03/16/18 10:30:44 (6 years ago)

update LMDZORINCA_v6 to 6.0.15

8 added
11 edited



    r3542 r3648  
    8181    done 
    83     if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then 
    84         ok_mensuel=.FALSE. 
    85         ok_journe=.FALSE. 
    86         ok_hf=.FALSE. 
    87         ok_hf3h=.FALSE. 
    88         ok_hf3hm=.FALSE. 
    89         ok_stn=.FALSE. 
    90     fi 
    9284##  Read LMDZ_COSP_OK in lmdz.card 
    170162    # Read value for co2_ppm from file CO2.txt. If file not existing, take DEFAULT value from file.  
     163    # Calculate co2_ppm_per as co2_ppm*4. 
    171164    if [ -f CO2.txt ] ; then 
    172165        value=`grep Annee_${year} CO2.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 
    176169            IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit 
    177170        fi 
     171        value4=`grep Annee_${year} CO2.txt | awk -F= '{print $2 * 4}'` 
    178172    else 
    179173        value=DEFAULT 
     174        value4=DEFAULT 
    180175    fi 
    181176    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def co2_ppm $value 
     177    IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def co2_ppm_per $value4 

    r3542 r3648  
    3434        # Deactivate output files for stomate 
    3535        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 
     36        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level 0 
    3637        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
    3738        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 
     39        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level 0 
    3840        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
    3941    fi 
    4648    fi 
     50    # Set VEGET_UPDATE=1Y in orchidee.def if VEGET_UPDATE_at_start=y in orchidee.card and if it is the first cumul periond (start of new simulation) 
     51    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE_at_start} = Xy ] && [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 
     52        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE   1Y 
     53    fi 
    4855    # Modify in orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE if it is set in orchidee.card section UserChoices 
     56    # Note: if the variable has been set by VEGET_UPDATE_at_start, this section will not overwrite it. 
    4957    if [ ! X${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} = X ] ; then 
    5058        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def VEGET_UPDATE   ${orchidee_UserChoices_VEGET_UPDATE} 
    6371    ## 2. Mangement of output and modifications of related xml files 
    65     # Set default values for sechiba1_enabled and sechiba1_freq. 
    66     # These variables are used only to modify file_def_orchidee.xml 
    67     sechiba1_enabled=.FALSE. 
    68     sechiba2_enabled=.FALSE. 
    69     sechiba1_freq=0s 
    70     sechiba2_freq=0s 
    73     # Get WriteFrenquecy for SRF (SECHIBA) from config.card 
    74     # 1 or 2 frequencies can be set in WriteFrenquecy for SRF 
    75     # The first frequency will always be used for the sechiba_history file and the  
    76     # second frequency will be used for the sechiba_out_2.nc file.  
    77     # The files are activated only if its corresponding frequency is set in WriteFrequency 
    78     ifreq=0 
    79     for frequency in ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    80         case ${frequency} in 
    81             *Y|*y)  
    82                 NbYears=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    83                 NbDaysYear=$( IGCM_date_DaysInYear ${year} ) 
    84                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    85                 file_freq=${NbYears}y ;; 
    86             *M|*m) 
    87                 NbMonths=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    88                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    89                 file_freq=${NbMonths}mo ;; 
    90             *D|*d) 
    91                 NbDays=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) 
    92                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    93                 file_freq=${NbDays}d ;; 
    94             *s) 
    95                 WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 
    96                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    97                 file_freq=${WriteInSeconds}s ;; 
    98             HF|hf)  
    99                 file_enabled=.TRUE.  
