#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # this must come first from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division # standard library imports from argparse import ArgumentParser import json import shutil import os import os.path import subprocess # import datetime as dt # Application library imports from gencmip6 import * from gencmip6_path import * ######################################## def get_storedir(login): print("get_storedir") command = ["ccc_home", "-A", "-u", login] try : res = subprocess.check_output(command) print("res", res) except Exception as rc: print("exception", rc) res = None return res.strip() ######################################## def get_dirsize(dirname): command = ["du", "-sbh", dirname] try : res = subprocess.check_output(command) res = res.split()[0] except Exception as rc : print(rc) res = None return res # ######################################## # def get_dirlist(dirname): # return output ######################################## def parse_myproject(filename): project = {} project["project"] = "gencmip6" logins = {} if where_we_run() == "curie": try : res = subprocess.check_output("ccc_myproject") except Exception as rc : print(rc) exit(1) with open(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["CCCMP"]), "w") as fileout: fileout.write(res) with open(filename, "r") as filein: # Skip lines until we find project name. # Then extract script date for ligne in filein: if project["project"] in ligne: today = ligne.split()[-1] today = string_to_date(today) break # Skip next two lines : first is blank and second is login titles for _ in xrange(1): next(filein) # Login list, until blank line for ligne in filein: if not ligne.strip(): break login, conso = ligne.split() logins[login] = float(conso) # Skip until we find consumed time (hours) for ligne in filein: if "Total" in ligne: total = float(ligne.split()[-1]) break # Skip until we find allocated time (hours) for ligne in filein: if "Allocated" in ligne: project["alloc"] = float(ligne.split()[-1]) break # Skip until we find theoratical use (%) for ligne in filein: if "Suggested use at this time" in ligne: utheo = float(ligne.split()[-1].strip("%")) break # Skip until we find real use (%) for ligne in filein: if "Real use at this time" in ligne: ureal = float(ligne.split()[-1].strip("%")) break # Skip until we find deadline for ligne in filein: if "Project deadline" in ligne: project["deadline"] = ligne.split()[-1] break return project, logins, today, total, utheo, ureal ######################################## def write_param(filename, project): if args.dryrun: print(json.dumps(project, indent=2)) else: with open(filename, "w") as fileout: json.dump(project, fileout, indent=2) ######################################## def write_bilan(filename, today, total, ureal, utheo, run_mean, pen_mean, run_std, pen_std): """ Conso totale par jour --------------------- on garde le total, date en tete en accumulant dans le fichier : OUT_CONSO_BILAN """ title_str = "{:10s} {:12s} {:11s} {:11s} {:13s} {:13s} {:13s} {:13s}\n".format( "date", "conso(hours)", "real_use(%)", "theo_use(%)", "running(core)", "pending(core)", "run_std(core)", "pen_std(core)", ) str_fmt = "{:%Y-%m-%d} {:12.2f} {:11.2f} {:11.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f}\n" result_str = str_fmt.format( today, total, ureal, utheo, run_mean, pen_mean, run_std, pen_std, ) if args.dryrun: print(title_str.strip()) print(result_str.strip()) else: if not os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "w") as fileout: fileout.write(title_str) with open(filename, "a") as fileout: fileout.write(result_str) ######################################## def write_utheo(filename, today, utheo): """ Conso théorique par jour ------------------------ OUT_CONSO_THEO """ title_str = "{:10s} {:11s}\n".format( "date", "theo_use(%)", ) result_str = "{:%Y-%m-%d} {:11.2f}\n".format( today, utheo, ) if args.dryrun: print(title_str.strip()) print(result_str.strip()) else: if not os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "w") as fileout: fileout.write(title_str) with open(filename, "a") as fileout: fileout.write(result_str) ######################################## def write_login(filename, today, logins): """ Conso par login (HOME) ---------------------- on garde la trace de chaque login, date en tete, en remplacant le fichier a chaque fois : OUT_CONSO_LOGIN """ title_str = "{:10s} {:10s} {:12s}\n".format( "date", "login", "conso(hours)", ) with open(filename, "w") as fileout: if args.dryrun: print(title_str.strip()) else: fileout.write(title_str) for key in sorted(logins): result_str = "{:%Y-%m-%d} {:10s} {:12.2f}\n".format( today, key, logins[key], ) if args.dryrun: