#!/usr/bin/env python3 ### ### Script to check water conservation in the IPSL coupled model ### ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of included software or ## to read the associated documentation you'll need at least one (1) ## brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement will ## void any warranties (either express or implied). Authors assumes ## no responsability for errors, omissions, data loss, or any other ## consequences caused directly or indirectly by the usage of his ## software by incorrectly or partially configured personal ## ## ## SVN information # $Author$ # $Date$ # $Revision$ # $Id$ # $HeadURL$ ### ## Import system modules import sys, os, shutil, subprocess import numpy as np import configparser, re ## Creates parser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str # To keep capitals config['Files'] = {} config['System'] = {} ##-- Some physical constants #-- Earth Radius Ra = 6366197.7236758135 #-- Gravity Grav = 9.81 #-- Ice volumic mass (kg/m3) in LIM3 ICE_rho_ice = 917.0 #-- Snow volumic mass (kg/m3) in LIM3 ICE_rho_sno = 330.0 #-- Ocean water volumic mass (kg/m3) in NEMO OCE_rho_liq = 1026. #-- Water volumic mass in atmosphere ATM_rho = 1.0e3 #-- Water volumic mass in surface reservoirs SRF_rho = 1.0e3 #-- Water volumic mass of rivers RUN_rho = 1.0e3 ## Read experiment parameters ATM = None ; ORCA = None ; NEMO = None ; OCE_relax = False ; OCE_icb = False ; Coupled = False ; Routing = None # Arguments passed print ( "Name of Python script:", sys.argv[0] ) IniFile = sys.argv[1] print ("Input file : ", IniFile ) config.read (IniFile) def setBool (chars) : '''Convert specific char string in boolean if possible''' setBool = chars for key in configparser.ConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES.keys () : if chars.lower() == key : setBool = configparser.ConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES[key] return setBool def setNum (chars) : '''Convert specific char string in integer or real if possible''' if type (chars) == str : realnum = re.compile ("^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(e[-+]?[0-9]+)?$") isReal = realnum.match(chars.strip()) != None isInt = chars.strip().isdigit() if isReal : if isInt : setNum = int (chars) else : setNum = float (chars) else : setNum = chars else : setNum = chars return setNum print ('[Experiment]') for VarName in config['Experiment'].keys() : locals()[VarName] = config['Experiment'][VarName] locals()[VarName] = setBool (locals()[VarName]) locals()[VarName] = setNum (locals()[VarName]) print ( '{:25} set to : {:}'.format (VarName, locals()[VarName]) ) # ### ICO = ( 'ICO' in ATM ) LMDZ = ( 'LMD' in ATM ) ### ## Import system modules import sys, os, shutil, subprocess import configparser, re config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['Files'] = {} # Where do we run ? SysName, NodeName, Release, Version, Machine = os.uname() TGCC = ( 'irene' in NodeName ) IDRIS = ( 'jeanzay' in NodeName ) ## Set site specific libIGCM directories, and other specific stuff if TGCC : CPU = subprocess.getoutput ( 'lscpu | grep "Model name"' ) if "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum" in CPU : Machine = 'irene' if "AMD" in CPU : Machine = 'irene-amd' ARCHIVE = subprocess.getoutput ( f'ccc_home --cccstore -d {Project} -u {User}' ) STORAGE = subprocess.getoutput ( f'ccc_home --cccwork -d {Project} -u {User}' ) SCRATCHDIR = subprocess.getoutput ( f'ccc_home --cccscratch -d {Project} -u {User}' ) R_IN = os.path.join ( subprocess.getoutput ( f'ccc_home --cccwork -d igcmg -u igcmg' ), 'IGCM') rebuild = os.path.join ( subprocess.getoutput ( f'ccc_home --ccchome -d igcmg -u igcmg' ), 'Tools', Machine, 'rebuild_nemo', 'bin', 'rebuild_nemo' ) ## Specific to run at TGCC. # Needed before importing a NetCDF library (netCDF4, xarray, cmds, etc ...) import mpi4py mpi4py.rc.initialize = False ## Creates output directory #TmpDir = os.path.join ( subprocess.getoutput ( 'ccc_home --cccscratch' ), f'WATER_{JobName}_{YearBegin}_{YearEnd}' ) TmpDir = os.path.join ( '/ccc/scratch/cont003/drf/p86mart', f'WATER_{JobName}_{YearBegin}_{YearEnd}' ) if IDRIS : raise Exception ("Pour IDRIS : repertoires et chemins a definir") ## Import specific module import nemo, lmdz ## Now import needed scientific modules import xarray as xr config['Files'][TmpDir] = TmpDir # Output file FileOut = f'ATM_waterbudget_{JobName}_{YearBegin}_{YearEnd}.out' f_out = open ( FileOut, mode = 'w' ) # Function to print to stdout *and* output file def echo (string, end='\n') : print ( string, end=end ) sys.stdout.flush () f_out.write ( string + end ) f_out.flush () return None ## Set libIGCM directories R_OUT = os.path.join ( ARCHIVE , 'IGCM_OUT') R_BUF = os.path.join ( SCRATCHDIR, 'IGCM_OUT') L_EXP = os.path.join (TagName, SpaceName, ExperimentName, JobName) R_SAVE = os.path.join ( R_OUT, L_EXP ) R_BUFR = os.path.join ( R_BUF, L_EXP ) POST_DIR = os.path.join ( R_BUF, L_EXP, 'Out' ) REBUILD_DIR = os.path.join ( R_BUF, L_EXP, 'REBUILD' ) R_BUF_KSH = os.path.join ( R_BUFR, 'Out' ) R_FIGR = os.path.join ( STORAGE, 'IGCM_OUT', L_EXP ) #if os.path.isdir (TmpDir) : shutil.rmtree ( TmpDir ) if not os.path.isdir (TmpDir) : os.mkdir (TmpDir) TmpDirOCE = os.path.join (TmpDir, 'OCE') TmpDirICE = os.path.join (TmpDir, 'ICE') if not os.path.exists (TmpDirOCE) : os.mkdir (TmpDirOCE ) if not os.path.exists (TmpDirICE) : os.mkdir (TmpDirICE ) echo ( f'Working in TMPDIR : {TmpDir}' ) echo ( f'\nDealing with {L_EXP}' ) #-- Model output directories if Freq == "MO" : FreqDir = os.path.join ('Output' , 'MO' ) if Freq == "SE" : FreqDir = os.path.join ('Analyse', 'SE' ) dir_ATM_his = os.path.join ( R_SAVE, "ATM", FreqDir ) dir_SRF_his = os.path.join ( R_SAVE, "SRF", FreqDir ) echo ( f'The analysis relies on files from the following model output directories : ' ) echo ( f'{dir_ATM_his}' ) echo ( f'{dir_SRF_his}' ) #-- Files Names if Freq == 'MO' : FileCommon = f'{JobName}_{YearBegin}0101_{YearEnd}1231_1M' if Freq == 'SE' : FileCommon = f'{JobName}_SE_{YearBegin}0101_{YearEnd}1231_1M' echo ('\nOpen history files' ) file_ATM_his = os.path.join ( dir_ATM_his, f'{FileCommon}_histmth.nc' ) file_SRF_his = os.path.join ( dir_SRF_his, f'{FileCommon}_sechiba_history.nc' ) if Routing == 'ORCHIDEE' : file_RUN_his = os.path.join ( dir_SRF_his, f'{FileCommon}_sechiba_history.nc' ) if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : file_RUN_his = os.path.join ( dir_SRF_his, f'{FileCommon}_sechiba_history.nc' ) d_ATM_his = xr.open_dataset ( file_ATM_his, use_cftime=True, decode_times=True, decode_cf=True ).squeeze() d_SRF_his = xr.open_dataset ( file_SRF_his, use_cftime=True, decode_times=True, decode_cf=True ).squeeze() if Routing == 'ORCHIDEE' : d_RUN_his = d_SRF_his if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : d_RUN_his = xr.open_dataset ( file_RUN_his, use_cftime=True, decode_times=True, decode_cf=True ).squeeze() echo ( file_ATM_his ) echo ( file_SRF_his ) echo ( file_RUN_his ) config['Files']['file_ATM_his'] = file_ATM_his config['Files']['file_SRF_his'] = file_SRF_his config['Files']['file_RUN_his'] = file_SRF_his ## Compute run length dtime = ( d_ATM_his.time_counter_bounds.max() - d_ATM_his.time_counter_bounds.min() ) echo ('\nRun length : {:8.2f} days'.format ( (dtime/np.timedelta64(1, "D")).values ) ) dtime_sec = (dtime/np.timedelta64(1, "s")).values.item() # Convert in seconds ## Compute length of each period dtime_per = (d_ATM_his.time_counter_bounds[:,-1] - d_ATM_his.time_counter_bounds[:,0] ) echo ('\nPeriods lengths (days) : {:} days'.format ( (dtime_per/np.timedelta64(1, "D")).values ) ) dtime_per_sec = (dtime_per/np.timedelta64(1, "s")).values # In seconds dtime_per_sec = xr.DataArray (dtime_per_sec, dims=["time_counter", ], coords=[d_ATM_his.time_counter,] ) #-- Open restart files YearRes = YearBegin - 1 # Year of the restart of beginning of simulation YearPre = YearBegin - PackFrequency # Year to find the tarfile of the restart of beginning of simulation echo (f'Restart dates - Start : {YearRes}-12-31 / End : {YearEnd}-12-31 ') file_restart_beg = os.path.join ( R_SAVE, 'RESTART', f'{JobName}_{YearPre}0101_{YearRes}1231_restart.tar' ) file_restart_end = os.path.join ( R_SAVE, 'RESTART', f'{JobName}_{YearBegin}0101_{YearEnd}1231_restart.tar' ) echo ( f'{file_restart_beg}' ) echo ( f'{file_restart_end}' ) file_ATM_beg = f'ATM_{JobName}_{YearRes}1231_restartphy.nc' file_ATM_end = f'ATM_{JobName}_{YearEnd}1231_restartphy.nc' if LMDZ : file_DYN_beg = f'ATM_{JobName}_{YearRes}1231_restart.nc' file_DYN_end = f'ATM_{JobName}_{YearEnd}1231_restart.nc' if ICO : file_DYN_beg = f'ICO_{JobName}_{YearRes}1231_restart.nc' file_DYN_end = f'ICO_{JobName}_{YearEnd}1231_restart.nc' file_SRF_beg = f'SRF_{JobName}_{YearRes}1231_sechiba_rest.nc' file_SRF_end = f'SRF_{JobName}_{YearEnd}1231_sechiba_rest.nc' liste_beg = [file_ATM_beg, file_DYN_beg, file_SRF_beg, ] liste_end = [file_ATM_end, file_DYN_end, file_SRF_end, ] echo ( f'{file_ATM_beg}') echo ( f'{file_ATM_end}') echo ( f'{file_SRF_beg}') echo ( f'{file_SRF_end}') if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : file_RUN_beg = f'SRF_{JobName}_{YearRes}1231_routing_restart.nc' file_RUN_end = f'SRF_{JobName}_{YearEnd}1231_routing_restart.nc' liste_beg.append ( file_RUN_beg ) liste_end.append ( file_RUN_end ) echo ( f'{file_RUN_beg}') echo ( f'{file_RUN_end}') echo ('\nExtract restart files from tar : ATM, ICO and SRF') for resFile in liste_beg : if not os.path.exists ( os.path.join (TmpDir, resFile) ) : command = f'cd {TmpDir} ; tar xf {file_restart_beg} {resFile}' echo ( command ) os.system ( command ) for resFile in liste_end : if not os.path.exists ( os.path.join (TmpDir, resFile) ) : command = f'cd {TmpDir} ; tar xf {file_restart_end} {resFile}' echo ( command ) os.system ( command ) config['Files']['file_ATM_beg'] = file_ATM_beg config['Files']['file_ATM_end'] = file_ATM_end config['Files']['file_SRF_beg'] = file_SRF_beg config['Files']['file_SRF_end'] = file_SRF_end if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : config['Files']['file_RUN_beg'] = file_RUN_beg config['Files']['file_RUN_end'] = file_RUN_end config['Files']['file_DYN_beg'] = file_DYN_beg config['Files']['file_DYN_end'] = file_DYN_end echo ('\nOpening ATM SRF and ICO restart