Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_oasis_sys Module Reference

System type methods. More...


subroutine, public oasis_abort (id_compid, cd_routine, cd_message, file, line, rcode)
 OASIS abort method, publically available to users. More...
subroutine, public oasis_flush (nu)
 Flushes output to file. More...
subroutine, public oasis_unitget (uio)
 Get a free unit number. More...
subroutine, public oasis_unitsetmin (uio)
 Set the minimum unit number allowed. More...
subroutine, public oasis_unitsetmax (uio)
 Set the maximum unit number allowed. More...
subroutine, public oasis_unitfree (uio)
 Release a unit number for reuse. More...
subroutine, public oasis_debug_enter (string)
 Used when a subroutine is entered, write info to log file at some debug level. More...
subroutine, public oasis_debug_exit (string)
 Used when a subroutine is exited, write info to log file at some debug level. More...
subroutine, public oasis_debug_note (string)
 Used to write information from a subroutine, write info to log file at some debug level. More...
subroutine, public oasis_sys_sortc (num, fld, sortkey)
 Sort a character array and compute a sort key. More...
subroutine, public oasis_sys_sorti (num, fld, sortkey)
 Sort a integer array and compute a sort key. More...
subroutine, public oasis_sys_sortikey (num, arr, sortkey)
 Sort an integer array using a sort key. More...
recursive subroutine oasis_sys_mergesortc (N, A, T, S, Z)
 Generic oasis_sys_mergesortC routine for character strings. More...
subroutine oasis_sys_mergec (A, X, NA, B, Y, NB, C, Z, NC)
 Merge routine needed for mergesortC for character strings. More...
recursive subroutine oasis_sys_mergesorti (N, A, T, S, Z)
 Generic oasis_sys_mergesortI routine for an integer array. More...
subroutine oasis_sys_mergei (A, X, NA, B, Y, NB, C, Z, NC)
 Merge routine needed for mergesortI for integer array. More...


character(len= *), parameter, public astr = ' ABORT: '
character(len= *), parameter, public estr = ' ERROR: '
character(len= *), parameter, public wstr = ' WARNING: '
integer(ip_intwp_p), save minion = 1024
integer(ip_intwp_p), save maxion = 9999
integer(ip_intwp_p), parameter tree_delta = 2
integer(ip_intwp_p), save tree_indent = 0

Detailed Description

System type methods.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ oasis_abort()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_abort ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(in), optional  id_compid,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  cd_routine,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  cd_message,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  file,
integer, intent(in), optional  line,
integer, intent(in), optional  rcode 

OASIS abort method, publically available to users.

[in]id_compidcomponent id
[in]cd_routinestring defining calling routine
[in]cd_messageerror message string
[in]filefile called from
[in]lineline in file called from
[in]rcodeoptional code to return to invoking environment

Definition at line 44 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_debug_enter()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_debug_enter ( character(len=*), intent(in)  string)

Used when a subroutine is entered, write info to log file at some debug level.

[in]stringname of the subroutine

Definition at line 209 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_debug_exit()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_debug_exit ( character(len=*), intent(in)  string)

Used when a subroutine is exited, write info to log file at some debug level.

[in]stringname of subroutine

Definition at line 236 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_debug_note()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_debug_note ( character(len=*), intent(in)  string)

Used to write information from a subroutine, write info to log file at some debug level.

[in]stringstring to write

Definition at line 263 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_flush()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_flush ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(in)  nu)

Flushes output to file.

[in]nuunit number of file

Definition at line 94 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_mergec()

subroutine mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_mergec ( character(cl), dimension(na), intent(inout)  A,
integer(in), dimension(na), intent(inout)  X,
integer, intent(in)  NA,
character(cl), dimension(nb), intent(in)  B,
integer(in), dimension(nb), intent(in)  Y,
integer, intent(in)  NB,
character(cl), dimension(nc), intent(inout)  C,
integer(in), dimension(nc), intent(inout)  Z,
integer, intent(in)  NC 

Merge routine needed for mergesortC for character strings.

