module fracnnei_mod contains subroutine fracnnei() ! !**** ! ***************************** ! * OASIS ROUTINE - LEVEL 4 * ! * ------------- ------- * ! ***************************** ! !**** *fracnnei* - SCRIP remapping ! ! Purpose: ! ------- ! Treatment of the tricky points in an interpolation ! ! Interface: ! --------- ! *CALL* * ! ! Called from: ! ----------- ! scriprmp ! ! History: ! ------- ! Version Programmer Date Description ! ------- ---------- ---- ----------- ! 2.5 D.Declat 2002/08/20 adapted from S. Valcke ptmsq ! 3.0 S. Valcke 2002/10/30 test and corrections ! 4.0 A.Piacentini 2018/01/23 F90 and optimisation ! ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !* ---------------------------- Modules used ---------------------------- ! use kinds_mod ! defines common data types use constants ! defines common constants use grids ! module containing grid information use remap_vars ! module containing remap information use mod_oasis_flush !$ use omp_lib ! !* ---------------------------- Implicit -------------------------------- ! implicit none ! !* ---------------------------- Arguments ------------------------------- ! ! !* ---------------------------- Local Variables ------------------------ ! logical (kind=log_kind) :: ll_debug = .false. integer (kind=int_kind) :: num_neigh, num_prev_links logical (kind=log_kind), dimension(grid2_size) :: lnnei integer (kind=int_kind) :: & & ib_dst, & ! INDEX loop for the distance grid & ib_src, & ! INDEX loop for the source grid & ib_links ! INDEX loop for the links integer (kind=int_kind) :: & & il_nneiadd, & ! Nearest-neighbor address & il_lonkind, & & ib_bin, & & min_add, & & max_add real (kind=dbl_kind) :: & & coslatd, & ! cosinus of the latitude for dst & sinlatd, & ! sinus of the latitude for dst & coslond, & ! cosinus of the longitude for dst & sinlond, & ! sinus of the longitude for dst & lonwestd, & & loneastd, & & latsouthd, & & latnorthd, & & distance, & & dist_min, & & d_dist real (kind=dbl_kind), parameter :: dp_box = 2.0*deg2rad real (kind=dbl_kind), parameter :: dp_pthresh = 85.0*deg2rad real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(grid1_size) :: & & coslats, & ! cosinus of the latitude for src & sinlats, & ! sinus of the latitude for src & coslons, & ! cosinus of the longitude for src & sinlons ! sinus of the longitude for src integer (kind=int_kind) :: ib_vmm, il_add integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ila_dst integer (kind=int_kind) :: il_envthreads, il_err, il_splitsize, ib_thread integer (kind=int_kind) :: il_mythread integer (kind=int_kind) :: il_nbthreads = 1 integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ila_thr_sz integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ila_thr_mn integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ila_thr_mx character (LEN=14) :: cl_envvar ! !* ---------------------------- Poema verses ---------------------------- ! ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! !* 1. Initialization ! -------------- ! if (nlogprt .ge. 2) then write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' Entering ROUTINE fracnnei - Level 4' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' **************** *******' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' Treating the tricky points of the remapping' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' call OASIS_FLUSH_SCRIP(nulou) endif ! ! *---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. Find Vmm points V ! --------------- m m ! A non-masked Valid target point is either with link or without link ! If without link, find the non-masked nearest neighbours. ! lnnei(:) = grid2_mask(:) do ib_links = 1, num_links_map1 lnnei(grid2_add_map1(ib_links)) = .false. end do num_neigh = count(lnnei) allocate(ila_dst(num_neigh)) ila_dst=pack([(ib_dst,ib_dst=1,grid2_size)],lnnei) if (nlogprt .ge. 2) then if (ll_debug) then do ib_vmm = 1, num_neigh write(nulou,*) '********* Will do FRACNNEI for point',ila_dst(ib_vmm) end do end if write(nulou,*) '************ There are',num_neigh,'Vmm points in all' end if ! ! *---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. Treating Vmm points V ! ------------------- m m ! The target point is a non-masked Valid point while the source points ! are all masked points. Use of the non-masked nearest neighbours. ! ! Resize the storage num_prev_links = num_links_map1 num_links_map1 = num_links_map1 + num_neigh call resize_remap_vars(1, num_links_map1 - max_links_map1) !