    100                 file_freq=10800s ;; 
    101             *)  
    102                 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update " ${frequency} " invalid WriteFrequency : choose in xY, xM, xD, xs and HF"  
    103                 IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    104         esac 
    106         (( ifreq = ifreq + 1 )) 
    107         case ${ifreq} in 
    108             1) 
    109                 sechiba1_enabled=${file_enabled} 
    110                 sechiba1_freq=${file_freq} ;; 
    111             2) 
    112                 sechiba2_enabled=${file_enabled} 
    113                 sechiba2_freq=${file_freq} ;; 
    114         *) 
    115                 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update: It is not possible to set more than 2 output files for sechiba from config.card" 
    116                 IGCM_debug_Exit "You must correct WriteFrequancy in SRF secion in config.card." 
    117                 IGCM_debug_Exit "Adapt file_def_orchidee.xml directly if you want more output files" 
    118                 IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    119         esac 
    120     done 
    123     # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file 
    124     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled ${sechiba1_enabled} 
    125     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${sechiba1_freq} 
    126     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled ${sechiba2_enabled} 
    127     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq ${sechiba2_freq} 
    128     # Use same values for sechiba1 and for sechiba3 files 
    129     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled ${sechiba1_enabled} 
    130     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq ${sechiba1_freq} 
     72    # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file using settings from orchidee.card 
     73    # We here suppose that for each file, in orchidee.card UserChoices section, if the parameter  
     74    # output_level_filename is set, then also output_freq_filename must be set. The existance of output_freq_filename will not be checked.  
     75    # If output_level_filename=NONE or if it is not set, the corresponding file will be deactivated. 
     76    # Settings in config.card WriteFrequency are not used any more. 
     78    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     79        # output_level_sechiba_history is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     80        # Deactivate the file. 
     81        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .FALSE. 
     82        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level 0 
     83        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1mo 
     84    else 
     85        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled      .TRUE. 
     86        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} 
     87        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history} 
     88    fi 
     90    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = XNONE ] ; then 
     91        # output_level_sechiba_out_2 is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     92        # Deactivate the file. 
     93        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .FALSE. 
     94        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level 0 
     95        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq 1mo 
     96    else 
     97        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled      .TRUE. 
     98        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} 
     99        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_out_2} 
     100    fi 
     102    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = XNONE ] ; then 
     103        # output_level_sechiba_history_4dim is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     104        # Deactivate the file. 
     105        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled .FALSE. 
     106        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level 0 
     107        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq 1mo 
     108    else 
     109        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled      .TRUE. 
     110        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     111        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     112    fi 
    133115    # Add include of orchidee context in iodef.xml 

    r3542 r3648  
    3 #D- Driver pour ORCHIDEE stomate component 
     3#D- Driver for ORCHIDEE stomate component (SBG) 
    1818    # Output management 
    20     # Set default values for stomate output files. 
    21     stomate_enabled=.FALSE. 
    22     stomate_freq=0s 
    24     # Read WriteFrequency set in config.card section SBG.  
    25     # Only one choice can be set as WriteFrequency. The same choice will be used for  
    26     # both stomate_history and stomate_ipcc_history files.  
    27     for frequency in ${config_SBG_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    28         case ${frequency} in 
    29             *Y|*y)  
    30                 NbYears=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    31                 NbDaysYear=$( IGCM_date_DaysInYear ${year} ) 
    32                 stomate_enabled=.TRUE. 
    33                 stomate_freq=${NbYears}y ;; 
    34             *M|*m)  
    35                 NbMonths=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    36                 stomate_enabled=.TRUE. 
    37                 stomate_freq=${NbMonths}mo ;; 
    38             *D|*d) 
    39                 NbDays=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) 
    40                 stomate_enabled=.TRUE. 
    41                 stomate_freq=${NbDays}d ;; 
    42             *)  
    43                 IGCM_debug_Exit "SBG WriteFrequency=${frequency} is invalid. Choose between xY, xM and xD for Stomate." ;; 
    44         esac 
    45     done 
    47     if [ X"$( echo ${config_UserChoices_ExpType} | grep CMIP6 )" != "X" ] ; then        
    48         stomate_enabled=.FALSE. 
     19    # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file using settings from stomate.card 
     20    # We here suppose that for each file, in stomate.card UserChoices section, if the parameter  
     21    # output_level_filename is set, then also output_freq_filename must be set. The existance of output_freq_filename will not be checked.  
     22    # If output_level_filename=NONE or if it is not set, the corresponding file will be deactivated. 
