#!/bin/ksh #- $Id$ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # @(#)Actions concerning IPSL models #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #set -xv MAIL_ADDRESS=platform-extract@listes.ipsl.fr MAIL_COM=mail #MAIL_COM=Mail #- # Dirname and Basename #- d_n=$(dirname ${0}); b_n=$(basename ${0}); #- # Retrieve and validate the options #- m_n=""; m_a="checkout"; m_v='silencious'; no_tag='false'; # Option -d to take default set up without asking changeok='yes' while getopts :hevdH V do case $V in (h) m_a='help';; (e) m_a='checkout';; (v) m_v='verbose';; (d) changeok='no';; (H) no_tag='true';; (:) echo ${b_n}" : option $OPTARG : missing value" 1>&2; exit 2;; (\?) echo ${b_n}" : option $OPTARG : not supported" 1>&2; exit 2;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND-1)); #- # Validate the action #- [[ ${m_a} = help || ${m_a} = checkout ]] || \ { echo 'Action '"${m_a}"' not supported' 1>&2; echo 'Try "'${b_n}' -h [model-name]"' 1>&2; exit 4; } #- # Retrieve the model name #- [[ ${#} -gt 2 ]] && \ { echo 'Only one model can be specified' 1>&2; exit 3; } [[ ${#} -eq 1 ]] && { m_n="${1}"; } sub_conf="FULL" [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] && { m_n="${1}"; sub_conf="${2}"; } [[ ${m_a} != 'help' && -z ${m_n} ]] && \ { echo 'Model not specified' 1>&2; echo 'Try "'${b_n}' -h [model-name]"' 1>&2; exit 3; } case ${m_n} in ( IPSLCM7* ) # subconfiguration is optional if [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM" ] || [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM-ico" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="INCA" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM-reg" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="INCA DYNAMICO" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "LMDZOR" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="NEMO OASIS INCA DYNAMICO" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "LMDZORINCA" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="NEMO OASIS DYNAMICO" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "ICOLMDZOR" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="NEMO OASIS INCA" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "ICOLMDZORINCA" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="NEMO OASIS" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "ORCHIDEE_OL" ] ; then comp_to_exclude="NEMO OASIS INCA DYNAMICO LMDZ" elif [ ${sub_conf} == "FULL" ] ; then comp_to_exculde=" " else echo Sub-configuration ${sub_conf} is not supported. echo Choose between IPSLCM, IPSLCM-reg, ICOLMDZOR, ICOLMDZORINCA, LMDZOR, LMDZORINCA or ORCHIDEE_OL echo For full configuration, do not specify the second argument or choose FULL exit fi ;; ( * ) # sub configuration is not possible if [ ${sub_conf} != "FULL" ] ; then echo Extraction of a sub-configuration is not supported for this model. Remove second argument and retry. exit fi esac #- # Test availability of the definition file #- F_DEF=${d_n}'/mod.def' [[ ! -f "${F_DEF}" ]] && { echo "${F_DEF} unreachable ..."; exit 3; } #- # Extract the names of the supported models #- qi=0; while read v0 v1 v2 do [[ -n "${v0}" && "${v0}" = '#-C-' ]] && \ { i_m=-1; qa=0; while (( ${qa} < ${#m_x[@]} )) do ((qa=qa+1)); [[ -n "${v1}" && "${v1}" = ${m_x[${qa}]} ]] && \ { i_m=${qa}; break; }; done (( ${i_m} < 0 )) && { ((qi=qi+1)); m_x[${qi}]=${v1}; }; } done <${F_DEF} unset v0 v1 v2; #- # Model name validation and data retrieving #- [[ -n "${m_n}" ]] && \ { #- Validate the model name i_m=-1; qi=0; while (( ${qi} < ${#m_x[@]} )) do ((qi=qi+1)); [[ ${m_n} = ${m_x[${qi}]} ]] && { i_m=${qi}; break; }; done (( ${i_m} < 0 )) && \ { echo 'Model '"${m_n}"' unknown' 1>&2; echo 'Try "'${b_n}' -h"' 1>&2; exit 3; } #- Extract the repository informations #- ( index, repository system, servers address ) while read v0 v1 v2 v3 do [[ -n "${v0}" && "${v0}" = '#-S-' ]] && \ { r_p[${v1}]=${v2}; r_s[${v1}]=${v3}; } done <${F_DEF} unset v0 v1 v2 v3; #- Extract the model informations qi=0; while read v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 do [[ -n "${v1}" && "${v1}" = "${m_n}" ]] && \ { #- model manager email address [[ "${v0}" = '#-M-' ]] && { m_m=${v2}; continue; } #- elements for the model component [[ "${v0}" = '#-C-' ]] && \ { ((qi=qi+1)); [[ -z "${v2}" ]] && \ { echo 'Component not found for '${m_n}; exit 3; } m_c[${qi}]=${v2}; [[ -z "${v3}" ]] && \ { echo 'Tag not found for component '${v2}' of '${m_n}; exit 3; } [[ ${no_tag} = 'false' ]] && \ { m_t[${qi}]=${v3}; } || \ { m_t[${qi}]='?'; } [[ -z "${v4}" ]] && \ { echo 'Repository index not found for '${m_n}; exit 3; } m_p[${qi}]=${r_p[${v4}]}; [[ ${m_p[${qi}]} = svn || ${m_p[${qi}]} = cvs || ${m_p[${qi}]} = git ]] || \ { echo 'Control system '"${m_p[${qi}]}"' not supported' 1>&2; exit 3; } m_s[${qi}]=${r_s[${v4}]}; [[ -z "${m_s[${qi}]}" ]] && \ { echo 'Server '${v4}' not found for '${m_n}; exit 3; } m_d[${qi}]=${v5}; [[ -z "${m_d[${qi}]}" ]] && { m_d[${qi}]="."; } m_l[${qi}]=${v6}; [[ -z "${m_l[${qi}]}" ]] && { m_l[${qi}]="modeles"; } m_7[${qi}]=${v7}; [[ -z "${m_7[${qi}]}" ]] && { m_7[${qi}]="none"; } } } done <${F_DEF} unset v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 #- Validate the model informations #- m_m: model manager email address. If not found in mod.def then set default adress. [[ -z "${m_m}" ]] && \ { m_m=${MAIL_ADDRESS}; } #- model components [[ ${#m_c[@]} = 0 ]] && \ { echo 'Components not found for '${m_n}; exit 3; } } #- # send an email at the first use of modipsl # ie directory ~/.modipsl does not exist #- D_LOG=${HOME}/.modipsl [[ -d "${D_LOG}" ]] || \ { mkdir "${D_LOG}"; echo $(date +"%D %T") $(whoami) $(uname -m) \ first use of model | \ ${MAIL_COM} -s "first use of modipsl" \ ${MAIL_ADDRESS} >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $(date +"%D %T") creation >"${D_LOG}"/first; } #- # "help" action #- [[ ${m_a} = 'help' ]] && \ { echo ' '; if [ -z "${m_n}" ]; then echo ${b_n} ': This script is used to extract one configuration'; echo ' '; echo 'Usage :'; echo './'${b_n} '[-h]'; echo './'${b_n} '[-h] ConfName'; echo './'${b_n} '[-v] ConfName'; echo '' echo 'Arguments :' echo 'ConfName : name of configuration to be extracted'; echo '-h : this help'; echo '-h ConfName : description of configuration ConfName'; # Meaningless option echo '-e : extract model'; # Does not work echo 'H : suppress the tags and take the HEAD version'; echo '-v : verbose mode'; # echo 'd : extract default components without option to change'; echo ' '; echo 'Possible configurations are :'; qi=0; while (( ${qi} < ${#m_x[@]} )); do ((qi=qi+1)); echo ${m_x[${qi}]}; done else echo 'model : '${m_n}; [[ ${sub_conf} != "FULL" ]] && echo "Subconfiguration : ${sub_conf} (following components will not be extracted: ${comp_to_exclude})" echo ' '; while read v0 v1 v2 do [[ -n "${v0}" && "${v0}" = '#-H-' && \ -n "${v1}" && "${v1}" = "${m_n}" ]] && { echo ${v2}; } done <${F_DEF} unset v0 v1 v2; echo ' '; echo 'model manager email address : '${m_m}; echo ' '; qi=0; while (( ${qi} < ${#m_c[@]} )) do ((qi=qi+1)); # Check if the component is in the list of compents to exclude from installation # If that's the case, continue to next component z7=${m_7[${qi}]} if [ "X$( echo ${comp_to_exclude} | grep $z7 )" != "X" ] ; then [[ ${m_v} = 'verbose' ]] && { echo Component ${z7} will not be extracted. ; } continue fi echo 'Component '${qi}' : '${m_c[${qi}]}; echo 'Revision '${qi}' : '${m_t[${qi}]}; echo 'System '${qi}' : '${m_p[${qi}]}; echo 'Server '${qi}' : '${m_s[${qi}]}; echo 'Directory '${qi}' : '${m_d[${qi}]}; echo 'Local Dir '${qi}' : '${m_l[${qi}]}; echo 'Comp name '${qi}' : '${z7}; echo '' done fi echo ' '; exit 0; } #- # Record information about the action in the "log" file #- F_LOG=${d_n}'/log' echo "${F_LOG}" echo $(date +"%D %T") $0 $* >>"${F_LOG}" #- # Verbose mode #- [ ${m_v} = 'verbose' ] && \ { echo '--- Model : '${m_n}; echo '--- Action : '${m_a}; echo '--- Mode : '${m_v}; } #- # Record information about the action in the "log" file #- { echo '--- Model : '${m_n}; echo '--- Action : '${m_a}; echo '--- Mode : '${m_v}; echo '--- Mail address : '${m_m}; } >>"${F_LOG}" #- # Components root directory #- d_m=${d_n}'/..'; #- # send an email at the first use of this IPSL model # ie file ~/.modipsl/log.