#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------ switchtotar=0 maxtries=3 #--------------------------------------------- while [ $# -ne 0 ] do case $1 in --switchtotar) switchtotar=1 shift 1 ;; --maxtries) maxtries=$2 shift 2 ;; -h|--help|-help) echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Usage: enlarge_my_files.sh [--switchtotar] [--maxtries N] dirin dirout" echo echo "Description:" echo " Pass a ncrcat, tar or cp command on files from prepared sets of files." echo " For ncrcat command 2 shots will be done at each try". echo echo " A status file and a log file will be created in output_ncrcat directory." echo " Copy a set to output_tar directory for later processing after N tries." echo echo "Arguments:" echo " dirin is the input directory where files to concatenate will be read" echo " dirout is the output directory where concatenated files will be written" echo echo " The following directory must exist where the command enlarge_my_files is run:" echo " enlarge_my_files" echo " |-- output_ncrcat" echo " | |-- set_000001.list" echo " | |-- set_000002.list" echo " | |-- set_000003.list" echo " | |-- set_000004.list" echo " | \`-- set_000005.list" echo " \`-- output_tar" echo echo "Options:" echo " -h, --help, -help" echo " Print this manual." echo " --switchtotar" echo " Abort ncrcat operation and switch to tar command" echo " --maxtries N" echo " Maximum number of tries before switching to tar command" echo " Default is 3" echo echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" exit ;; -*) `dirname $0`/enlarge_my_files.sh -h exit ;; *) break ;; esac done if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then `dirname $0`/enlarge_my_files.sh -h exit fi if [[ ! -d $PATH_SIMU/output_ncrcat || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/output_tar || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/restart_tar || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/store_cp || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/work_cp || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/debug_tar || ! -d $PATH_SIMU/other_tar ]] ; then `dirname $0`/enlarge_my_files.sh -h exit fi #------------------------------------------------------ dirin=$1 dirout=$2 dirout_work=$3 #------------------------------------------------------ function find_varstoexclude { nbfile=0 for file in `cat $1` ; do # ncdump -h ${file} | gawk '{if (match($0, /(byte|char|short|int|float|double) (.*)\(/, arr)) print arr[2] }' >> tmp_$$.txt ncdump -h ${file} | grep -Ew "byte|char|short|int|float|double" | awk -F\( '{split($1,a," ") ; split($2,b,")") ; if (a[2] != b[1]) print a[2]}' >> tmp_$$.txt let nbfile=nbfile+1 done varstoexclude=`cat tmp_$$.txt | sort | uniq -c | awk -v nbfile=$nbfile '{if ($1 != nbfile) {print $2}}' | paste -s -d','` varstoexcludefiltered=`cat tmp_$$.txt | sort | uniq -c | awk -v nbfile=$nbfile '{if (($1 != nbfile) && !(match($2, /t_inst_(.*)/))) {print $2}}' | paste -s -d','` nbvars=`echo $varstoexcludefiltered | gawk -F',' '{print NF}'` rm -f tmp_$$.txt return 0 } # gpdebug : pour test showPackProgress.sh ************************* export RANDOM=$$ function gives_0_or_1 { bit=-1 let "bit = RANDOM % 2" echo $bit } resultCmd= # gpdebug : ****************************** fin ******************** source ${EXE_DIR}/DEM_utilities.sh # gpdebug : pour trouver les fonctions de mesure de temps #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/output_ncrcat/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Switch to tar command if [ $switchtotar -eq 1 ] ; then echo "====> DELEGATE to tar command with option --switchtotar" echo "DELEGATE to tar command with option --switchtotar" >> $statusfile mv $set $PATH_SIMU/output_tar continue fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from list name fileout1=$( basename $set ) fileout=${fileout1%.list} filefirst=`head -n 1 $set` diroutputfile=`dirname $filefirst | sed -e "s%$dirin%$dirout%"` outputfile=$diroutputfile/${fileout} mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $outputfile" #----------------------------------- # Find variables to exclude to have homogeneous files (always exclude 't_inst_.*') extratar=0 find_varstoexclude $set if [ $nbvars -eq 0 ] ; then varstoexclude="t_inst_.*" else # There are others variables than 't_inst_.*' so an extra tar file will be created varstoexclude="t_inst_.*,$varstoexcludefiltered" extratar=1 # Copy to output_tar directory echo "====> COPY to tar command because find other variables ($varstoexcludefiltered) than t_inst_*" echo "COPY to tar command because find other variables ($varstoexcludefiltered) than t_inst_*" >> $statusfile cp $set $PATH_SIMU/output_tar fi #----------------------------------- # Try 2 times before fire "FAILED" ncrcatcmd=ncrcat ncrcatoptions="--md5_digest" # ncrcatoptions="" startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 cat $set | $ncrcatcmd $ncrcatoptions -O -x -v $varstoexclude -o $outputfile > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # resultCmd=1 # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; cat $set | $ncrcatcmd $ncrcatoptions -O -x -v '$varstoexclude' -o $outputfile ; $logfile ; $extratar" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 2)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 2)" >> $statusfile else # Add --md5_digest rm -f $outputfile*ncrcat.tmp startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 cat $set | $ncrcatcmd $ncrcatoptions -O -x -v $varstoexclude -o $outputfile > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # resultCmd=1 # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; cat $set | $ncrcatcmd $ncrcatoptions -O -x -v '$varstoexclude' -o $outputfile ; $logfile ; $extratar" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 2nd shot on 2)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 2nd shot on 2)" >> $statusfile else rm -f $outputfile*ncrcat.tmp datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; cat $set | $ncrcatcmd $ncrcatoptions -O -x -v '$varstoexclude' -o $outputfile ; $logfile ; $extratar" >> $statusfile if [ $nbtries -ge $maxtries ] ; then echo "====> DELEGATE to tar command after $nbtries tries (maxtries=$maxtries)" echo "DELEGATE to tar command after $nbtries tries (maxtries=$maxtries)" >> $statusfile cp $set $PATH_SIMU/output_tar # gpdebug : a retablir fi fi fi done #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/output_tar/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) # nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` # echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from list name fileout1=$( basename $set ) fileout=${fileout1%.list}.tar filefirst=`head -n 1 $set` dirinputfile=`dirname $filefirst` diroutputfile=`dirname $filefirst | sed -e "s%$dirin%$dirout%"` outputfile=$diroutputfile/${fileout} mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $outputfile" #----------------------------------- # Try 1 time before fire "FAILED" # Waiting for CCRT command tarcmd=tar taroptions="--format=posix -W -cf" #taroptions="--format=posix -cf" cd $dirinputfile set_local=$set".local" for file in $( cat $set) ; do basename $file >> $set".local" done # #----------------------------------- startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile --dereference --files-from $set.local > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set); $logfile" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" >> $statusfile else datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile fi rm -f $set".local" #----------------------------------- done #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/restart_tar/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) # nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` # echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from list name dirin1=$PATH_SIMU/RESTART dirin2=${dirin1##${IGCM_DEM}} dirin3=${dirin2##/$( basename ${INPUT_DMF_DATA} )} diroutputfile=${OUTPUT_STORE}${dirin3} fileout1=$( basename $set ) fileout=${fileout1%.list}.tar outputfile=$diroutputfile/${fileout} mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $outputfile" #----------------------------------- # Try 1 time before fire "FAILED" # Waiting for CCRT command tarcmd=tar taroptions="--format=posix -W -cf" # taroptions="--format=posix -cf" cd $dirin1 # ls startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile --dereference --files-from $set > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set); $logfile" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" >> $statusfile else datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- done #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/debug_tar/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) # nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` # echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from list name dirin1=$PATH_SIMU/DEBUG dirin2=${dirin1##${IGCM_DEM}} dirin3=${dirin2##/$( basename ${INPUT_DMF_DATA} )} diroutputfile=${OUTPUT_STORE}${dirin3} fileout1=$( basename $set ) fileout=${fileout1%.list}.tar outputfile=$diroutputfile/${fileout} mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $outputfile" #----------------------------------- # Try 1 time before fire "FAILED" # Waiting for CCRT command tarcmd=tar taroptions="--format=posix -W -cf" # taroptions="--format=posix -cf" cd $dirin1 # ls startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile --dereference --files-from $set > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set); $logfile" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" >> $statusfile else datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- done #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/store_cp/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) # nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` # echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from first and last files from the current set for file in $( cat $set) ; do diroutputfile=`dirname $file | sed -e "s%$dirin%$dirout%"` mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $diroutputfile/$( basename $file )" #----------------------------------- # Try 1 time before fire "FAILED" # Waiting for CCRT command cpcmd="cp " cpoptions="-rf" startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : time done # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" >> $statusfile else datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- done #------------------------------------------------------ for set in $( ls $PATH_SIMU/work_cp/*list ) ; do #----------------------------------- echo "#-------------------" echo "Set: $set" datestr=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"` datestr1=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` statusfile=${set%%.list}.status logfile=${set%%.list}_${datestr}.log #----------------------------------- # Create status file if not exists if [ ! -e $statusfile ] ; then echo "# Status ; DateStart ; DateEnd ; Command ; TarFileExists" > $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED|DELEGATE)' ; then printf "====> " tail -1 $statusfile continue fi #----------------------------------- # nbtries = number of lines from status file (first comment line gives 1 for the first try) # nbtries=`wc -l $statusfile | cut -d' ' -f1` # echo "Nb of tries: $nbtries" #----------------------------------- # Set output file name from first and last files from the current set for file in $( cat $set) ; do diroutputfile=`dirname $file | sed -e "s%$dirin%$dirout_work%"` mkdir -p $diroutputfile echo "Output file to write: $diroutputfile/$( basename $file )" #----------------------------------- # Try 1 time before fire "FAILED" # Waiting for CCRT command cpcmd="cp " cpoptions="-rf" startTime=$( getDateMilliSeconds ) # gpdebug : time resCmd=0 $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile > $logfile 2>&1 # gpdebug : a retablir resCmd=$? meantime=$( getTimeDiffSeconds $startTime ) # gpdebug : timeS done # resultCmd=$( gives_0_or_1 ) # if [ $resultCmd -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $resCmd -eq 0 ] ; then sed -i "1i\meantime:${meantime}" $statusfile # gpdebug : time datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "DONE ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile echo "====> COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" echo "COMPLETED at try #$nbtries (at 1st shot on 1)" >> $statusfile else datestr2=`LC_ALL=C date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile fi #----------------------------------- done