#!/bin/bash function waitingFor { waitedFile=$1 # verif que la variable MonitoringDir est bien define if [ "x${MonitoringDir}" == "x" ] then echo "variable MonitoringDir not defined. stop." exit -1 fi # Le fichier teste doit etre dans le rep de suivi isWaitedFileName_In_MonitoringDir=`echo $waitedFile | grep ${MonitoringDir} | wc -l ` if [ "x${isWaitedFileName_In_MonitoringDir}" == "x0" ] then echo "The waited file name :" echo "$waitedFile" echo "is incorrect. The location of the file must be in the monitoring dir." exit -1 fi waitedFileBasename=$(basename ${waitedFile}) # echo "On verifie la presence de ${waitedFileBasename}..." iter=0 found=0 while [ ${iter} -lt 60 ] do if [ -e $waitedFile ] then found=1 break fi iter=$(( $iter + 1 )) echo "waiting for ${waitedFileBasename}...${iter}..." sleep 1 done if [ "x${found}" == "x0" ] then echo "Le fichier ${waitedFileBasename} n'a pas ete trouve. stop." exit -1 fi # echo "fichier trouve !" } ####################### # Main program ######## ####################### # fichier de progression d'execution # Le seul arg du script doit etre un fichier param paramFile=$(basename ${1}) if [ ! -e $paramFile ] || [ "x${paramFile}" == "x" ] then echo "Le repertoire en argument n existe pas" exit 0 fi extSuiviListes=`echo ${paramFile} | sed 's;\.[[:alnum:]]*$;;' ` export MonitoringDir="${PWD}/SuiviListes_${extSuiviListes}" # echo "MonitoringDir=$MonitoringDir" export generalMonitorFile=${MonitoringDir}/general.txt export nbSimuFile=${MonitoringDir}/nbSimu.txt declare -a tabGeneralSteps=() tabGeneralSteps[0]="find_directory_simul.sh-->OK" tabGeneralSteps[1]="create_config_card.sh-->OK" declare -a tabSimuSteps=() tabSimuSteps[0]="calcul_size_simul.sh-->OK" tabSimuSteps[1]="find_size_pack.sh-->OK" tabSimuSteps[2]="write_liste_pack.sh-->OK" tabSimuSteps[3]="archive_restart.sh-->OK" tabSimuSteps[4]="archive_debug.sh-->OK" echo "#################################################" echo "### ETAT D'AVANCEMENT DES SCRIPTS DE lISTES ###" echo "#################################################" echo # Si le rep de suivi n'existe pas, stop. if [ ! -d ${MonitoringDir} ] then echo "${MonitoringDir} n'existe pas. stop." exit -1 fi cd ${MonitoringDir} if [ "x$?" != "x0" ] then echo "Pb avec cd ${MonitoringDir}" exit -1 fi # Etapes generales # ---------------- echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "---------------- Etapes generales ----------------" echo "--------------------------------------------------" waitingFor "${generalMonitorFile}" generalStepsDoneList=`cat ${generalMonitorFile} ` for ((i = 0; i < ${#tabGeneralSteps[*]}; i += 1)) do isEltInDoneList=`echo $generalStepsDoneList | grep "${tabGeneralSteps[$i]}" | wc -l ` if [ "x$isEltInDoneList" == "x0" ] then stringKO=`echo ${tabGeneralSteps[$i]} | sed 's;OK;?? #####;' ` echo "$stringKO" else echo "${tabGeneralSteps[$i]}" fi done # Etapes createListing # -------------------- echo echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "---------------- Etape createListing -------------" echo "--------------------------------------------------" listSubDir=`ls -l | grep -e '^d' | awk '{print $NF}' ` if [ "x$listSubDir" == "x" ] then echo "Aucune liste n'est prete." fi # echo "listSubDir=$listSubDir" for rep in $listSubDir do cd $rep if [ ! -e createListingOK.txt ] then echo "${rep}: createListing.sh-->?? #####" else echo "${rep}: createListing.sh-->OK" fi cd .. done echo echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "--------------- Etape par simu ------------------" echo "--------------------------------------------------" if [ "x$listSubDir" == "x" ] then echo "Aucune simu n'a ete traitee." fi nbSimuOK=0 for rep in $listSubDir do cd $rep listSimu=`ls -1 | grep -v "createListingOK.txt" ` if [ ! -e createListingOK.txt ] || [ "x${listSimu}" == "x" ] then echo "${rep}: Pas de simu traitee" fi # echo "listSimu=$listSimu" for simu in $listSimu do simuDone=1 simuName=`echo $simu | sed 's;_#_;/;g' | sed 's;\.txt;;' ` echo $simuName simuStepsDoneList=`cat ${simu} ` for ((i = 0; i < ${#tabSimuSteps[*]}; i += 1)) do isEltInDoneList=`echo $simuStepsDoneList | grep "${tabSimuSteps[$i]}" | wc -l ` if [ "x$isEltInDoneList" == "x0" ] then stringKO=`echo ${tabSimuSteps[$i]} | sed 's;OK;?? #####;' ` simuDone=$(( $simuDone && 0 )) echo " $stringKO" else echo " ${tabSimuSteps[$i]}" fi done # si toutes les operations sur la simu sont OK, on incremente le nb de simu OK if [ "x$simuDone" == "x1" ] then nbSimuOK=$(( $nbSimuOK + 1 )) fi done cd .. done waitingFor "${nbSimuFile}" nbSimuTot=`cat ${nbSimuFile} ` nbSimuFormatOK=`echo $nbSimuTot | grep -e '^[0-9]\{1,4\}$' | wc -l` if [ "x$nbSimuFormatOK" == "x0" ] then echo "Le nombre de simulation contenues dans le fichier $nbSimuFile est incorrect." exit -1 fi echo echo "=============================================" echo "nbre de simu OK : $nbSimuOK / $nbSimuTot" echo "============================================="