${m_n} does not exist #- M_LOG=${D_LOG}/log.${m_n} [[ -f "${M_LOG}" ]] || \ { echo $(date +"%D %T") $(whoami) $(uname -m) \ first usage of model ${m_n} | \ ${MAIL_COM} -s "first usage of model ${m_n}" \ ${m_m} >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $(date +"%D %T") model ${m_n} >"${M_LOG}"; } #- # Extract the model components #- qi=0; while (( ${qi} < ${#m_c[@]} )) do ((qi=qi+1)); zc=${m_c[${qi}]}; zt=${m_t[${qi}]}; zp=${m_p[${qi}]}; zs=${m_s[${qi}]}; zd=${m_d[${qi}]}; zl=${m_l[${qi}]}; z7=${m_7[${qi}]}; # Check if the component is in the list of compents to exclude from installation # If that's the case, continue to next component if [ "X$( echo ${comp_to_exclude} | grep $z7 )" != "X" ] ; then [[ ${m_v} = 'verbose' ]] && { echo Component ${z7} will not be extracted. ; } continue fi # Maybe change some information marked with DEFAULT. # Check if key word DEFAULT is used in component name defcomp=$(echo ${zc} | awk -FDEFAULT: '{print $2}') if [ X$defcomp != X ] ; then if [ $changeok == 'yes' ] ; then echo "=> Default component $defcomp can be changed." echo " Do you want to change this path ? Type new path or return for the above default." read newcomp echo " Type revision number for chosen component version or return for $zt default value" read newrev if [ X$newcomp == X ] ; then zc=$defcomp else zc=$newcomp fi if [ X$newrev != X ] ; then zt=$newrev fi else # changeok=no : Take default value# zc=$defcomp fi fi if [ ${m_v} == 'verbose' ] ; then echo '---'; echo '--- Component : '${zc}; echo '--- Tag : '${zt}; echo '--- System : '${zp}; echo '--- Server : '${zs}; echo '--- Directory : '${zd}; echo '--- Local Dir : '${zl}; echo '--- Component name : '${z7}; else echo '--- Component : '${zd}; fi #----- #---- Record information about the action in the "log" file #----- { echo '---'; echo '--- Component : '${zc}; echo '--- Tag : '${zt}; echo '--- System : '${zp}; echo '--- Server : '${zs}; echo '--- Directory : '${zd}; echo '--- Local Dir : '${zl}; echo '--- Component name : '${z7}; } >>"${F_LOG}" #--- [[ ${zp} = 'cvs' ]] && \ { c_c='(cd '${d_m}/${zl}'; '${zp}' -d :pserver:'${zs}' '${m_a}; [[ ${zt} != '?' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' -r '${zt}; } [[ ${zd} != '.' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' -d '${zd}; } c_c=${c_c}' '${zc}')'; grep "${zs%%/*}"'.*/'"${zs#*/}" ~/.cvspass > /dev/null; [[ ${?} != 0 ]] && \ { c_z='cvs -d :pserver:'${zs}' login'; [[ ${m_v} = 'verbose' ]] && { echo ${c_z}; } eval ${c_z}; } } #--- [[ ${zp} = 'svn' ]] && \ { c_c='(cd '${d_m}/${zl}'; '${zp}' '${m_a}; [[ ${zt} != '?' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' -r '${zt}; } c_c=${c_c}' '${zs}'/'${zc}@${zt}; [[ ${zd} != '.' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' '${zd}; } c_c=${c_c}')'; } #--- [[ ${zp} = 'git' ]] && \ { c_c='(cd '${d_m}/${zl}' ; '${zp}' clone '${m_s[${qi}]}' '${zd} ; [[ ${zt} != 'HEAD' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' ; cd '${zd}' ; '${zp}' '${m_a}' '${zt}; } [[ ${zt} == 'HEAD' ]] && { c_c=${c_c}' ; cd '${zd}' ; '${zp}' '${m_a}' '${zc}; } c_c=${c_c}')'; } #--- [[ ${m_v} = 'verbose' ]] && { echo '--- Command : '${c_c}; } eval ${c_c}; done #- # Actions related to NEMOGCM #- case ${m_n} in ( NEMO_v* | IPSLCM6* | IPSLESM6 | IPSLCM7* ) d_m1=${d_m}/modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG cfg_file=${d_m1}/cfg.txt list_cfg='ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES ORCA025_LIM3_PISCES ORCA1_OFF_PISCES eORCA025_LIM3 eORCA025_LIM3_PISCES_CRS' # Creates configuration ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES # (see https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/shaconemo/wiki/README_ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES ) for cfg in ${list_cfg} do if [[ -d ${d_m1}/${cfg} ]] ; then grep ${cfg} ${cfg_file} > /dev/null 2>&1 err=${?