import os,XDR,time,shutil RUNAPPLIDIR=r'\\winappl\calcul2000\Runappli\Simu\V04R02' class snecma_windows2zephyr(XDR.Plugin): def __init__(self,typePlugin): XDR.Plugin.__init__(self, typePlugin) @XDR.supported_applications(["tool_avsp52","hip_current","hip_script","yales2"]) def executeDistantCommand(self,command,exec_directory,appli,flags=[]): print "Plugin : Using Robot Unix : "+command+" ("+appli+")" ######## # INITS ######## command_exe = command supported_applis = [] local_directory = os.getcwd() project_name = XDR.getValue("name","project","meta") ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ######## # AVSP # ######## if appli == "tool_avsp52": toolAVSPhome = "/appl/APPLI_SNECMA/AVSP/test/5.2/AVSP_HOME/HOST/ZEPHYR/TOOLEXEC" if command == "-c3sm_auto_avbp2avsp_exec-": command_exe = toolAVSPhome + "/avbp2avsp_ZEPHYR.exe" if command == "-c3sm_auto_avspinitsol_exec-": command_exe = toolAVSPhome + "/avspinitsol_ZEPHYR.exe" if command == "-c3sm_auto_preproc_mlpf_exec-": command_exe = toolAVSPhome + "/preproc_mlpf_ZEPHYR.exe" if command == "-c3sm_auto_zinn_exec-": command_exe = toolAVSPhome + "/Zinn_nozzle_ZEPHYR.exe" ####### # HIP # ####### if appli == "hip_current": homehip="/appl/APPLI_SNECMA/HIP/test/" hip_cur_version = homehip + "1.39.3" + "/hip.exe" if command.startswith("-c3sm_auto_hip-"): command_exe = command.replace("-c3sm_auto_hip-",hip_cur_version) elif command == "-c3s_auto_hip_scripttxt-": command_exe= hip_cur_version+" < ./script.txt" if appli == "hip_script": homehip="/appl/APPLI_SNECMA/HIP/test/" hip_cur_version = homehip + "1.39.3" + "/hip.exe" command_exe = hip_cur_version+ " < " + command ######## # YALES2 # ######## if appli == "yales2" : if command == "-load_chemtable-": temp_path = exec_directory table_path = '/data/Recherches/METHODES_LES/_Chambre/TAF/YALES2/TABLES_CHIMIQUES/' XDR.replace_pattern_in_file(os.path.join(temp_path,"batch_chemtable"),"-table_path-",table_path) ##### # Prepare command command_exe = "chmod +x ./batch_chemtable; dos2unix ./batch_chemtable; ./batch_chemtable" ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ############################################################################## if command_exe.startswith("-c3sm_auto_"): XDR.error("command was not understood: "+command_exe ) # get the user name username = os.getenv('USERNAME') # get the original path oldDir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) # build the path to the tool fullexec_directory = os.path.join(oldDir,exec_directory) # convert into UNIX path fullexec_directory_unix = self.convert_unc_filename(fullexec_directory) # open the user's robot input file, and set the operating directory user_robot_file = os.path.join(r"\\windata\128_Recherches\METHODES_LES\_Chambre\TAF\C3SM", username, "") inputfile = open(user_robot_file, 'w') inputfile.writelines(fullexec_directory_unix) inputfile.close() os.chdir(exec_directory) print "Robot archive created in "+fullexec_directory # create the batch batchname = os.path.join(fullexec_directory,"batch_c3sm.todo") batchname_done = os.path.join(fullexec_directory,"batch_c3sm.done") batchname_run = os.path.join(fullexec_directory,"") batchname_fail = os.path.join(fullexec_directory,"") batchContent = "#!/bin/sh \n" batchContent+=command_exe batchFile = open(batchname,'w') batchFile.write(batchContent) batchFile.close() # ONCE THE BATCH is created, the robot should work on it withing 5 sec status = "waiting" # check is job is processed max_delay = 15 delay = 0 while status=="waiting": time.sleep(0.01) print "Waiting for the robot :"+batchname_run if os.path.exists(batchname_run): status="running" if os.path.exists(batchname_done): status="done" print "First loop" time.sleep(2) delay += 2 if delay >= max_delay : print "Warning : "+str(max_delay)+" sec without answer from the robot \n Please, check if your robot is up and running on Zephyr" status="no_robot" # check if job is done, max 30 min max_delay = 1800 while status=="running" : time.sleep(0.01) print "Waiting for the end of the run :" if os.path.exists(batchname_done): status="done" if os.path.exists(batchname_fail): status="fail" error("Robot tried to execute the tool and failed...") print "Second loop" time.sleep(2) delay += 2 if delay >= max_delay : print "Warning : "+str(max_delay)+" sec without answer from the robot \n Run beyond the time limit of robot" status="too_long" print "Final status : "+status print "Final delay : "+str(delay) +" sec." # clean the robot input file to stop him from searching inputfile = open(user_robot_file, 'w') inputfile.close() try: os.remove(batchname_done) except Exception: pass # come back to old directory os.chdir(oldDir) def retrieveDirectory(self,directory): # Do nothing as we are local pass def removeDirectory(self,directory): pass def convert_unc_filename(self,filepath): import sys,os if os.path.isdir(RUNAPPLIDIR): p=os.path.join(RUNAPPLIDIR,'PyModules') if not p in sys.path: sys.path.append(p) import Filesystem Filesystem.FILE=os.path.join(RUNAPPLIDIR,'Env','UNC.txt') unix_filename = Filesystem.convert_unc_filename(filepath,strict=1) if not unix_filename: XDR.error("Le chemin '%s' n'existe pas sous unix.\nVerifier que votre projet est construit sur \\\\windata"%filepath) else: XDR.error("Le repertoire '%s' n'existe plus.\nContacter le garant pour qu'il mette a jour la ligne 3 du plugin %%C3SM_HOME%%\\library\\DATA\\pluginscripts\\"%RUNAPPLIDIR) return unix_filename def convert_nfs_filename(self,filepath): import sys,os if os.path.isdir(RUNAPPLIDIR): p=os.path.join(RUNAPPLIDIR,'PyModules') if not p in sys.path: sys.path.append(p) import Filesystem Filesystem.FILE=os.path.join(RUNAPPLIDIR,'Env','UNC.txt') windows_filename = Filesystem.convert_nfs_filename(filepath) if not windows_filename: XDR.error("Le chemin '%s' n'existe pas sous unix.\nVerifier que votre projet est construit sur \\\\windata"%filepath) else: XDR.error("Le repertoire '%s' n'existe plus.\nContacter le garant pour qu'il mette a jour la ligne 3 du plugin %%C3SM_HOME%%\\library\\DATA\\pluginscripts\\"%RUNAPPLIDIR) return windows_filename