history output level (0..10) 
    37 # default = 10 
     22XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = y 
    4024# Writefrequency in seconds in sechiba_history.nc 
    4125# default = 86400.0 
    42 WRITE_STEP = _AUTO_ 
    44 # Writefrequency in seconds sechiba_out_2.nc  
    45 # default = 1800.0 
    46 WRITE_STEP2 = _AUTO_ 
    48 # Writefrequency in days in stomate_history.nc 
    49 # default = 10. 
    52 # Writefrequency in days or -1 for monthly output in stomate_ipcc_history.nc 
    53 # default = 0. 
     26WRITE_STEP = 0 
    5728# Hydrology parameters 
    7344RIVER_ROUTING = y 
    7747# Activate Stomate component 
    8555# Use cdrag coefficient from gcm 
    86 CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y 
     56CDRAG_from_GCM = y 
    8858# Interception reservoir coefficient. 
    9060SECHIBA_QSINT = 0.02 
     62# Use 15 PFTs. Note that PFTmap.nc must contains 15PFTs. 
     63# PFT=10, 14 and 15 share the same parametrization.   
     67# Set NVM and PFT_TO_MTC as follow to run with PFTmap files containing 13 pfts 
     68# Do this for example to run with the CMIP5 vegetation files 
     72# Do not use default fire module 
     73FIRE_DISABLE = y 
    9275# Parmeters related to vegetation map 
    94 # Read a land_use vegetation map 
    95 # default = n 
    96 LAND_USE = y 
    98 # Year of the land_use vegetation map readed 
    99 # year off the pft map 
    100 # default = 282 
    101 VEGET_YEAR = 1 
    103 # The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count  
    104 # and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. 
    105 # Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. 
    106 # If LAND_USE 
    107 # default = y 
    108 VEGET_REINIT = n 
    110 # Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) 
    111 # The veget datas will be update at this period if LAND_USE 
     77# Update vegetation frequency 
     78# The veget datas will be update at this period 
    11279# default = 1Y 
    11380VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ 
    115 # treat land use modifications 
    116 # With this variable, you can use a Land Use map 
    117 # to simulate anthropic modifications such as    
    118 # deforestation.                                 
    119 # If LAND_USE 
    120 # default = y 
     83# Create river description file 
     84RIVER_DESC = _AUTO_ 
     85RIVER_DESC_FILE =  river_desc.nc 
     87# Parameter related to chemistry bvoc  
     89# CHEMISTRY_OK_BVOC ([FLAG]) :  Activate chemistry    {OK_SECHIBA} 
     90# default =  n  
     91CHEMISTRY_BVOC =  n 
     93# CO2 FOR BVOC - WILKINSON ([FLAG]) :  CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Wilkinson approach?    {CHEMISTRY_OK_BVOC } 
     96# CO2 FOR BVOC - POSSELL ([FLAG]) :  CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Possell approach?    {CHEMISTRY_OK_BVOC } 
     100# Parameters below were previous default values 
     101# The new values have not been tested with Choisnel.  
     106VCMAX25=-9999., 50.0, 65.0, 45.0, 45.0, 55.0, 45.0, 45.0, 35.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0 
     107STRESS_GS=0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ,0., 0. 
     108STRESS_GM=0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ,0., 0. 
     109SNOWA_AGED_VIS=0.5, 0., 0., 0.15, 0.14, 0.14, 0.15, 0.14, 0.22, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35 
     110SNOWA_AGED_NIR=0.35, 0., 0., 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18 
     111SNOWA_DEC_VIS= 0.45, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.06, 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.18, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60 
     112SNOWA_DEC_NIR= 0.45, 0., 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.11, 0.06, 0.11, 0.11, 0.52 ,0.52, 0.52, 0.52, 0.52 ,0.52 
     113ALB_LEAF_VIS=.0, .0397, .0474, .0386, .0484, .0411, .041, .0541, .0435, .0524, .0508, .0509, .0606, .0524, .0524 
     114ALB_LEAF_NIR=.0, .227, .214, .193, .208, .244, .177, .218, .213, .252, .265, .272, .244, .252, .252 
     115FRAC_GROWTHRESP = -9999., .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28 
     116MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C=-9999., .20, .20, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .12, .16, .12, .16, .16 
     117LAI_MAX=-9999., 7., 7., 5., 5., 5., 4.5, 4.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.5, 5.,5., 2.5, 2.5 
     118ALWAYS_INIT=n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n 
     122CARBON_TAU_ISLOW = 5.48 
     123CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE = 241. 
     124OK_FREEZE = n 
     125CWRR_NKS_N0 = 0.95 
     126CWRR_NKS_POWER = 0.34 
     127CWRR_AKS_A0 = 0.00012 
     128CWRR_AKS_POWER = 0.53 

    r2477 r3688  
    6 INCLUDEDEF=output.def 
    2626## flag de sortie dynzon 
    28 ## periode de stockage fichier dynzon (en jour) 
    29 periodav= _AUTOBLOCKER_ 
    3028## activation du calcul d equilibrage de charge 
    31 adjust= _AUTO_ 
     29adjust= n 
    3230## activation du filtre fft 
    5250### config_inca=aero/chem needed only if type_trac=inca 
    54 ### Only concerning the program ce0l : for creating file grilles_gcm.nc 
    55 grilles_gcm_netcdf=_AUTO_ 
    56 ### To activate XIOS ouputs only 
    57 ok_all_xml= _AUTO_ 
     52### To activate XIOS ouputs only, set n to use IOIPSL 
     53ok_all_xml= y 
     54### Only read by ce0l : Do not set land points on Antartic 

    r2515 r3688  
    1 6 
    2214 14 H2Ov 
    3310 10 H2Ol 
    4410 10 H2Oi 
    5510 10 Aga 
    6 10 10 RN 
    7 10 10 PB 

    r2456 r3688  
    3737#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    39  iicethic_north  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    40  iicethic_south  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    41  isnowthi_north  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    42  isnowthi_south  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    43  icesurf_north   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (NORTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    44  icesurf_south   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (SOUTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    45  icevol_north    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    46  icevol_south    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    47  snowvol_north   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
    48  snowvol_south   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
     39 iicethic_north  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     40 iicethic_south  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     41 isnowthi_north  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     42 isnowthi_south  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     43 icesurf_north   | "ice_pres"           | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (NORTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
     44 icesurf_south   | "ice_pres"           | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (SOUTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
     45 icevol_north    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
     46 icevol_south    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
     47 snowvol_north   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
     48 snowvol_south   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | eORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 

    r2456 r3688  
    3737#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    39  iicethic_north  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    40  iicethic_south  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    41  isnowthi_north  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    42  isnowthi_south  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    43  icesurf_north   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (NORTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    44  icesurf_south   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (SOUTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    45  icevol_north    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    46  icevol_south    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    47  snowvol_north   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
    48  snowvol_south   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
     39 siconc_north    | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     40 siconc_south    | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41 icesurf_north   | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"             | "Ice Surface (NORTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     42 icesurf_south   | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"             | "Ice Surface (SOUTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     43 icevol_north    | "sivolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volume (NORTH)"    | "m3"    | "2" 
     44 snowol_south    | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volum  (SOUTH)"    | "m3"    | "2" 
     45 snowvol_north   | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (NORTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     46 icevol_south    | "sivolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     47 iicethic_north  | "sithic siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     48 iicethic_south  | "sithic siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     49 isnowthi_north  | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     50 isnowthi_south  | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     51 sisali_north    | "sisali siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     52 sisali_south    | "sisali siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     53 sitemp_north    | "sitemp siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (NORTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     54 sitemp_south    | "sitemp siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (SOUTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     55 sistem_north    | "sistem siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (NORTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     56 sistem_south    | "sistem siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     57 siages_north    | "siages siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (NORTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     58 siages_south    | "siages siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (SOUTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 

