#!/bin/bash # $Id$ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #- Installation of Makefiles according to an environment #--------------------------------------------------------------------- shopt -s extglob #- function ins_make_Usage { typeset v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 h_n; echo -e " ins_make install the Makefile in the directories Usage : ${b_n} [-h] [-v] [-d] [-p r] [-t h] [-m m] Options : -h : help -v : verbose mode -d : debug mode -p p : int and real precision I4R4/I4R8/I8R8/4/8 -t h : target host_name -m m : mpi context choosen for the coupling MPI1/MPI2 Defaults : -t local_host -p I4R8 Example for remote host compilation : ins_make -t sx8brodie " echo -e "Supported targets :\n" [[ ! -f "${MKTG}" ]] && { echo -e "? (${MKTG} unreachable)\n"; exit 3; } while read v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 do [[ -n "${v1}" && "${v1}${v3}" = '#-Q-#-' && \ -n "${v4}" && "${v4}${v5}${v6}" = 'Globaldefinitionsfor' ]] && \ { h_n=${v2}' '; echo -e "${h_n:0:13} : ${v7}"; } done <${MKTG} echo -e " For other targets, look in ${MKTG}. " } #- dirname and basename d_n=$(dirname ${0}); b_n=$(basename ${0}); #- File containing global definitions MKTG=${d_n}'/AA_make.gdef' #- Retrieving and validation of the options x_v='silencious'; x_d='normal'; x_p="??"; x_t="??"; x_m='??'; while getopts :hvdp:m:t: V do case ${V} in (h) ins_make_Usage; exit 0;; (v) x_v='verbose';; (d) x_d='debug';; (p) x_p=${OPTARG};; (t) x_t=${OPTARG};; (m) x_m=${OPTARG};; (:) echo ${b_n}" : -"${OPTARG}" option : missing value" 1>&2; exit 2;; (\?) echo ${b_n}" : -"${OPTARG}" option : not supported" 1>&2; exit 2;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND-1)); #- # Treatment of the options #- # Default INTEGER and REAL precision case ${x_p} in ( I4R4 | 4 ) x_p='I4R4'; w_ip='4'; w_rp='4';; ( I4R8 | ?? ) x_p='I4R8'; w_ip='4'; w_rp='8';; ( I8R8 | 8 ) x_p='I8R8'; w_ip='8'; w_rp='8';; (*) echo 'Invalid precision ' 1>&2; echo ${x_p}' (must be I4R4, I4R8, I8R8, 4 or 8)' 1>&2; exit 1;; esac #- # Target_Host Name [[ ${x_t} = '??' ]] && \ { x_t=$(${d_n}/w_i_h); { [[ ${?} != 0 ]] && \ { echo "Bad installation : w_i_h/uname unreachable" 1>&2; exit 1; }; } || \ [[ ${x_t} = "Unknown" ]] && \ { echo "Local_Host not supported" 1>&2; exit 1; }; } #- # Get editing header #x_h=$(${d_n}/w_i_p ${x_t}); x_h=${x_t}; #- [[ ! -f "${MKTG}" ]] && { echo "${MKTG} unreachable ..."; exit 3; } #- W_X1=$(sed -n -e "s/^#-Q- *\(${x_h}\)[\t ].*$/\1/p" ${MKTG} | sort -u); [[ '\?'"${W_X1}" != '\?'"