source: CONFIG_DEVT/IPSLCM6.5_work_ENSEMBLES/oasis3-mct/doc/UG2_Model_interfacing.tex

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Added new oasis3-MCT version to be used to handle ensembles simulations with XIOS.

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2\chapter{Interfacing a component code with OASIS3-MCT}
5At run-time, OASIS3-MCT performs parallel exchange of coupling data between parallel
6components and sub-components and allows remapping (interpolation), time integration or accumulation and other transformations of these coupling fields.
8This chapter describes how to adapt the component codes to couple them through OASIS3-MCT.
10OASIS3-MCT supports coupling exchanges between parallel
11components and sub-components deployed in diverse
12configurations; the different possibilities and how to use
13the OASIS3-MCT library accordingly are described in section
16The OASIS3-MCT Application Programming Interface (API) includes different classes of modules or routines that are described in details in sections \ref{API}, \ref{APIC} and \ref{APIpython} for Fortran, C and python codes respectively.
17In section \ref{sec_notes}, the reader will also find an overview of the MCT library (see \ref{subsec_MCT}) and additional notes on how to exchange scalars (see \ref{subsec_scalar}), how to to reproduce different coupling
18algorithms with OASIS3-MCT using the {\tt LAG} index (see \ref{subsec_lag}), and on the {\tt
19  SEQ} index (see \ref{subsec_sec}).
21\section{Configurations of components supported}
24Since OASIS3-MCT\_3.0 release, coupling exchanges between components and
25sub-components deployed in a much larger diversity of configurations
26are supported. This is illustrated on figure
27\ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_a} and how to use the OASIS3-MCT library
28accordingly is detailed on figure \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}. All
29OASIS3-MCT API routines are also described in details in sections
30\ref{API}, \ref{APIC} and \ref{APIpython}.
32We call here an ``executable'' a compiled code
33  forming a part of or the whole coupled system (started with the
34  mpirun or mpiexec command). A ``component'' is the ensemble of
35  processes, or tasks, within the coupled system calling {\tt oasis\_init\_comp}
36  with the same {\tt comp\_name} argument (see section
37  \ref{init_comp}). A ``sub-component'' is the subset of tasks within a
38  component sending or receiving coupling fields on a specific grid;
39  of course, a component may have only one sub-component
40  that gathers all its tasks.
42Practical examples of how to use the OASIS3-MCT library are also given in {\tt examples/} {\tt tutorial} and {\tt examples/test\_1bin\_ocnice} (see sections \ref{subsec_tutorial} and \ref{subsec_1bin_ocnice}).XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
44Since OASIS3-MCT\_3.0, it is possible to (the text between [ and ] refers to figure \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_a}) :
47  \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/coupling_layouts_a}
48  \caption{The different configuration of components supported by OASIS3-MCT\_3.0. Two executables {\tt exe1} and {\tt exe2} are running concurrently on separate sets of MPI tasks (0-5 for {\tt exe1} and 6-37 for {\tt exe2}). Executable {\tt exe1} includes only one component {\tt comp1} that has coupling fields defined on only one grid {\tt grid1} (decomposed on all its 6 tasks). Executable {\tt exe2} includes 3 components, {\tt comp2}, {\tt comp3}, and {\tt comp4} running concurrently respectively on tasks 6-11, 12-33 and 34-37. Component {\tt comp2} participates in the coupling with fields defined on only one coupling grid {\tt grid2} (decomposed on all its 5 tasks) while {\tt comp4} does not participate at all in the coupling.
49Component {\tt comp3} has 3 sub-components, respectively exchanging
50coupling fields defined on {\tt grid3} (tasks 12-21), {\tt grid4}
51(tasks 22-30) and {\tt grid5} (tasks 12-26, therefore overlaping with both {\tt
52  grid3} and {\tt grid4}); finally, {\tt comp3} has 3 tasks (31-33)
53not involved in the coupling. Sub-components exe2-comp3-grid3 and
54exe2-comp3-grid5, or sub-components exe2-comp3-grid4 and
55exe2-comp3-grid5 are examples of coupling between sub-components running sequentially on overlapping sets of tasks.}
56  \label{Fig_coupling_layouts_a}
60  \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/coupling_layouts_b}
61  \caption{The sequence of OASIS3-MCT calls that have to be implemented in the codes so to allow the configuration of components described on figure \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_a}.
62Each MPI tasks has to call {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} once with the name
63of its component as $2^{nd}$ argument. As none of {\tt comp4} tasks is
64participating to the coupling, {\tt comp4} tasks calls {\tt
65  oasis\_init\_comp} with {\tt coupled=.false.”} as $4^{th}$ argument
66and does not call any other OASIS3-MCT routine. As some of {\tt comp3}
67tasks are participating to the coupling, all {\tt comp3} tasks have to
68call {\tt oasis\_init\_comp}, {\tt oasis\_get\_localcomm}, {\tt
69  oasis\_create\_couplcomm}, {\tt oasis\_enddef} and {\tt
70  oasis\_terminate} (these are the only routine to be called by {\tt
71  comp3} tasks 31-33 not participating to the coupling). To initialise
72the coupling exchanges, the tasks of a sub-component holding a field
73decomposed on a specific grid have to call the {\tt
74  oasis\_def\_partition} to express the decomposition of the grid,
75{\tt oasis\_def\_var} to declare the coupling field and {\tt
76  oasis\_enddef}. Finally, the tasks of a sub-component exchanging
77coupling fields have to call {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt oasis\_get} accordingly.
79  \label{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}
84\item to implement coupling exchanges between two components or
85  sub-components running concurrently on separate sets of tasks within two different executables  (as before) [A, D, E, J];
86\item to implement coupling exchanges between two components or
87  sub-components running concurrently on separate sets of tasks within one same executable [B, F, I];
88\item to implement coupling exchanges within one executable between
89  two concurrent sub-components [C]
90\item to implement coupling exchanges within one executable between
91  two sub-components running sequentially on overlapping sets of tasks (i.e. a task can be coupled to itself calling both the ``put” and the ``get” of the exchange) [G, H]
92\item to have some tasks of a component not participating to the coupling exchanges [tasks 31-33 of {\tt exe2-comp3}]
93\item to have all processes of a component not participating to the coupling exchanges [{\tt exe2-comp4}, tasks 34-37]
97The sequence of OASS3-MCT API routines that have to be called in the different cases is detailed on figure  \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}.  These routines are also described in detail in the next section.
99\section{OASIS3-MCT Fortran API}
102To interact with the rest of the coupled system, few calls of the
103OASIS3-MCT library routines, which sources can be found in {\tt
104  oasis3-mct/lib/psmile} directory, have to be implemented in
105component Fortran codes. They belong to the following classes:
107\item Module to use (section \ref{subsubsec_Use})
108\item Initialisation (section \ref{subsubsec_Initialisation})
109\item Partition definition (section \ref{subsubsec_Partition})
110\item Grid data file definition (section \ref{subsubsec_griddef})
111\item Coupling-I/O field declaration (section
112  \ref{subsubsec_Declaration})
113\item End of definition phase (section
114  \ref{subsubsec_Endofdefinition})
115\item Coupling-I/O field sending and receiving (section
116  \ref{subsubsec_sendingreceiving})
117\item Termination (section \ref{subsubsec_Termination})
118\item Optional auxiliary routines (section
119  \ref{subsubsec_auxroutines})
122\subsection{Module to use in the code}
124% {Use}
126To use OASIS3-MCT library, a user needs to add in his code:
130\item {\tt USE mod\_oasis}
132  or
134\item {\tt USE mod\_prism}
138Both use statements are valid but only one needs to be used in a particular component. This single use statement provides all methods required. The methods, datatypes, and capabilities
139are identical for both the {\tt mod\_prism} or {\tt mod\_oasis}
140interfaces, the only difference being the name of the interface. The
141interface in module {\tt mod\_prism} is provided for backwards
142compatability with prior versions of OASIS3. Use of module {\tt
143  mod\_oasis} is recommended and provides access to a set of updated
144routine names that will continue to evolve in the future, always
145ensuring backward compatibility.  In the following sections, both the
146{\tt mod\_prism} and {\tt mod\_oasis} interface names are defined and
147a single description of the interface arguments is provided.
151% {Initialisation}
153\subsubsection{Coupling initialisation}
158\item {\tt CALL oasis\_init\_comp (compid, comp\_name, kinfo, coupled, commworld)}
159\item {\tt CALL prism\_init\_comp\_proto (compid, comp\_name, kinfo, coupled, commworld)}
161  \begin{itemize}
162  \item {\tt compid [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned component ID
163  \item {\tt comp\_name [CHARACTER; IN]}: component name; maximum length of 80 characters
164  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code
165  \item {\tt coupled [LOGICAL, OPTIONAL; IN]}: flag to specify if the calling task is participating or not to the coupling ({\tt .true.} by default).
166  \item {\tt commworld [INTEGER, OPTIONAL; IN]} : optional argument to specify the global communicator gathering the components of the coupled model.
167  If not specified, {\tt MPI\_COMM\_WORLD} will be used as the default communicator to startup. All components of the coupled model must
168  specify the same {\tt commworld} argument.
170  \end{itemize}
172  This routine must called by all tasks of all components whether of not they are involved in the coupling \footnote{The component may also call MPI\_Init explicitly, but if so, has to call it before calling {\tt oasis\_init\_comp}; in this case, the component also has to call MPI\_Finalize explicitly, but only after calling {\tt oasis\_terminate}.}.
174A component is defined as the ensemble of tasks  calling {\tt
175  oasis\_init\_comp} with the same {\tt comp} {\tt \_name}
176argument. If and only if all tasks of a component are excluded from
177the coupling, the logical {\tt coupled} can be set to {\tt .false.}
178for this component tasks; in this case, {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} is the
179only API routine that needs to be called by the component tasks. If at
180least one tasks of a component is participating to the coupling, all
181component tasks have to call {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} with {\tt
182  coupled=.true.} (by default); in this case, the component tasks not
183participating to the coupling will also have to call
184{\tt oasis\_get\_localcomm}, {\tt oasis\_create\_couplcomm}, {\tt oasis\_enddef} and {\tt oasis\_terminate}.
187\subsubsection{Communicator for internal parallelisation}
191\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_localcomm (local\_comm, kinfo )}
192\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_localcomm\_proto (local\_comm, kinfo )}
194  \begin{itemize}
195  \item {\tt local\_comm [INTEGER; OUT]}: value of local communicator
196  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code.
197  \end{itemize}
199  This routine returns the value of a local communicator gathering
200  only the tasks of the component, i.e. the tasks that called {\tt
201  oasis\_init\_comp} with the same {\tt comp\_name}
204  This may be needed as all executables of the coupled system are started in a pseudo-MPMD
205  mode with MPI1 and therefore share automatically the same MPI\_COMM\_WORLD
206  communicator.  Another communicator has to be used for the internal
207  parallelisation of each component. OASIS3-MCT creates this local
208  communicator {\tt local\_comm} based on the value of the {\tt
209    comp\_name} argument in the {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} call.
211  Retrieving a local communicator {\tt local\_comm} is also needed if
212  {\tt oasis\_create\_couplcomm} is called, as {\tt local\_comm} is an argument of this routine (see below).
214  % With CLIM-MPI2, OASIS3 executable spawns the component
215  % executables at the beginning of the run; the components keep their
216  % internal parallelisation context unchanged with respect to their
217  % standalone mode. In this case, calling the
218  % prism\_get\_localcomm\_proto routine is useless but if called, the
219  % communicator MPI\_COMM\_WORLD will be returned as local
220  % communicator.
224\item {\tt CALL oasis\_create\_couplcomm(icpl, local\_comm,
225    coupl\_comm, kinfo)}
226\item {\tt CALL prism\_create\_couplcomm(icpl, local\_comm,
227    coupl\_comm, kinfo)}
228  \begin{itemize}
229  \item {\tt icpl [INTEGER; IN]}: coupling process flag
230  \item {\tt local\_comm [INTEGER; IN]}: MPI communicator with all
231    processes of the component
232  \item {\tt coupl\_comm [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned MPI communicator
233    gathering only component processes participating in the coupling
234  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
235  \end{itemize}
237  This routine creates a coupling communicator for a subset of
238  processes. It is mandatory to call this routine if only a subset of
239  the component processes participate in the coupling (e.g. {\tt comp3} in figure
240    \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}); in that case, the processes
241    involved in the coupling have to call it with icpl=1 while the
242    other have to call it with icpl = MPI UNDEFINED. Argument
243    local\_comm is the MPI communicator associated with all processes
244    of the component returned by oasis\_get\_localcomm. The new coupling
245    communicator is returned in coupl\_comm.