     24    if [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} = X ] || [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     25        # output_level_stomate_history is not set in stomate.card or it is set to NONE. 
     26        # Deactivate the file. 
     27        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 
     28        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level 0 
     29        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
     30    else 
     31        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled      .TRUE. 
     32        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level ${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_history} 
     33        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq  ${stomate_UserChoices_output_freq_stomate_history} 
     34    fi 
     36    if [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} = X ] || [ X${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     37        # output_level_stomate_ipcc_history is not set in stomate.card or it is set to NONE. 
     38        # Deactivate the file. 
     39        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 
     40        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level 0 
     41        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
     42    else 
     43        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled      .TRUE. 
     44        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level ${stomate_UserChoices_output_level_stomate_ipcc_history} 
     45        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq  ${stomate_UserChoices_output_freq_stomate_ipcc_history} 
    4946    fi 
    51     # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml 
    52     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled ${stomate_enabled} 
    53     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq ${stomate_freq} 
    54     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled ${stomate_enabled} 
    55     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq ${stomate_freq} 
    5850    # Define in orchidee.def if restart file should be used 

    r3542 r3648  
    3131### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm, l'année 2000 forcage CMIP6 
    3232co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 3.6912e+02 
     33### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     34co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 14.7648e+02 
    3335### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb, l'année 2000 forcage CMIP6 
    3436CH4_ppb = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT = 1.7780e+03 

    r3542 r3648  
    3232### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm 
    3333co2_ppm = _AUTO_ 
     34### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     35co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_ 
    3436### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb 
    3537CH4_ppb = _AUTO_ 

    r3542 r3648  
    3232### co2_ppm =    taux CO2 en ppm, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
    3333co2_ppm = _AUTO_: DEFAULT  = 2.8432e+02 
     34### co2_ppm_per =    taux 4xCO2 en ppm (uniqument pour calcul des diags) 
     35co2_ppm_per = _AUTO_: DEFAULT  =11.3728e+02 
    3436### CH4_ppb =    taux CH4 en ppb, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
    3537CH4_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 8.0825e+02 
    3638### N2O_ppb =    taux N2O en ppb, l'année 1850 forcage CMIP6 
    3739N2O_ppb = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 2.7302e+02 
    38 ### CFC11_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 2000 forcage CFC11eq_CMIP6 
     40### CFC11_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 1850 forcage CFC11eq_CMIP6 
    3941CFC11_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1.1726e+01 
    40 ### CFC12_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 2000 forcage CFC12eq_CMIP6 
     42### CFC12_ppt = taux en ppt, l'année 1850 forcage CFC12eq_CMIP6 
    4143CFC12_ppt = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 1.6513e+01 

    r3542 r3648  
    2121# Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file 
    22 # defulat = n 
     22# default = y 
    2323XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = y 
    2525# Writefrequency in seconds in sechiba_history.nc 
    26 # default = 86400.0 
     26# default = 0 
    2727WRITE_STEP = 0 
    3737# Activate the multi-layer diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR 
    38 # by default the Choisnel hydrology is used. 
    39 # default = n 
     38# default = y 
    4039HYDROL_CWRR = y 
    4241# Activate river routing 
    43 # default = n 
     42# default = y 
    4443RIVER_ROUTING = y 
    5352SOILCLASS_FILE   = soils_param.nc 
    55 # DO_RSOIL : Reduce soil evaporation with a soil resistance 
     54# DO_RSOIL : Reduce soil evaporation with a soil resistance (default n) 
    5655DO_RSOIL = n 
    58 # To make AVAN and NVAN constant with depth 
     57# To make AVAN and NVAN constant with depth (default CWRR_AKS_A0=0, CWRR_AKS_POWER=0, CWRR_NKS_A0=0, CWRR_NKS_POWER=0 ) 
    5958CWRR_AKS_A0 = 0. 
    6059CWRR_AKS_POWER = 0. 