    r2456 r3688  
    3737#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    39  iicethic_north  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    40  iicethic_south  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    41  isnowthi_north  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    42  isnowthi_south  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    43  icesurf_north   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (NORTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    44  icesurf_south   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (SOUTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    45  icevol_north    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    46  icevol_south    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    47  snowvol_north   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
    48  snowvol_south   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
     39# Commented until siconc is fixes in icemod.nc 
     40# siconc_north    | "siconc"  | eORCA1.1_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41# siconc_south    | "siconc"  | eORCA1.1_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     42# icesurf_north   | "siconc"  | eORCA1.1_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Ice Surface (NORTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     43# icesurf_south   | "siconc"  | eORCA1.1_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Ice Surface (SOUTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     44# Temporary fix 
     45 siconc_north    | "sivolu sithic"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sivolu[d=1]/sithic[d=2])"   | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]"  
     46 siconc_south    | "sivolu sithic"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sivolu[d=1]/sithic[d=2])"   | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     47 snowvol_north   | "snvolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then snvolu[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Snow Volume (NORTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     48 snowvol_south   | "snvolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then snvolu[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Snow Volume  (SOUTH)"    | "m3"    | "2" 
     49 icevol_north    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then sivolu[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Ice Volume (NORTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     50 icevol_north_MAR    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc  | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 and STRINDEX(TAX_DATESTRING(t[gt=sivolu[d=1]], sivolu[i=1,j=1,k=1,d=1], \"month\"), \"MAR\") then sivolu[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice volume (NORTH) (March)"   | "m3" | "2" | "@FNR" 
     51 icevol_north_SEP_prio    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc  | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 and STRINDEX(TAX_DATESTRING(t[gt=sivolu[d=1]], sivolu[i=1,j=1,k=1,d=1], \"month\"), \"SEP\") then sivolu[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice volume (NORTH) (September)"   | "m3" | "2" | "@FNR" 
     52 icevol_south    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then sivolu[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"   | "Ice Volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3"    | "2"   
     53 icevol_south_MAR    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc  | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 and STRINDEX(TAX_DATESTRING(t[gt=sivolu[d=1]], sivolu[i=1,j=1,k=1,d=1], \"month\"), \"MAR\") then sivolu[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH) (March)"   | "m3" | "2" | "@FNR" 
     54 icevol_south_SEP    | "sivolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc  | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 and STRINDEX(TAX_DATESTRING(t[gt=sivolu[d=1]], sivolu[i=1,j=1,k=1,d=1], \"month\"), \"SEP\") then sivolu[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH) (September)"   | "m3" | "2" | "@FNR" 
     55 iicethic_north  | "sithic"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     56 iicethic_south  | "sithic"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     57 isnowthi_north  | "snvolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     58 isnowthi_south  | "snvolu"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     59# Following fields should be weighted by siconc 
     60 sisali_north    | "sisali"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     61 sisali_south    | "sisali"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     62 sitemp_north    | "sitemp"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (NORTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     63 sitemp_south    | "sitemp"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (SOUTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     64 sistem_north    | "sistem"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (NORTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     65 sistem_south    | "sistem"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     66 siages_north    | "siages"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (NORTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     67 siages_south    | "siages"  | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (SOUTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 

    r2456 r3688  
    3737#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    39  iicethic_north  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    40  iicethic_south  | "iicethic ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"      | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    41  isnowthi_north  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    42  isnowthi_south  | "isnowthi ice_pres"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"     | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
    43  icesurf_north   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (NORTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    44  icesurf_south   | "ice_pres"           | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])"               | "Ice surface (SOUTH)"  | "m2" | "2" 
    45  icevol_north    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    46  icevol_south    | "ice_pres iicethic"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3" | "2" 
    47  snowvol_north   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
    48  snowvol_south   | "ice_pres isnowthi"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)"  | "m3" | "2" 
     39 siconc_north    | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     40 siconc_south    | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siconc[d=1])"   | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)"            | "-"     | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41 icesurf_north   | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"             | "Ice Surface (NORTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     42 icesurf_south   | "siconc"         | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"             | "Ice Surface (SOUTH)"   | "m2"    | "2" 
     43 icevol_north    | "sivolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volume (NORTH)"    | "m3"    | "2" 
     44 snowol_south    | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volum  (SOUTH)"    | "m3"    | "2" 
     45 snowvol_north   | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (NORTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     46 icevol_south    | "sivolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (SOUTH)"   | "m3"    | "2" 
     47 iicethic_north  | "sithic siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (NORTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     48 iicethic_south  | "sithic siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sithic[d=1])"   | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)"           | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     49 isnowthi_north  | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (NORTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     50 isnowthi_south  | "snvolu siconc"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(snvolu[d=1])"   | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)"          | "m"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     51 sisali_north    | "sisali siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     52 sisali_south    | "sisali siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sisali[d=1])"   | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)"            | "PSS"   | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     53 sitemp_north    | "sitemp siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (NORTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     54 sitemp_south    | "sitemp siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sitemp[d=1])"   | "Ice Temperature (SOUTH)"         | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     55 sistem_north    | "sistem siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (NORTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     56 sistem_south    | "sistem siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sistem[d=1])"   | "Ice Surface Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C"     | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     57 siages_north    | "siages siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (NORTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     58 siages_south    | "siages siconc " | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(siages[d=1])"   | "Ice Age (SOUTH)"                 | "years" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_lmdz.cfg