248If this communicator already exists in the code, the component should
249simply provide it to OASIS3-MCT with:
252\item {\tt CALL oasis\_set\_couplcomm(coupl\_comm, kinfo)}
253\item {\tt CALL prism\_set\_couplcomm(coupl\_comm, kinfo)}
254  \begin{itemize}
255  \item {\tt coupl\_comm [INTEGER; IN]}: MPI communicator gathering
256    only component processes participating in the coupling
257  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
258  \end{itemize}
260  This routine allows to provide a local coupling communicator to
261  OASIS3-MCT, given that it already exists in the code. The value of
262  {\tt coupl\_comm} must be the value of this local coupling
263  communicator for the processes participating to the coupling and it
264  must be {\tt MPI\_COMM\_NULL} for processes not involved in the
265  coupling.
268\subsection{Partition definition}
271The coupling fields sent or received by a component are usually
272scattered among the different component processes. With OASIS3-MCT,
273all processes exchanging coupling data have to express in a global index space the local
274partitioning of the different grids onto which the data is expressed (see \ref{subsubsec_griddef} for the grid definition).
275The processes not implied in the
276coupling do not have to call this routine (for backward compatibility with OASIS3-MCT\_2.0,
277they may still call it describing a null partition, i.e. with {\tt ig\_paral(:)=0}).
281  \vspace{0.2cm}
282\item {\tt CALL oasis\_def\_partition (il\_part\_id, ig\_paral,
283    kinfo, ig\_size, name)} or
284\item {\tt CALL prism\_def\_partition\_proto (il\_part\_id, ig\_paral,
285    kinfo, ig\_size, name)}
287  \begin{itemize}
288  \item {\tt il\_part\_id [INTEGER; OUT]}: partition ID
289  \item {\tt ig\_paral [INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), IN]}: vector of
290    integers describing the local grid partition in the global index space;
291    has a different expression depending on the type of the partition;
292    in OASIS3-MCT, 5 types of partition are supported: Serial (no
293    partition), Apple, Box, Orange, and Points (see below).
294  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code.
295  \item {\tt ig\_size [INTEGER, OPTIONAL, IN]}: Optional argument, mandatory
296    if the coupling data is exchanged for only a subdomain of the
297    global grid; in this case, {\tt ig\_size} must give the total number of grid points. 
298  \item {\tt name [CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, IN]}: Optional argument associating a name to the partition,
299    mandatory if oasis\_def\_partition is called either for a grid
300    decomposed not across all the processes of a component or if the related
301    oasis\_def\_partition are not
302    called in the same order on the different component processes;
303    this argument is new since OASIS3-MCT\_3.0 and is linked to the
304    greater flexibility in the configuration of components supported
305    (see \ref{sec_deploy}); it has a maximum length of 120 characters.
306  \end{itemize}
309\subsubsection{Serial (no partition)}
311This is the choice for a grid entirely supported by only one process . In this case, we have {\tt
312  ig\_paral(1:3)}:
314\item {\tt ig\_paral(1)} = 0 (indicates a Serial ``partition'')
315\item {\tt ig\_paral(2)} = 0
316\item {\tt ig\_paral(3)} = the total grid size.
319\subsubsection{Apple partition}
321Each partition is a segment of the global domain, described by its
322global offset and its local size. In this case, we have {\tt
323  ig\_paral(1:3)}:
325\item {\tt ig\_paral(1)} = 1 (indicates an Apple partition)
326\item {\tt ig\_paral(2)} = the segment global offset
327\item {\tt ig\_paral(3)} = the segment local size
330Figure \ref{apple_partition} illustrates an Apple partition over 3
333  \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/apple_new}
334  \caption{Apple partition. It is assumed here that the global index starts at
335    0 in the upper left corner.}
336  \label{apple_partition}
340\subsubsection{Box partition}
342Each partition is a rectangular region of the global domain, described
343by the global offset of its upper left corner, and its local extents
344in the X and Y dimensions. The global extent in the X dimension must
345also be given. In this case, we have {\tt ig\_paral(1:5)}:
347\item {\tt ig\_paral(1)} = 2 (indicates a Box partition)
348\item {\tt ig\_paral(2)} = the upper left corner global offset
349\item {\tt ig\_paral(3)} = the local extent in x
350\item {\tt ig\_paral(4)} = the local extent in y
351\item {\tt ig\_paral(5)} = the global extent in x.
354Figure \ref{box_partition} illustrates a Box partition over 3
358  \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/box_new}
359  \caption{Box partition. It is assumed here that the global index starts at 0
360    in the upper left corner.}
361  \label{box_partition}
364\subsubsection{Orange partition}
366Each partition is an ensemble of segments in the global domain. Each
367segment is described by its global offset and its local extent.  In
368this case, we have {\tt ig\_paral(1:N)} where {\tt N = 2 + 2*number of
369  segments}
370% \footnote{As for the Box partition, the maximum number of segments
371%   is presently 338; it can be increased by modifying the value of
372%   {\tt Clim\_MaxSegments}}.
375\item {\tt ig\_paral(1)} = 3 (indicates a Orange partition)
376\item {\tt ig\_paral(2)} = the total number of segments for the
377  partition (limited to 200 presently, see note for ig\_paral(4) for
378  Box partition above)
379\item {\tt ig\_paral(3)} = the first segment global offset
380\item {\tt ig\_paral(4)} = the first segment local extent
381\item {\tt ig\_paral(5)} = the second segment global offset
382\item {\tt ig\_paral(6)} = the second segment local extent
383\item ...
384\item {\tt ig\_paral(N-1)} = the last segment global offset
385\item {\tt ig\_paral(N)} = the last segment local extent
388Figure \ref{orange_partition} illustrates an Orange partition with 3
389segments for one process. The other process partitions are not
393  \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/orange_new}
394  \caption{Orange partition for one process. It is assumed here that
395    the global index starts at 0 in the upper left corner.}
396  \label{orange_partition}
399\subsubsection{Points partition}
402This partition is a list of global indices associated with each
403process.  The index naming
404is arbitrary but must be consistent between all processes involved
405in the partition description.  In
406this case, we have {\tt ig\_paral(1:N)} where {\tt N = 2 + number of
407  points}
408% \footnote{As for the Box partition, the maximum number of segments
409%   is presently 338; it can be increased by modifying the value of
410%   {\tt Clim\_MaxSegments}}.
413\item {\tt ig\_paral(1)} = 4 (indicates a Points partition)
414\item {\tt ig\_paral(2)} = number of points in the partition
415\item {\tt ig\_paral(3)} = the first global index
416\item {\tt ig\_paral(4)} = the second global index
417\item ...
418\item {\tt ig\_paral(N)} = the last global index
421% {Partition definition}
422\subsection{Grid data file definition}
425Grid data files (see section \ref{subsec_griddata}) are required by OASIS3-MCT for specific operations , i.e.  {\em} and {\em} for
426{\tt SCRIPR} (see section \ref{subsec_interp}), and {\em} and
427{\em} for {\tt CONSERV} (see section
428\ref{subsec_cooking}). These grid data files can be created by the
429user before the run or can be written directly at run time by the components with the following routines.
430If a grid data files does not exist, the corresponding routine will create it; if the grid data file exists, the routine can be used to {\bf add} grid definition fields but it will not {\bf overwrite} grid definition fields already existing in the file with the same grid name.
432These routines can be called only by one component process to write the whole grid or by each process holding a part of a grid. In the former case, optional argument {\tt il\_part\_id} is not needed and the arrays (see below) handling the longitudes of the grid points or corners ({\tt lon}, {\tt clon}), the latitudes of the grid points or corners ({\tt lat}, {\tt clat}), the masks ({\tt mask}), fracs ({\tt frac}), and areas ({\tt area}) of the grid cells need to cover the whole grid; in the later case, the {\tt il\_part\_id} returned by {\tt oasis\_def\_partition} needs to be provided as input argument and the arrays need to cover only the local partition of the grid.
434The field names in the {\em}, {\em}, and {\em} follow a well-defined convention.  The fields are normally two-dimensional, and each field name consists of the gridname followed by a string that identifies the field.  For instance, the center latitudes for the grid torc will be called and the center longitudes will be called torc.lon in the netcdf file.  The {\em} file contains the center latitudes (.lat) and longitudes (.lat) as well as the corner latitudes (.cla) and corner longitudes (.clo).  The corner fields have a third dimension associated with the number of corners per gridcell.  The {\em} file constains the area field (.srf).  The {\em} file contains the mask (.msk) and frac (.frc) fields.
438\item {\tt CALL oasis\_start\_grids\_writing (flag)} or
439\item {\tt CALL prism\_start\_grids\_writing (flag)}
440  \begin{itemize}
441  \item {\tt flag [INTEGER; OUT]}: always 1
442  \end{itemize} 
443Must be called to start the grid writing process.
445  \vspace{0.2cm}
446\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_grid (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, lon, lat, il\_part\_id)}
447\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_grid (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, lon, lat, il\_part\_id)}
449  \begin{itemize}
450  \item {\tt cgrid [CHARACTER; IN]}: grid name prefix (see
451    \ref{subsec_namcouplesecond} and \ref{subsec_griddata}); maximum length of 64 characters (4 are usually used for historical reasons)
452  \item {\tt nx\_global [INTEGER; IN]} : first dimension of the global grid
453  \item {\tt ny\_global [INTEGER; IN]} : second dimension of the global grid ({\tt =1} if the grid is expressed as a 1D vector)
454  \item {\tt lon [REAL, DIMENSION(nx,ny); IN]} : single or double real array of longitudes covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition (degrees East).
455  \item {\tt lat [REAL, DIMENSION(nx,ny); IN]} : single or double real array of latitudes covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition (degrees North)
456\item  {\tt il\_part\_id [INTEGER, OPTIONAL; IN]}: partition ID returned by {\tt oasis\_def\_partition}, see \ref{subsubsec_Partition}; needed if each component task holding a part of a decomposed grid writes its own part of the grid.
457  \end{itemize}
459  Writes the component grid longitudes and latitudes. Longitudes must be
460  given in degrees East in the interval -360.0 to 720.0. Latitudes
461  must be given in degrees North in the interval -90.0 to 90.0. Note
462  that if some grid points overlap, it is recommended to define those
463  points with the same number (e.g. 90.0 for both, not 450.0 for one
464  and 90.0 for the other) to ensure automatic detection of overlap by
465  OASIS3-MCT (which is essential to have a correct conservative
466  remapping \texttt{SCRIPR/CONSERV}, see section \ref{subsec_interp}).
468  \vspace{0.2cm}
469\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_corner (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, nc, clon, clat, il\_part\_id))}
470\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_corner (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, nc, clon, clat, il\_part\_id))}
472  \begin{itemize}
473  \item {\tt cgrid }, {\tt nx\_global }, {\tt ny\_global }, {\tt il\_part\_id }: as for {\tt oasis\_write\_grid}
475  \item {\tt nc [INTEGER; IN]} : number of corners per grid cell (can be any number)
476  \item {\tt clon [REAL, DIMENSION (nx,ny,nc);IN]} : single or double real array of corner
477    longitudes covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition (in degrees\_East)
478  \item {\tt clat [REAL, DIMENSION (nx,ny,nc);IN]} : single or double real array of corner
479    latitudes covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition (in degrees\_North)
480  \end{itemize}
482  Writes the grid cell corner longitudes and latitudes
483  (counterclockwise sense). Longitudes must be given in degrees East
484  in the interval -360.0 to 720.0. Latitudes must be given in degrees
485  North in the interval -90.0 to 90.0. Note also that cells larger
486  than 180.0 degrees in longitude are not supported. Writing of
487  corners is optional as corner information is needed only for {\tt
488    SCRIPR/CONSERV} (see section \ref{subsec_interp}). If called,
489  needs to be called after {\tt oasis/prism\_write\_grid}.
491  \vspace{0.2cm}
492\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_mask (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, mask, il\_part\_id, companion)}
493\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_mask (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, mask, il\_part\_id, companion)}
495  \begin{itemize}
496  \item {\tt cgrid }, {\tt nx\_global }, {\tt ny\_global }, {\tt il\_part\_id }: as for {\tt oasis\_write\_grid}
497  \item {\tt mask [INTEGER, DIMENSION(nx,ny) ;IN]} : mask array covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition. Be careful about the OASIS historical convention (!): 0 = not masked (active), 1 = masked (not active).
