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mod_oasis_string.F90 File Reference

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module  mod_oasis_string
 Character string manipulation methods.


#define NEW_LGI_METHOD2a


integer function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_countchar (str, char, rc)
 Count number of occurances of a single character in a string. More...
character(len=len(str)) function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_toupper (str)
 Convert the input string to upper-case. More...
character(len=len(str)) function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_tolower (str)
 Convert the input string to lower-case. More...
character(len=len(str)) function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_getparentdir (str)
 Get the parent directory pathname. More...
integer function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_lastindex (string, substr, rc)
 Get the index of the last occurance of a substring within a string. More...
integer function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_endindex (string, substr, rc)
 Get the ending index of the first occurance of a substring within string. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_leftalign (str, rc)
 Remove leading white space. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_alphanum (str, rc)
 Remove all non alpha numeric characters from string. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_betweentags (string, startTag, endTag, substr, rc)
 Get the substring found between the start and end strings. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_parsecftunit (string, unit, bdate, bsec, rc)
 Parse CF time unit into a delta string name and a base time in yyyymmdd. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_clean (string, rc)
 Clean a string, set it to blank. More...
logical function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listisvalid (list, rc)
 Determine whether string is a valid list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listgetname (list, k, name, rc)
 Get name of k-th field in list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listintersect (list1, list2, listout, rc)
 Get intersection of two fields lists, write into third list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listunion (list1, list2, listout, rc)
 Get union of two fields lists, write into third list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listmerge (list1, list2, listout, rc)
 Merge two lists into a third list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listappend (list, listadd, rc)
 Append one list to another. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listprepend (listadd, list, rc)
 Prepend one list to another. More...
integer function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listgetindexf (string, fldStr)
 Get the index of a field in a list. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listgetindex (string, fldStr, kFld, print, rc)
 Get the index of a field in a string. More...
integer function, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listgetnum (str)
 return number of fields in string list More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listsetdel (cflag)
 Set field delimeter character in lists. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_listgetdel (del)
 Get field delimeter character in lists. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_setabort (flag)
 Set local oasis_string abort flag, true = abort, false = print and continue. More...
subroutine, public mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_setdebug (iFlag)
 Set local oasis_string debug level, 0 = production. More...
subroutine mod_oasis_string::oasis_string_abort (string)
 Supports aborts in the string module. More...


character(len=1), save mod_oasis_string::listdel = ":"
character(len=2), save mod_oasis_string::listdel2 = "::"
logical, save mod_oasis_string::doabort = .true.
integer(ip_i4_p), save mod_oasis_string::debug = 0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NEW_LGI_METHOD2a