06/15/12 18:01:45 (12 years ago)

Moved specific treatement for carbon cycle to seperate functions: ATM_Carbon_Update and ATM_Carbon_Finalize. These functions will only be called if CARBON_CYCLE=control or CARBON_CYCLE=historical is set in lmdz.card.

1 edited



    r1779 r1780  
    237237    fi 
    239     # Add special treatement for CARBON CYCLE 
     240    ##-- Add special treatement for CARBON CYCLE 
    240241    if [ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = X"control" ] || [ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = X"historical" ] ; then 
    242         typeset InitPeriodCo2 InitDateBeginCo2 InitDateEndCo2 
    243         typeset CO2SBG CO2MBG CO2LU CO2_ppm CO2_ppm_prec fCO2_ff 
    244         typeset PathCO2log  
    245         typeset PreviousLinelog LastPeriodDateBegin LastPeriodDateEnd LastDatesPeriod LastPREFIX 
    247         if ( ${FirstInitialize} && [ X"${config_ATM_Restart}" = X"n" ] ) ; then 
    248         ##--Initialization of fluxes to an undefined value at the first run 
    249             UndefinedValueCo2=-9999 
    250             InitPeriodCo2=0 
    251             InitDateBeginCo2=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
    252             InitYearCo2=$(( ${year} - 1 ))  
    253             InitDateEndCo2=${InitYearCo2}1231 
    254             fCO2_ff=${UndefinedValueCo2}  
    255             CO2SBG=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
    256             CO2LU=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
    257             CO2MBG=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
    258             CO2_ppm_prec=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
    259         # Get the initial value of atmosp. pco2  
    260             CO2_ppm=${lmdz_UserChoices_co2_init} 
    262             IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    263             IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    265         # Save CO2 values in ExeCpuLog variable contents 5 fields 
    266             echo "${InitPeriodCo2} ${InitDateBeginCo2} ${InitDateEndCo2} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
    267                 gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
    268                               $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)}' >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    270         # Get the path where the log file co2.log is 
    271             PathCO2log=${SUBMIT_DIR}  
    272         # Get Previous line in co2.log 
    273             PreviousLinelog=$( tail -1 ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
    275         else 
    277         # NEW parameter in config.card (even for Overule all restarts, you must modify the line after this comment ): 
    278         # !! NEW for Carbone cycle !! Path where to find old co2.log file for restart CO2. 
    279         #SubmitRestartPath= 
    280             if ( ${FirstInitialize} && [ X"${config_ATM_Restart}" = X"y" ] ) ; then 
    281                 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ATM SubmitRestartPath 
    282                 PathCO2log=${config_ATM_SubmitRestartPath} 
    283                 Date_r=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_ATM_RestartDate} ) 
    284                 PreviousLinelog=$( grep ${Date_r} ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
    286                 IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    287                 IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    289             # Save Last Line of control in new co2.log file 
    290                 InitPeriodCo2=0    
    291                 InitDateBeginCo2=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $2}' ) 
    292                 InitDateEndCo2=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $3}' ) 
    293                 fCO2_ff=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $6}' ) 
    294                 CO2SBG=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $8}' ) 
    295                 CO2LU=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $9}' ) 
    296                 CO2MBG=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $7}' ) 
    297                 CO2_ppm_prec=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $5}' ) 
    298                 CO2_ppm=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
    300                 echo "${InitPeriodCo2} ${InitDateBeginCo2} ${InitDateEndCo2} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
    301                     gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
    302                               $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)}' >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    303             else 
    304            # Get restart line in co2.log 
    305                 PathCO2log=${SUBMIT_DIR} 
    306                 PreviousLinelog=$( tail -1 ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
    307            # Get the value of atmosp. pco2 in co2.log 
    308                 CO2_ppm=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
    309             fi 
    311         fi 
    313         if [ ${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE} = historical ] ; then 
    314             # Modify co2_ppm in config.def only for historical run 
    315             # If not historical run, keep co2_ppm value set earlier by LMDZ_sed 
    316             LMDZ_sed config.def co2_ppm     ${CO2_ppm} 
    317         fi 
    318     fi 
    319     # end CARBON_CYCLE 
     242        ATM_Carbon_Update 
     243    fi 
    321246    ##-- Set LMDZ_COSP_daily1979=y in section UserChoices in lmdz.card to activate  
    475400    # Add special treatement for CARBON CYCLE 
    476401    if [ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = X"control" ] || [ X"${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE}" = X"historical" ] ; then 
    477         typeset CO2SBG_3V CO2SBG CO2MBG CO2SRF CO2LU CO2_ppm CO2_ppm_prec fCO2_ff 
     402        ATM_Carbon_Finalize 
     403    fi 
     405    echo FINALIZE ATM ! 