498  \item {\tt companion [CHARACTER ;IN; OPTIONAL]} : the character string value associated with the mask field attribute ``coherent\_with\_grid''.  This will be written to the {\em} netcdf file with the mask field.  It is purely informational and used in cases where the mask field is derived from or consistent with another grid.
499  \end{itemize}
500  Writes the component grid mask.  The mask field should be consistent with the frac field and will define the 0/1 mask of the grid cell.  The mask field is used by both the {\tt SCRIPR} map generation function and in the {\tt CONSERV} operations if defined.  The mask field is written to the {\em} file.
502  \vspace{0.2cm}
503\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_frac (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, frac, il\_part\_id, companion)}
504\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_frac (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, frac, il\_part\_id, companion)}
506  \begin{itemize}
507  \item {\tt cgrid }, {\tt nx\_global }, {\tt ny\_global }, {\tt il\_part\_id }: as for {\tt oasis\_write\_grid}
508  \item {\tt frac [REAL, DIMENSION(nx,ny) ;IN]} : single or double real frac array covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition. 
509  \item {\tt companion [CHARACTER ;IN; OPTIONAL]} : the character string value associated with the frac field attribute ``coherent\_with\_grid''.  This will be written to the {\em} netcdf file with the fraction field.  It is purely informational and used in cases where the frac field is derived from or consistent with another grid.
510  \end{itemize}
511  Writes the component grid cell fractions.  This should be consistent with the mask field and defines the fraction of the grid cell that is active (i.e. not masked).  The fraction field is only used in the {\tt CONSERV} operations. Either the mask or fractions must be defined for that operation.  If both are defined, they must be consistent; OASIS3-MCT will abort if they are not coherent or if both are missing.  Note that by OASIS conventions for the mask, a gridcell with mask=0 (active) should have a fractions greater than 0 and a gridcell with mask=1 (inactive) should have a fractions equal to 0.  The fraction field is written to the {\em} file.
513  \vspace{0.2cm}
514\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_area (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, area, il\_part\_id)}
515\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_area (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, area, il\_part\_id)}
517  \begin{itemize}
518  \item {\tt cgrid }, {\tt nx\_global }, {\tt ny\_global }, {\tt il\_part\_id }: as for {\tt oasis\_write\_grid}
519  \item {\tt area [REAL, DIMENSION(nx,ny); IN]} : single or double real array of grid cell
520    areas covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition
521  \end{itemize}
522  Writes of the component grid cell areas. Needed for some {\tt SCRIPR} options and for the {\tt CONSERV}
523  operation (see section \ref{subsec_cooking}).    The area field is written to the {\em} file.
524  The surfaces may be given in any units but they must be the same on the source and target sides; furthermore they must be in square radians if the True Area (TR) correction is activated, see section 4.3.
526  \vspace{0.2cm}
527\item {\tt CALL oasis\_write\_angle (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, angle, il\_part\_id)}
528\item {\tt CALL prism\_write\_angle (cgrid, nx\_global, ny\_global, angle, il\_part\_id)}
530  \begin{itemize}
531  \item {\tt cgrid }, {\tt nx\_global }, {\tt ny\_global }, {\tt il\_part\_id }: as for {\tt oasis\_write\_grid}
532  \item {\tt angle [REAL, DIMENSION(nx,ny); IN]} : single or double real array of grid cell
533    angles covering the whole grid ({\tt nx=nx\_global}, {\tt ny=ny\_global}) or only the local partition
534  \end{itemize}
535  Writes of the component grid cell angles.  The angle field is written to the {\em} file.  This field does not play a role in OASIS3-MCT implementation and is never needed.
538  \vspace{0.2cm}
539\item {\tt CALL prism\_terminate\_grids\_writing()} or
540\item {\tt CALL oasis\_terminate\_grids\_writing()}
544The creation of the different grid data files is completed in the routine
547\subsection{Coupling field declaration}
550All processes of a component that send or receive a coupling field, or a part of it, needs to declare the coupling field.
552Processes not implied in the
553coupling do not have to call this routine at all (for backward
554compatibility with OASIS3-MCT\_2.0, they may still call it with any {\tt name} and {\tt il\_part\_id}).
558\item {\tt CALL oasis\_def\_var (var\_id, name, il\_part\_id,
559    var\_nodims, kinout, \newline var\_type,
560    kinfo)} or
562\item {\tt CALL oasis\_def\_var (var\_id, name, il\_part\_id,
563    var\_nodims, kinout, \newline var\_actual\_shape, var\_type,
564    kinfo)} or
566\item {\tt CALL prism\_def\_var\_proto(var\_id, name, il\_part\_id,
567    var\_nodims, kinout, var\_type, kinfo)} or
569\item {\tt CALL prism\_def\_var\_proto(var\_id, name, il\_part\_id,
570    var\_nodims, kinout, var\_actual\_shape, var\_type, kinfo)}
572  \begin{itemize}
573  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; OUT]}: coupling field ID.  Note that all
574      coupling fields appearing in the {\it namcouple} must be defined with
575      a call to {\tt oasis\_def\_var}; not doing so would lead to an abort. 
576      But all fields defined with a call to {\tt oasis\_def\_var} must not necessarily
577      appear in the {\it namcouple}. If a field does not appear in the {\it namcouple},
578      the {\tt var\_id} returned by the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} will be equal to -1;
579      the value of the {\tt var\_id} should be tested and the corresponding
580      {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt oasis\_get} should not be called if {\tt var\_id} 
581      equals -1. These constraints are imposed to avoid that a typo in the {\it namcouple}
582       would lead to coupling exchanges not corresponding to what the user intends to activate.
583  \item {\tt name [CHARACTER; IN]}: field symbolic name (as in the
584    {\it namcouple}); maximum length of 80 characters
585  \item {\tt il\_part\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: partition ID returned from {\tt oasis\_def\_partition} (see section
586    \ref{subsubsec_Partition})
587  \item {\tt var\_nodims [INTEGER, DIMENSION(2); IN]}: is an integer array of size two. 
588    The first element, var\_nodims(1), is not used anymore in OASIS3-MCT, so
589    its value can be anything; The second element, var\_nodims(2),
590    is the number of fields in a bundle (this will be 1 for unbundled
591    fields or greater than 1 for fields that are bundled; note that
592    if var\_nodims(2)=0, it will be automatically reset to 1 in the
593    routine, to ensure backward compatibility).
594  \item {\tt kinout [INTEGER; IN]}: {\tt OASIS\_In} or {\tt PRISM\_In}
595    (i.e. = 21) for fields received by the component; {\tt OASIS\_Out},
596    {\tt PRISM\_Out} (i.e. = 20) for fields sent by the component
597    \footnote{Parameters OASIS\_In, PRISM\_In, OASIS\_Out, PRISM\_Out
598      are defined in
599      oasis3-mct/lib/psmile/src/mod\_oasis\_parameters.F90}.
600  \item {\tt var\_actual\_shape [INTEGER, DIMENSION(2*id\_var\_nodims(1)), IN]}:
601    is not used anymore.  The interface has recently
602    been overloaded, and this argument is no longer required.  But
603    for backwards compatibility, it can still be passed; if so, it has to be a vector of integers of any length (for simplicity we advise to pass a vector of length 1).
604  \item {\tt var\_type [INTEGER; IN]}: type of coupling field array;
605    put {\tt OASIS\_Real} or {\tt PRISM\_Real} (i.e. = 4) for single
606    or double precision real arrays.  All coupling data is treated as
607    double precision in the coupling layer, but conversion to or from
608    single precision data is supported in the interface.
609  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code.
610  \end{itemize}
612% {coupling field declaration}
614\subsection{End of definition phase}
616All processes of components at least partly involved in the coupling (e.g. {\tt comp3} in figure
617    \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}) have to close the definition phase. Different configurations of components and corresponding use of {\tt oasis\_enddef} are described in section \ref{sec_deploy} and on figures \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_a} and \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}.
619\item {\tt CALL oasis\_enddef (kinfo)}
620\item {\tt CALL prism\_enddef\_proto(kinfo)}
621  \begin{itemize}
622  \item kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]: returned error code.
623  \end{itemize}
626% {End of definition phase}
628\subsection{Sending ``put'' and receiving ``get'' actions}
631This section describes how to send (put) and receive (get) fields through
632the coupling interface.  This interface supports several ranks and
633types of coupling fields.  First, the fields passed into the interface can be
6344 byte or 8 byte reals. The field decomposition must be
635consistent with the decomposition defined in the grid partition (see \ref{subsubsec_Partition})\footnote{But the decomposition of each field can be either one
636dimensional or two dimensional and does not
637have to match the rank of the grid partition.}  Third, the fields
638can be bundled, i.e. have an extra (non-spatial) dimension like for a field covering different ice categories.  The bundled dimension is always the last dimension in any
639field passed into the get and put routines.  And the size of the bundle dimension
640must match the value defined for the variable in var\_nodims(2) in the
641{\tt oasis\_def\_var} interface (see section \ref{subsubsec_Declaration}).
643So in general, the fields passed into the get and put interface can have rank
6441, 2, or 3 and include the following possible options where fld can be a 4
645byte or 8 byte real array.
648\item 1D, fld(:) = an single, unbundled field of decomposition rank 1.
649\item 2D, fld(:,:) = a single, unbundled field of decomposition rank 2.
650\item 1D bundled, fld(:,:) = a bundled set of fields of decomposition rank 1.
651  The size of the second dimension must equal the number of fields in the
652  bundle, defined by var\_nodims(2) in the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} interface.
653\item 2D bundled, fld(:,:,:) = a bundled set of fields of decomposition rank 2.
654  The size of the third dimension must equal the number of fields in the
655  bundle, defined by var\_nodims(2) in the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} interface.
658%With bundled fields, it is important that the number of fields in the bundle match
659%in the two models being coupled.  This requires that the var\_nodims(2) values
660%in the send and receive model match the bundle dimension of that bundled coupling field.
661Different bundled fields
662can have different numbers of fields, but for a given bundled field, the
663number of fields must match on the send and receive side.  This is explicitly
664checked within the coupling layer and will lead to an abort if not done correctly.
665It is possible to define a 1D bundled or 2D bundled field  with a bundle dimension of 1, i.e. for a bundle that contains only one single field.
667Finally, the bundled field option can be used to
668bundle together multi-level variables, multiple related fields, and other types
669of fields.  The fields must share a common partition and common namcouple settings (e.g. interpolation)
670to be bundled.  While this is a useful feature for multi-level fields, {\bf this does not mean
671that 3D interpolation is supported}.
672Each field in the bundle is
673treated internally as a separate field in the coupling layer without
674any information about the relationship between the fields in the bundle.  In fact,
675the bundled field variables are internally renamed and a field number is appended
676to the variable name to keep track of the distinct fields in the bundle.  That
677updated variable name will appear in restart and output files.
680\subsubsection{Sending a coupling (or I/O) field or writing a coupling restart file}
683In the component time step loop, each process sends its part of the
684coupling (or I/O) field.
687\item {\tt CALL oasis\_put (var\_id, date, fld1, info, fld2, fld3,
688    fld4, fld5, write\_restart)}
689\item {\tt CALL prism\_put\_proto(var\_id, date, fld1, info, fld2,
690    fld3, fld4, fld5, write\_restart)}
691  \begin{itemize}
692  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: field ID (returned from corresponding {\tt
693      oasis\_def\_var}, see section \ref{subsubsec_Declaration})
694  \item {\tt date [INTEGER; IN]}: number of seconds (or any other time
695    units as long as the same are used in all components and in the {\it
696      namcouple}) at the time of the call (by convention at the
697    beginning of the timestep)
698  \item {\tt fld1 [REAL, IN]}: coupling (or I/O) field array; can be
699    1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D, see baove.
700  \item {\tt info [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned info code:
701    \begin{itemize}
702    \item {\tt OASIS\_Sent} (=4) if the field was sent to another component
703    \item {\tt OASIS\_LocTrans} (=5) if the field was only used in a time
704      transformation (not sent, not output)
705    \item {\tt OASIS\_ToRest} (=6) if the field was written to a restart
706      file only
707    \item {\tt OASIS\_Output} (=7) if the field was written to an output
708      file only
709    \item {\tt OASIS\_SentOut} (=8) if the field was both written to an
710      output file and sent to another component
711    \item {\tt OASIS\_ToRestOut} (=9) if the field was written both to a
712      restart file and to an output file.