    6867# Activate calculations of CO2 according to Farqhuar and Ball 
    69 # default = n 
     68# default = y 
    7069STOMATE_OK_CO2 = y 
    72 # Use cdrag coefficient from gcm 
    73 CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y 
     71# CDRAG_from_GCM: Use cdrag coefficient from gcm (default=y if coupled to LMDZ) 
     72CDRAG_from_GCM = y 
    7574# Interception reservoir coefficient. 
    8584NAME__15='boreal    C3           grass      ' 
    87 # STRESS_GS, STRESS_GM, STRESS_VCMAX : Stress on GS, GM and VCMAX (15 values, without space to have short line readable) 
     87# Default STRESS_GS=1, STRESS_GM=1, STRESS_VCMAX=1 for all PFTs 
    92 # Optimized parameters for albedo 
     92# Optimized parameters for albedo (default values) 
    9393ALB_LEAF_NIR = 0.,0.23,0.18,0.18,0.20,0.24,0.15,0.26,0.20,0.24,0.27,0.28,0.26,0.24,0.24 
    9494ALB_LEAF_VIS = 0.,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06 
    100100# Optimized parameters for photosynthetic capacity  
     101# Default values except for PFT=15 
    101102VCMAX25__02 = 45.0 
    102103VCMAX25__03 = 45.0 
    116117# Optimized parameters for LAI 
     118# Default values except for PFT=15 
    117119LAI_MAX__02 = 7.0 
    118120LAI_MAX__03 = 5.0 
    139 # Growth respiration 
     141# Growth respiration (default values except for PFT=14 and PFT=15) 
    140142FRAC_GROWTHRESP__02 = 0.35 
    141143FRAC_GROWTHRESP__03 = 0.35 
    153155FRAC_GROWTHRESP__15 = 0.35 
    155 # Maintenance respiration slope C 
     157# Maintenance respiration slope C (default values except for PFT=14 and PFT=15) 
    156158MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__02 = 0.12 
    157159MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__03 = 0.12 
    169171MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C__15 = 0.25 
    171 # Soil turnover 
     173# Soil turnover (default CARBON_TAU=7, CARBON_TAU_IPASSOVE=300) 
    172174CARBON_TAU_ISLOW = 7 
    173175CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE = 300 
     177# Take carbon from atmosphere if carbohydrate reserve too small, PFT dependent 
     178# Set to y for all pft except C4 grass (pft=11) and tropical C3 grass (pft=14) 
     179ALWAYS_INIT =  y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, n, y, y, n, y 
     181# Do not use default fire module 
     182# Default FIRE_DISABLE=y 
     183FIRE_DISABLE = y 
    175185# Parameters related to vegetation map 
    177 # Year of the land_use vegetation map readed 
    178 # year off the pft map 
    179 # default = 282 
    180 VEGET_YEAR = 1 
    182 # The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count  
    183 # and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. 
    184 # Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. 
    185 # If LAND_USE 
    186 # default = y 
    187 VEGET_REINIT = n 
    189 # Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) 
    190 # The veget datas will be update at this period if LAND_USE 
     187# Update vegetation frequency 
     188# The maximum vegetation fractions will be update at this period 
    191189# default = 1Y 
    192190VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ 
    194 # Do not use default fire module 
    195 FIRE_DISABLE = y 
    197193# Parameters related to surface and thermal physical properties 
    199195# Read bare soil albedo from file with background MODIS data 
     196# Default ALB_BG_MODIS=y 
    200197ALB_BG_MODIS = y 
    201198ALB_BG_FILE  = alb_bg.nc 
    203 # ROUGH_DYN : Account for a dynamic roughness height (activation of Su et al. parametrization) 
     200# ROUGH_DYN : Account for a dynamic roughness height (activation of Su et al. parametrization) (default y) 
    206 # OK_FREEZE :  Activate the complet soil freezing scheme 
     203# OK_FREEZE :  Activate the complet soil freezing scheme (default y) 
    209 # DEPTH_MAX_T (m) :  Maximum depth of the soil thermodynamics 
     206# DEPTH_MAX_T (m) :  Maximum depth of the soil thermodynamics (default 90) 
    212 # OK_EXPLICITSNOW :  Activate explict snow scheme 
     209# OK_EXPLICITSNOW :  Activate explict snow scheme (default y) 
    215 # READ_REFTEMP :  Initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature 
     212# READ_REFTEMP :  Initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature (default y if OK_FREEZE=y) 

    r3542 r3648  
    5555# Use cdrag coefficient from gcm 
    56 CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y 
     56CDRAG_from_GCM = y 
    5858# Interception reservoir coefficient. 