     407    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Finalize" 
     412function ATM_Carbon_Update 
     414    # This fuction will be called only if CARBON_CYCLE is set to control or historical in lmdz.card 
     416    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Carbon_Update" 
     418    typeset InitPeriodCo2 InitDateBeginCo2 InitDateEndCo2 
     419    typeset CO2SBG CO2MBG CO2LU CO2_ppm CO2_ppm_prec fCO2_ff 
     420    typeset PathCO2log  
     421    typeset PreviousLinelog LastPeriodDateBegin LastPeriodDateEnd LastDatesPeriod LastPREFIX 
     423    if ( ${FirstInitialize} && [ X"${config_ATM_Restart}" = X"n" ] ) ; then 
     424        ##--Initialization of fluxes to an undefined value at the first run 
     425        UndefinedValueCo2=-9999 
     426        InitPeriodCo2=0 
     427        InitDateBeginCo2=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
     428        InitYearCo2=$(( ${year} - 1 ))  
     429        InitDateEndCo2=${InitYearCo2}1231 
     430        fCO2_ff=${UndefinedValueCo2}  
     431        CO2SBG=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
     432        CO2LU=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
     433        CO2MBG=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
     434        CO2_ppm_prec=${UndefinedValueCo2} 
     435        # Get the initial value of atmosp. pco2  
     436        CO2_ppm=${lmdz_UserChoices_co2_init} 
     438        IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     439        IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     441        # Save CO2 values in ExeCpuLog variable contents 5 fields 
     442        echo "${InitPeriodCo2} ${InitDateBeginCo2} ${InitDateEndCo2} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
     443            gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
     444                              $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)}' >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     446        # Get the path where the log file co2.log is 
     447        PathCO2log=${SUBMIT_DIR}  
     448        # Get Previous line in co2.log 
     449        PreviousLinelog=$( tail -1 ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
     451    else 
     453        # NEW parameter in config.card (even for Overule all restarts, you must modify the line after this comment ): 
     454        # !! NEW for Carbone cycle !! Path where to find old co2.log file for restart CO2. 
     455        #SubmitRestartPath= 
     456        if ( ${FirstInitialize} && [ X"${config_ATM_Restart}" = X"y" ] ) ; then 
     457            IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ATM SubmitRestartPath 
     458            PathCO2log=${config_ATM_SubmitRestartPath} 
     459            Date_r=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_ATM_RestartDate} ) 
     460            PreviousLinelog=$( grep ${Date_r} ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
     462            IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     463            IGCM_sys_Chmod u+w ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     465            # Save Last Line of control in new co2.log file 
     466            InitPeriodCo2=0    
     467            InitDateBeginCo2=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $2}' ) 
     468            InitDateEndCo2=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $3}' ) 
     469            fCO2_ff=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $6}' ) 
     470            CO2SBG=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $8}' ) 
     471            CO2LU=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $9}' ) 
     472            CO2MBG=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $7}' ) 
     473            CO2_ppm_prec=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $5}' ) 
     474            CO2_ppm=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
     476            echo "${InitPeriodCo2} ${InitDateBeginCo2} ${InitDateEndCo2} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
     477                gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
     478                              $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)}' >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
     479        else 
     480           # Get restart line in co2.log 
     481            PathCO2log=${SUBMIT_DIR} 
     482            PreviousLinelog=$( tail -1 ${PathCO2log}/co2.log ) 
     483           # Get the value of atmosp. pco2 in co2.log 
     484            CO2_ppm=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
     485        fi 
     487    fi 
     489    if [ ${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE} = historical ] ; then 
     490            # Modify co2_ppm in config.def only for historical run 
     491            # If not historical run, keep co2_ppm value set earlier by LMDZ_sed 
     492        LMDZ_sed config.def co2_ppm     ${CO2_ppm} 
     493    fi 
     494    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Carbon_Update" 