713    \item {\tt OASIS\_WaitGroup} (=14) if the field was not sent because it is part of a group.
714    It will be sent only when the {\tt oasis\_put} of the last field in the group will be called; however, the field is buffered and therefore the field array can be modified in the component code when returning from the oasis\_put call.
715    \item {\tt OASIS\_Ok} (=0) otherwise and no error occurred.
716    \end{itemize}
717  \item {\tt fld2 [REAL, IN, OPTIONAL]}: optional $2^{nd}$ coupling
718    field array; can be 1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D.  Rank and size
719    must match {\tt fld1}.
720  \item {\tt fld3 [REAL, IN, OPTIONAL]}: optional $3^{rd}$ coupling
721    field array; can be 1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D.  Rank and size
722    must match {\tt fld1}.
723  \item {\tt fld4 [REAL, IN, OPTIONAL]}: optional $4^{th}$ coupling
724    field array; can be 1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D.  Rank and size
725    must match {\tt fld1}.
726  \item {\tt fld5 [REAL, IN, OPTIONAL]}: optional $5^{th}$ coupling
727    field array; can be 1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D.  Rank and size
728    must match {\tt fld1}.
729  \item {\tt write\_restart [LOGICAL, IN, OPTIONAL]}: optional argument to write an
730    intermediate restart file associated with the variable {\tt
731      var\_id} at the current timestep (see below).
732  \end{itemize}
735To ensure a proper use of the {\tt oasis\_put}, one has to take care
736of the following aspects:
740\item A $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ source field can be
741  passed as optional arguments. If so, the $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$,
742  $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ set of weights present in the remapping file
743  will be applied, respectively (see section \ref{subsec_mapdata} for
744  the remapping file format). This will be used for example for the {\tt
745    SCRIPR/BICUBIC} remapping for which a $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$,
746  $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ set of weights should be respectively applied to
747  the field value, its gradient in the first dimension, its gradient
748  in the second dimension, and its cross-gradient in that order.
750  This will be used also for the CONSERV/SECOND for which a 1st, 2nd, 3rd
751  set of weights should be respectively applied to the field value, its
752  gradient with respect to the latitude ($\theta$) $\frac{\delta f}{\delta \theta}$
753  and its gradient with respect to the longitude ($\phi$) $\frac{1}{cos \theta}\frac{\delta f}{\delta \phi}$ 
754  in that order.
756  Bicubic and higher order
757  remapping are therefore supported given that the higher order fields
758  are provided at each time step as {\tt oasis\_put} arguments. Note
759  that if {\tt fld3}, or {\tt fld4}, or {\tt fld5} are passed, {\tt fld2}, or {\tt fld3} and
760  {\tt fld2}, or {\tt fld4} and {\tt fld3} and {\tt fld2} must also be passed respectively.
762\item {\bf Note that from OASIS3-MCT\_4.0 onwards,
763the number of weights in the remapping file and the number of fields in the coupling restart file
764(when such a file is needed) must strictly match the number of source fields passed to the
765oasis\_put .}
767%\item Trying to send with {\tt oasis\_put} a field declared with a
768%  {\tt oasis\_def\_var} but not defined in the configuration file {\it
769%    namcouple} will lead to an abort. In this case, the field ID
770%  returned by the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} is equal to -1 and the
771%  corresponding {\tt oasis\_put} should not be called.
773\item This routine may be called by the component at each timestep. The
774  convention for the {\tt date} argument is to indicate the time at
775  the beginning of the timestep. The sending is actually performed
776  if the time obtained by adding the field lag ({\tt LAG} in the
777  {\em namcouple}, if any, with {\tt LAG=0} by default) to the {\tt date} corresponds to a time at which it
778  should be activated, given the coupling or I/O period indicated by
779  the user in the {\it namcouple} (see section \ref{sec_namcouple}).
781\item By convention, the first coupling
782  of a run occurs at {\tt date=0} and the final coupling occurs
783  at {\tt date = runtime-cpl\_period}, where {\tt runtime} is the total time of
784  the run and {\tt cpl\_period} is the coupling period of the field indicated by
785  the user in the {\it namcouple} (see section \ref{sec_namcouple}).
787\item For a coupling
788  field with a positive lag, the coupling restart file (see section
789  \ref{subsec_restartdata}) is automatically overwritten by the {\tt
790    oasis\_put} when the {\tt date+LAG=runtime}.
792  % \item A field will not be sent at all if its coupling (or I/O)
793  %   period indicated in the {\it namcouple} is greater than the
794  %   total run time.
796\item The total run time should match an integer number of coupling
797  periods.
799\item If a local time transformation is indicated for the field by the
800  user in the {\it namcouple} (INSTANT, AVERAGE, ACCUMUL, T\_MIN or
801  T\_MAX, see section \ref{sec_transformations}), it is automatically
802  performed and the resulting field is finally sent at the coupling or
803  I/O frequency.  For non-instant transformations, partially
804  transformed fields will be written to the restart file at the end of
805  the run for use on the next component startup, when needed.
807\item A coupling field sent by a source component can be
808  associated with more than one target field and component, if specified
809  as so with different entries in the {\it namcouple} configuration
810  file. In that case, the source component needs to send the field only
811  once and the corresponding data will arrive at multiple targets as
812  specified in the {\it namcouple}. Different coupling frequencies and
813  transformations are allowed for different coupling exchanges of the
814  same field. If coupling restart files are required (either if a {\tt
815    LAG} or if a {\tt LOCTRANS} transformation is specified), it is
816  mandatory to specify different files for the different fields.
818\item Trying to send with {\tt oasis\_put} a field declared with a {\tt
819  oasis\_def\_var} but not defined in the configuration file {\it
820  namcouple} will lead to an abort. When a field is not defined in the {\it namcouple}, the field ID
821returned by the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} is equal to -1 and the
822corresponding {\tt oasis\_put} should not be called.
824\item Support to couple multiple fields via a single communication.
825This is supported through colon delimited field lists in the namcouple (see \ref{subsubsec_secondEXPORTED}).
826All fields will use the namcouple settings for that entry. In the component
827model codes, these fields are still sent ({\bf â€œput”}) one at a time. Inside
828OASIS3-MCT, the fields are stored and a single mapping and send instruction is executed
829for all fields. This is useful in cases where multiple fields have the same coupling transformations
830and to reduce communication costs by aggregating multiple fields into a single communication.
832This option does not put any constraint
833on the order of the related {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt oasis\_get} in the codes.
835As they appear in one single entry line, these fields must share the same coupling restart file
836but this restart file may contain other fields.
838\item The optional argument, {\tt write\_restart}, in the {\tt oasis\_put} routine is {\bf false} by default.
839If a user sets that argument to true, a restart file will be written for that field {\bf only for that timestep}. The {\tt write\_restart} 
840will just save the data that exists at the time of the call, taking into account lags and LOCTRANS operations. In
841cases where multiple fields are coupled as a single operation in the model (indicated via a list of colon delimited
842fields in the {\it namcouple}, see \ref{subsubsec_secondEXPORTED}), users are encouraged to specify
843the {\tt write\_restart} flag on ALL {\tt oasis\_put} calls at a given
844time for this set of fields.
845Intermediate restarts will be created with a timestamp prepended to
846their filename, like TA000003600\ or TC000014400\
847A restart file that starts with TA will be a restart file associated
848with LOCTRANS operations. A restart
849file that starts with TC will be a restart file associated with
850coupling operations. The 9 digit timestamp in
851the filename is the date in seconds at the time of the oasis\_put
852call. The restart filename (ie.
853defined in the namcouple for variables will be used to generate a filename for intermediate restart files.
856\subsubsection{Receiving a coupling (or I/O) field}
858In the component time stepping loop, each process receives its part of the
859coupling field.
863\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get (var\_id, date, fld, info)}
864\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_proto(var\_id, date, fld, info)}
865  \begin{itemize}
866  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: field ID (returned by the corresponding
867    {\tt oasis\_def\_var})
868  \item {\tt date [INTEGER; IN]}: number of seconds (or any other time
869    units as long as the same are used in all components and in the {\it
870      namcouple}) at the time of the call (by convention at the
871    beginning of the timestep)
872  \item {\tt fld [REAL, OUT]}: I/O or coupling field array; 
873    can be 1D, 2D, bundled 1D, or bundled 2D.
874  \item {\tt info [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned info code:
875    \begin{itemize}
876    \item OASIS\_Recvd(=3) if the field was received from another
877      component
878    \item OASIS\_FromRest (=10) if the field was read from a restart
879      file only
880    \item OASIS\_Input (=11) if the field was read from an input file
881      only
882    \item OASIS\_RecvOut (=12) if the field was both received from
883      another component and written to an output file
884    \item OASIS\_FromRestOut (=13) if the field was both read from a
885      restart file and written to an output file
886    \item OASIS\_Ok (=0) otherwise and no error occurred.
887    \end{itemize}
888  \end{itemize}
891To ensure a proper use of the {\tt oasis\_get}, one has to take care of the following aspects:
895\item This routine may be called by the component at each timestep. The {\tt
896  date} argument is automatically analysed and the receiving action is
897actually performed only if {\tt date} corresponds to a time for which
898it should be activated, given the period indicated by the user in the
899{\it namcouple}. An exchange at the beginning of the run at time=0 is
902\item Trying to receive with {\tt oasis\_get} a field declared with a {\tt
903  oasis\_def\_var} but not defined in the configuration file {\it
904  namcouple} will lead to an abort. In this case, the field ID
905returned by the {\tt oasis\_def\_var} is equal to -1 and the
906corresponding {\tt oasis\_get} should not be called.
908\item If a coupling field has a positive lag, the coupling field that
909  matches the {\tt oasis\_get} at time=0 will come from a coupling
910  restart file written by the last active {\tt oasis\_put} of the
911  previous run (see section \ref{subsec_lag}).
913\item Support to couple multiple fields via a single communication.
914This is supported through colon delimited field lists in the namcouple (see \ref{subsubsec_secondEXPORTED}).
915All fields will use the namcouple settings for that entry. In the component
916model codes, these fields are still received (via an {\tt oasis\_get}) one at a time. Inside
917OASIS3-MCT, the fields are stored and a single mapping and receive instruction is executed
918for all fields. This is useful in cases where multiple fields have the same coupling transformations
919and to reduce communication costs by aggregating multiple fields into a single communication. If a
920LOCTRANS transformation is needed for these multiple fields, it is necessary to define a restart file
921for these multiple fields.
929\item {\tt CALL oasis\_terminate (kinfo)}
930\item {\tt CALL prism\_terminate\_proto(kinfo)}
931  \begin{itemize}
932  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code.
933  \end{itemize}
934All processes of components at least partly involved in the coupling (e.g. {\tt comp3} in figure
935    \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}) have to terminate the coupling by
936  calling this routine\footnote{If the process called {\tt MPI\_Init}
937    (before calling {\tt oasis\_init\_comp}), it must also call {\tt
938      MPI\_Finalize} explicitly, but only after calling {\tt
939      oasis\_terminate\_proto}.}(normal termination). Different configurations of components and corresponding use of {\tt oasis\_terminate} are described in section \ref{sec_deploy} and on figures \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_a} and \ref{Fig_coupling_layouts_b}.
945% {Termination}
947\subsection{Auxiliary routines}
950The following auxiliary routines are currently available.
953\item {\tt CALL oasis\_abort (compid, routine\_name, abort\_message, file, line, rcode)}
954\item {\tt CALL prism\_abort\_proto(compid, routine\_name,
955    abort\_message, file, line, rcode)}
956  \begin{itemize}
957  \item {\tt compid [INTEGER; IN]}: component ID (from {\tt
958      oasis\_init\_comp})
959  \item {\tt routine\_name [CHARACTER*; IN]}: name of calling routine
960  \item {\tt abort\_message [CHARACTER*; IN]}: message to be written out
961  \item {\tt file [CHARACTER*; OPTIONAL; IN]}: file from which oasis\_abort is called from
962  \item {\tt line [INTEGER, OPTIONAL; IN]}: line in file from which oasis\_abort is called from
963  \item {\tt rcode [INTEGER, OPTIONAL; IN]}: Optional argument. When OASIS
964    aborts, it returns rcode if it is present, else it returns 1
965  \end{itemize}
967  If a process needs to abort voluntarily, it should do so by calling
968  {\tt oasis\_abort}. This will ensure a proper termination of all
969  processes in the coupled model communicator. This routine writes the
970  name of the calling component, the name of the calling routine, and the
971  message to the process debug file (see {\tt \$NLOGPRT} in section
972  \ref{subsec_namcouplefirst}).  This routine cannot be called before
973  {\tt oasis\_init\_comp}.