files') d_ATM_beg = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_ATM_beg), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_ATM_end = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_ATM_end), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_SRF_beg = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_SRF_beg), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_SRF_end = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_SRF_end), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_DYN_beg = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_DYN_beg), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_DYN_end = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_DYN_end), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() for var in d_SRF_beg.variables : d_SRF_beg[var] = d_SRF_beg[var].where ( d_SRF_beg[var]<1.e20, 0.) d_SRF_end[var] = d_SRF_end[var].where ( d_SRF_end[var]<1.e20, 0.) if ICO : d_RUN_beg = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_RUN_beg), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() d_RUN_end = xr.open_dataset ( os.path.join (TmpDir, file_RUN_end), decode_times=False, decode_cf=True).squeeze() echo ( file_ATM_beg ) echo ( file_ATM_end ) echo ( file_DYN_beg ) echo ( file_DYN_end ) echo ( file_SRF_beg ) echo ( file_SRF_end ) if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : echo ( file_RUN_beg ) echo ( file_RUN_end ) def ATM_stock_int (stock) : '''Integrate stock on atmosphere grid''' ATM_stock_int = np.sum ( np.sort ( (stock * DYN_aire).to_masked_array().ravel()) ) return ATM_stock_int def ATM_flux_int (flux) : '''Integrate flux on atmosphere grid''' ATM_stock_int = np.sum ( np.sort ( (flux * dtime_per_sec * ATM_aire).to_masked_array().ravel()) ) return ATM_stock_int def ONE_stock_int (stock) : '''Sum stock ''' ONE_stock_int = np.sum ( np.sort ( (stock).to_masked_array().ravel()) ) return ONE_stock_int def ONE_flux_int (flux) : '''Sum flux ''' ONE_flux_int = np.sum ( np.sort ( (flux * dtime_per_sec ).to_masked_array().ravel()) ) return ONE_flux_int # ATM grid with cell surfaces if ICO : jpja, jpia = d_ATM_his['aire'][0].shape file_ATM_aire = os.path.join ( R_IN, 'ATM', 'GRID', f'aire_{ATM}_to_{jpia}x{jpja}.nc' ) config['Files']['file_ATM_aire'] = file_ATM_aire echo ('Aire sur grille reguliere :', file_ATM_aire) d_ATM_aire = xr.open_dataset ( file_ATM_aire, decode_times=False ).squeeze() ATM_aire = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_aire ['aire'].squeeze(), cumulPoles=True ) ATM_fsea = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fract_oce'][0] + d_ATM_his ['fract_sic'][0] ) ATM_flnd = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fract_ter'][0] + d_ATM_his ['fract_lic'][0] ) SRF_aire = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his ['Areas'] * d_SRF_his ['Contfrac'] ) if LMDZ : ATM_aire = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['aire'][0], cumulPoles=True ) ATM_fsea = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fract_oce'][0] + d_ATM_his ['fract_sic'][0] ) ATM_flnd = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fract_ter'][0] ) SRF_aire = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his['Areas'] * d_SRF_his['Contfrac'] ) SRF_aire = SRF_aire.where ( SRF_aire < 1E15, 0.) if ICO : # Area on icosahedron grid file_DYN_aire = os.path.join ( R_IN, 'ATM', 'GRID', ATM+'_grid.nc' ) d_DYN_aire = xr.open_dataset ( file_DYN_aire, decode_times=False).squeeze() d_DYN_aire = d_DYN_aire.rename ( {'cell':'cell_mesh'} ) DYN_aire = d_DYN_aire['aire'] DYN_fsea = d_DYN_aire ['fract_oce'] + d_DYN_aire ['fract_sic'] DYN_flnd = 1.0 - DYN_fsea if LMDZ : DYN_aire = ATM_aire DYN_fsea = ATM_fsea DYN_flnd = ATM_flnd #if LMDZ : # d_ATM_beg = d_ATM_beg.assign ( coords={'lon':d_ATM_beg.lon*180./np.pi} ) ATM_aire_sea = ATM_aire * ATM_fsea ATM_aire_sea_tot = ONE_stock_int ( ATM_aire_sea ) ATM_aire_tot = ONE_stock_int (ATM_aire) ATM_aire_sea_tot = ONE_stock_int (ATM_aire*ATM_fsea) echo ( 'Aire atmosphere/4pi R^2 : {:12.5f}'.format(ATM_aire_tot/(Ra*Ra*4*np.pi) ) ) if ( np.abs (ATM_aire_tot/(Ra*Ra*4*np.pi) - 1.0) > 0.01 ) : raise Exception ('Erreur surface interpolee sur grille reguliere') echo ( '\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) echo ( '-- ATM changes in stores ' ) #-- Change in precipitable water from the atmosphere daily and monthly files #-- Compute sum weighted by gridcell area (kg/m2) then convert to Sv # ATM vertical grid ATM_Ahyb = d_ATM_his['Ahyb'].squeeze() ATM_Bhyb = d_ATM_his['Bhyb'].squeeze() # Surface pressure if ICO : DYN_ps_beg = d_DYN_beg['ps'] DYN_ps_end = d_DYN_end['ps'] if LMDZ : DYN_ps_beg = lmdz.geo2point ( d_DYN_beg['ps'].isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1)) ) DYN_ps_end = lmdz.geo2point ( d_DYN_end['ps'].isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1)) ) # 3D Pressure DYN_p_beg = ATM_Ahyb + ATM_Bhyb * DYN_ps_beg DYN_p_end = ATM_Ahyb + ATM_Bhyb * DYN_ps_end if ICO : klevp1, cell_mesh = DYN_p_beg.shape if LMDZ : klevp1, points_physiques = DYN_p_beg.shape klev = klevp1 - 1 # Layer thickness if ICO : DYN_dsigma_beg = xr.DataArray ( np.empty( (klev, cell_mesh )), dims=('sigs', 'cell_mesh' ), coords=(np.arange(klev), np.arange(cell_mesh) ) ) DYN_dsigma_end = xr.DataArray ( np.empty( (klev, cell_mesh )), dims=('sigs', 'cell_mesh' ), coords=(np.arange(klev), np.arange(cell_mesh) ) ) if LMDZ : DYN_dsigma_beg = xr.DataArray ( np.empty( (klev, points_physiques)), dims=('sigs', 'points_physiques'), coords=(np.arange(klev), np.arange(points_physiques) ) ) DYN_dsigma_end = xr.DataArray ( np.empty( (klev, points_physiques)), dims=('sigs', 'points_physiques'), coords=(np.arange(klev), np.arange(points_physiques) ) ) for k in np.arange (klevp1-1) : DYN_dsigma_beg[k,:] = DYN_p_beg[k,:] - DYN_p_beg[k+1,:] DYN_dsigma_end[k,:] = DYN_p_end[k,:] - DYN_p_end[k+1,:] ##-- Vertical and horizontal integral, and sum of liquid, solid and vapor water phases if LMDZ : try : DYN_wat_beg = lmdz.geo3point ( (d_DYN_beg['H2Ov'] + d_DYN_beg['H2Ol'] + d_DYN_beg['H2Oi'] ).isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1) ) ) DYN_wat_end = lmdz.geo3point ( (d_DYN_end['H2Ov'] + d_DYN_end['H2Ol'] + d_DYN_end['H2Oi'] ).isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1) ) ) except : DYN_wat_beg = lmdz.geo3point ( (d_DYN_beg['H2O_g'] + d_DYN_beg['H2O_l'] + d_DYN_beg['H2O_s']).isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1) ) ) DYN_wat_end = lmdz.geo3point ( (d_DYN_end['H2O_g'] + d_DYN_end['H2O_l'] + d_DYN_end['H2O_s']).isel(rlonv=slice(0,-1) ) ) if ICO : try : DYN_wat_beg = (d_DYN_beg['H2O_g'] + d_DYN_beg['H2O_l'] + d_DYN_beg['H2O_s']).rename ( {'lev':'sigs'} ) DYN_wat_end = (d_DYN_end['H2O_g'] + d_DYN_end['H2O_l'] + d_DYN_end['H2O_s']).rename ( {'lev':'sigs'} ) except : DYN_wat_beg = (d_DYN_beg['q'].isel(nq=0) + d_DYN_beg['q'].isel(nq=1) + d_DYN_beg['q'].isel(nq=2) ).rename ( {'lev':'sigs'} ) DYN_wat_end = (d_DYN_end['q'].isel(nq=0) + d_DYN_end['q'].isel(nq=1) + d_DYN_end['q'].isel(nq=2) ).rename ( {'lev':'sigs'} ) # Integral DYN_mas_wat_beg = ATM_stock_int (DYN_dsigma_beg * DYN_wat_beg) / Grav DYN_mas_wat_end = ATM_stock_int (DYN_dsigma_end * DYN_wat_end) / Grav dDYN_mas_wat = DYN_mas_wat_end - DYN_mas_wat_beg echo ( '\nVariation du contenu en eau atmosphere (dynamique) ' ) echo ( 'DYN_mas_beg = {:12.6e} kg | DYN_mas_end = {:12.6e} kg'.format (DYN_mas_wat_beg, DYN_mas_wat_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (atm) = {:12.3e} kg '.format (dDYN_mas_wat) ) echo ( 'dMass (atm) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format (dDYN_mas_wat/dtime_sec*1.e-6/ATM_rho) ) echo ( 'dMass (atm) = {:12.3e} m '.format (dDYN_mas_wat/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) ATM_sno_beg = d_ATM_beg['SNOW01']*d_ATM_beg['FTER']+d_ATM_beg['SNOW02']*d_ATM_beg['FLIC']+d_ATM_beg['SNOW03']*d_ATM_beg['FOCE']+d_ATM_beg['SNOW04']*d_ATM_beg['FSIC'] ATM_sno_end = d_ATM_end['SNOW01']*d_ATM_end['FTER']+d_ATM_end['SNOW02']*d_ATM_end['FLIC']+d_ATM_end['SNOW03']*d_ATM_end['FOCE']+d_ATM_end['SNOW04']*d_ATM_end['FSIC'] ATM_qs_beg = d_ATM_beg['QS01']*d_ATM_beg['FTER']+d_ATM_beg['QS02']*d_ATM_beg['FLIC']+d_ATM_beg['QS03']*d_ATM_beg['FOCE']+d_ATM_beg['QS04']*d_ATM_beg['FSIC'] ATM_qs_end = d_ATM_end['QS01']*d_ATM_end['FTER']+d_ATM_end['QS02']*d_ATM_end['FLIC']+d_ATM_end['QS03']*d_ATM_end['FOCE']+d_ATM_end['QS04']*d_ATM_end['FSIC'] ATM_qsol_beg = d_ATM_beg['QSOL'] ATM_qsol_end = d_ATM_end['QSOL'] ATM_qs01_beg = d_ATM_beg['QS01'] * d_ATM_beg['FTER'] ATM_qs01_end = d_ATM_end['QS01'] * d_ATM_end['FTER'] ATM_qs02_beg = d_ATM_beg['QS02'] * d_ATM_beg['FLIC'] ATM_qs02_end = d_ATM_end['QS02'] * d_ATM_end['FLIC'] ATM_qs03_beg = d_ATM_beg['QS03'] * d_ATM_beg['FOCE'] ATM_qs03_end = d_ATM_end['QS03'] * d_ATM_end['FOCE'] ATM_qs04_beg = d_ATM_beg['QS04'] * d_ATM_beg['FSIC'] ATM_qs04_end = d_ATM_end['QS04'] * d_ATM_end['FSIC'] if ICO : ATM_sno_beg = ATM_sno_beg .rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_sno_end = ATM_sno_end .rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs_beg = ATM_qs_beg .rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs_end = ATM_qs_end .rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qsol_beg = ATM_qsol_beg.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qsol_end = ATM_qsol_end.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs01_beg = ATM_qs01_beg.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs01_end = ATM_qs01_end.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs02_beg = ATM_qs02_beg.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs02_end = ATM_qs02_end.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs03_beg = ATM_qs03_beg.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs03_end = ATM_qs03_end.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs04_beg = ATM_qs04_beg.