    r2456 r3688  
    4242 nettop_global  | "tops topl"                  | "" | "(tops[d=1]-topl[d=2])"   | "TOA. total heat flux (GLOBAL)"          | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
    4343 nettop0_global | "tops0 topl0"                | "" | "(tops0[d=1]-topl0[d=2])" | "TOA. total heat flux ClearSky (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
    44  t2m_global     | "t2m"                        | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (GLOBAL)"       | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" 
     44 t2m_global_prio     | "t2m"                        | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (GLOBAL)"       | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" 
    4545 t2m_land       | "t2m pourc_ter pourc_lic"    | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)"       | "Temperature at 2 meters (LAND)"         | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    4646 tsol_global    | "tsol"                       | "" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)"      | "Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)"           | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" 
    5050 evap_global    | "evap"                       | "" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (GLOBAL)"                   | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]" 
    5151 evap_land      | "evap pourc_ter pourc_lic"   | "" | "evap[d=1]"               | "Evaporation (LAND)"                     | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" 
    52  flat_global    | "lat_ter pourc_ter lat_sic pourc_sic lat_lic pourc_lic lat_oce pourc_oce" | "" | "(lat_ter[d=1]*pourc_ter[d=2]+lat_sic[d=3]*pourc_sic[d=4]+lat_lic[d=5]*pourc_lic[d=6]+lat_oce[d=7]*pourc_oce[d=8])" | "Latent Heat Flux (GLOBAL)"      | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 
    53  od550aer_forcing       | "od550aer"              | "" | "od550aer[d=1]"           | "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm"   | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
     52 flat_global    | "flat"                       | "" | "flat[d=1]"               | "Surf. latent heat flux (GLOBAL)"         | "W/m^2"     | "aire[d=1]" 
     53 prw_global     | "prw"                        | "" | "prw[d=1]"                | "Precipitable water (GLOBAL)"            | "kg/m^2"    | "aire[d=1]" 
     54 ener_global    | "nettop precip snow sols soll sens" | "" | "nettop[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]+(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6+snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6-sols[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-soll[d=5,x=@ave,y=@ave]-sens[d=6,x=@ave,y=@ave]" | "Destruction d energie par l atmosphere" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
     55 bils_corrected_global  | "bils precip snow flat" | "" | "bils[d=1,x=@ave,y=@ave]-flat[d=4,x=@ave,y=@ave]-(precip[d=2,x=@ave,y=@ave]-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave])*2.5008E+6-snow[d=3,x=@ave,y=@ave]*2.8345E+6" | "Corrected energy budget at surface" | "W/m^2" | "1" | 
     56 vitu_qbo               | "vitu"                  | "" | "vitu[y=-5:5@ave,x=-180:180@ave,z=5000,d=1]"                | "vitu at 5000 Pa for QBO +5deg/-5deg"            | "m/s"    | "1" 
     57 od550aer_tropo_forcing | "od550aer"              | "" | "od550aer[d=1]"           | "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm"   | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
     58 od550aer_strat_forcing | "od550_STRAT"           | "" | "od550_STRAT[d=1]"        | "Aerosol optical depth at 550nm"         | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
    5459 od550lt1aer_forcing    | "od550lt1aer"           | "" | "od550lt1aer[d=1]"        | "Fine mode optical depth"                | "-"         | "aire[d=1]"    
    55  absvisaer_forcing      | "absvisaer"             | "" | "absvisaer[d=1]"          | "Absorption aerosol visible optical depth" | "-"       | "aire[d=1]"    
    5660 topswai_forcing        | "topswai"               | "" | "topswai[d=1]"            | "AIE at TOA"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 
    5761 solswai_forcing        | "solswai"               | "" | "solswai[d=1]"            | "AIE at SRF"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 
    5862 topswad_forcing        | "topswad"               | "" | "topswad[d=1]"            | "ADE at TOA"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 
    5963 solswad_forcing        | "solswad"               | "" | "solswad[d=1]"            | "ADE at SRF"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"  
    60  tro3_strato_forcing    | "tro3"                  | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=1:7@sum,d=1]"  | "ozone strato k=1:7@sum" | "Mole" | "" 
    61  tro3_tropo_forcing     | "tro3"                  | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=8:17@sum,d=1]" | "ozone trop k=8:17@sum"  | "Mole" | "" 
     64 tro3_strato_forcing_DU | "colO3_strat"           | "" | "colO3_strat[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"     | "colonne ozone strato" | "DU" | "" 
     65 tro3_tropo_forcing_DU  | "colO3_trop"            | "" | "colO3_trop[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"      | "colonne ozone trop"   | "DU" | "" 
    6266 solaire_forcing        | "solaire"               | "" | "solaire[d=1]"   | "Constante solaire"      | "W/m^2" | "1" 
     67 rsun1_forcing          | "rsun1"                 | "" | "rsun1[d=1]"     | "Fraction bande 1"       | "-"     | "1" 
    6368 co2_ppm_forcing        | "co2_ppm"               | "" | "co2_ppm[d=1]"   | "Concentration du CO2"   | "ppm"   | "1" 
    6469 CH4_ppb_forcing        | "CH4_ppb"               | "" | "CH4_ppb[d=1]"   | "Concentration du CH4"   | "ppb"   | "1" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_opa9.cfg

    r2456 r3688  
    4343 sossheig_global  | "sossheig"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sossheig[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)"       | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    4444 sohefldo_global  | "sohefldo"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sohefldo[d=1])"                                    | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)"  | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    45  nadw_ocean       | "zomsfatl"  |       ""        | "(zomsfatl[z=500:6000@max,y=10:55@max,d=1])"         | "North Atlantic Deep Water"        | "Sv"    | "1" 
    46  npdw_ocean       | "zomsfpac"  |       ""        | "(zomsfpac[z=500:6000@max,y=10:55@max,d=1])"         | "North Pacific Deep Water"         | "Sv"    | "1" 
    47  aabw_ocean       | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,y=-50:60@max,d=1])"       | "Antarctic Bottom Water"           | "Sv"    | "1" 
    48  deacon_ocean     | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,y=-80:-30@max,d=1])"      | "Deacon Cell"                      | "Sv"    | "1" 
     45 nadw_ocean       | "zomsfatl"  |       ""        | "(zomsfatl[z=500:6000@max,J=10:114@max,d=1])"        | "North Atlantic Deep Water"        | "Sv"    | "1" 
     46 npdw_ocean       | "zomsfpac"  |       ""        | "(zomsfpac[z=500:6000@max,J=10:114@max,d=1])"        | "North Pacific Deep Water"         | "Sv"    | "1" 
     47 aabw_ocean       | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,J=37:118@max,d=1])"       | "Antarctic Bottom Water"           | "Sv"    | "1" 
     48 deacon_ocean     | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,J=2:50@max,d=1])"         | "Deacon Cell"                      | "Sv"    | "1" 
    4949 somxl010_north   | "somxl010"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    5050 somxl010_south   | "somxl010"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 

    r2456 r3688  
    1 #************************************************************** 
    22# Author: Patrick Brockmann 
    33# Contact: Patrick.Brockmann@cea.fr 