975  \vspace{0.2cm}
976\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_debug(debug, kinfo)}
977\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_debug(debug, kinfo)}
978  \begin{itemize}
979  \item {\tt debug [INTEGER; OUT]}: output debug value
980  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
981  \end{itemize}
983  This routine may be called at any time to retrieve the current
984  OASIS3-MCT internal debug level (see {\tt \$NLOGPRT} in section
985  \ref{subsec_namcouplefirst}).  This is useful if the user wants to
986  return the original debug value after changing it.
988  \vspace{0.2cm}
989\item {\tt CALL oasis\_set\_debug(debug, kinfo)}
990\item {\tt CALL prism\_set\_debug(debug, kinfo)}
991  \begin{itemize}
992  \item {\tt debug [INTEGER; IN]}: input debug value
993  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
994  \end{itemize}
996  This routine may be called at any time to change the debug level in
997  OASIS3-MCT.  This method allows users to vary the debug level at
998  different points in the component integration.
1000  \vspace{0.2cm}
1001\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_intercomm(new\_comm, cdnam, kinfo)}
1002\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_intercomm(new\_comm, cdnam, kinfo)}
1003  \begin{itemize}
1004  \item {\tt new\_comm [INTEGER; OUT]}: MPI inter-communicator
1005  \item {\tt cdnam [CHARACTER*; IN]}: other component name (i.e. 2nd argument of  the call to {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} in that component)
1006  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
1007  \end{itemize}
1009  This routine sets up an MPI inter-communicator between two components,
1010  the local component and the component
1011  associated with {\tt cdnam}.  This call is collective across the
1012  tasks of the two components only.
1013  An MPI inter-communicator preserves the rank of the original communicators
1014  and does not allow collective communication within the communicator.  It
1015  provides point to point communication between two non-overlapping MPI groups.
1016  This method must be called synchronously across all components involved to
1017  minimize the chance of a deadlock, and it should be called only after
1018  {\tt oasis\_enddef} is called.
1019  See {\tt oasis\_get\_intracomm} below to create an intra-communicator.
1021  \vspace{0.2cm}
1022\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_intracomm(new\_comm, cdnam, kinfo)}
1023\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_intracomm(new\_comm, cdnam, kinfo)}
1024  \begin{itemize}
1025  \item {\tt new\_comm [INTEGER; OUT]}: MPI intra-communicator
1026  \item {\tt cdnam [CHARACTER*; IN]}: other component name (i.e. 2nd argument of the call to {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} in that component).  This argument is a single string.
1027  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT; OPTIONAL]}: returned error code
1028  \end{itemize}
1030  This routine sets up an MPI intra-communicator between two
1031  components, the local component and the component defined by
1032  the string {\tt cdnam}.  This call is collective
1033  across the tasks of the two components creating the intra-communicator only,
1034  and it must be called synchronously across all tasks of the two components
1035  to minimize the chance of a deadlock.  It should be called only after
1036  {\tt oasis\_enddef} is called.
1037  This method creates a new communicator consisting of a new collective group
1038  of tasks with new ranks.
1039  This communicator supports collective communications and is
1040  more typically used in MPI applications than inter-communicators
1041  (see {\tt oasis\_get\_intercomm} above).
1042  See also {\tt oasis\_get\_multi\_intracomm} for another method that
1043  supports creating an MPI intra-communicator between two or more components.
1045  \vspace{0.2cm}
1046\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_multi\_intracomm(new\_comm, cdnam, root\_ranks, kinfo)}
1047\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_multi\_intracomm(new\_comm, cdnam, root\_ranks, kinfo)}
1048  \begin{itemize}
1049  \item {\tt new\_comm [INTEGER; OUT]}: MPI intra-communicator
1050  \item {\tt cdnam [CHARACTER*; IN]}: array of component names (i.e. 2nd argument of the call to {\tt oasis\_init\_comp} in that component).  This argument is a 1d array of character strings (i.e. cdnam(:)).
1051  \item {\tt root\_ranks [INTEGER; OUT]}: array of root ranks.  This argument is a 1d integer array (i.e. root\_ranks(:)) of the same size as {\tt cdnam}.
1052  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned error code
1053  \end{itemize}
1055  This routine sets up an MPI intra-communicator between two or more
1056  components defined by the component names passed in the {\tt cdnam} array
1057  argument.  The local model name MUST BE one of the
1058  models defined in the {\tt cdnam} array.  The component names must
1059  be valid names, but empty strings are allowed and ignored.
1060  This call is collective
1061  across all the tasks of the components defined in {\tt cdnam},
1062  and it must be called synchronously and consistently across all tasks of
1063  those components to minimize the chance of a deadlock.  It should be called only after
1064  {\tt oasis\_enddef} is called.
1065  This method creates a new communicator consisting of a new collective group
1066  of tasks with new ranks.  The root ranks of the individual components relative
1067  to the new communicator is output in the {\tt root\_ranks} argument.
1068  The size of {\tt cdnam} and {\tt root\_ranks} should be identical,
1069  and the values of {\tt root\_ranks} are consistent with the order of {\tt cdnam}..
1070  This communicator supports collective communications and is
1071  more typically used in MPI applications than inter-communicators
1072  (see {\tt oasis\_get\_intercomm} above). 
1073  See also {\tt oasis\_get\_intracomm} for another method that
1074  supports creating an MPI intra-communicator between two components.
1076\item {\tt CALL oasis\_put\_inquire(var\_id, date, kinfo)}
1077\item {\tt CALL prism\_put\_inquire\_proto(var\_id, date, kinfo)}
1078  \begin{itemize}
1079  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: field ID (from
1080  corresponding oasis\_def\_var)
1081  \item {\tt date [INTEGER; IN]}: as in {\tt oasis\_put}, number of seconds (or any other time
1082    units as long as the same are used in all components and in the {\it
1083      namcouple}) in the run at the time of the call
1084  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned info code
1085    \begin{itemize}
1086    \item OASIS\_Sent(=4) if the field would be sent to another component
1087    \item OASIS\_LocTrans (=5) if the field would be only used in a time
1088      transformation (not sent, not output)
1089    \item OASIS\_ToRest (=6) if the field would be written to a restart
1090      file only
1091    \item OASIS\_Output (=7) if the field would be written to an output
1092      file only
1093    \item OASIS\_SentOut (=8) if the field would be both written to an
1094      output file and sent to another component (directly or via OASIS3
1095      main process)
1096    \item OASIS\_ToRestOut (=9) if the field would be written both to a
1097      restart file and to an output file.
1098    \item OASIS\_Ok (=0) otherwise and no error occurred.
1099    \end{itemize}
1100  \end{itemize}
1102This routine may be called at any time to
1103inquire what would happen to the corresponding field (i.e. with same
1104{\tt var\_id} and at same {\tt date}) below the corresponding {\tt
1105  oasis\_put}. This maybe useful if, for example, the calculation of
1106a coupling field is costly and if one wants to compute it only when it is
1107really sent out.
1109\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_ncpl(var\_id, ncpl, kinfo)}
1110\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_ncpl\_proto(var\_id, ncpl, kinfo)}
1111  \begin{itemize}
1112  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: field ID (from
1113  corresponding oasis\_def\_var)
1114  \item {\tt ncpl [INTEGER; OUT]}: number of coupling exchanges in which the field
1115  is involved (i.e. when a field is sent to multiple targets)
1116  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned info code
1117  \end{itemize}
1119This routine returns the number of coupling exchanges in which the field var\_id is
1120involved. This number is needed to get the coupling frequencies with the
1121routine oasis\_get\_freqs, see below.
1123\item {\tt CALL oasis\_get\_freqs(var\_id, mop, ncpl, cpl\_freqs, kinfo)}
1124\item {\tt CALL prism\_get\_freqs\_proto(var\_id, mop, ncpl, cpl\_freqs, kinfo)}
1125  \begin{itemize}
1126  \item {\tt var\_id [INTEGER; IN]}: field ID (from
1127  corresponding oasis\_def\_var)
1128  \item {\tt mop [INTEGER; IN]}: OASIS\_Out or OASIS\_In type
1129  \item {\tt ncpl [INTEGER; IN]}: number of couplings in which the field
1130  is involved (i.e. when a field is sent to multiple targets)
1131   \item {\tt cpl\_freqs [INTEGER; DIMENSION(ncpl); OUT]}: coupling period(s)
1132  (in number of seconds) of field var\_id. There is one coupling period for
1133  each coupling exchange in which the field is involved
1134  \item {\tt kinfo [INTEGER; OUT]}: returned info code
1135  \end{itemize}
1137This routine can be used to retrieve the coupling period(s) of field with
1138corresponding {\tt var\_id}, as defined in the {\it namcouple}
1142\section{OASIS3-MCT C API}
1145OASIS3-MCT is distributed with C bindings and can be called from models written
1146in C and in C++.  These bindings leverage the Fortran ISO\_C\_BINDING standard. 
1147The C bindings can be compiled into static or shared libraries by the
1148OASIS3-MCT TopMakefileOasis3 as documented in \ref{subsec_compile}.
1150The C interfaces largely match
1151up with equivalent interfaces in Fortran.  An interface named
1152{\tt oasis\_interface} in Fortran can be expected to be named
1153{\tt oasis\_c\_interface} in C.
1155All of the C interfaces return an integer error code which can be
1156tested against the {\tt OASIS\_Ok} (or the equivalent {\tt
1157  OASIS\_Success}) constant.
1158The {\tt OASIS\_CHECK\_ERR} macro aborts
1159OASIS3-MCT with a meaningful message in the debug files in case of failure.
1160For most of the functions,
1161the return code is consistent with the {\tt
1162  kinfo} argument in the Fortran interfaces. However, for the put and get communication functions, the return error code only indicates
1163success or failure, while the detailed status is returned by the {\tt
1164  kinfo} argument (equivalent to the returned value of {\tt
1165  info} argument for the Fortran {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt oasis\_get} routines, see section \ref{prismput}).
1167For example, the following constructs are equivalent in the two languages:
1170call oasis_get_localcomm(localcomm, kinfo)
1171if (kinfo .ne. OASIS_Ok)  &
1172   &  call OASIS_Abort(comp_id, "oasis_get_localcomm", &
1173   &  "Runtime error", __FILE__, __LINE__)
1182For convenience a similar macro {\tt OASIS\_CHECK\_MPI\_ERR} has been
1183defined for testing the return code of any MPI function against {\tt
1184  MPI\_SUCCESS} and cleanly aborting OASIS3-MCT in case of failure.
1187More information about all these interfaces can be found in the
1188Fortran interface section (see \ref{API}). Use of these C bindings are illustrated in practical examples in
1189directories {\tt /C} in the different subdirectories in {\tt pyoasis/examples/}. Notes and deviations from
1190the Fortran standard are noted below.
1195\item To use the OASIS3-MCT C bindings, the statement
1197#include "oasis_c.h"
1199needs to be added to the C model source code.  All available
1200parameters macros and
1201interfaces are defined there.
1203\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_init\_comp(int* compid, const char* comp\_name, const bool coupled)}
1204  \begin{itemize}
1205  \item This {\tt oasis\_c\_init\_comp} interface includes the {\tt coupled} flag but
1206    NO communicator argument ({\tt commworld}); to indicate a
1207    communicator argument, see {\tt oasis\_c\_init\_comp\_with\_comm} below.