${x_h}" ]] && \ { echo "Target_Host "${x_t}" not supported" 1>&2; exit 1; } #- case ${x_m} in ( mpi1 | mpi2 | MPI1 | MPI2 | ?? );; (*) echo "MPI context "${x_m}" not supported" 1>&2; exit 1;; esac #- [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && \ { echo ""; echo '--- Mode : '${x_v}; echo '--- Compilation : '${x_d}; echo '--- Precision : '${x_p}; echo '--- Target : '${x_t}; echo '--- MPI context : '${x_m}; } #- echo ""; echo "Installation of makefiles, scripts and data for ${x_t}"; echo ""; #- w_t='AA_make'; l_rep=$(cd ${d_n};find .. -name ${w_t} -print) for i in ${l_rep} do k=${i%/${w_t}}; k=${k#./}; j=${d_n}'/'${k}; j=${j#./}; echo "Installation in ${j}"; MKTL="${j}"'/AA_make.ldef'; [[ ! -f "${MKTL}" ]] && { echo "${MKTL} unreachable ..."; exit 3; } MKTR="${j}"'/AA_make'; cat ${MKTL} ${MKTG} ${MKTR} > mk1.$$; W_PR='#-Q- *'; W_X1=${W_PR}${x_h}; sed -e "/^${W_X1}[\t ]/ s/^${W_X1} *//" -e "/^${W_PR}/d" mk1.$$ > mk2.$$; #- # Default INTEGER and REAL precision W_PR='#-P- '; W_X1=${W_PR}${x_p}; sed -e "/^${W_X1} */ s///" -e "/^${W_PR}/d" mk2.$$ > mk1.$$; #- # Handle the precision module "defprec.f90" in "IOIPSL/src" [[ '!!'${j##*/modeles} = '!!/IOIPSL/src' ]] && \ { [[ ${x_v} = 'verbose' ]] && W_X1='-v' || W_X1=""; ${d_n}/ins_m_prec ${W_X1} -i ${w_ip} -r ${w_rp}; r_c=${?}; unset w_ip w_rp; [[ ${r_c} != 0 ]] && exit ${r_c}; } #- # Debug W_PR='#-D- '; [[ ${x_d} = 'debug' ]] && W_X1=${W_PR}'MD' || W_X1=${W_PR}'MN'; sed -e "/^${W_X1} */ s///" -e "/^${W_PR}/d" mk1.$$ > mk2.$$; #- # Retrieve the path of the Makefile directory # and the path from the directory to modipsl/util mk_dir=$(cd ${j};/bin/pwd;); ut_dir=''; for ww in ${k//\//' '}; do ut_dir=${ut_dir}'../'; done ut_dir=${ut_dir%'../'}'util'; echo "Path from Makefile to modipsl/util : ${ut_dir}"; # Update the values W_X1='UTIL_DIR ='; W_X2='MAKE_DIR ='; sed -e "s!^${W_X1}.*!${W_X1} ${ut_dir}!" \ -e "s!^${W_X2}.*!${W_X2} ${mk_dir}!" \ mk2.$$ > mk1.$$ unset mk_dir ut_dir; #- # Choice of mpi library for the coupling W_X1='LIB_MPI ='; W_X2='LIB_MPI_BIS ='; case ${x_m} in ( mpi1 | MPI1 ) lib_mpi='MPI1'; lib_mpi_bis='MPI1'; sed -e "s!^${W_X1}.*!${W_X1} ${lib_mpi}!" \ -e "s!^${W_X2}.*!${W_X2} ${lib_mpi_bis}!" \ mk1.$$ > ${j}/Makefile;; ( mpi2 | MPI2 ) lib_mpi='MPI2'; lib_mpi_bis=''; sed -e "s!^${W_X1}.*!${W_X1} ${lib_mpi}!" \ -e "s!^${W_X2}.*!${W_X2} ${lib_mpi_bis}!" \ mk1.$$ > ${j}/Makefile;; (??) cp mk1.$$ ${j}/Makefile;; (*) ;; esac unset lib_mpi lib_mpi_bis; #- done #- #- Specific to OASIS3-MCT if [ -d ${d_n}/../oasis3-mct ] ; then l_dir=$(find ${d_n}/../config -maxdepth 1 -name "IPSLCM6*" -print) for i in ${l_dir} do mk_dir=$(cd ${d_n}/../oasis3-mct;/bin/pwd;); l_make=$(find ${i}/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT -maxdepth 1 -name "make*" -print) W_X1="COUPLE =" for j in ${l_make} do cp ${j} ${i}/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT/mk3.$$ sed -e "s!^${W_X1}.*!${W_X1} ${mk_dir}!" ${i}/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT/mk3.$$ > ${j} rm -f ${i}/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT/mk3.$$ done done fi # Creating environment file echo ${x_t} > ${d_n}/.host_target #- echo ""; unset W_X1 W_X2 w_t; rm -f mk1.$$ mk2.$$; #- exit 0;