Definition at line 498 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_mergei()

subroutine mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_mergei ( integer(in), dimension(na), intent(inout)  A,
integer(in), dimension(na), intent(inout)  X,
integer, intent(in)  NA,
integer(in), dimension(nb), intent(in)  B,
integer(in), dimension(nb), intent(in)  Y,
integer, intent(in)  NB,
integer(in), dimension(nc), intent(inout)  C,
integer(in), dimension(nc), intent(inout)  Z,
integer, intent(in)  NC 

Merge routine needed for mergesortI for integer array.

Definition at line 596 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_mergesortc()

recursive subroutine mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_mergesortc ( integer, intent(in)  N,
character(cl), dimension(n), intent(inout)  A,
character(cl), dimension((n+1)/2), intent(out)  T,
integer(in), dimension(n), intent(inout)  S,
integer(in), dimension((n+1)/2), intent(out)  Z 

Generic oasis_sys_mergesortC routine for character strings.

Definition at line 447 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_mergesorti()

recursive subroutine mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_mergesorti ( integer, intent(in)  N,
integer(in), dimension(n), intent(inout)  A,
integer(in), dimension((n+1)/2), intent(out)  T,
integer(in), dimension(n), intent(inout)  S,
integer(in), dimension((n+1)/2), intent(out)  Z 

Generic oasis_sys_mergesortI routine for an integer array.

Definition at line 545 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_sortc()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_sortc ( integer(in), intent(in)  num,
character(len=cl), dimension(:), intent(inout)  fld,
integer(in), dimension(:), intent(inout)  sortkey 

Sort a character array and compute a sort key.

[in]numsize of array
[in,out]fldsort field
[in,out]sortkeysort key

Definition at line 295 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_sorti()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_sorti ( integer(in), intent(in)  num,
integer(in), dimension(:), intent(inout)  fld,
integer(in), dimension(:), intent(inout)  sortkey 

Sort a integer array and compute a sort key.

[in]numsize of array
[in,out]fldsort field
[in,out]sortkeysort key

Definition at line 346 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_sys_sortikey()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_sys_sortikey ( integer(in), intent(in)  num,
integer(in), dimension(:), intent(inout)  arr,
integer(in), dimension(:), intent(in)  sortkey 

Sort an integer array using a sort key.

[in]numsize of array
[in,out]arrfield to sort
[in]sortkeysort key

Definition at line 396 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_unitfree()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_unitfree ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(in)  uio)

Release a unit number for reuse.

[in]uiounit number

Definition at line 186 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_unitget()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_unitget ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(out)  uio)

Get a free unit number.

[out]uiounit number

Definition at line 112 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_unitsetmax()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_unitsetmax ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(in)  uio)

Set the maximum unit number allowed.

[in]uiounit number

Definition at line 167 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ oasis_unitsetmin()

subroutine, public mod_oasis_sys::oasis_unitsetmin ( integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(in)  uio)

Set the minimum unit number allowed.

[in]uiounit number

Definition at line 148 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

Variable Documentation

◆ astr

character(len=*), parameter, public mod_oasis_sys::astr = ' ABORT: '

Definition at line 11 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ estr

character(len=*), parameter, public mod_oasis_sys::estr = ' ERROR: '

Definition at line 12 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ maxion

integer(ip_intwp_p), save mod_oasis_sys::maxion = 9999

Definition at line 31 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ minion

integer(ip_intwp_p), save mod_oasis_sys::minion = 1024

Definition at line 30 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ tree_delta

integer(ip_intwp_p), parameter mod_oasis_sys::tree_delta = 2

Definition at line 32 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ tree_indent

integer(ip_intwp_p), save mod_oasis_sys::tree_indent = 0

Definition at line 33 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.

◆ wstr

character(len=*), parameter, public mod_oasis_sys::wstr = ' WARNING: '

Definition at line 13 of file mod_oasis_sys.F90.