1208    \item The {\tt coupled} argument can receive the predefined mnemonic boolean constants {\tt
1209      OASIS\_Coupled} and {\tt OASIS\_Not\_Coupled}
1210  \end{itemize}
1213\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_init\_comp\_with\_comm(int* compid, const char* comp\_name, const bool coupled, const MPI\_Comm commworld)}
1214  \begin{itemize}
1215  \item This alternative {\tt init\_comp} interface has the {\tt coupled} flag and a C {\tt MPI\_Comm} communicator
1216  \end{itemize}
1219\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_localcomm(MPI\_Comm* local\_comm)}
1220  \begin{itemize}
1221  \item Returns the local communicator by reference in a C {\tt MPI\_Comm*} type argument
1222  \end{itemize}
1225\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_create\_couplcomm(const int icpl, const MPI\_Comm local\_comm, MPI\_Comm* coupl\_comm)}
1226  \begin{itemize}
1227  \item {\tt loca\_comm} is a C {\tt MPI\_Comm} type input argument (by value)
1229  \item {\tt coupl\_comm} is a C {\tt MPI\_Comm*} type output argument (by reference)
1230  \end{itemize}
1233\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_set\_couplcomm(const MPI\_Comm coupl\_comm)}
1234  \begin{itemize}
1235  \item Takes a C {\tt MPI\_Comm} type as an input argument (by value)
1236  \end{itemize}
1239\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_def\_partition(int* il\_part\_id, const int ig\_paral\_size, const int* ig\_paral, const int ig\_size, const char* name)}
1240  \begin{itemize}
1241  \item {\tt ig\_paral\_size} is the size of the array {\tt ig\_paral}: the
1242    {\tt oasis\_c.h} header provides a set of constants and macros for
1243    the size of every partition strategy, namely {\tt
1244      OASIS\_Serial\_Params}, {\tt OASIS\_Apple\_Params}, {\tt
1245      OASIS\_Box\_Params}, {\tt
1246      OASIS\_Orange\_Params(n\_segments)}, {\tt
1247      OASIS\_Points\_Params(n\_points)}
1248  \item the {\tt oasis\_c.h} header also provides a set of predefined
1249    constants for the storages positions in {\tt
1250    ig\_paral}, namely {\tt OASIS\_Strategy}, {\tt OASIS\_Segments}, {\tt
1251    OASIS\_Npoints}, {\tt OASIS\_Offset}, {\tt OASIS\_Length}, {\tt
1252    OASIS\_SizeX}, {\tt OASIS\_SizeY}, {\tt OASIS\_LdX}
1253  \item the partition strategy, to be stored in the {\tt
1254    OASIS\_Strategy} position of {\tt ig\_paral}, can take one of the
1255    following predefined constants values: {\tt OASIS\_Serial}, {\tt
1256      OASIS\_Apple}, {\tt OASIS\_Box}, {\tt OASIS\_Orange}, {\tt
1257      OASIS\_Points}
1258  \item for the cases in which the {\tt ig\_size} and {\tt name}
1259    arguments are
1260    not relevant for the partition definition, the placeholders {\tt
1261      OASIS\_No\_Gsize} and {\tt OASIS\_No\_Name} can be used instead
1262  \end{itemize}
1263  Here an example for the {\tt OASIS\_Part\_Apple} strategy
1265  int part_params[OASIS_Apple_Params];
1266  part_params[OASIS_Strategy] = OASIS_Apple;
1267  part_params[OASIS_Offset] = offset;
1268  part_params[OASIS_Length] = local_size;
1269  int part_id;
1270  OASIS_CHECK_ERR(oasis_c_def_partition(&part_id, OASIS_Apple_Params,
1271                                        part_params, OASIS_No_Gsize,
1272                                        OASIS_No_Name));
1276\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_start\_grids\_writing()}
1279\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_grid(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const double* lon, const double* lat, const int il\_partid)}
1280  \begin{itemize}
1281    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1282      of the global grid
1283    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1284      of the local arrays {\tt lon} and {\tt lat}
1285    \item {\tt lon} and {\tt lat} are stored with a fortran compatible
1286      (column major) ordering. For example, if they are declared as double
1287      pointers, they have to be {\tt lon[ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1288    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1289      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1290      can be passed as a placeholder
1291  \end{itemize}
1294\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_corner(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nc, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const double* clon, const double* clat, const int il\_partid)}
1295  \begin{itemize}
1296    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1297      of the global grid
1298    \item {\tt nc} is the maximum number of corners per cell
1299    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1300      of the local arrays {\tt clon} and {\tt clat}
1301    \item {\tt clon} and {\tt clat} are stored with a fortran compatible
1302      (column major) ordering. If they are declared as triple
1303      pointers, they have to be {\tt clon[nc][ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1304    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1305      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1306      can be passed as a placeholder
1307  \end{itemize}
1310\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_mask(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const int* mask, const int il\_partid, const char* companion)}
1311  \begin{itemize}
1312    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1313      of the global grid
1314    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1315      of the local array {\tt mask}
1316    \item {\tt mask} is stored with a fortran compatible
1317      (column major) ordering. If it is  declared as a double
1318      pointer, it has to be {\tt mask[ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1319    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1320      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1321      can be passed as a placeholder
1322    \item if no {\tt companion} grid attribute is needed, the constant
1323      {\tt OASIS\_No\_Companion} can be passed as a placeholder
1324  \end{itemize}
1327\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_frac(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const double* frac, const int il\_partid, const char* companion)}
1328  \begin{itemize}
1329    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1330      of the global grid
1331    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1332      of the local array {\tt frac}
1333    \item {\tt frac} is stored with a fortran compatible
1334      (column major) ordering. If it is  declared as a double
1335      pointer, it has to be {\tt frac[ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1336    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1337      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1338      can be passed as a placeholder
1339    \item if no {\tt companion} grid attribute is needed, the constant
1340      {\tt OASIS\_No\_Companion} can be passed as a placeholder
1341  \end{itemize}
1344\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_area(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const double* area, const int il\_partid)}
1345  \begin{itemize}
1346    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1347      of the global grid
1348    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1349      of the local array {\tt area}
1350    \item {\tt area} is stored with a fortran compatible
1351      (column major) ordering. If it is  declared as a double
1352      pointer, it has to be {\tt area[ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1353    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1354      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1355      can be passed as a placeholder
1356  \end{itemize}
1359\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_write\_angle(const char* cgrid, const int nx\_global, const int ny\_global, const int nx\_loc, const int ny\_loc, const double* angle, const int il\_partid)}
1360  \begin{itemize}
1361    \item {\tt nx\_global} and {\tt ny\_global} are the first and second dimensions
1362      of the global grid
1363    \item {\tt nx\_loc} and {\tt ny\_loc} are the two dimensions
1364      of the local array {\tt angle}
1365    \item {\tt angle} is stored with a fortran compatible
1366      (column major) ordering. If it is  declared as a double
1367      pointer, it has to be {\tt angle[ny\_loc][nx\_loc]}
1368    \item {\tt il\_partid} is relevant only for parallel writing. In case
1369      of single proc invocations, the constant {\tt OASIS\_No\_Part}
1370      can be passed as a placeholder
1371  \end{itemize}
1374\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_terminate\_grids\_writing()}
1377\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_def\_var(int* var\_id, const char* name, const int il\_part\_id, const bundle\_size, const int kinout, const int var\_type)}
1378  \begin{itemize}
1379  \item {\tt bundle\_size} is a scalar integer, corresponding to the
1380    second entry of the fortran {\tt var\_nodims} array
1381  \item {\tt kinout} can receive one of the two predefined constants
1382    {\tt OASIS\_In} or {\tt OASIS\_Out} (also in the form
1383    {\tt OASIS\_IN} or {\tt OASIS\_OUT})
1384  \item {\tt var\_type} can receive one of the two predefined constants
1385    {\tt OASIS\_Real} or {\tt OASIS\_Double} (also in the form
1386    {\tt OASIS\_REAL} or {\tt OASIS\_DOUBLE})
1387  \end{itemize}
1390\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_enddef()}
1393\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_put(const int var\_id, const int date, const
1394  int x\_size, const int y\_size, const int bundle\_size, const int
1395  fkind, const int storage, const void* fld1, const bool
1396  write\_restart, int* kinfo)}
1397  \begin{itemize}
1398  \item This interface does not support higher order mapping through optional fields at this time.
1399  \item {\tt x\_size}, {\tt y\_size}, are the dimensions of the local
1400    portion of the domain, i.e. fld1. The order of these dimensions must be the same than the order of the dimensions of the arrays in the {\tt
1401} file, which corresponds to the storage order in the
1402    corresponding internal OASIS3-MCT Fortran work arrays. \\
1403    Notice that for
1404    unstructured grids {\tt y\_size=1}
1405  \item {\tt bundle\_size} should be coherent with the argument of
1406    same name in the corresponding {\tt oasis\_c\_def\_var}
1407  \item {\tt fkind} can take one of the two predefined constants
1408    {\tt OASIS\_Real} or {\tt OASIS\_Double} (also in the form
1409    {\tt OASIS\_REAL} or {\tt OASIS\_DOUBLE}) should be coherent with
1410    the argument {\tt ktype} in {\tt oasis\_c\_def\_var}
1411  \item {\tt storage} can take one of the two predefined constants
1412    {\tt OASIS\_COL\_MAJOR} or \\
1413    {\tt OASIS\_ROW\_MAJOR}. \\
1414    In the first
1415    case, the array containing the field has to be declared as \\ {\tt
1416      field[bundle\_size][y\_size][x\_size]} (or any equivalent
1417    storage of total size \\
1418    {\tt bundle\_size*y\_size*x\_size} stored in
1419    column major order. \\
1420    In the second case, the field has to be
1421    declared as \\
1422    {\tt field[x\_size][y\_size][bundle\_size]} (or any
1423    equivalent row major storage). \\
1424    Notice that this choice implies an
1425    extra memory copy performed internally by OASIS3-MCT before acting on
1426    the field and is therefore to be avoided whenever possible.
1427  \item {\tt write\_restart} can take one of the two predefined constants
1428    {\tt OASIS\_Write\_Restart} or {\tt OASIS\_No\_Restart}
1429  \item {\tt kinfo} contains a return status to be compared against
1430    the values of the {\tt return\_codes} enumeration in {\tt oasis\_c.h} (equivalent to the returned value of {\tt
1431  info} argument for the Fortran {\tt oasis\_put} routine, see section \ref{prismput})
1432  \end{itemize}
1435\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get(const int var\_id, const int date, const
1436  int x\_size, const int y\_size, const int bundle\_size, const int
1437  fkind, const int storage, void* fld1, int* kinfo)}
1438  \begin{itemize}
1439  \item arguments are the same than for {\tt oasis\_c\_put}, except that {\tt kinfo} return
1440  status is equivalent to the returned value of {\tt
1441  info} argument for the Fortran {\tt oasis\_get} routine, see section \ref{prismput}.
1442  \end{itemize}
1445\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_terminate()}
1448\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_abort(const int compid, const char* routine\_name, const char* abort\_message, const char* file, const int line)}
1451\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_debug(int* debug)}
1454\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_set\_debug(const int debug)}
1457\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_intercomm(MPI\_Comm* new\_comm, char* cdnam)}
1458  \begin{itemize}
1459  \item Returns a C MPI\_Comm type by reference
1460  \end{itemize}
1463\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_intracomm(MPI\_Comm* new\_comm, char* cdnam)}
1464  \begin{itemize}
1465  \item Returns a C MPI\_Comm type as by reference
1466  \end{itemize}
1469\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_multi\_intracomm(MPI\_Comm* new\_comm, const int cdnam\_size, char** cdnam, int* root\_ranks)}
1470  \begin{itemize}
1471  \item Returns a C MPI\_Comm type as by reference
1472  \item cdnam\_size is the size of the array cdnam
1473  \end{itemize}
1476\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_put\_inquire(int var\_id, int date, int* kinfo)}
1477  \begin{itemize}
1478  \item {\tt kinfo} contains a return status to be compared against
1479    the values of the {\tt return\_codes} enumeration in {\tt oasis\_c.h}
1480  \end{itemize}
1483\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_ncpl(const int var\_id, int* ncpl)}
1486\item {\tt int oasis\_c\_get\_freqs(const int var\_id, const int mop, const int ncpl, int*  cpl\_freqs)}
1490\section{OASIS3-MCT python API}
1493The source code of pyOASIS is in the directory {\tt pyoasis/src}. A complete documentation is available in {\tt pyoasis/pyoasis.pdf} and examples on how to use pyOASIS are provided in {\tt pyoasis/examples}.
1495First, the OASIS3-MCT Fortran code is wrapped in Fortran using ISO-C bindings. The corresponding source files are in the subdirectory {\tt lib/cbindings/fortran\_isoc}. The file names are the same as the corresponding ones in the original source code but ending in {\tt \_iso.F90}. Subsequently, the Fortran with ISO-C bindings is wrapped in C, see the source code in {\tt lib/cbindings/c\_src}. The names of the files are the same as the corresponding Fortran ones, but ending in {\tt \_c.c}. Finally, the C is wrapped in Python in the directory {\tt pyoasis/src}; a low-level wrapper is made using the same file names as the Fortran ones but ending with {\tt .py}.
1496The python wrapper functions are briefly described hereafer.
