#!/bin/bash ### =========================================================================== ### ### Creates initial state for coupler, atmosphere side ### Takes state from atmospheric hist file ### ### =========================================================================== ## ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of Olivier Marti's ## software or to read the associated documentation you'll need at least ## one (1) brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement ## will void any warranties (either express or implied). ## O. Marti assumes no responsability for errors, omissions, ## data loss, or any other consequences caused directly or indirectly by ## the usage of his software by incorrectly or partially configured ## personal. ## ### ### Documentation : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki/IPSLCM6/MOSAIX ### ## SVN information # $Author: omamce $ # $Date: 2018-03-12 11:17:59 +0100 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ # $Revision: 3625 $ # $Id: CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash 3625 2018-03-12 10:17:59Z omamce $ # $Log: $ # Usage exemples : # CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash --oce ORCA2.3 /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p25sepul/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/piControl/CM5A2.1.pi.00/ATM/Output/MO/CM5A2.1.pi.00_40100101_40191231_1M_histmth.nc # CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash --oce ORCA2.3 /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/bedidil/SAVE8_ORCA2/STORE1/dynamico_grid.nc # CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash --oce ORCA2.3 /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/bedidil/SAVE9_ORCA2_DYN30_1MO/STORE1/histmth.nc ## =========================================================================== ## ## You should not change anything below this line .... ## ## =========================================================================== ## ## Command line parameters ## =========================================================================== # Default values Comment="Preliminary attempt - Do not trust !" OCE="Unknown" # # Defines computer # ================ if [[ $(hostname) = curie* ]] ; then arch=curie ; center=tgcc ; fi if [[ $(hostname) = irene* ]] ; then arch=irene ; center=tgcc ; fi case ${arch} in ( curie | irene ) set +vx module unload cdo nco ferret module unload netcdf hdf5 module load python # /2.7.12 module load netcdf/ # Version for XIOS module load nco R_IN=$(ccc_home -u igcmg --cccwork)/IGCM TMPDIR=${SCRATCHDIR}/TMP SUBMIT_DIR=${BRIDGE_MSUB_PWD:-${SUBMIT_DIR}} ;; ( * ) exit -1 ;; esac set -o verbose set -o xtrace set -e while [[ ${1} = -* ]] ; do case ${1} in ( -- ) shift ; break ;; ( -o | --oce ) shift ; OCE=${1} ;; # Just needed to add information in the file and file name ( -c | --comment ) shift ; Comment=${1} ;; # Just needed to add information in the file ( -v | --verbose ) set -o verbose ;; ( -x | --xtrace ) set -o xtrace ;; ( -xv | -vx ) set -o xtrace verbose ;; ( -e ) set -e ;; ( -V | --noverbose ) set +o verbose ;; ( -X | --noxtrace ) set +o xtrace ;; ( -XV | -VX ) set +o xtrace verbose ;; ( -E ) set +e ;; ( -* ) echo ${Bold}"Unknown option : ${1}"${Norm} ; return 1 ;; esac shift done #AtmFile=${1:-/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p25sepul/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/piControl/CM5A2.1.pi.00/ATM/Output/MO/CM5A2.1.pi.00_40100101_40191231_1M_histmth.nc} #AtmFile=${1:-/ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/bedidil/SAVE8_ORCA2/STORE1/dynamico_grid.nc} AtmFile=${1:-/ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/bedidil/SAVE9_ORCA2_DYN30_1MO/STORE1/histmth.nc} # # Format for OASIS files : should be NetCDF3 classic or NetCDF3 64 bits # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL_FMT=64bit ## ## Extract variables ## =========================================================================== ncks --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history -d time_counter,0,0 -v