* -- Precompute src grid spherical coordinates coslats(:) = cos(grid1_center_lat(:)) coslons(:) = cos(grid1_center_lon(:)) sinlons(:) = sin(grid1_center_lon(:)) sinlats(:) = sin(grid1_center_lat(:)) call get_environment_variable(name='OASIS_OMP_NUM_THREADS', & & value=cl_envvar, status=il_err) if ( il_err .ne. 0) then il_envthreads = 0 else read(cl_envvar,*) il_envthreads end if !$OMP PARALLEL NUM_THREADS(il_envthreads) DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(il_envthreads)& !$OMP SHARED(sga_remap)& !$OMP SHARED(il_nbthreads) & !$OMP SHARED(ila_thr_sz,ila_thr_mn,ila_thr_mx) & !$OMP SHARED(num_neigh,ll_debug,ila_dst,num_prev_links,nulou) & !$OMP SHARED(num_wts) & !$OMP SHARED(grid1_add_map1,grid2_add_map1,wts_map1) & !$OMP SHARED(grid1_center_lat,grid1_center_lon) & !$OMP SHARED(grid2_center_lat,grid2_center_lon) & !$OMP SHARED(grid1_mask,grid1_size) & !$OMP SHARED(bin_lats,bin_addr1,num_srch_bins) & !$OMP SHARED(coslats,coslons,sinlons,sinlats) & !$OMP PRIVATE(nlogprt,ib_vmm,il_add,ib_dst,ib_src) & !$OMP PRIVATE(coslatd,sinlatd,coslond,sinlond) & !$OMP PRIVATE(lonwestd,loneastd,latsouthd,latnorthd) & !$OMP PRIVATE(dist_min,il_nneiadd,d_dist,distance) & !$OMP PRIVATE(il_lonkind,ib_bin,min_add,max_add) & !$OMP PRIVATE(ib_thread,il_splitsize) !$OMP SINGLE il_nbthreads = 1 !$ il_nbthreads = OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS () allocate(ila_thr_mn(il_nbthreads)) allocate(ila_thr_mx(il_nbthreads)) if (il_nbthreads .gt. 1) then nlogprt = 0 allocate(ila_thr_sz(il_nbthreads)) ila_thr_sz(:) = floor(real(num_neigh)/il_nbthreads) ila_thr_sz(1:num_neigh-sum(ila_thr_sz)) = ila_thr_sz(1:num_neigh-sum(ila_thr_sz)) + 1 ila_thr_mn(1) = 1 ila_thr_mx(1) = ila_thr_sz(1) do ib_thread = 2, il_nbthreads ila_thr_mn(ib_thread) = sum(ila_thr_sz(1:ib_thread-1)) + 1 ila_thr_mx(ib_thread) = sum(ila_thr_sz(1:ib_thread)) end do allocate(sga_remap(il_nbthreads)) do ib_thread = 1, il_nbthreads il_splitsize = ila_thr_sz(ib_thread) sga_remap(ib_thread)%max_links = il_splitsize sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links = 0 allocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid1_add(il_splitsize)) allocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid2_add(il_splitsize)) !EM allocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%wts(num_wts,il_splitsize)) end do deallocate(ila_thr_sz) else ila_thr_mn(1) = 1 ila_thr_mx(1) = num_neigh end if !$OMP END SINGLE !* -- Find the nearest neighbours and store weights and address !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,1) thread_loop: do ib_thread = 1, il_nbthreads grid_loop1: do ib_vmm = ila_thr_mn(ib_thread), ila_thr_mx(ib_thread) ib_dst = ila_dst(ib_vmm) il_add = num_prev_links+ib_vmm if (il_nbthreads .eq. 1) then grid2_add_map1(il_add) = ib_dst else sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links = sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links + 1 sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid2_add(sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links) = ib_dst endif if (ll_debug) then write(nulou,*) 'ib_dst for true=',ib_dst write(nulou,*) 'counter_Vmm =',ib_vmm write(nulou,*) 'num_links+counter_Vmm =', il_add write(nulou,*) 'dst_addr =',grid2_add_map1(il_add) endif coslatd = cos(grid2_center_lat(ib_dst)) sinlatd = sin(grid2_center_lat(ib_dst)) coslond = cos(grid2_center_lon(ib_dst)) sinlond = sin(grid2_center_lon(ib_dst)) ! Draw a rough box around the target point (relaxed at poles) if (grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) >= dp_pthresh) then latsouthd = grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) - dp_box latnorthd = pih lonwestd = zero loneastd = pi2 il_lonkind = 0 else if (grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) <= -dp_pthresh) then latsouthd = -pih latnorthd = grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) + dp_box lonwestd = zero loneastd = pi2 il_lonkind = 0 else latsouthd = grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) - dp_box latnorthd = grid2_center_lat(ib_dst) + dp_box lonwestd = grid2_center_lon(ib_dst) - dp_box/coslatd loneastd = grid2_center_lon(ib_dst) + dp_box/coslatd if (lonwestd < zero) then il_lonkind = -1 else if (loneastd > pi2) then il_lonkind = 1 else il_lonkind = 0 end if end if dist_min = bignum il_nneiadd = 0 ! Restrict the loop by bins min_add = grid1_size max_add = 1 do ib_bin=1,num_srch_bins if (bin_lats(2,ib_bin).ge.latsouthd .and.