print(result_str.strip()) else: fileout.write(result_str) ######################################## def write_store(filename, today, logins): """ volume cree sur STORE --------------------- par login qui a consomme, en remplacant le fichier a chaque fois : OUT_CONSO_STORE """ items = (login for login, conso in logins.iteritems() if conso > 0.) title_str = "{:10s} {:10s} {:>7s} {:s}\n".format( "date", "login", "dirsize", "dirname", ) with open(filename, "w") as fileout: if args.dryrun: print(title_str.strip()) else: fileout.write(title_str) for login in items: if args.verbose: print(login) storedir = get_storedir(login) if not storedir: break igcm_out = os.path.join(storedir, "IGCM_OUT") if not os.path.isdir(igcm_out): break dirlist = [] try: dirlist = os.listdir(igcm_out) except OSError as rc: print("Error on os.listdir({}):\n{}".format(igcm_out, rc)) for dirname in dirlist: result_str = "{:%Y-%m-%d} {:10s} {:>7s} {:s}\n".format( today, login, get_dirsize(os.path.join(igcm_out, dirname)), os.path.join(igcm_out, dirname) ) if args.dryrun or args.verbose: print(result_str.strip()) if not args.dryrun: fileout.write(result_str) ######################################## def save_files(file_list, today): if not args.dryrun: suffix = "{:%Y%m%d}".format(today) for filename in file_list: filein = os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], filename) if os.path.isfile(filein): fileout = os.path.join(DIR["SAVEDATA"], "_".join((filename, suffix))) shutil.copy(filein, fileout) ######################################## if __name__ == '__main__': # Get arguments from command line # =============================== parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose mode") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dryrun", action="store_true", help="dry run, no file produced") parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_false", help="produce all files (default)") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bilan", action="store_true", help="produce all files (default)") parser.add_argument("-l", "--login", action="store_true", help="produce all files (default)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--store", action="store_true", help="produce all files (default)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: print(os.path.basename(__file__)) print(where_we_run()) print(args) if args.bilan or args.login or args.store: args.all = False if args.verbose: print(DIR["DATA"]) print(DIR["SAVEDATA"]) (project, logins, today, total, utheo, ureal) = \ parse_myproject(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["CCCMP"])) if args.verbose: print(today, utheo, ureal) print(project) print(logins) # Produce files # ============= # 1- Parametres du projet # ----------------------- if args.verbose: print("=> write_param") write_param(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["PARAM"]), project) # 2- Conso totale par jour # ------------------------ if args.verbose: print("=> write_bilan") file_jobs = get_last_file( DIR["SAVEDATA"], "{}_{:%Y%m%d}".format(OUT["JOBS"], today) ) if args.verbose: print(file_jobs) run_mean = np.nan pen_mean = np.nan run_std = np.nan pen_std = np.nan if file_jobs: try: data = np.genfromtxt( file_jobs, skip_header=1, converters={ 0: string_to_datetime, 1: int, 2: int, }, missing_values="nan", ) except Exception as rc: print("Problem with file {} :\n{}".format(file_jobs, rc)) exit(1) if len(data) == 24: run_mean = np.nanmean( np.array([run for _, run, _ in data]) ) pen_mean = np.nanmean( np.array([pen for _, _, pen in data]) ) run_std = np.nanstd( np.array([run for _, run, _ in data]) ) pen_std = np.nanstd( np.array([pen for _, _, pen in data]) ) if args.verbose: print(run_mean, pen_mean, run_std, pen_std) write_bilan( os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["BILAN"]), today, total, ureal, utheo, run_mean, pen_mean, run_std, pen_std, ) # 2b- Conso théorique par jour # ---------------------------- if args.verbose: print("=> write_utheo") write_utheo(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["UTHEO"]), today, utheo) # 3- Conso par login (HOME) # ------------------------- if args.verbose: print("=> write_login") write_login(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["LOGIN"]), today, logins) # 4- volume cree sur STORE # ------------------------ if args.verbose: print("=> write_store") if where_we_run() == "curie": write_store(os.path.join(DIR["DATA"], OUT["STORE"]), today, logins) # Save files (on WORKDIR) # ======================= if args.verbose: print("=> Save files") if not args.dryrun: file_list = [ OUT["PARAM"], OUT["BILAN"], OUT["UTHEO"], OUT["LOGIN"], OUT["STORE"], OUT["CCCMP"], ] save_files(file_list, today) exit(0)