lon,lat,sols,soll,fract_oce,fract_sic,precip,snow,evap_sic,evap_oce,wind10m,taux_oce,tauy_oce,taux_sic,tauy_sic ${AtmFile} flxat_fields.nc ncwa --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history -a time_counter flxat_fields.nc flxat_fields_notime.nc # remove time dimension ncatted --history --attribute history,global,d,c,"" flxat_fields_notime.nc # cleaning of history attributes ## ## Determines if the file is unstructured (Dynamico) or lon/lat (LMDZ) ## Set atmosphere name ## =========================================================================== Count=$(ncdump -h flxat_fields_notime.nc | grep nvertex | wc -l) if [[ ${Count} -gt 0 ]] ; then IsUnstructured=yes dim_cell=$(ncdump -h flxat_fields_notime.nc |& grep "cell *=" | awk '{print $3}' ) # Get nominal DYNAMICO resolution (nbp parameter) ico_nbp=$( echo "sqrt(($dim_cell-2)/10)+1" | bc -l | sed 's/\..*//' ) ATM=ICO${ico_nbp} ncrename --history -d cell,y flxat_fields_notime.nc cat < add_dim.nco defdim("x",1) ; lon [y,x] = lon ; lat [y,x] = lat ; sols [y,x] = sols ; soll [y,x] = soll ; fract_oce[y,x] = fract_oce ; fract_sic[y,x] = fract_sic ; precip [y,x] = precip ; snow [y,x] = snow ; evap_sic [y,x] = evap_sic ; evap_oce [y,x] = evap_oce ; wind10m [y,x] = wind10m ; taux_oce [y,x] = taux_oce ; tauy_oce [y,x] = tauy_oce ; taux_sic [y,x] = taux_sic ; tauy_sic [y,x] = tauy_sic ; EOF ncap2 --history --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} -S add_dim.nco flxat_fields_notime.nc tmp_flxat_fields_notime.nc mv tmp_flxat_fields_notime.nc flxat_fields_notime.nc cat< lonlat2xyz.nco // Value at North Pole for DYNAMICO grid where ( lat(:,:) >= 90.0d ) COTAUXXU = double(-tau_y) ; where ( lat(:,:) >= 90.0d ) COTAUYYU = double( tau_x) ; // Value at South Pole for DYNAMICO grid ? EOF else # lat/lon IsUnstructured=no dim_lat=$(ncdump -h flxat_fields_notime.nc | grep "lat *=" | awk '{print $3}' ) dim_lon=$(ncdump -h flxat_fields_notime.nc | grep "lon *=" | awk '{print $3}' ) ncrename --history -d lon,x flxat_fields_notime.nc ncrename --history -d lat,y flxat_fields_notime.nc cat < add_dim.nco lon[y,x] = lon ; lat[y,x] = lat ; EOF ncap2 --history --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} -S add_dim.nco flxat_fields_notime.nc tmp_flxat_fields_notime.nc mv tmp_flxat_fields_notime.nc flxat_fields_notime.nc (( dim_lat = dim_lat - 1 )) #ATM=lmdz${dim_lon}x${dim_lat} ATM=LMD${dim_lon}${dim_lat} (( n_lat = dim_lat-1 )) cat< lonlat2xyz.nco // Value at North Pole for LMDZ lon/lat grid COTAUXXU(0,:) = double( -tau_x (0, 0) ) ; COTAUYYU(0,:) = double( -tau_y (0, 0) ) ; COTAUZZU(0,:) = 0.0d ; // Value at south Pole for LMDZ lon/lat grid ? COTAUXXU(${n_lat},:) = double( -tau_x (${n_lat}, 0) ) ; COTAUYYU(${n_lat},:) = double( -tau_y (${n_lat}, 0) ) ; COTAUZZU(${n_lat},:) = 0.0d ; EOF fi echo "Version atmosphere : " ${ATM} ## ## Creates flxat file ## =========================================================================== cat < create_flxat.nco // *fract_oce_plus_sic = double(fract_oce + fract_sic) ; // ocean fraction *fract_oce_norm[y,x] = 0.0d ; fract_sic_norm[y,x] = 0.0d ; where (fract_oce_plus_sic > 0.0d ) *fract_oce_norm = double(fract_oce)/fract_oce_plus_sic ; // free ocean vs. total ocen fraction where (fract_oce_plus_sic > 0.0d ) *fract_sic_norm = double(fract_sic)/fract_oce_plus_sic ; // sea ice vs. total ocean fraction // COTOTRAI[y,x] = double(precip-snow) ; // Liquid precip COTOTSNO[y,x] = double(snow) ; // Solid precipitation COTOTEVA[y,x] = double(evap_oce*fract_oce_norm + evap_sic*fract_sic_norm) ; COICEVAP[y,x] = double(evap_sic(:,:)) ; // Evaporation on sea ice COQSRMIX[y,x] = double(sols(:,:)) ; // Heat flux short wave COQNSMIX[y,x] = double(soll(:,:)) ; // Heat flux minus short wave COSHFICE[y,x] = double(sols(:,:)) ; // Heat flux short wave over sea ice CONSFICE[y,x] = double(soll(:,:)) ; // Heat flux minus short wave over sea ice CODFLXDT[y,x] = -20.0d ; // W/m2 - dQ/dt COCALVIN[y,x] = 0.0d ; // Calving of icebergs, solid COLIQRUN[y,x] = 0.0d ; // River run-off , liquid COWINDSP[y,x] = double( wind10m(:,:) ) ; // Wind speed at 10m high COTAUMOD[y,x] = 0.0d ; // Wind stress modulus // Wind stress *tau_x[y,x] = double(taux_oce*fract_oce_norm + taux_sic*fract_sic_norm) ; *tau_y[y,x] = double(tauy_oce*fract_oce_norm + tauy_sic*fract_sic_norm) ; COTAUMOD[y,x] = sqrt ( double(tau_x*tau_x + tau_y*tau_y) ) ; // Wind stress, from east/north components to geocentric *rpi = acos (-1.0d) ; *rad = rpi / 180.0d ; COTAUXXU[y,x] = double( -tau_x(:,:) * sin(rad * lon(:,:)) - tau_y(:,:) * sin(rad * lat(:,:)) * cos(rad * lon(:,:)) ); COTAUYYU[y,x] = double( tau_x(:,:) * cos(rad * lon(:,:)) - tau_y(:,:) * sin(rad * lat(:,:)) * sin(rad * lon(:,:)) ); COTAUZZU[y,x] = double( tau_y(:,:) * cos(rad * lat(:,:)) ) ; // Value at North Pole #include "lonlat2xyz.nco" // COTAUXXV[y,x] = COTAUXXU(:,:) ; COTAUYYV[y,x] = COTAUYYU(:,:) ; COTAUZZV[y,x] = COTAUZZU(:,:) ; // EOF ncap2 --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} -h -S create_flxat.nco flxat_fields_notime.nc tmp_flxat.nc ncks --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --overwrite -h -v lon,lat tmp_flxat.nc flxat.nc [[ ${IsUnstructured} = yes ]] && ncks --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --append -v bounds_lon,bounds_lat tmp_flxat.nc flxat.nc ncks --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --append -h -v COTAUXXU,COTAUYYU,COTAUZZU,COTAUXXV,COTAUYYV,COTAUZZV,COTOTRAI,COTOTSNO,COTOTEVA,COICEVAP,COQSRMIX,COQNSMIX,COSHFICE,CONSFICE,CODFLXDT,COCALVIN,COLIQRUN,COWINDSP,COTAUMOD tmp_flxat.nc flxat.nc ## ## Add some information in file headers ## =========================================================================== UUID=$(uuid) NCO="$(ncks --version |& tail -1|sed 's/ncks //')" ncatted --history \ --attribute nco_openmp_thread_number,global,d,, \ --attribute source,global,o,c,"IPSL Earth system model" \ --attribute group,global,o,c,"ICMC IPSL Climate Modelling Center" \ --attribute Institution,global,o,c,"IPSL https://www.ipsl.fr" \ --attribute Model,global,o,c,"${ATM} http://lmdz.lmd.jussieu.fr" \ --attribute Ocean,global,o,c,"${OCE} https://www.nemo-ocean.eu" \ --attribute production,global,o,c,"$(finger ${LOGNAME} | head -1 | awk '{print $4, $5}')" \ --attribute originalFiles,global,o,c,"${AtmFile}" \ --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ --attribute description,global,o,c,"Fields needed by OASIS-MCT" \ --attribute timeStamp,global,o,c,"$(date)" \ --attribute Program,global,o,c,"Generated by ${0}" \ --attribute uuid,global,o,c,"${UUID}" \ --attribute HOSTNAME,global,o,c,"$(hostname)" \ --attribute LOGNAME,global,o,c,"$(whoami)" \ --attribute NCO,global,o,c,"NCO netCDF Operator ${NCO} http://nco.sourceforge.net" \ --attribute OS,global,o,c,"$(uname -o)" \ --attribute release,global,o,c,"$(uname -r)" \ --attribute hardware,global,o,c,"$(uname -i)" \ --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ --attribute Comment,global,o,c,"${Comment}" \ --attribute Comment,global,o,c,"Preliminary attempt - Do not trust !" \ --attribute SVN_Author,global,o,c,"$Author: omamce $" \ --attribute SVN_Date,global,o,c,"$Date: 2018-03-12 11:17:59 +0100 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $" \ --attribute SVN_Revision,global,o,c,"$Revision: 3625 $" \ --attribute SVN_Id,global,o,c,"$Id: CreateRestartAtm4Oasis.bash 3625 2018-03-12 10:17:59Z omamce $" \ --attribute SVN_Log,global,o,c,"$Log: $" \ flxat.nc ## ## Creates other files ## =========================================================================== mv flxat.nc flxat_${ATM}_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ncks -v COCALVIN flxat_${ATM}_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc icbrg_${ATM}_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ncks -v COCALVIN flxat_${ATM}_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc icshf_${ATM}_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ## ## Cleaning ## =========================================================================== rm -f flxat_fields.nc flxat_fields_notime.nc tmp_flxat.nc ## =========================================================================== ## ## That's all folk's !!! ## ## ===========================================================================