     498function ATM_Carbon_Finalize 
     500    # This fuction will be called only if CARBON_CYCLE is set to control or historical in lmdz.card 
     502    IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Carbon_Finalize" 
     504    typeset CO2SBG_3V CO2SBG CO2MBG CO2SRF CO2LU CO2_ppm CO2_ppm_prec fCO2_ff 
    479506        # Fossil fuel emission 
    480         if [ ${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE} = control ] ; then 
     507    if [ ${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE} = control ] ; then 
    481508            # For Control, no fossil fuel emission : 
    482             fCO2_ff=0 
    483             echo "Fossil Fuel for control run  :" ${fCO2_ff} 
    484         else 
     509        fCO2_ff=0 
     510        echo "Fossil Fuel for control run  :" ${fCO2_ff} 
     511    else 
    485512            # For historical, get the fossile fuel file : 
    486             fCO2_ff=$( gawk "{if (match(\$0,\"${year}\ *${month}\")) {print \$3}}" ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/CMIP5_gridcar_CO2_emissions_fossil_fuel_Andres_1751-2007_monthly_SC.txt ) 
    487             echo "Fossil Fuel for historical run  :" ${fCO2_ff} 
    488         fi 
     513        fCO2_ff=$( gawk "{if (match(\$0,\"${year}\ *${month}\")) {print \$3}}" ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/CMIP5_gridcar_CO2_emissions_fossil_fuel_Andres_1751-2007_monthly_SC.txt ) 
     514        echo "Fossil Fuel for historical run  :" ${fCO2_ff} 
     515    fi 
    490517        # Get the value of ocean carbon flux 
    491         CO2MBG=$( ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/lmdz_analyse_pisces_out.awk ocean.output ) 
    492         CO2MBG=$( echo ${CO2MBG} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
    493         echo "Ocean carbon flux  :" ${CO2MBG} 
     518    CO2MBG=$( ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/lmdz_analyse_pisces_out.awk ocean.output ) 
     519    CO2MBG=$( echo ${CO2MBG} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
     520    echo "Ocean carbon flux  :" ${CO2MBG} 
    495522        # Get the value of land fluxes 
    496         set +A CO2SBG_3V -- $( ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/lmdz_analyse_stomate_out.awk out_orchidee_0000 ) 
    497         CO2SRF=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[0]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
    498         CO2LU=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[1]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
    499         CO2SBG=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[2]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
    500         echo "Land carbon flux (NEP)         :" ${CO2SRF} 
    501         echo "LU flux          (FLUC)        :" ${CO2LU} 
    502         echo "Total Land carbon flux (NBP)   :" ${CO2SBG} 
     523    set +A CO2SBG_3V -- $( ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/lmdz_analyse_stomate_out.awk out_orchidee_0000 ) 
     524    CO2SRF=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[0]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
     525    CO2LU=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[1]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
     526    CO2SBG=$( echo ${CO2SBG_3V[2]} | sed -e "s/ *//" ) 
     527    echo "Land carbon flux (NEP)         :" ${CO2SRF} 
     528    echo "LU flux          (FLUC)        :" ${CO2LU} 
     529    echo "Total Land carbon flux (NBP)   :" ${CO2SBG} 
    504531        # Previous CO2 
    505         CO2_ppm_prec=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
    506         echo "Previous CO2  :" ${CO2_ppm_prec} 
     532    CO2_ppm_prec=$( echo "${PreviousLinelog[*]}" | gawk -F '|' '{gsub(" ",""); print $4}' ) 
     533    echo "Previous CO2  :" ${CO2_ppm_prec} 
    508535        # Formula 
    509         CO2_ppm=$( echo "${CO2_ppm_prec} + (${fCO2_ff} + ${CO2MBG} + ${CO2SBG}) / 2.12" | bc -l ) 
    510         echo "New CO2  :" ${CO2_ppm} 
     536    CO2_ppm=$( echo "${CO2_ppm_prec} + (${fCO2_ff} + ${CO2MBG} + ${CO2SBG}) / 2.12" | bc -l ) 
     537    echo "New CO2  :" ${CO2_ppm} 
    512539        # Save CO2 values in ExeCpuLog variable contents 5 fields 
    513         echo "${CumulPeriod} ${PeriodDateBegin} ${PeriodDateEnd} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
    514             gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
     540    echo "${CumulPeriod} ${PeriodDateBegin} ${PeriodDateEnd} ${CO2_ppm} ${CO2_ppm_prec} ${fCO2_ff} ${CO2MBG} ${CO2SBG} ${CO2LU}" |   \ 
     541        gawk '{printf("  %11d | %15s | %15s | %22.15g | %20.15g | %11.8g | %11.8g | %12.8g | %12.8g \n", \ 
    515542                           $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)}' >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/co2.log 
    517     fi 
    519     echo FINALIZE ATM ! 
    521     IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Finalize" 
    522 } 
     544    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Carbon_Finalize" 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.