    3838#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    40  sosstsst_global  | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    41  sosaline_global  | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)"    | "PSU"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    42  sossheig_global  | "sossheig"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sossheig[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)"       | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    43  sohefldo_global  | "sohefldo"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sohefldo[d=1])"                                    | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)"  | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    44  somxl010_north   | "somxl010"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    45  somxl010_south   | "somxl010"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    46  sosstsst_70N_90N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    47  sosstsst_50N_70N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    48  sosstsst_30N_50N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    49  sosstsst_10N_30N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    50  sosstsst_10S_10N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    51  sosstsst_30S_10S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    52  sosstsst_50S_30S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    53  sosstsst_70S_50S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC"  | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    54  sosaline_70N_90N | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    55  sosaline_50N_70N | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    56  sosaline_30N_50N | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    57  sosaline_10N_30N | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    58  sosaline_10S_10N | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    59  sosaline_30S_10S | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    60  sosaline_50S_30S | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    61  sosaline_70S_50S | "sosaline"  | ORCA1.0_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     40 sosstsst_global_prio | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"                                         | "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41 sosaline_global  | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"                                         | "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)"    | "PSU"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     42 sossheig_global  | "zos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(zos[d=1])"                                         | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)"       | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     43 sohefldo_global  | "nshfls rsntds" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(nshfls[d=1]+rsntds[d=2])"                     | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)"  | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 
     44 somxl010_north   | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"      | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     45 somxl010_south   | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"      | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     46 somxl010_SubpolarNorthAtl   | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=262:300,j=260:281])"       | "Mixed layer depth (Subpolar North Atlantic, annual Max)" | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=262:300,j=260:281]*area[d=2,i=262:300,j=260:281]" | "@SMX:12"  
     47 somxl010_Labrador   | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=228:248,j=265:288])"               | "Mixed layer depth (Labrador Sea, Annual Max)"            | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=228:248,j=265:288]*area[d=2,i=228:248,j=265:288]" | "@SMX:12"  
     48 somxl010_Barents    | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=272:295,j=313:330])"               | "Mixed layer depth (Barents Sea, Annual Max)"             | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=272:295,j=313:330]*area[d=2,i=272:295,j=313:330]" | "@SMX:12"  
     49 somxl010_Irminger   | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=248:268,j=272:285])"               | "Mixed layer depth (Irminger Sea, Annual Max)"            | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=248:268,j=272:285]*area[d=2,i=248:268,j=272:285]" | "@SMX:12"  
     50 somxl010_NordicSeas | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=262:300,j=284:313])"               | "Mixed layer depth (Nordic Seas, Annual Max)"             | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=262:300,j=284:313]*area[d=2,i=262:300,j=284:313]" | "@SMX:12"  
     51 somxl010_Rockall    | "mldr10_1" | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[d=1,i=262:300,j=284:313])"               | "Mixed layer depth (Rockall, Annual Max)"                 | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2,i=262:300,j=284:313]*area[d=2,i=262:300,j=284:313]" | "@SMX:12" 
     52 friver_global    | "friver"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(friver[d=1])"                                      | "River input" | "kg/s"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     53 friver_int       | "friver"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(friver[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]*1E-9)"                                                                                        | "River input"             | "Sv"  | "2" 
     54 friver_coastal   | "friver"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if missing(maskdraw[k=1,d=2],0.1) ne missing(maskdraw[i=@sbx,j=@sbx,k=1,d=2],0.1) then mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]*friver[d=1]*1E-9)" | "Coastal river input"     | "Sv"  | "2" 
     55 friver_noncoastal| "friver"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(if missing(maskdraw[k=1,d=2],0.1) eq missing(maskdraw[i=@sbx,j=@sbx,k=1,d=2],0.1) then mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]*friver[d=1]*1E-9)" | "Non coastal river input" | "Sv"  | "2" 
     56 friver_background| "friver"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]*friver[d=1,i=140,j=190]*1E-9)"                                                                            | "Runoff correction (conservation)" | "Sv"  | "2" 
     57 sosstsst_70N_90N | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     58 sosstsst_50N_70N | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     59 sosstsst_30N_50N | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     60 sosstsst_10N_30N | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     61 sosstsst_10S_10N | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     62 sosstsst_30S_10S | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     63 sosstsst_50S_30S | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     64 sosstsst_70S_50S | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC"  | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     65 sosstsst_50S_50N_prio | "tos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(tos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-50N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     66 sosaline_70N_90N | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     67 sosaline_50N_70N | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     68 sosaline_30N_50N | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     69 sosaline_10N_30N | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     70 sosaline_10S_10N | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     71 sosaline_30S_10S | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     72 sosaline_50S_30S | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     73 sosaline_70S_50S | "sos"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(sos[d=1])"   | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
     74 hc300_global     | "hc300"    | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(hc300[d=1])" | "Heat content 0-300m (GLOBAL)"      | "J/m2"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     75 wfo_global       | "wfo"      | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(wfo[d=1])"   | "Water flux (GLOBAL)"               | "kg/m2/s"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     76 nadw_ocean_prio       | "zomsfatl" |       ""         | "(zomsfatl[z=500:6000@max,J=212:266@max,d=1])"       | "North Atlantic Deep Water"        | "Sv"    | "1" 
     77 npdw_ocean       | "zomsfpac" |       ""         | "(zomsfpac[z=500:6000@max,J=212:266@max,d=1])"       | "North Pacific Deep Water"         | "Sv"    | "1" 
     78 aabw_ocean       | "zomsfglo" |       ""         | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,J=115:274@max,d=1])"      | "Antarctic Bottom Water"           | "Sv"    | "1" 
     79 deacon_ocean     | "zomsfglo" |       ""         | "(zomsfglo[z=2000:6000@max,J=31:140@max,d=1])"       | "Deacon Cell"                      | "Sv"    | "1" 
     80 thetao_0100m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=24])" | "Sea Water Temperature @100m"  | "degC" |  "mask[k=24,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     81 thetao_0200m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=31])" | "Sea Water Temperature @200m"  | "degC" |  "mask[k=31,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     82 thetao_0500m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=40])" | "Sea Water Temperature @500m"  | "degC" |  "mask[k=40,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     83 thetao_1000m_prio     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=47])" | "Sea Water Temperature @1000m" | "degC" |  "mask[k=47,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     84 thetao_2000m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=54])" | "Sea Water temperature @2000m" | "degC" |  "mask[k=54,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     85 thetao_3000m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=60])" | "Sea Water Temperature @3000m" | "degC" |  "mask[k=60,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     86 thetao_4000m     | "thetao"   | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(thetao[d=1,k=66])" | "Sea Water Temperature @4000m" | "degC" |  "mask[k=66,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     87 so_0100m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=24])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @100m"     | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=24,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     88 so_0200m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=31])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @200m"     | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=31,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     89 so_0500m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=40])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @500m"     | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=40,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     90 so_1000m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=47])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @1000m"    | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=47,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     91 so_2000m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=54])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @2000m"    | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=54,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     92 so_3000m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=60])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @3000m"    | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=60,d=2]*area[d=2]"  