     72# Do not use default fire module 
     73FIRE_DISABLE = y 
    7275# Parmeters related to vegetation map 
    74 # Year of the land_use vegetation map readed 
    75 # year off the pft map 
    76 # default = 282 
    77 VEGET_YEAR = 1 
    79 # The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count  
    80 # and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. 
    81 # Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. 
    82 # If LAND_USE 
    83 # default = y 
    84 VEGET_REINIT = n 
    86 # Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) 
    87 # The veget datas will be update at this period if LAND_USE 
     77# Update vegetation frequency 
     78# The veget datas will be update at this period 
    8879# default = 1Y 
    8980VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ 
    91 # Do not use default fire module 
    92 FIRE_DISABLE = y 
    9483# Create river description file 
     100# Parameters below were previous default values 
     101# The new values have not been tested with Choisnel.  
     106VCMAX25=-9999., 50.0, 65.0, 45.0, 45.0, 55.0, 45.0, 45.0, 35.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0 
     107STRESS_GS=0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ,0., 0. 
     108STRESS_GM=0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ,0., 0. 
     109SNOWA_AGED_VIS=0.5, 0., 0., 0.15, 0.14, 0.14, 0.15, 0.14, 0.22, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35 
     110SNOWA_AGED_NIR=0.35, 0., 0., 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18 
     111SNOWA_DEC_VIS= 0.45, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.06, 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.18, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.60 
     112SNOWA_DEC_NIR= 0.45, 0., 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.11, 0.06, 0.11, 0.11, 0.52 ,0.52, 0.52, 0.52, 0.52 ,0.52 
     113ALB_LEAF_VIS=.0, .0397, .0474, .0386, .0484, .0411, .041, .0541, .0435, .0524, .0508, .0509, .0606, .0524, .0524 
     114ALB_LEAF_NIR=.0, .227, .214, .193, .208, .244, .177, .218, .213, .252, .265, .272, .244, .252, .252 
     115FRAC_GROWTHRESP = -9999., .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28, .28 
     116MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C=-9999., .20, .20, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .12, .16, .12, .16, .16 
     117LAI_MAX=-9999., 7., 7., 5., 5., 5., 4.5, 4.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.5, 5.,5., 2.5, 2.5 
     118ALWAYS_INIT=n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n 
     122CARBON_TAU_ISLOW = 5.48 
     123CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE = 241. 
     124OK_FREEZE = n 
     125CWRR_NKS_N0 = 0.95 
     126CWRR_NKS_POWER = 0.34 
     127CWRR_AKS_A0 = 0.00012 
     128CWRR_AKS_POWER = 0.53 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZORINCA_v6/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_lmdz.cfg

    r3542 r3648  
    6262 topswad_forcing        | "topswad"               | "" | "topswad[d=1]"            | "ADE at TOA"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 
    6363 solswad_forcing        | "solswad"               | "" | "solswad[d=1]"            | "ADE at SRF"                             | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"  
    64  tro3_strato_forcing    | "tro3"                  | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=1:7@sum,d=1]"  | "ozone strato k=1:7@sum" | "Mole" | "" 
    65  tro3_tropo_forcing     | "tro3"                  | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=8:17@sum,d=1]" | "ozone trop k=8:17@sum"  | "Mole" | "" 
    66  tro3_strato_forcing_DU | "colO3_strat"           | "" | "colO3_strat[x=@din,y=@din,d=1]"     | "colonne ozone strato" | "DU" | "" 
    67  tro3_tropo_forcing_DU  | "colO3_trop"            | "" | "colO3_trop[x=@din,y=@din,d=1]"      | "colonne ozone trop"   | "DU" | "" 
     64 tro3_strato_forcing_DU | "colO3_strat"           | "" | "colO3_strat[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"     | "colonne ozone strato" | "DU" | "" 
     65 tro3_tropo_forcing_DU  | "colO3_trop"            | "" | "colO3_trop[x=@ave,y=@ave,d=1]"      | "colonne ozone trop"   | "DU" | "" 
    6866 solaire_forcing        | "solaire"               | "" | "solaire[d=1]"   | "Constante solaire"      | "W/m^2" | "1" 
    6967 rsun1_forcing          | "rsun1"                 | "" | "rsun1[d=1]"     | "Fraction bande 1"       | "-"     | "1" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZORINCA_v6/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_orchidee.cfg

    r3158 r3648  
    3939#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41 delta_water_stock | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing" |  "" | "((1-nobiofrac[d=1])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3] + DelSWE_daily[d=4] + delstock_routing[d=5])" | "Change in total water stock (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "Areas[d=2]*Contfrac[d=2]" 