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_qs04_end = ATM_qs04_end.rename ( {'points_physiques':'cell_mesh'} ) ATM_mas_sno_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_sno_beg ) ATM_mas_sno_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_sno_end ) ATM_mas_qs_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs_beg ) ATM_mas_qs_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs_end ) ATM_mas_qsol_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qsol_beg ) ATM_mas_qsol_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qsol_end ) ATM_mas_qs01_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs01_beg ) ATM_mas_qs01_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs01_end ) ATM_mas_qs02_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs02_beg ) ATM_mas_qs02_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs02_end ) ATM_mas_qs03_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs03_beg ) ATM_mas_qs03_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs03_end ) ATM_mas_qs04_beg = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs04_beg ) ATM_mas_qs04_end = ATM_stock_int ( ATM_qs04_end ) dATM_mas_sno = ATM_mas_sno_end - ATM_mas_sno_beg dATM_mas_qs = ATM_mas_qs_end - ATM_mas_qs_beg dATM_mas_qsol = ATM_mas_qsol_end - ATM_mas_qsol_beg dATM_mas_qs01 = ATM_mas_qs01_end - ATM_mas_qs01_beg dATM_mas_qs02 = ATM_mas_qs02_end - ATM_mas_qs02_beg dATM_mas_qs03 = ATM_mas_qs03_end - ATM_mas_qs03_beg dATM_mas_qs04 = ATM_mas_qs04_end - ATM_mas_qs04_beg echo ( '\nVariation du contenu en neige atmosphere (calottes)' ) echo ( 'ATM_mas_sno_beg = {:12.6e} kg | ATM_mas_sno_end = {:12.6e} kg'.format (ATM_mas_sno_beg, ATM_mas_sno_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} kg '.format (dATM_mas_sno ) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format (dATM_mas_sno/dtime_sec*1e-6/ICE_rho_ice) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} m '.format (dATM_mas_sno/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) echo ( '\nVariation du contenu humidite du sol' ) echo ( 'ATM_mas_qs_beg = {:12.6e} kg | ATM_mas_qs_end = {:12.6e} kg'.format (ATM_mas_qs_beg, ATM_mas_qs_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} kg '.format (dATM_mas_qs ) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format (dATM_mas_qs/dtime_sec*1e-6/ATM_rho) ) echo ( 'dMass (neige atm) = {:12.3e} m '.format (dATM_mas_qs/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) echo ( '\nVariation du contenu en eau+neige atmosphere ' ) echo ( 'dMass (eau + neige atm) = {:12.3e} kg '.format ( dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno) ) echo ( 'dMass (eau + neige atm) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format ( (dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno)/dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho) ) echo ( 'dMass (eau + neige atm) = {:12.3e} m '.format ( (dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno)/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) echo ( '\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) echo ( '-- SRF changes ' ) # dSoilHum_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=(maxvegetfrac*DelSoilMoist_daily)*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dInterce_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=DelIntercept_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dSWE_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=DelSWE_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dStream_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delstreamr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dFastR_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delfastr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dSlowR_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delslowr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dFlood_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delfloodr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dPond_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delpondr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` # dLake_in_Sv=`cdo outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=dellakevol_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` #echo 'dSTOCK (Sv) Soil Intercept SWE Stream FastR SlowR Lake Pond Flood=' $dSoilHum_in_Sv, $dInterce_in_Sv, $dSWE_in_Sv, $dStream_in_Sv, $dFastR_in_Sv, $dSlowR_in_Sv, $dLake_in_Sv, $dPond_in_Sv, $dFlood_in_Sv >> ${fileout} #dSRF_tot=`python -c "print $dSoilHum_in_Sv+$dInterce_in_Sv+$dSWE_in_Sv+$dStream_in_Sv+$dFastR_in_Sv+$dSlowR_in_Sv+$dLake_in_Sv+$dPond_in_Sv+$dFlood_in_Sv"` #echo 'dSTOCK (Sv) total='${dSRF_tot} >> ${fileout} if Routing == 'SIMPLE' : RUN_mas_wat_beg = ONE_stock_int ( d_RUN_beg ['fast_reservoir'] + d_RUN_beg ['slow_reservoir'] + d_RUN_beg ['stream_reservoir'] ) RUN_mas_wat_end = ONE_stock_int ( d_RUN_end ['fast_reservoir'] + d_RUN_end ['slow_reservoir'] + d_RUN_end ['stream_reservoir'] ) if Routing == 'ORCHIDEE' : RUN_mas_wat_beg = ONE_stock_int ( d_SRF_beg['fastres'] + d_SRF_beg['slowres'] + d_SRF_beg['streamres'] \ + d_SRF_beg['floodres'] + d_SRF_beg['lakeres'] + d_SRF_beg['pondres'] ) RUN_mas_wat_end = ONE_stock_int ( d_SRF_end['fastres'] + d_SRF_end['slowres'] + d_SRF_end['streamres'] \ + d_SRF_end['floodres'] + d_SRF_end['lakeres'] + d_SRF_end['pondres'] ) dRUN_mas_wat = RUN_mas_wat_end - RUN_mas_wat_beg echo ( '\nWater content in routing ' ) echo ( 'RUN_mas_wat_beg = {:12.6e} kg | RUN_mas_wat_end = {:12.6e} kg '.format (RUN_mas_wat_end, RUN_mas_wat_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (routing) = {:12.3e} kg '.format(dRUN_mas_wat) ) echo ( 'dMass (routing) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format(dRUN_mas_wat/dtime_sec*1E-9) ) echo ( 'dMass (routing) = {:12.3e} m '.format(dRUN_mas_wat/ATM_aire_sea_tot*1E-3) ) print ('Reading SRF restart') tot_watveg_beg = d_SRF_beg['tot_watveg_beg'] ; tot_watveg_beg = tot_watveg_beg .where (tot_watveg_beg < 1E10, 0.) tot_watsoil_beg = d_SRF_beg['tot_watsoil_beg'] ; tot_watsoil_beg = tot_watsoil_beg.where (tot_watsoil_beg< 1E10, 0.) snow_beg = d_SRF_beg['snow_beg'] ; snow_beg = snow_beg .where (snow_beg < 1E10, 0.) tot_watveg_end = d_SRF_end['tot_watveg_beg'] ; tot_watveg_end = tot_watveg_end .where (tot_watveg_end < 1E10, 0.) tot_watsoil_end = d_SRF_end['tot_watsoil_beg'] ; tot_watsoil_end = tot_watsoil_end.where (tot_watsoil_end< 1E10, 0.) snow_end = d_SRF_end['snow_beg'] ; snow_end = snow_end .where (snow_end < 1E10, 0.) if LMDZ : tot_watveg_beg = lmdz.geo2point (tot_watveg_beg) tot_watsoil_beg = lmdz.geo2point (tot_watsoil_beg) snow_beg = lmdz.geo2point (snow_beg) tot_watveg_end = lmdz.geo2point (tot_watveg_end) tot_watsoil_end = lmdz.geo2point (tot_watsoil_end) snow_end = lmdz.geo2point (snow_end) # Stock dSoilHum dInterce dSWE dStream dFastR dSlowR dLake dPond dFlood SRF_wat_beg = tot_watveg_beg + tot_watsoil_beg + snow_beg SRF_wat_end = tot_watveg_end + tot_watsoil_end + snow_end if ICO : tot_watveg_beg = tot_watveg_beg .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) tot_watsoil_beg = tot_watsoil_beg.rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) snow_beg = snow_beg .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) tot_watveg_end = tot_watveg_end .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) tot_watsoil_end = tot_watsoil_end.rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) snow_end = snow_end .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) SRF_wat_beg = SRF_wat_beg .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) SRF_wat_end = SRF_wat_end .rename ( {'y':'cell_mesh'} ) print ('Computing integrals') print ( ' 1/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_watveg_beg = ATM_stock_int ( tot_watveg_beg ) print ( ' 2/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_watsoil_beg = ATM_stock_int ( tot_watsoil_beg ) print ( ' 3/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_snow_beg = ATM_stock_int ( snow_beg ) print ( ' 4/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_watveg_end = ATM_stock_int ( tot_watveg_end ) print ( ' 5/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_watsoil_end = ATM_stock_int ( tot_watsoil_end ) print ( ' 6/6', end='' ) ; sys.stdout.flush () SRF_mas_snow_end = ATM_stock_int ( snow_end ) print (' -- ') ; sys.stdout.flush () dSRF_mas_watveg = SRF_mas_watveg_end - SRF_mas_watveg_beg dSRF_mas_watsoil = SRF_mas_watsoil_end - SRF_mas_watsoil_beg dSRF_mas_snow = SRF_mas_snow_end - SRF_mas_snow_beg echo ('\nLes differents reservoirs') echo ( 'SRF_mas_watveg_beg = {:12.6e} kg | SRF_mas_watveg_end = {:12.6e} kg '.format (SRF_mas_watveg_beg , SRF_mas_watveg_end ) ) echo ( 'SRF_mas_watsoil_beg = {:12.6e} kg | SRF_mas_watsoil_end = {:12.6e} kg '.format (SRF_mas_watsoil_beg , SRF_mas_watsoil_end ) ) echo ( 'SRF_mas_snow_beg = {:12.6e} kg | SRF_mas_snow_end = {:12.6e} kg '.format (SRF_mas_snow_beg , SRF_mas_snow_end ) ) echo ( 'dMass (watveg) = {:12.3e} kg | {:12.2e} Sv | {:12.2e} m '.format (dSRF_mas_watveg , dSRF_mas_watveg /dtime_sec*1E-9, dSRF_mas_watveg /ATM_aire_sea_tot*1E-3) ) echo ( 'dMass (watsoil) = {:12.3e} kg | {:12.2e} Sv | {:12.2e} m '.format (dSRF_mas_watsoil , dSRF_mas_watsoil /dtime_sec*1E-9, dSRF_mas_watsoil /ATM_aire_sea_tot*1E-3) ) echo ( 'dMass (sno) = {:12.3e} kg | {:12.2e} Sv | {:12.2e} m '.format (dSRF_mas_snow , dSRF_mas_snow /dtime_sec*1E-9, dSRF_mas_snow /ATM_aire_sea_tot*1E-3) ) SRF_mas_wat_beg = SRF_mas_watveg_beg + SRF_mas_watsoil_beg + SRF_mas_snow_beg SRF_mas_wat_end = SRF_mas_watveg_end + SRF_mas_watsoil_end + SRF_mas_snow_end dSRF_mas_wat = SRF_mas_wat_end - SRF_mas_wat_beg echo ( '\nWater content in surface ' ) echo ( 'SRF_mas_wat_beg = {:12.6e} kg | SRF_mas_wat_end = {:12.6e} kg '.format (SRF_mas_wat_beg, SRF_mas_wat_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (water srf) = {:12.3e} kg '.format (dSRF_mas_wat) ) echo ( 'dMass (water srf) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format (dSRF_mas_wat/dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho) ) echo ( 'dMass (water srf) = {:12.3e} m '.format (dSRF_mas_wat/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) echo ( '\nWater content in ATM + SRF + RUN ' ) echo ( 'mas_wat_beg = {:12.6e} kg | mas_wat_end = {:12.6e} kg '. format (DYN_mas_wat_beg + ATM_mas_sno_beg + RUN_mas_wat_beg + SRF_mas_wat_beg, DYN_mas_wat_end + ATM_mas_sno_end + RUN_mas_wat_end + SRF_mas_wat_end) ) echo ( 'dMass (water atm+srf+run) = {:12.6e} kg '.format ( dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno + dRUN_mas_wat + dSRF_mas_wat) ) echo ( 'dMass (water atm+srf+run) = {:12.3e} Sv '.format ((dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno + dRUN_mas_wat + dSRF_mas_wat)/dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho) ) echo ( 'dMass (water atm+srf+run) = {:12.3e} m '.format ((dDYN_mas_wat + dATM_mas_sno + dRUN_mas_wat + dSRF_mas_wat)/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho) ) echo ( '\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) echo ( '-- ATM Fluxes ' ) ATM_wbilo_oce = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['wbilo_oce'] ) ATM_wbilo_sic = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['wbilo_sic'] ) ATM_wbilo_ter = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['wbilo_ter'] ) ATM_wbilo_lic = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['wbilo_lic'] ) ATM_runofflic = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['runofflic'] ) ATM_fqcalving = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fqcalving'] ) ATM_fqfonte = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['fqfonte'] ) ATM_precip = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['precip'] ) ATM_snowf = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['snow'] ) ATM_evap = lmdz.geo2point ( d_ATM_his ['evap'] ) ATM_bilo = ATM_wbilo_oce + ATM_wbilo_ter + ATM_wbilo_lic + ATM_wbilo_sic RUN_coastalflow = lmdz.geo2point ( d_RUN_his ['coastalflow'] ) RUN_riverflow = lmdz.geo2point ( d_RUN_his ['riverflow'] ) RUN_runoff = lmdz.geo2point ( d_RUN_his ['runoff'] ) RUN_drainage = lmdz.geo2point ( d_RUN_his ['drainage'] ) RUN_riversret = lmdz.geo2point ( d_RUN_his ['riversret'] ) SRF_evap = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his ['evap'] ) SRF_snowf = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his ['snowf'] ) SRF_TWS = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his ['TWS'] ) SRF_subli = lmdz.geo2point ( d_SRF_his ['subli'] ) SRF_transpir = lmdz.geo2point ( np.sum(d_SRF_his ['transpir'], axis=1) ) ; SRF_transpir.attrs['units'] = d_SRF_his ['transpir'].attrs['units'] def mmd2SI ( Var) : '''Change unit from mm/d or m^3/s to kg/s if needed''' if 'units' in VarT.attrs : if VarT.attrs['units'] in ['m^3/s', 'm3/s', 'm3.s-3'] : VarT.values = VarT.values * ATM_rho ; VarT.attrs['units'] = 'kg/s' if VarT.attrs['units'] == 'mm/d' : VarT.values = VarT.values * ATM_rho * (1e-3/86400.) ; VarT.attrs['units'] = 'kg/s' for var in ['runoff', 'drainage', 'riversret', 'coastalflow', 'riverflow'] : VarT = locals()['RUN_' + var] mmd2SI (VarT) for var in ['evap', 'snowf', 'TWS', 'subli', 'transpir'] : VarT = locals()['SRF_' + var] mmd2SI (VarT) RUN_input = RUN_runoff + RUN_drainage RUN_output = RUN_coastalflow + RUN_riverflow ATM_wbilo_sea = ATM_wbilo_oce + ATM_wbilo_sic ATM_flx_oce = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_wbilo_oce ) ATM_flx_sic = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_wbilo_sic ) ATM_flx_sea = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_wbilo_sea ) ATM_flx_ter = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_wbilo_ter ) ATM_flx_lic = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_wbilo_lic ) ATM_flx_calving = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_fqcalving ) ATM_flx_qfonte = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_fqfonte ) ATM_flx_precip = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_precip ) ATM_flx_snowf = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_snowf ) ATM_flx_evap = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_evap ) ATM_flx_runlic = ATM_flux_int ( ATM_runofflic ) RUN_flx_coastal = ONE_flux_int ( RUN_coastalflow) RUN_flx_river = ONE_flux_int ( RUN_riverflow ) RUN_flx_drainage = ATM_flux_int ( RUN_drainage ) RUN_flx_riversret = ATM_flux_int ( RUN_riversret ) RUN_flx_runoff = ATM_flux_int ( RUN_runoff ) RUN_flx_input = ATM_flux_int ( RUN_input ) RUN_flx_output = ONE_flux_int ( RUN_output ) ATM_flx_emp = ATM_flx_evap - ATM_flx_precip ATM_flx_bilo = ATM_flx_oce + ATM_flx_sic + ATM_flx_ter + ATM_flx_lic RUN_flx_bil = RUN_flx_input - RUN_flx_output RUN_flx_rivcoa = RUN_flx_coastal + RUN_flx_river ATM_flx_bilo2 = ATM_flux_int (ATM_bilo) echo (' wbilo_oce {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_oce , ATM_flx_oce / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_oce /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' wbilo_sic {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_sic , ATM_flx_sic / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_sic /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' wbilo_sic+oce {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_sea , ATM_flx_sea / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_sea /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' wbilo_ter {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_ter , ATM_flx_ter / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_ter /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' wbilo_lic {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_lic , ATM_flx_lic / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_lic /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' Sum wbilo_* {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4e} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_bilo , ATM_flx_bilo / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_bilo /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' E-P {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4e} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_emp , ATM_flx_emp / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_emp /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' calving {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_calving , ATM_flx_calving / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_calving /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' fqfonte {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_qfonte , ATM_flx_qfonte / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_qfonte /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' precip {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_precip , ATM_flx_precip / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_precip /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' snowf {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_snowf , ATM_flx_snowf / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_snowf /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' evap {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_evap , ATM_flx_evap / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_evap /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' coastalflow {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_coastal , RUN_flx_coastal / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_coastal /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' riverflow {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_river , RUN_flx_river / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_river /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' river+coastal {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_rivcoa , RUN_flx_rivcoa / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_rivcoa /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' drainage {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_drainage , RUN_flx_drainage / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_drainage /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' riversret {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_riversret, RUN_flx_riversret/ dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_riversret/ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' runoff {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_runoff , RUN_flx_runoff / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_runoff /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' river in {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_input , RUN_flx_input / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_input /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' river out {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_output , RUN_flx_output / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_output /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' river bil {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( RUN_flx_bil , RUN_flx_bil / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, RUN_flx_bil /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' runoff lic {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_runlic , ATM_flx_runlic / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_runlic /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) ATM_flx_budget = -ATM_flx_sea + ATM_flx_calving + ATM_flx_runlic #+ ATM_flx_qfonte + RUN_flx_river echo ('\n Global {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_budget , ATM_flx_budget / dtime_sec*1E-9, ATM_flx_budget /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) #echo (' E-P-R {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4e} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( ATM_flx_emp , ATM_flx_emp / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, ATM_flx_emp /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo ( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) echo ( '-- SECHIBA fluxes' ) SRF_flx_evap = ATM_flux_int ( SRF_evap ) SRF_flx_snowf = ATM_flux_int ( SRF_snowf ) SRF_flx_subli = ATM_flux_int ( SRF_subli ) SRF_flx_transpir = ATM_flux_int ( SRF_transpir ) echo (' evap {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( SRF_flx_evap , SRF_flx_evap / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, SRF_flx_evap /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' snowf {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( SRF_flx_snowf , SRF_flx_snowf / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, SRF_flx_snowf /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' subli {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( SRF_flx_subli , SRF_flx_subli / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, SRF_flx_subli /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho )) echo (' transpir {:12.3e} (kg) | {:12.4f} (Sv) | {:12.4f} m '.format ( SRF_flx_transpir , SRF_flx_transpir / dtime_sec*1E-6/ATM_rho, SRF_flx_transpir /ATM_aire_sea_tot/ATM_rho ))