1497To run all tests including python, C and fortran examples from {\tt pyoasis/examples}, use {\tt make test}.
1500\item{Creating a component using MPI}
1503In pyOASIS, components are instances of the {\tt Component} class. To
1504initialise a component, its name has to be supplied.
1505It is also possible to provide an optional  {\tt coupling\_flag} argument which
1506defaults to “True”, which means the component is coupled through OASIS3\_MCT.
1508OASIS3\_MCT couples models which communicate using MPI.
1509If the global communicator gathering at start all components of the coupled model is different from the default {\tt MPI\_COMM\_WORLD}, the global communicator has to be passed to the {\tt Component} class through the third
1510optional argument. By default, the
1511{\tt Component} class will set up MPI internally and provides methods
1512to get access to information such as rank and number of processes in
1513the local communicator gathering only the component processes.
1516   ____________________________________________________________
1517   import pyoasis
1518   [...]
1519   comm = my_global_comm
1520   component_name = "component"
1521   coupling_flag = True
1522   comp = pyoasis.Component(component_name, coupling_flag, comm)
1523   print("Hello world from process " + str(comp.localcomm.rank)
1524            + " of " + str(comp.localcomm.size))
1525   ____________________________________________________________
1528To create a coupling communicator for a subset of processes, one can
1529use the method {\tt create\_couplcomm}, with a flag being {\tt True} for all these
1530processes; see {\tt pyoasis/examples/4-orange/python} for a practical example.
1532If such a communicator already exists in the code, it should simply
1533provided to OASIS3\_MCT with the method {\tt set\_couplcomm};
1534as in {\tt pyoasis/examples/6-apple\_and\_orange/python}.
1536To set up an MPI intra communicator or inter communicator between the local component and
1537another component, one can use the methods {\tt get\_intracomm} or {\tt get\_intercomm};
1539as in {\tt pyoasis/examples/3-box/python} .
1541To set up an MPI intra-communicator among some of the coupled components, listed in the {\tt comp\_list}  list,
1542one can use the method {\tt get\_multi\_intracomm}, as in {\tt 9-python\_fortran\_C-multi\_intracomm}.
1544Also, the current OASIS3-MCT internal debug level ({\tt \$NLOGPRT}
1545value in the {\it namcouple}), can be retrieved as a property of a component,
1546namely {\tt debug\_level}, and can be changed by directly modifying this property,
1547as in {\tt pyoasis/examples/7-multiple-puts/python}.
1549\item{Creating a partition}
1552The data can be partitioned in various ways.
1553These correspond to the  {\tt SerialPartition}, {\tt ApplePartition},
1554{\tt BoxPartition}, {\tt OrangePartition} and {\tt PointsPartition}
1555classes which are inherited from the {\tt Partition} abstract class.
1556For details on the different ways to describe the partitions,
1557see OASIS3\_MCT User Guide, section 2.2.3 and examples {\tt 1\_serial},
1558{\tt 2\_apple}, {\tt 3\_box}, {\tt 4\_orange}, {\tt 5\_points} in {\tt pyoasis/examples}.
1560The simplest situation is the serial partitioning where all the data is
1561held by a single process and only the number of points has to be
1562specified (see example {\tt 1\_serial})
1564In the case of the Apple partitioning, each process contains a segment
1565of a linear domain. To initialise such a partitioning, an offset has to
1566be supplied for each rank as well as the number of data points that
1567will be stored locally (see example  {\tt 2\_apple}).
1569When we use the Box partitioning, a two-dimensional domain is split
1570into several rectangles. The global offset, local extents in the x and
1571y directions and the global extent in the x direction have to be supplied
1572to the constructor. The global offset is the index of the corner of the local
1573rectangle (see example in {\tt 3\_box}) .
1575The Orange partitioning consists of several segments of a linear domain (see an example with only one segment per process in  {\tt 4\_orange}.)
1577The last type of partitioning is Points, where we have to
1578specify, in a list, the global indices of the points stored by the
1579process (see example in {\tt 5\_points}).
1581\item{Defining the coupling grids}
1584The grid data files, containing the definition of the grids onto which
1585the coupling data is defined, can be created by the user before the
1586run or can be written directly at run time by the components, either
1587by one component process to write the whole grid or by each process
1588holding a part of a grid. Details
1589about the grid definition can be found in section 2.2.4 of OASIS3\_MCT
1590User Guide. A full example of writing a grid in sequential and
1591parallel models can be found in {\tt examples/10\_grid} .
1593To initialise  a grid and write the grid longitudes and latitudes, one
1594has to create an instance of the {\tt Grid} class. Then to write the grid cell corner longitudes and latitudes, areas, mask, cell valid fraction, angle, the
1595{\tt set\_corners}, {\tt set\_area}{\tt set\_mask}{\tt set\_frac}, and {\tt set\_angle} methods can be used respectively.
1597\item{Declaring the coupling data}
1600The coupling data is handled by the class {\tt Var}. Its constructor requires
1601its symbolic name, as it appears in the {\it namcouple} file, the partition and a flag indicating whether the
1602data is incoming or outgoing. The latter is an enumerated type and can
1603have the values {\tt pyoasis.OasisParameters.OASIS\_OUT} or
1604{\tt pyoasis.OasisParameters.OASIS\_IN}.
1606The property {\tt is\_active} can be tested to check if the variable is
1607activated in the {\it namcouple} configuring file (see {\tt example 3-box/python}).
1609The coupling period(s) of the data, as defined in the {\it namcouple}, can be
1610accessed with the property {\tt cpl\_freqs} and the number of coupling exchanges in
1611which the data is involved by {\tt len(cpl\_freqs)} (see example {\tt 7-multiple-puts/python}).
1613The property {\tt put\_inquire} of the variable tells what would happen to the corresponding data at that date
1614below the corresponding send action. This maybe useful if, for
1615example, the calculation of a coupling field is costly and if one
1616wants to compute it only when it is really sent out. The
1617different possible return codes are listed in section 2.2.9 of
1618OASIS3\_MCT User Guide.
1620\item{Ending the definition phase}
1623Then the definition of the component must be ended by calling the {\tt enddef()}
1624method. This must be done only once the partitioning and the variable data have been initalised.
1626\item{Sending and receiving data}
1629pyOASIS expects data to be provided as a {\tt pyoasis.asarray} object:
1632   ____________________________________________________________
1633   field = pyoasis.asarray(range(n_points))
1634   ____________________________________________________________
1637This is a Numpy array but ordered in the Fortran way.
1638In C, multidimensional arrays store data in row\_major order where
1639contiguous elements are accessed by incrementing the rightmost index
1640while varying the other indices will correspond to increasing strides in
1641memory as we use indices further towards the left. By default, Numpy arrays
1642use that ordering as well. Fortran, on the other hand, uses column\_major
1643order. In that case, contiguous elements are accessed by incrementing
1644the leftmost index. {\tt pyoasis.asarray} objects use the same ordering as
1645Fortran. As a consequence, it is not necessary to transform data in order to
1646use it in the OASIS3\_MCT Fortran library.
1648The sending and receiving actions may be called by the component at
1649each timestep. The date argument is automatically analysed and actions
1650are actually performed only if date corresponds to a time for which it
1651should be activated, given the period indicated by the user in the
1652namcouple. See OASIS3\_MCT User Guide section 2.2.7 for details.
1654The data is sent with the {\tt put} function.
1657   ____________________________________________________________
1658   date = int(0)
1659   variable.put(date, field)
1660   ____________________________________________________________
1663Conversely, it is received with the {\tt get} function, which fills the {\tt pyoasis.asarray} object.
1666   ____________________________________________________________
1667   variable.get(date, field)
1668   ____________________________________________________________
1674Finally, the coupling is terminated with the destruction of
1675the component:
1678   ____________________________________________________________
1679   del comp
1680   ____________________________________________________________
1684\item{Exceptions and aborting}
1687When an error occurs in OASIS3\_MCT, the code coupler returns an error
1688code and an {\tt OasisException} is raised. In practice, OASIS3\_MCT will
1689internally handle the error, write an error message in its
1690debug log files and to the screen, and abort before the exception is raised. It
1691may also happen that the code aborts before the error message appears
1692on the screen.
1694When an error is caught by the pyOASIS wrapper, such as an incorrect parameter
1695or a wrong argument type, a {\tt PyOasisException} is raised.
1697In the following example, where we attempt to initialise a component,
1698a {\tt PyOasisException} will be raised as the user supplies an empty
1699name :
1702   ____________________________________________________________
1703   try:
1704         comp = pyoasis.Component("")
1705   except (pyoasis.PyOasisException) as exception:
1706           pyoasis.pyoasis_abort(exception)
1707   ____________________________________________________________
1710The function {\tt pyoasis.pyoasis\_abort} takes an exception as argument.
1711It stops the execution  of all the processes after having displayed an error message and
1712written information in the log files about the error and the context in
1713which it took place.
1715Another function is available, {\tt pyoasis.oasis\_abort},
1716for the cases where a voluntary abort is needed in the code where or
1717not an exception has been raised. Its interface mimics the
1718corresponding OASIS3\_MCT functio {\tt oasis\_abort}.
1722\subsection{Fortran python API correspondence}
1724Figures \ref{python_corresp_init} , \ref{python_corresp_grid} and \ref{python_corresp_terminate} show the Fortran python API correspondence for different parts of the API. Different examples implementing the different parts of the API with the Fortran, C and python interfaces are also provided as practical illustrations in directory {\tt pyoasis/examples} and are described in section \ref{subsec_equivalent}.
1727  \includegraphics[scale=.45]{figures/corresp_init.pdf}
1728  \caption{Fortran python AP correspondence for the initialisation, communication and partition definition.}
1729  \label{python_corresp_init}
1733  \includegraphics[scale=.45]{figures/corresp_grid.pdf}
1734  \caption{Fortran python AP correspondence for the grid definition, variable declaration and end of definition phase.}
1735  \label{python_corresp_grid}
1739  \includegraphics[scale=.45]{figures/corresp_terminate.pdf}
1740  \caption{Fortran python AP correspondence for the coupling field exchanges, termination and auxialiary routines.}
1741  \label{python_corresp_terminate}
1746\section{Additonal notes on coupling functionality}
1749\subsection{A brief overview of MCT}
1752As described elsewhere, OASIS3-MCT leverages the MCT coupling infrastructure
1753developed at Argonne National Laboratory.  That infrastructure is designed
1754to couple fields on static grids between model components.  The fields
1755can be decomposed using MPI across mutiple processes, and the decomposition
1756and number of proceses involved can be arbitrary in each component.  MCT
1757supports both communication of data between unique MPI non-overlapping
1758communicators and
1759within a single MPI communicator, although these two operations are functionally
1760independent within MCT. 
1762MCT also provides the ability to map (aka interpolate or
1763regrid) data between grids as long as the interpolation is linear and can
1764be computed by a linear sparse matrix multiply. 
1765MCT does not compute inteporlation weights, but
1766it has interfaces that allow those weights to be passed into MCT.  Within
1767MCT, mapping and communication are also treated as independent features.
1769OASIS3-MCT supports both mapping and communication of data through MCT.  As
1770a results, mapping and coupling are implemented, in many ways, as separate
1771steps in the underlying implementation.  A coupling field that also requires
1772mapping will carry out the mapping on either the source or destination component
1773on the associated processes, while coupling between components will be done
1774either before or after mapping.  In other words, a coupling field can be
1775interpolated to
1776the destination grid on the source processes then communicated to the destination
1777component OR a coupling field can be communicated to the destination component
1778on the source grid then mapped to the destination grid on the destination
1779component.  At the present time, it is not possible to map the field as part
1780of the communication rearrangement, although in theory, that capability should
1781be possible to implement in the future, and OASIS3-MCT developers are considering
1782it.  The separation of mapping and communication is handled by the OASIS
1783layer.  Users only need to be aware of a few options that can be set to fine
1784tune the performance of these operations.
1786OASIS3-MCT also imposes a few other constraints on the usage.  MCT
1787does NOT support haloed communication.  There must be a 1-to-1 relationship
1788between grid point values on the source grid and on the destination grid.
1789A user cannot send a single grid point value to multiple destination gridcells
1790or processes via OASIS3-MCT.  The partitions defined by the user that define
1791the field decomposition cannot reference the same global gridcell more than once.
1793OASIS3-MCT does not support dynamically varying grids nor dynamically varying
1794decompositions at the present time.  MCT is NOT currently setup to support those
1795features.  In the future, it is possible that some dynamic grid capabilities
1796might be supported through OASIS3-MCT but requirements and implementation are
1797still being assessed.