    42 water_budget_closure | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing rain snowf evap riverflow coastalflow" | "" | "(((1-nobiofrac[d=1])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3] + DelSWE_daily[d=4] +  delstock_routing[d=5])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1] -  ((rain[d=6] + snowf[d=7] - evap[d=8])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]  - (riverflow[d=9] + coastalflow[d=10])*1000*86400 ))/(4*3.14*6370000*6370000*0.26)" | "Water budget closure (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "2" 
    43 twbr_lands       | "TWBR"             |  "" | "twbr[d=1]*86400"                  | "Hydrol water buget residu (LANDS)" | "kg/m^2/d" | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     41delta_water_stock | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing" |  "" | "((1-nobiofrac[d=1,l=2:100000])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2,l=2:100000] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3,l=2:100000] + DelSWE_daily[d=4,l=2:100000] + delstock_routing[d=5,l=2:100000])" | "Change in total water stock (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "Areas[d=2]*Contfrac[d=2]" 
     42water_budget_closure | "nobiofrac DelSoilMoist_daily DelIntercept_daily DelSWE_daily delstock_routing rain snowf evap riverflow coastalflow" | "" | "(((1-nobiofrac[d=1,l=2:100000])*DelSoilMoist_daily[d=2,l=2:100000] + DelIntercept_daily[d=3,l=2:100000] + DelSWE_daily[d=4,l=2:100000] +  delstock_routing[d=5,l=2:100000])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1] -  ((rain[d=6,l=2:100000] + snowf[d=7,l=2:100000] - evap[d=8,l=2:100000])*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]  - (riverflow[d=9,l=2:100000] + coastalflow[d=10,l=2:100000])*1000*86400 ))/(4*3.14*6370000*6370000*0.26)" | "Water budget closure (LANDS) " | "kg/day/m2 of land" | "2" 
     43twbr_lands       | "TWBR"             |  "" | "twbr[d=1,l=2:100000]*86400"       | "Hydrol water buget residu (LANDS)" | "kg/m^2/d" | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    4444temp_sol_lands   | "temp_sol"         |  "" | "temp_sol[d=1]"                    | "TSOL (LANDS)"                      | "C"        | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    4545fluxsens_lands   | "fluxsens"         |  "" | "fluxsens[d=1]"                    | "Sensible Flux (LANDS)"             | "W/m^2"    | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    5959lai_lands        | "LAImean"          |  "" | "LAImean[d=1]"                     | "LAI (mean excluding PFT=1) (LANDS)"| "1"        | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    6060nee_lands        | "nee maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "(nee[d=1]*365*86400*maxvegetfrac[d=2]*Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]/1e15)"   | "Net Ecosystem Exchange" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    61 maxveget_forcing | "maxvegetfrac"     |  "" | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13@sum]"    | "veget_max fraction of agriculture [sum of pft=12,13] "| "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     61maxvegetagri_forcing | "maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13@sum]"    | "veget_max fraction of agriculture [sum of pft=12,13] "| "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     62maxvegetbare_forcing | "maxvegetfrac" |  "" | "maxvegetfrac[d=1,K=1]"            | "veget_max fraction on bare soil [pft=1] "             | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    6263vegetn_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=2:9@sum]"         | "veget trees[sum of pft=2:9] (LANDS)"                  | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    63 vegetg_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=10:11@sum]"       | "veget natural grasses[sum of pft=10,11] (LANDS)"      | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
     64vegetg_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=10:11@sum]+vegetfrac[d=1,K=14:15@sum]"       | "veget natural grasses[sum of pft=10,11,14,15] (LANDS)"      | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
    6465vegeta_lands     | "vegetfrac"        |  "" | "vegetfrac[d=1,K=12:13@sum]"       | "veget agriculture [sum of pft=12,13] (LANDS)"         | "1"  | "Areas[d=1]*Contfrac[d=1]" 
  • CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZORINCA_v6/GENERAL/POST/monitoring01_stomate.cfg

    r3542 r3648  
    3939#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 
    41 fLuc_fHarvest_lands | "CONVFLUX CFLUX_PROD10 CFLUX_PROD100 HARVEST_ABOVE"  | "" | "((CONVFLUX[d=1]+CFLUX_PROD10[d=2]+CFLUX_PROD100[d=3]+HARVEST_ABOVE[d=4])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)" | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    42 fHarvest_lands      | "HARVEST_ABOVE"             | "" | "((HARVEST_ABOVE[d=1])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"                | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"        | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    43 nbp_lands           | "nbp"                       | "" | "(nbp[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365/1e12)"                      | "Net Biospheric Production"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    44 cSoil_lands         | "TOTAL_SOIL_CARB VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_SOIL_CARB[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Carbon Soil in Pool"                                      | "PgC"    | "2" 