     93 so_4000m         | "so"       | eORCA1.2_grid.nc | "(so[d=1,k=66])"     | "Sea Water Salinity @4000m"    | "PSU"  |  "mask[k=66,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     94 hc_ocean         | "scvoltot sctemtot" |       ""   | "(scvoltot[d=1]*sctemtot[d=2]*1026.*3991.86795711963/5.1011127E+14)"     | "ocean heat content"                 | "J/m2"    | "1" 
     95 hc_ice           | "ibgheat_tot"       |       ""   | "ibgheat_tot[d=1]*1.e20/5.1011127E+14"                                   | "ocean sea ice heat content"         | "J/m2"    | "1" 
     96 hc_snow          | "sbgheat_tot"       |       ""   | "sbgheat_tot[d=1]*1.e20/5.1011127E+14"                                   | "ocean snow on sea ice heat content" | "J/m2"    | "1" 

    r2456 r3688  
    2626#   - Separator between fields is '|' character 
    2727#   - Operations must use the ferret syntax 
    28 #   - Each variable must be referenced to its dataset ie var[d=x] 
     28#   - Each variable must be referenced to its dataset ie var[D=x] 
    2929#   - files patterns, operations,title,units must be enclosed with character '"' 
    3030#   - fields will be presented through an html page with thumbnails global, north, south, land, ocean. 
    3838#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    40  sosstsst_global  | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC"  | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    41  sosaline_global  | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)"    | "PSU"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    42  sossheig_global  | "sossheig"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sossheig[d=1])"                                    | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)"       | "m"     | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    43  sohefldo_global  | "sohefldo"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sohefldo[d=1])"                                    | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)"  | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    44  somxl010_north   | "somxl010"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    45  somxl010_south   | "somxl010"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"         | "m"     | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    46  sosstsst_70N_90N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    47  sosstsst_50N_70N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    48  sosstsst_30N_50N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    49  sosstsst_10N_30N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    50  sosstsst_10S_10N | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    51  sosstsst_30S_10S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    52  sosstsst_50S_30S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC"  | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    53  sosstsst_70S_50S | "sosstsst"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC"  | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    54  sosaline_70N_90N | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  70                     then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    55  sosaline_50N_70N | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  50 and lat[d=2] le  70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    56  sosaline_30N_50N | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  30 and lat[d=2] le  50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    57  sosaline_10N_30N | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge  10 and lat[d=2] le  30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    58  sosaline_10S_10N | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le  10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    59  sosaline_30S_10S | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    60  sosaline_50S_30S | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    61  sosaline_70S_50S | "sosaline"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)"    | "PSU"   | "(if                     lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 
    62 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     40 sosstsst_global     | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])"                                       | "Sea Surface Temperature (Global)" | "degC"    | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     41 sosaline_global     | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])"                                       | "Sea Surface Salinity (Global)"    | "PSU"     | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     42 sossheig_global     | "zos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(zos[D=1])"                                       | "Sea Surface Heigh (Global)"       | "m"       | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     43 wfo_global          | "wfo"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(wfo[D=1])"                                       | "Total Water flux (Global, upward)"| "kg/m2/s" | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     44 friver_global       | "friver"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(friver[D=1])"                                    | "River input (Global)"             | "kg/m2/s" | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     45 friver_int          | "friver"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(friver[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]*1E-9)"                                                                                    | "River input"             | "Sv"  | "2" 
     46 friver_coastal      | "friver"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if missing(maskdraw[k=1,d=2],0.1) ne missing(maskdraw[i=@sbx,j=@sbx,k=1,d=2],0.1) then mask[k=1]*area[d=2]*friver[d=1]*1E-9)" | "Coastal river input"     | "Sv"  | "2" 
     47 friver_noncoastal   | "friver"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(if missing(maskdraw[k=1,d=2],0.1) eq missing(maskdraw[i=@sbx,j=@sbx,k=1,d=2],0.1) then mask[k=1]*area[d=2]*friver[d=1]*1E-9)" | "Non coastal river input" | "Sv"  | "2" 
     48 hc300_global        | "hc300"     | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(hc300[D=1])"                                     | "Heat content 300 m (Global)"      | "W"       | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     49 sohefldo_global     | "sohefldo"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(nshfls[D=1]+rsntds[D=1])"                        | "Net Downward Heat Flux (Global)"  | "W/m^2"   | "mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     50 nadw_ocean          | "zomsfatl"  |       ""        | "(zomsfatl[Z=500:6000@MAX,J=90:120@MAX,D=1])"      | "North Atlantic Deep Water"        | "Sv"      | "1" 
     51 npdw_ocean          | "zomsfpac"  |       ""        | "(zomsfpac[Z=500:6000@MAX,J=90:120@MAX,D=1])"      | "North Pacific Deep Water"         | "Sv"      | "1" 
     52 aabw_ocean          | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[Z=2000:6000@MAX,J=37:118@MAX,D=1])"     | "Antarctic Bottom Water"           | "Sv"      | "1" 
     53 deacon_ocean        | "zomsfglo"  |       ""        | "(zomsfglo[Z=2000:6000@MAX,J=2:50@MAX,D=1])"       | "Deacon Cell"                      | "Sv"      | "1" 
     54 somxl010_north      | "mldr10_1"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[D=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (North)"    | "m"     | "(IF lat[D=2] GT 0 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     55 somxl010_south      | "mldr10_1"  | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(mldr10_1[D=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (South)"    | "m"     | "(IF lat[D=2] LT 0 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     56 temp_500m_global    | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=20])"                               | "Temperature at 500m (Global)"     | "degC"    | "mask[K=20,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     57 temp_1000m_global   | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=22])"                               | "Temperature at 1000m (Global)"    | "degC"    | "mask[K=22,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     58 temp_2000m_global   | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=24:25@AVE])"                        | "Temperature at 2000m (Global)"    | "degC"    | "mask[K=25,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     59 temp_3000m_global   | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=26:27@AVE])"                        | "Temperature at 2000m (Global)"    | "degC"    | "mask[K=27,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     60 temp_4000m_global   | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=28:29@AVE])"                        | "Temperature at 4000m (Global)"    | "degC"    | "mask[K=29,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     61 temp_5000m_global   | "thetao"    | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(thetao[D=1,K=30])"                               | "Temperature at 5000m (Global)"    | "degC"    | "mask[K=30,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     62 salini_500m_global  | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=20])"                                   | "Salinity at 500m (Global)"        | "PSU"     | "mask[K=20,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     63 salini_1000m_global | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=23])"                                   | "Salinity at 1000m (Global)"       | "PSU"     | "mask[K=23,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     64 salini_2000m_global | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=24:25@AVE])"                            | "Salinity at 2000m (Global)"       | "PSU"     | "mask[K=25,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     65 salini_3000m_global | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=26:27@AVE])"                            | "Salinity at 2000m (Global)"       | "PSU"     | "mask[K=27,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     66 salini_4000m_global | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=28:29@AVE])"                            | "Salinity at 4000m (Global)"       | "PSU"     | "mask[K=29,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     67 salini_5000m_global | "so"        | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(so[D=1,K=30])"                                   | "Salinity at 5000m (Global)"       | "PSU"     | "mask[K=30,D=2]*area[D=2]" 
     68 sosstsst_70N_90N    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  70                     THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     69 sosstsst_50N_70N    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  50 AND lat[D=2] LE  70 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     70 sosstsst_30N_50N    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  30 AND lat[D=2] LE  50 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     71 sosstsst_10N_30N    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  10 AND lat[D=2] LE  30 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     72 sosstsst_10S_10N    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -10 AND lat[D=2] LE  10 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     73 sosstsst_30S_10S    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -30 AND lat[D=2] LE -10 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     74 sosstsst_50S_30S    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC"  | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -50 AND lat[D=2] LE -30 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     75 sosstsst_70S_50S    | "tos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(tos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC"  | "(IF                     lat[D=2] LE -50 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     76 sosaline_70N_90N    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  70                     THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     77 sosaline_50N_70N    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  50 AND lat[D=2] LE  70 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     78 sosaline_30N_50N    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  30 AND lat[D=2] LE  50 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     79 sosaline_10N_30N    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE  10 AND lat[D=2] LE  30 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     80 sosaline_10S_10N    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -10 AND lat[D=2] LE  10 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     81 sosaline_30S_10S    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -30 AND lat[D=2] LE -10 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     82 sosaline_50S_30S    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF lat[D=2] GE -50 AND lat[D=2] LE -30 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
     83 sosaline_70S_50S    | "sos"       | ORCA2.3_grid.nc | "(sos[D=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)"    | "PSU"   | "(IF                     lat[D=2] LE -50 THEN mask[K=1,D=2]*area[D=2])" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_orchidee.cfg

    r2456 r3688  
    3939#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41 temp_sol_lands | "temp_sol"         |  ""              | "temp_sol[d=1]"                    | "TSOL (LANDS)"                 | "K/d"    | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    42 humidity_lands | "bqsb gqsb"        |  ""              | "(bqsb[d=1]+gqsb[d=2])"            | "Total Soil Moisture  (LANDS)" | "1"      | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    43 albedo_lands   | "alb_vis alb_nir"  |  ""              | "((alb_vis[d=1]+alb_nir[d=2])*0.5)"| "Mean Albedo (LANDS)"          | "1"      | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    44 snow_lands     | "snow"             |  ""              | "snow[d=1]"                        | "Snow Mass (LANDS)"            | "kg/m^2" | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    45 maxveget_lands | "maxvegetfrac"     |  ""              | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13]"        | "vegetmax[pft=12,13] (LANDS)"  | "1"      | "2" 
    46 nee_lands      | "nee maxvegetfrac" |  ""              | "(nee[d=1]*365*86400*maxvegetfrac[d=2]*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]/1e15)"  | "Net Ecosystem Exchange"    | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    47 maxveget_forcing | "maxvegetfrac"   |  ""              | "((maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=12]+maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=13])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]/1e12)" | "maxveget surface[pft=12,13] "  | "Mkm^2"  | "2" 
    48 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     41delta_water_stock | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing" |  "" | "((1-nobiofrac[d=1,l=2:100000])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2,l=2:100000] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3,l=2:100000] + DelSWE_daily[d=4,l=2:100000] + delstock_routing[d=5,l=2:100000])" | "Change in total water stock (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "Areas[d=2]*Contfrac[d=2]" 
     42water_budget_closure | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing rain snowf evap riverflow coastalflow" | "" | "(((1-nobiofrac[d=1,l=2:100000])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2,l=2:100000] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3,l=2:100000] + DelSWE_daily[d=4,l=2:100000] +  delstock_routing[d=5,l=2:100000])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1] -  ((rain[d=6,l=2:100000] + snowf[d=7,l=2:100000] - evap[d=8,l=2:100000])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]  - (riverflow[d=9,l=2:100000] + coastalflow[d=10,l=2:100000])*1000*86400 ))/(4*3.14*6370000*6370000*0.26)" | "Water budget closure (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "2" 
     43twbr_lands       | "TWBR"             |  "" | "twbr[d=1,l=2:100000]*86400"       | "Hydrol water buget residu (LANDS)" | "kg/m^2/d" | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     44temp_sol_lands   | "temp_sol"         |  "" | "temp_sol[d=1]"                    | "TSOL (LANDS)"                      | "C"        | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     45fluxsens_lands   | "fluxsens"         |  "" | "fluxsens[d=1]"                    | "Sensible Flux (LANDS)"             | "W/m^2"    | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     46evap_lands       | "evap"             |  "" | "evap[d=1]"                        | "Evaporation (LANDS)"               | "mm/d"     | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     47evapnu_lands     | "evapnu"           |  "" | "evapnu[d=1]"                      | "Soil evaporation (LANDS)"          | "mm/d"     | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     48transpir_lands   | "transpir"         |  "" | "transpir[d=1,k=@sum]"             | "Transpiration (sum over all PFT, LANDS)" | "mm/d" | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     49subli_lands      | "subli"            |  "" | "subli[d=1]"                       | "Sublimation (LANDS)"               | "mm/d"     | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     50snow_swe_lands   | "frac_snow snow"   |  "" | "snow[d=2]"                        | "Snow Mass (LANDS)"                 | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=2]*Contfrac[d=2]" 
