#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # this must come first from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division # standard library imports import socket import os import os.path import glob import shutil import subprocess import datetime as dt import numpy as np import ConfigParser as cp # Application library imports ######################################## def dods_cp(filein, DIR): """ """ if not DIR["DODS"]: print("DODS directory not defined") return basefile = os.path.basename(filein) fileout = os.path.join(DIR["DODS"], basefile) filepng = os.path.join(DIR["DODS"], "img", basefile.split(".")[0] + ".png") # Copy file shutil.copy(filein, fileout) # Convert it to png for web page command = ["convert", "-density", "200", fileout, filepng] try : subprocess.call(command) except Exception as rc : print("Error in convert for {}:\n{}".format(fileout, rc)) return ######################################## def parse_config(filename): DIR = {} OUT = {} config = cp.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.optionxform = str config.read(filename) for section in ("projet", "directories", "files"): if not config.has_section(section): print("Missing section {} in {}, we stop".format(section, filename)) exit(1) # .. Project name .. # ------------------ section = "projet" option = "name" project_name = config.get(section, option) # ..Common directories .. # ----------------------- section = "directories" for option in config.options(section): DIR[option] = config.get(section, option) if DIR[option] and not os.path.isdir(DIR[option]): print("mkdir {}".format(DIR[option])) try : os.makedirs(DIR[option]) except Exception as rc : print("Could not create {}:\n{}".format(DIR[option], rc)) # ..Common files .. # ----------------- section = "files" for option in config.options(section): OUT[option] = config.get(section, option) return (project_name, DIR, OUT) ######################################## def string_to_percent(x): """ """ return float(x.strip("%"))/100. ######################################## def string_to_size_unit(x): """ """ if unicode(x).isdecimal(): x = x + "o" (size, unit) = (float(x[:-1]), x[-1]) return SizeUnit(size, unit) ######################################## def string_to_float(x): """ """ return float(x.strip("h")) ######################################## def string_to_date(ssaammjj, fmt="%Y-%m-%d"): """ """ return dt.datetime.strptime(ssaammjj, fmt) ######################################## def string_to_datetime(string, fmt="%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M"): """ """ return dt.datetime.strptime(string, fmt) # ######################################## # def date_to_string(dtdate, fmt="%Y-%m-%d"): # """ # """ # return dt.datetime.strftime(dtdate, fmt) ######################################## def where_we_run(): res = "" if "curie" in socket.getfqdn(): res = "curie" elif "ipsl" in socket.getfqdn(): res = "ipsl" else: res = "default" return res ######################################## def get_last_file(dir_data, pattern): """ """ current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir_data) filename = pattern + "*" file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_data, filename)) if file_list: res = sorted(file_list)[-1] else: res = None os.chdir(current_dir) return res ######################################## def get_input_files(dir_data, file_list): """ """ res = [] for filename in file_list: res.append(get_last_file(dir_data, filename)) if None in res: print("\nMissing one or more input files, we stop.") for f_in, f_out in zip(file_list, res): print("=> {}: {}".format(f_in, f_out)) exit(1) return res ######################################## def plot_save(img_in, img_out, title, DIR): """ """ from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages dpi = 200. # img_in = os.path.join(DIR["PLOT"], "{}.pdf".format(img_name)) with PdfPages(img_in) as pdf: pdf.savefig(dpi=dpi) # pdf file's metadata d = pdf.infodict() d["Title"] = title d["Author"] = os.path.basename(__file__) # d["Subject"] = "Time spent over specific commands during create_ts \ # jobs at IDRIS and four configurations at TGCC" # d["Keywords"] = "bench create_ts TGCC IDRIS ncrcat" # d["CreationDate"] = dt.datetime(2009, 11, 13) # d["ModDate"] = dt.datetime.today() if os.path.isdir(DIR["SAVEPLOT"]): # img_out = os.path.join(DIR["SAVEPLOT"], # "{}_{}.pdf".format(img_name, suffix)) shutil.copy(img_in, img_out) ######################################## class Project(object): #--------------------------------------- def __init__(self, project_name): self.project = project_name self.date_init = "" self.deadline = "" self.alloc = 0 #--------------------------------------- def fill_data(self, filein): import json dico = json.load(open(filein, "r")) self.deadline = string_to_date(dico["deadline"]) + \ dt.timedelta(days=-1) self.alloc = dico["alloc"] #--------------------------------------- def get_date_init(self, filein): data = np.genfromtxt( filein, skip_header=1, converters={ 0: string_to_date, 1: string_to_percent, }, missing_values="nan", ) dates, utheos = zip(*data) (x1, x2) = (np.nanargmin(utheos), np.nanargmax(utheos)) m = np.array([[x1, 1.], [x2, 1.]]) n = np.array([utheos[x1], utheos[x2]]) poly_ok = True try: polynome = np.poly1d(np.linalg.solve(m, n)) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: poly_ok = False if poly_ok: delta = int(round(polynome.r[0] + 1)) d1 = dates[0] self.date_init = d1 + dt.timedelta(days=delta) else: self.date_init = dt.datetime(self.deadline.year, 1, 1) delta = self.deadline - self.date_init self.days = delta.days + 1 ######################################## class SizeUnit(object): #--------------------------------------- def __init__(self, size, unit): self.size = size self.unit = unit #--------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "{:6.2f}{}o".format(self.size, self.unit) #--------------------------------------- def convert_size(self, unit_out): """ """ prefixes = ["o", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "H"] if not self.size or \ self.unit == unit_out: size_out = self.size else: idx_deb = prefixes.index(self.unit) idx_fin = prefixes.index(unit_out) size_out = self.size for i in xrange(abs(idx_fin-idx_deb)): if idx_fin > idx_deb: size_out = size_out / 1024 else: size_out = size_out * 1024 return SizeUnit(size_out, unit_out) ######################################## if __name__ == '__main__': pass