    45 cVeg_lands          | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Carbon in vegetation"                                     | "PgC"    | "2" 
    46 npp_lands           | "NPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(NPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Net Primary Production"                                   | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    47 rh_lands            | "HET_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"        | "" | "(HET_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"        | "Heterotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
    48 fFire_lands         | "CO2_FIRE VEGET_COV_MAX"        | "" | "(CO2_FIRE[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"        | "CO2 emission from fire"                                   | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     41woodharvest_fromforcing| "WOOD_HARVEST_PFT VEGET_COV_MAX"| "" | "(WOOD_HARVEST_PFT[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"| "Wood harvest read from file and prepared to be used"      | "PgC/yr"    | "2" 
     42fwoodharvest_lands     | "fWoodharvest"                  | "" | "fWoodharvest[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15"              | "CO2 Flux from wood harvesting, positive from atm to land" | "PgC/yr"    | "2" 
     43fLuc_fHarvest_lands    | "CONVFLUX CFLUX_PROD10 CFLUX_PROD100 HARVEST_ABOVE"  | "" | "((CONVFLUX[d=1]+CFLUX_PROD10[d=2]+CFLUX_PROD100[d=3]+HARVEST_ABOVE[d=4])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)" | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     44fHarvest_lands         | "HARVEST_ABOVE"                 | "" | "((HARVEST_ABOVE[d=1])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"                    | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"        | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     45nbp_lands              | "nbp"                           | "" | "(nbp[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365/1e12)"                          | "Net Biospheric Production"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     46cSoil_lands            | "TOTAL_SOIL_CARB VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_SOIL_CARB[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Carbon Soil in Pool"                                      | "PgC"    | "2" 
     47cVeg_lands             | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Carbon in vegetation"                                     | "PgC"    | "2" 
     48npp_lands              | "NPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(NPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Net Primary Production"                                   | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     49rh_lands               | "HET_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"        | "" | "(HET_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"        | "Heterotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     50CONVFLUX_lands         | "CONVFLUX"                      | "" | "(CONVFLUX[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"                   | "Annual release right after deforestation (LANDS)"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     51CFLUX_PROD10_lands     | "CFLUX_PROD10"                  | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD10[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"               | "Annual release from all 10 year wood product pools (LANDS)"  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     52CFLUX_PROD100_lands    | "CFLUX_PROD100"                 | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD100[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"              | "Annual release from all 100 year wood product pools (LANDS)" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     53BIOMASS_lands          | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Total Biomass (LANDS)"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     54LITTER_lands           | "TOTAL_BM_LITTER VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_BM_LITTER[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)" | "Biomass to Litter flux (LANDS)"                      | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     55GPP_lands              | "GPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(GPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Gross Primary Produc (LANDS)"                        | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     56MAINT_RESP_lands       | "MAINT_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"      | "" | "(MAINT_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"      | "Maintenance Resp. (LANDS)"                           | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     57GROWTH_RESP_lands      | "GROWTH_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"     | "" | "(GROWTH_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Growth Resp. (LANDS)"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     58lai_lands              | "lai"                           | "" | "lai[d=1]"                                                                    | "Leaf Area Fraction"                                  | "1"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     59treeFracPrimDec_lands  | "treeFracPrimDec"               | "" | "treeFracPrimDec[d=1]"                                                        | "Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     60treeFracPrimEver_lands | "treeFracPrimEver"              | "" | "treeFracPrimEver[d=1]"                                                       | "Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     61c3PftFrac_lands        | "c3PftFrac"                     | "" | "c3PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     62c4PftFrac_lands        | "c4PftFrac"                     | "" | "c4PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]" 
     63cProduct_lands         | "cProduct"           | "" | "(cProduct[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                   | "Carbon in Products of Land Use Change"                  | "PgC"    | "2" 
     64fLuc_lands             | "fLuc"               | "" | "(fLuc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"             | "CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     65ra_lands               | "ra"                 | "" | "(ra[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"               | "Autotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     66fVegLitter_lands       | "fVegLitter"         | "" | "(fVegLitter[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"       | "Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter"            | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     67fLitterSoil_lands      | "fLitterSoil"        | "" | "(fLitterSoil[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"      | "Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil"                  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     68cLeaf_lands            | "cLeaf"              | "" | "(cLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Leaves"                                       | "PgC"    | "2" 
     69cWood_lands            | "cWood"              | "" | "(cWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Wood"                                         | "PgC"    | "2" 
     70cRoot_lands            | "cRoot"              | "" | "(cRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Roots"                                        | "PgC"    | "2" 
     71cMisc_lands            | "cMisc"              | "" | "(cMisc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Other Living Compartments"                    | "PgC"    | "2" 
     72cLitterAbove_lands     | "cLitterAbove"       | "" | "(cLitterAbove[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Above-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2" 
     73cLitterBelow_lands     | "cLitterBelow"       | "" | "(cLitterBelow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Below-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2" 
     74cSoilFast_lands        | "cSoilFast"          | "" | "(cSoilFast[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Fast Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     75cSoilMedium_lands      | "cSoilMedium"        | "" | "(cSoilMedium[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                | "Carbon in Medium Soil Pool"                             | "PgC"    | "2" 
     76cSoilSlow_lands        | "cSoilSlow"          | "" | "(cSoilSlow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Slow Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2" 
     77nppLeaf_lands          | "nppLeaf"            | "" | "(nppLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     78nppWood_lands          | "nppWood"            | "" | "(nppWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     79nppRoot_lands          | "nppRoot"            | "" | "(nppRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root" | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     80nep_lands              | "nep"                | "" | "(nep[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"              | "Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity." | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     81cMassVariation_lands   | "cMassVariation"     | "" | "(cMassVariation[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"   | "Carbon Mass Variation"                                  | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     82cBal_lands             | "cMassVariation nbp" | "" | "((cMassVariation[d=1,L=2:100000]-nbp[d=2,L=2:100000])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)" | "Total Carbon Balance"    | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     83rGrowth_lands          | "rGrowth"            | "" | "(rGrowth[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "Growth Autotrophic Respiration"                         | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
     84rMaint_lands           | "rMaint"             | "" | "(rMaint[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"           | "Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration"                    | "PgC/yr" | "2" 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.