} if [[ ${err} = 1 ]] ; then pis=`echo ${cfg} | grep "PISCES" | wc -l` off=`echo ${cfg} | grep "OFF" | wc -l` if [[ ${pis} = 1 ]] ; then if [[ ${off} = 1 ]] ; then echo "${cfg} OPA_SRC OFF_SRC TOP_SRC" >> ${cfg_file} else echo "${cfg} OPA_SRC LIM_SRC_3 NST_SRC TOP_SRC" >> ${cfg_file} fi else echo "${cfg} OPA_SRC LIM_SRC_3 NST_SRC" >> ${cfg_file} fi fi fi done esac #- # Actions related to the WORK directory for the OPA models #- case ${m_n} in ( IPSLCM4_LOOP ) d_m1=${d_m}/modeles/OPA ; [ -d ${d_m1}/WORK ] && \rm -rf ${d_m1}/WORK; mkdir ${d_m1}/WORK; cd ${d_m1}/WORK; #-- Getting the configuration files to build the Makefile ln -sf ../../../*/${m_n}/scripts/BB_make AA_make; ln -sf ../../../*/${m_n}/scripts/BB_make.ldef AA_make.ldef ; [ "${m_n}" = "IPSLCM4_LOOP" ] && \ echo " Creation du catalogue OPA/WORK = ORCA + LIM + TRC" || \ echo " Creation du catalogue OPA/WORK = ORCA + LIM" ln -sf ../SRC_ORCA/*.[Ffh] . [ "${m_n}" = "IPSLCM4_LOOP" ] && \rm *.passivetrc.h [ "${m_n}" = "IPSLCM4_LOOP" ] && \ ln -sf ../SRC_TRC/*.[Ffh] ../SRC_TRC/trc_sms/*.[Ffh] . ln -sf ../SRC_UCL/[a-z]* . #-- Building the standard list of source files cat >.patron <<"EOF" CVS SRC_PARAM SRC_FILE_LIST tmplist AA_make KEY_CPP Makefile *?.o i.?* *?.L .patron bloc.com para.com defcst.f fontbc.f icdyna.f thersf.f EOF ls -1 | fgrep -v -f .patron >SRC_FILE_LIST; cp SRC_FILE_LIST SRC_FILE_LIST.temp; KEY=$(grep P_P AA_make.ldef); [ -f "KEY_CPP" ] || echo $KEY > KEY_CPP; ;; ( IPSLCM5A ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5A ;; ( IPSLCM5A_C ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5A_C ;; ( IPSLCM5B ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5B ;; ( IPSLCM5_v5 ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5_v5 ;; ( IPSLCM5CHS_v5 ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5CHS_v5 ;; ( IPSLCM5CHT_v5 ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5CHT_v5 ;; esac case ${m_n} in ( IPSLCM7* ) if [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM" ] || [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM-ico" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/*INCA* elif [ ${sub_conf} == "IPSLCM-reg" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM-ico rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/*INCA* rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/ICO* elif [ ${sub_conf} == "LMDZOR" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM* rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/ICOLMDZ* rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/*INCA* elif [ ${sub_conf} == "LMDZORINCA" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM* rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/ICOLMDZ* elif [ ${sub_conf} == "ICOLMDZOR" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM* rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/*INCA* elif [ ${sub_conf} == "ICOLMDZORINCA" ] ; then rm -fr ../config/IPSLCM7*/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM* fi ;; esac #--- Create Makefiles using the script ins_make # ins_make will detect target machine among predefined targets in AA_make.gdef and # create Makefiles to the corresponding target. # ins_make can be re-run afterwards using another target or after editing the # AA_make.gdef. ins_make will then overwrite Makefiles already created. # ./ins_make #--- #- That's all folks #--- exit 0;