#!/bin/bash # # ==================================================================== # # Author: Sonia Labetoulle # # Contact: sonia.labetoulle _at_ ipsl.jussieu.fr # # Created: March 21 2016 # # History: # # Modification: # # ==================================================================== # # Launch everything needed to track the consumption # # for GENCI projects. # # To be executed by a cron # # ====================================================================== date whereami=$( hostname -s ) # set -vx # .. System dependant steps .. # ============================ python_exe="python" case ${whereami} in pc-236) echo "maison" python_exe="/opt/epd7/bin/python" ;; curie*) echo "curie" # ... Initialize module command ... # --------------------------------- if [ -f /etc/bashrc ] ; then . /etc/bashrc fi # ... Load python ... # ------------------- # python/2.7.3 is the default, but it comes with matplotlib 1.2, # which is too old (no context manager for PdfPages) module load python/2.7.8 ;; *) echo "Unknown host ${whereami}, exit" exit 1 ;; esac # Go to root directory # ==================== ROOT_DIR=$( dirname $0 ) cd ${ROOT_DIR} BIN_DIR=${ROOT_DIR}/bin declare -A proj_center=(["gencmip6"]="tgcc" ["rgzi"]="idris") for projet in "${!proj_center[@]}" do centre=${proj_center[${projet}]} echo -e "\n* ${projet}/${centre}" echo -e "=================================================" # .. Insert cpt data into database .. # =================================== echo -e "1) Insert cpt data into table" echo -e "-------------------------------------------------" ${python_exe} ${BIN_DIR}/insert_conso_tbl.py -v ${projet} ${centre} RC=$? if [ ${RC} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "! ! " echo "! ERROR: script ended abnormally !" echo "! ! " echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" elif [ ${RC} -ne 0 ] ; then echo -e "\n => nothing to do for ${projet}/${centre}" continue fi echo "test" # .. Plot daily consumption .. # ============================ echo -e "\n2) Plot daily consumption" echo -e "-------------------------------------------------" ${python_exe} ${BIN_DIR}/plot_bilan.py -vdf ${projet} ${centre} done