1799Since the OASIS3-MCT\_4.0 release, OASIS3-MCT includes a mixed MPI+OpenMP parallel version of the SCRIP library for the calculation of the remapping weights (see section \ref{subsec_interp}). But besides this aspect, MCT itself, and therefore the communication layer in OASIS, has only minimal OpenMP support at the
1800present time.  Users are discouraged from calling OASIS3-MCT {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt oasis\_get}
1801from a threaded region.  And it is not possible to define a partition (decomposition)
1802across multiple active threads.  Most of the work that OASIS3-MCT does related to decomposition rearrangement for communication or mapping per se is MPI-based.  There
1803are some floating point operations in the sparse matrix multiple as well as in
1804some of the OASIS transforms; but generally, these are highly parallel and
1805would often not benefit from use of OpenMP.  OASIS3-MCT is designed primarily to
1806support large memory parallel applications that require efficient and scalable
1807coupling and mapping capabilities.
1809MCT only supports coupling of integer or floating point data.  Fields based on
1810logicals and character strings cannot be coupled.
1812\subsection{Coupling scalar values}
1815OASIS3-MCT does not have a distinct feature to support scalar coupling.  By
1816scalar coupling, we mean  scalar variables such as date and time,
1817logical flags, integer or real parameters, or other scalar data that might be
1818defined identically across all MPI tasks in a component or even just on the
1819root task or a subset of tasks. 
1820It is often desirable to communicate scalar data between components
1821to coordinate scientific or technical features.  There isn't a feature that
1822supports this type of coupling specifically, but it is possible to do so using 
1823available interfaces.  The most robust implementation is probably to setup
1824root to root coupling of scalars between components.  To do so :
1827\item Determine the number and type of scalars to couple
1828\item Allocate an array in each component of that size
1829\item Initialize a partition using the POINTS approach (see section \ref{subsubsec_pointspart}) with the size of the array assigned to the root process in each component and no portion of the partition allocated to other processes. 
1830\item Define coupling field names for use in both the model components and the namcouple file and declare variables as usual.  Create a set of namcouple inputs.  You will not need any mapping.
1831\item Use the {\tt oasis\_get} and {\tt oasis\_put} interfaces to communicate data between components.
1832\item If required, broadcast the scalars after being received from the root process to the other processes, outside the OASIS3-MCT layer.
1835This can be extended as needed to send or receive from non root processes.  But
1836you cannot send the scalar data to multiple processes as this violates the halo
1837restriction in MCT.  Users need to be aware which processes contain valid scalar
1838data both on the source and destination side and to manage data synchronization
1839between processes within a component outside the OASIS3-MCT layer.
1842\subsection{The lag concept}
1845Using the OASIS3-MCT coupling library, the user has the flexibility
1846to reproduce different coupling algorithms defining {\tt LAG} values for the different coupling fields .
1847In the components, the
1848sending and receiving routines, respectively {\tt oasis\_put} and {\tt
1849  oasis\_get}, can be called at each component timestep, with the
1850appropriate {\tt date} argument giving the actual time (at the
1851beginning of the timestep), expressed in number of seconds since the
1852start of the run, or in any other time units as long as the same are
1853used in all components and in the {\it namcouple} (see section
1854\ref{prismput}). This {\tt date} argument is automatically analysed by
1855the coupling library and depending on the coupling period and the lag chosen by the user for the coupling field in the {\it namcouple} ({\tt LAG}), different coupling algorithms can be reproduced
1856without modifying the component codes themselves.
1858The lag ({\tt LAG}) must be
1859expressed in the time unit used (that must be the same in the components
1860and in the {\it namcouple}, see section \ref{prismput}) and can be
1861positive or negative but should never be larger (in absolute
1862magnitude) than the coupling period of any field due to problems with
1863restartability and dead-locking. When a component calls a {\tt
1864  oasis\_put}, the value of the lag is automatically added to the
1865value of the {\tt date} argument and the ``put'' is actually performed
1866when the sum {\tt date+lag} is a coupling time; in the target
1867component, this ``put'' will match a {\tt oasis\_get} for which the
1868{\tt date} argument is the same coupling time.
1869% A positive lag indicates the put will occur sooner than zero lag and
1870% a negative lag tells the coupler to send the data later than zero
1871% lag.
1872So the lag only shifts the time at which the data is sent but not
1873the time at which the data is received.
1875When the lag is positive, a restart file must be available to initiate
1876the coupling.  For a field with positive lag, the source
1877component automatically reads the field in the restart file
1878during the coupling initialization phase (below the {\tt
1879  oasis\_enddef}) and send the data to match the {\tt oasis\_get}
1880performed at time=0 in the target component. The final coupling
1881data on the source side will then be automatically written to the
1882restart file for use in the next run\footnote{When there is a lag, the first and last instance of the source field
1883in the debug netCDF file (EXPOUT fields, see section
1884\ref{subsec_namcouplesecond}) always correspond respectively to the
1885field read from and written to the restart file.}.
1887On the 4 figures in this section, short black arrows correspond to
1888  {\tt oasis\_put} or {\tt oasis\_get} called in the component
1889  that do not lead to any ``put" or receiving action; long black
1890  arrows correspond to {\tt oasis\_put} or {\tt oasis\_get} called in
1891  the components that do actually lead to a ``put" or ``get''
1892  action; long red arrows correspond to {\tt oasis\_put} or {\tt
1893    oasis\_get} called in the component models that lead to a reading
1894  or writing of the coupling field from or to a coupling restart file.
1898\item LAG concept first example
1900  A first coupling algorithm, exploiting the LAG concept, is
1901  illustrated on figure \ref{fig:lag_concept_1}.
1903  \begin{figure}
1904    \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/fig_lag_concept_1}
1905    \caption{LAG concept first example}
1906    \label{fig:lag_concept_1}
1907  \end{figure}
1909  During a coupling timestep, model A receives $F_2$ and then sends
1910  $F_1$; its timestep length is 4. During a coupling timestep, model B
1911  receives $F_1$ and then sends $F_2$; its timestep length is 6.
1912  $F_1$ and $F_2$ coupling periods are respectively 12 and 24. If
1913  $F_1$/$F_2$ ``put" action by model A/B was used at a coupling
1914  timestep to match the model B/A ``get" action, a deadlock would
1915  occur as both models would be initially waiting on a ``get"
1916  action. To prevent this, $F_1$ and $F_2$ produced at the timestep
1917  before have to be used to match respectively the model B and model A
1918  ``get" actions.
1920  This implies that a lag of respectively 4 and 6 seconds must be
1921  defined for $F_1$ and $F_2$. For $F_1$, the {\tt oasis\_put}
1922  performed at time 8 and 20 by model A will then lead to ``put"
1923  actions (as 8 + 4 = 12 and 20 + 4 = 24 which are coupling periods)
1924  that match the ``get" actions performed by {\tt oasis\_get} called by model B
1925  at times 12 and 24.  For $F_2$, the {\tt oasis\_put}
1926  performed at time 18 by model B then leads to a ``put" action (as 18
1927  + 6 = 24 which is a coupling period) that matches the ``get" action
1928  performed at time 24 by the {\tt oasis\_get} called by model A.
1930  At the beginning of the run, as their LAG index is greater than 0,
1931  the first {\tt oasis\_get} of $F_1$ and $F_2$ will automatically be
1932  fulfilled with fields read from their respective coupling restart
1933  files. The user therefore has to create those coupling restart files
1934  before the first run in the experiment. At the end of the run, $F_1$
1935  having a lag greater than 0, is automatically written to its
1936  coupling restart file below the last $F_1$ {\tt oasis\_put} as the
1937  {\tt date+lag} equals the total run time. The analogue is true for
1938  $F_2$. These coupling restart fields will automatically be read in at the beginning
1939  of the next run below the respective {\tt oasis\_get}.
1941\item LAG concept second example
1943  A second coupling algorithm exploiting the LAG concept is
1944  illustrated on figure \ref{fig:lag_concept_2}. During its timestep,
1945  model A receives $F_2$, sends $F_3$ and then $F_1$; its timestep
1946  length is 6. During its timestep, model B receives $F_1$, receives
1947  $F_3$ and then sends $F_2$; its timestep length is also 6.  $F_1$,
1948  $F_2$ and $F_3$ coupling periods are both supposed to be equal to
1949  12.
1951  \begin{figure}
1952    \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/fig_lag_concept_2}
1953    \caption{LAG concept second example}
1954    \label{fig:lag_concept_2}
1955  \end{figure}
1957  For $F_1$ and $F_2$ the situation is similar to the first
1958  example. Without any lag specified and without any restart file, a deadlock
1959  would occur as both models would be waiting on a ``get" action. To
1960  prevent this, $F_1$ and $F_2$ produced at the timestep before have
1961  to be used to match the model A and model B ``get" actions, which
1962  means that a lag of 6 must be defined for both $F_1$ and $F_2$. For
1963  both coupling fields, the {\tt oasis\_put} performed at times 6 and
1964  18 by the source model then lead to ``put" actions (as 6 + 6 = 12
1965  and 18 + 6 = 24 which are coupling periods) that match the ``get"
1966  action performed at time 12 and 24 by the {\tt oasis\_get} called
1967  by the target model.
1969  For $F_3$, sent by model A and received by model B, no lag needs to
1970  be defined: the coupling field produced by model A at the coupling
1971  timestep can be ``consumed'' by model B without causing a deadlock
1972  situation.
1974  As in the first example, the {\tt oasis\_get} performed at the
1975  beginning of the run for $F_1$ and $F_2$, will automatically receive
1976  data read from their coupling restart files, and the last {\tt
1977    oasis\_put} performed at the end of the run automatically write
1978  them to their coupling restart file. For $F_3$, no coupling restart
1979  file is needed.
1981  We see here how the introduction of appropriate LAG indices results
1982  in receiving in the target component the coupling fields produced by the
1983  source component the time step before; this is, in some coupling
1984  configurations, essential to avoid deadlock situations.
1989\subsection{The sequence concept}
1992The order of coupling operations in the system is determined solely by
1993the order of calls to send ({\tt oasis\_put} or ``put'') and receive ({\tt oasis\_get} or ``get'') data in the components
1994in conjunction with the setting of the lag in the {\it namcouple}.
1995Data that is received is always blocking while data that is sent is non-blocking with respect to the component making that call.  It
1996is possible to deadlock the system if the relative orders of puts and
1997gets in different components are not compatible.
1999With OASIS3-MCT, the sequence (SEQ) index in the {\it namcouple} file
2000now provides the coupling layer with an ability to detect a deadlock
2001before it happens and exit.  It does this by tracking the order of get
2002and put calls in components compared to the SEQ specified in the {\it
2003  namcouple}.  If there are any inconsistencies, the component will abort
2004gracefully with a useable error message before the system deadlocks.
2005If there are any coupling dependencies in the system, use of the SEQ
2006index is recommended for diagnosis but has no impact on the ultimate
2007solution and is NOT required.
2009In the following two examples, there are two
2010models, each ``put" a field to the other at every coupling period
2011without any lags.  In the first case, there is no dependency as each
2012model first sends and then receives some data.
2015     model1        model2
2016     ------        ------
2017    put(fld1)     put(fld2)
2018    get(fld2)     get(fld1)
2021In this
2022case, there is no sequencing dependency and the value of SEQ must be
2023identical (or unset) in the {\it namcouple} description of the fld1
2024and fld2 coupling.  If by mistake, SEQ is set to 1 for fld1 and 2 for fld2,
2025then the coupled model will abort because at runtime, the coupler will
2026detect in model 2 that fld2 was sent before fld1 was received which
2027is out of sequence as defined by the SEQ settings.
2029In the next example, there is a dependency in the sequencing.
2032     model1        model2
2033     ------        ------
2034    put(fld1)     get(fld1)
2035                  fld2=g(fld1)
2036    get(fld2)     put(fld2)
2039In model2, fld2 depends on fld1. If SEQ is not used and if, for example, model1 does not have the
2040consistent ordering of the put and get shown above (required by model2), then the models would deadlock and hang. If this dependency is known, there is a benefit in setting SEQ=1 for fld1 and SEQ=2 for fld2; at
2041runtime, if the sequencing of model1 or model2 does not match the
2042above diagram, then the  coupling layer will detect it and will exit gracefully with an error message.
2044Again, the SEQ namecouple setting is only diagnostic and is not
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