     51snownobio_lands  | "snownobio"        |  "" | "snownobio[d=1]"                   | "Snow Other Surfaces (LANDS)"       | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     52snowf_lands      | "snowf"            |  "" | "snowf[d=1]"                       | "Snowfall (LANDS)"                  | "mm/d"     | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     53precip_lands     | "rain snowf"       |  "" | "rain[d=1] + snowf[d=2]"           | "Total precipitaion (LANDS)"        | "mm/d"     | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     54runoff_lands     | "runoff"           |  "" | "runoff[d=1]"                      | "Surface runoff  (LANDS)"           | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     55drainage_lands   | "drainage"         |  "" | "drainage[d=1]"                    | "Drainage  (LANDS)"                 | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     56humidity_lands   | "mrso"             |  "" | "mrso[d=1]"                        | "Total Soil Moisture  (LANDS)"      | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     57surface_humidity_lands | "mrsos"      |  "" | "mrsos[d=1]"                       | "Top 10cm soil moisture  (LANDS)"   | "kg/m^2"   | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     58albedo_lands     | "alb_vis alb_nir"  |  "" | "((alb_vis[d=1]+alb_nir[d=2])*0.5)"| "Mean Albedo (LANDS)"               | "1"        | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     59lai_lands        | "LAImean"          |  "" | "LAImean[d=1]"                     | "LAI (mean excluding PFT=1) (LANDS)"| "1"        | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     60nee_lands        | "nee maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "(nee[d=1]*365*86400*maxvegetfrac[d=2]*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]/1e15)"   | "Net Ecosystem Exchange" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     61maxvegetagri_forcing | "maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13@sum]"    | "veget_max fraction of agriculture [sum of pft=12,13] "| "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     62maxvegetbare_forcing | "maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=1]"            | "veget_max fraction on bare soil [pft=1] "             | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     63vegetn_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=2:9@sum]"         | "veget trees[sum of pft=2:9] (LANDS)"                  | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     64vegetg_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=10:11@sum]+vegetfrac[d=1,K=14:15@sum]"       | "veget natural grasses[sum of pft=10,11,14,15] (LANDS)"      | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     65vegeta_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13@sum]"       | "veget agriculture [sum of pft=12,13] (LANDS)"         | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_pisces_ORCA1.cfg

    r2561 r3688  
    39 #  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
     39#  field | files patterns | files additionnal  | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41  no3_global  | "NO3"      | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])"                   | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"      | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    42  dic_global  | "DIC"      | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])"                   | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"          | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    43  alk_global  | "Alkalini" | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])"              | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"   | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    44  o2_global   | "O2"       | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])"                    | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"       | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    45  si_global   | "Si"       | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])"                    | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"     | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    46  cflx_global | "Cflx"     | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)"       | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)"           | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    47  epc_global  | "EPC100"   | "ORCA1.0_grid.nc" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)"     | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)"       | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41 no3_global     | "pno3tot"  |       ""   | "pno3tot[d=1]"  | "global mean nitrogen concentration"                  | "umolN"    | "1" 
     42 po4_global     | "ppo4tot"  |       ""   | "ppo4tot[d=1]"  | "global mean phosphorus concentration"                | "umolP"    | "1" 
     43 sil_global     | "psiltot"  |       ""   | "psiltot[d=1]"  | "global mean silicate concentration"                  | "umolC"    | "1" 
     44 fer_global     | "pfertot"  |       ""   | "pfertot[d=1]"  | "global mean iron concentration"                      | "nmolFe"   | "1" 
     45 alk_global     | "palktot"  |       ""   | "palktot[d=1]"  | "global mean alkalinity concentration"                | "umolC"    | "1" 
     46 cflx_global    | "tcflx"    |       ""   | "tcflx[d=1]"    | "total flux of Carbon out of the ocean"               | "PgC/yr"   | "1" 
     47 epc_global     | "tcexp"    |       ""   | "tcexp[d=1]"    | "total flux of Carbon export at 100m"                 | "PgC/yr"   | "1" 
     48 tintpp_global  | "tintpp"   |       ""   | "tintpp[d=1]"   | "global total integrated primary production"          | "PgC/yr"   | "1" 
     49 tdenit_global  | "tdenit"   |       ""   | "tdenit[d=1]"   | "Total denitrification"                               | "TgN/yr"   | "1" 
     50 tnfix_global   | "tnfix"    |       ""   | "tnfix[d=1]"    | "global total nitrogen fixation"                      | "TgN/yr"   | "1" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_pisces_ORCA2.cfg

    r2561 r3688  
    39 #  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
     39#  field | files patterns | files additionnal  | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41  no3_global  | "NO3"      | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])"                   | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"      | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    42  dic_global  | "DIC"      | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])"                   | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"          | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    43  alk_global  | "Alkalini" | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])"              | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"   | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    44  o2_global   | "O2"       | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])"                    | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"       | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    45  si_global   | "Si"       | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])"                    | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)"     | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    46  cflx_global | "Cflx"     | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)"       | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)"           | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
    47  epc_global  | "EPC100"   | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)"     | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)"       | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     41 no3_global  | "NO3"      | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(NO3[d=1,k=1])"               | "Nitrate Concentration at surface"      | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     42 dic_global  | "DIC"      | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(DIC[d=1,k=1])"               | "DIC Concentration at surface"          | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     43 alk_global  | "Alkalini" | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(Alkalini[d=1,k=1])"          | "Alkalinity Concentration  at surface"  | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     44 o2_global   | "O2"       | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(O2[d=1,k=1])"                | "Oxygen Concentration at surface"       | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     45 si_global   | "Si"       | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(Si[d=1,k=1])"                | "Silicate Concentration at surface"     | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     46 po4_global  | "PO4"      | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(PO4[d=1,k=1])"               | "Phosphorus Concentration  at surface"  | "mmol/m3"    | "mask[d=2,k=1]*area[d=2]" 
     47 cflx_global | "Cflx"     | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)"   | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)"            | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
     48 epc_global  | "EPC100"   | "ORCA2.3_grid.nc"  | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)"        | "gC/m2/yr"   | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6CHT/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_stomate.cfg

    r2456 r3688  
    3939#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41 fLuc_fHarvest_lands | "CONVFLUX CFLUX_PROD10 CFLUX_PROD100 HARVEST_ABOVE CONTFRAC"  | "" | "((CONVFLUX[d=1]+CFLUX_PROD10[d=2]+CFLUX_PROD100[d=3]+HARVEST_ABOVE[d=4])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=5]*365/1e15)"                           | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    42 fHarvest_lands      | "HARVEST_ABOVE CONTFRAC"             | "" | "((HARVEST_ABOVE[d=1])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=2]*365/1e15)"                           | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    43 nbp_lands           | "nbp"                                | "" | "(nbp[d=1]*Areas[d=1]*86400*365/1e12)"             | "Net Biospheric Production"       | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    44 cSoil_lands         | "TOTAL_SOIL_CARB VEGET_MAX CONTFRAC" | "" | "(TOTAL_SOIL_CARB[d=1]*VEGET_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=3]/1e15)"     | "Carbon Soil in Pool"                                   | "PgC"    | "2" 
    45 cVeg_lands          | "TOTAL_M VEGET_MAX CONTFRAC"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=3]/1e15)"             | "Carbon in vegetation"                                       | "PgC"    | "2" 