& & bin_lats(1,ib_bin).le.latnorthd) then min_add = min(min_add, bin_addr1(1,ib_bin)) max_add = max(max_add, bin_addr1(2,ib_bin)) end if end do do ib_src = min_add, max_add ! Restrict the angular distance computation to a rough box if (grid1_mask(ib_src)) then if (grid1_center_lat(ib_src).le.latnorthd) then if (grid1_center_lat(ib_src).ge.latsouthd) then if (lf_loncheck(grid1_center_lon(ib_src),& & lonwestd,loneastd,il_lonkind)) then d_dist = coslatd*coslats(ib_src) * & & (coslond*coslons(ib_src) + & & sinlond*sinlons(ib_src)) + & & sinlatd*sinlats(ib_src) if (d_dist < -1.0d0) then d_dist = -1.0d0 else if (d_dist > 1.0d0) then d_dist = 1.0d0 end if distance = acos(d_dist) if (distance < dist_min) then il_nneiadd = ib_src dist_min = distance end if end if end if end if end if end do ! If the rough box was too small, search the entire grid if (il_nneiadd == 0 ) then dist_min = bignum do ib_src = 1, grid1_size if (grid1_mask(ib_src)) then d_dist = coslatd*coslats(ib_src) * & (coslond*coslons(ib_src) + & sinlond*sinlons(ib_src)) + & sinlatd*sinlats(ib_src) if (d_dist < -1.0d0) then d_dist = -1.0d0 else if (d_dist > 1.0d0) then d_dist = 1.0d0 end if distance = acos(d_dist) if (distance < dist_min) then il_nneiadd = ib_src dist_min = distance end if end if end do end if if (il_nbthreads .eq. 1) then grid1_add_map1(il_add) = il_nneiadd wts_map1(1,il_add) = 1.0 if (num_wts .gt. 1) then wts_map1(2,il_add) = 0.0 wts_map1(3,il_add) = 0.0 endif else sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid1_add(sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links) = il_nneiadd endif if (ll_debug.and.nlogprt .ge. 2) then write(nulou,*) 'src_addr =',grid1_add_map1(il_add) write(nulou,*) '*************** Nearest source neighbour is ',il_nneiadd end if end do grid_loop1 end do thread_loop !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL if (il_nbthreads .gt. 1) then sga_remap(1)%start_pos = num_prev_links + 1 il_splitsize = sga_remap(1)%num_links do ib_thread = 2, il_nbthreads il_splitsize = il_splitsize + sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos = sga_remap(ib_thread-1)%start_pos + & sga_remap(ib_thread-1)%num_links end do do ib_thread = 1, il_nbthreads grid1_add_map1(sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos: & sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos+ & sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links-1) = & sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid1_add grid2_add_map1(sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos: & sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos+ & sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links-1) = & sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid2_add wts_map1 (1,sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos: & sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos+ & sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links-1) = 1.0 wts_map1 (2,sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos: & sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos+ & sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links-1) = 0.0 wts_map1 (3,sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos: & sga_remap(ib_thread)%start_pos+ & sga_remap(ib_thread)%num_links-1) = 0.0 end do if ( then do ib_thread = 1, il_nbthreads if (sga_remap(ib_thread) then write(nulou,*) ' Number of thread_resize_remap_vars on thread ',& ib_thread, ' = ', sga_remap(ib_thread)%nb_resize end if end do end if end if deallocate(ila_thr_mn) deallocate(ila_thr_mx) if (il_nbthreads .gt. 1) then do ib_thread = 1, il_nbthreads deallocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid1_add) deallocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%grid2_add) !EM deallocate(sga_remap(ib_thread)%wts) end do deallocate(sga_remap) end if ! deallocate(ila_dst) ! ! *---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if (nlogprt .ge. 2) then write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' Leaving ROUTINE fracnnei - Level 4' write (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' ' call OASIS_FLUSH_SCRIP(nulou) end if contains logical (kind=log_kind) function lf_loncheck(rd_lon,rd_west,rd_east,id_kind) real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: rd_lon real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: rd_west,rd_east integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: id_kind select case(id_kind) case(0) lf_loncheck = (rd_lon>=rd_west) .and. (rd_lon<=rd_east) case(-1) lf_loncheck = (rd_lon-pi2>=rd_west) .or. (rd_lon<=rd_east) case(1) lf_loncheck = (rd_lon>=rd_west) .or. (rd_lon+pi2<=rd_east) end select end function lf_loncheck end subroutine fracnnei !*********************************************************************** end module fracnnei_mod