    46 npp_lands           | "NPP VEGET_MAX CONTFRAC"             | "" | "(NPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=3]/1e15)"             | "Net Primary Production"                                  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    47 rh_lands            | "HET_RESP VEGET_MAX CONTFRAC"        | "" | "(HET_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=3]/1e15)"        | "Heterotrophic Respiration"                                     | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    48 fFire_lands         | "CO2_FIRE VEGET_MAX CONTFRAC"        | "" | "(CO2_FIRE[d=1]*365*VEGET_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=3]/1e15)"        | "CO2 emission from fire"                                     | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     41woodharvest_fromforcing| "WOOD_HARVEST_PFT VEGET_COV_MAX"| "" | "(WOOD_HARVEST_PFT[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"| "Wood harvest read from file and prepared to be used"      | "PgC/yr"    | "2" 
     42fwoodharvest_lands     | "fWoodharvest"                  | "" | "fWoodharvest[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15"              | "CO2 Flux from wood harvesting, positive from atm to land" | "PgC/yr"    | "2" 
     43fLuc_fHarvest_lands    | "CONVFLUX CFLUX_PROD10 CFLUX_PROD100 HARVEST_ABOVE"  | "" | "((CONVFLUX[d=1]+CFLUX_PROD10[d=2]+CFLUX_PROD100[d=3]+HARVEST_ABOVE[d=4])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)" | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     44fHarvest_lands         | "HARVEST_ABOVE"                 | "" | "((HARVEST_ABOVE[d=1])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"                    | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"        | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     45nbp_lands              | "nbp"                           | "" | "(nbp[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365/1e12)"                          | "Net Biospheric Production"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     46cSoil_lands            | "TOTAL_SOIL_CARB VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_SOIL_CARB[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Carbon Soil in Pool"                                      | "PgC"    | "2" 
     47cVeg_lands             | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Carbon in vegetation"                                     | "PgC"    | "2" 
     48npp_lands              | "NPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(NPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Net Primary Production"                                   | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     49rh_lands               | "HET_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"        | "" | "(HET_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"        | "Heterotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     50CONVFLUX_lands         | "CONVFLUX"                      | "" | "(CONVFLUX[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"                   | "Annual release right after deforestation (LANDS)"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     51CFLUX_PROD10_lands     | "CFLUX_PROD10"                  | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD10[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"               | "Annual release from all 10 year wood product pools (LANDS)"  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     52CFLUX_PROD100_lands    | "CFLUX_PROD100"                 | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD100[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"              | "Annual release from all 100 year wood product pools (LANDS)" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     53BIOMASS_lands          | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Total Biomass (LANDS)"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     54LITTER_lands           | "TOTAL_BM_LITTER VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_BM_LITTER[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)" | "Biomass to Litter flux (LANDS)"                      | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     55GPP_lands              | "GPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(GPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Gross Primary Produc (LANDS)"                        | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     56MAINT_RESP_lands       | "MAINT_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"      | "" | "(MAINT_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"      | "Maintenance Resp. (LANDS)"                           | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     57GROWTH_RESP_lands      | "GROWTH_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"     | "" | "(GROWTH_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Growth Resp. (LANDS)"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     58lai_lands              | "lai"                           | "" | "lai[d=1]"                                                                    | "Leaf Area Fraction"                                  | "1"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     59treeFracPrimDec_lands  | "treeFracPrimDec"               | "" | "treeFracPrimDec[d=1]"                                                        | "Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     60treeFracPrimEver_lands | "treeFracPrimEver"              | "" | "treeFracPrimEver[d=1]"                                                       | "Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     61c3PftFrac_lands        | "c3PftFrac"                     | "" | "c3PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     62c4PftFrac_lands        | "c4PftFrac"                     | "" | "c4PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     63cProduct_lands         | "cProduct"           | "" | "(cProduct[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                   | "Carbon in Products of Land Use Change"                  | "PgC"    | "2" 
     64fLuc_lands             | "fLuc"               | "" | "(fLuc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"             | "CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     65ra_lands               | "ra"                 | "" | "(ra[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"               | "Autotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     66fVegLitter_lands       | "fVegLitter"         | "" | "(fVegLitter[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"       | "Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     67fLitterSoil_lands      | "fLitterSoil"        | "" | "(fLitterSoil[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"      | "Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil"                  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     68cLeaf_lands            | "cLeaf"              | "" | "(cLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Leaves"                                       | "PgC"    | "2" 
     69cWood_lands            | "cWood"              | "" | "(cWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Wood"                                         | "PgC"    | "2" 
     70cRoot_lands            | "cRoot"              | "" | "(cRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Roots"                                        | "PgC"    | "2" 
     71cMisc_lands            | "cMisc"              | "" | "(cMisc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Other Living Compartments"                    | "PgC"    | "2" 
     72cLitterAbove_lands     | "cLitterAbove"       | "" | "(cLitterAbove[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Above-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2" 
     73cLitterBelow_lands     | "cLitterBelow"       | "" | "(cLitterBelow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Below-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2" 
     74cSoilFast_lands        | "cSoilFast"          | "" | "(cSoilFast[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Fast Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     75cSoilMedium_lands      | "cSoilMedium"        | "" | "(cSoilMedium[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                | "Carbon in Medium Soil Pool"                             | "PgC"    | "2" 
     76cSoilSlow_lands        | "cSoilSlow"          | "" | "(cSoilSlow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Slow Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     77nppLeaf_lands          | "nppLeaf"            | "" | "(nppLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     78nppWood_lands          | "nppWood"            | "" | "(nppWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     79nppRoot_lands          | "nppRoot"            | "" | "(nppRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     80nep_lands              | "nep"                | "" | "(nep[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"              | "Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity." | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     81cMassVariation_lands   | "cMassVariation"     | "" | "(cMassVariation[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"   | "Carbon Mass Variation"                                  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     82cBal_lands             | "cMassVariation nbp" | "" | "((cMassVariation[d=1,L=2:100000]-nbp[d=2,L=2:100000])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)" | "Total Carbon Balance"    | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     83rGrowth_lands          | "rGrowth"            | "" | "(rGrowth[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "Growth Autotrophic Respiration"                         | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     84rMaint_lands           | "rMaint"             | "" | "(rMaint[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"           | "Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration"                    | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.