#-Q- curie ###################### #-Q- curie ## CURIE TGCC/CEA ## #-Q- curie ###################### #-Q- curie #MSUB -r METRICS_LMDZ # Nom du job #-Q- curie #MSUB -o METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- curie #MSUB -e METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- curie #MSUB -n 1 # Reservation du processus #-Q- curie #MSUB -T 14400 # Limite de temps elapsed du job #-Q- curie #MSUB -q ::default_node:: #-Q- curie #MSUB -c ::default_core:: #-Q- curie #MSUB -Q normal #-Q- curie #MSUB -A ::default_project:: #-Q- curie set +x #-Q- irene ###################### #-Q- irene ## IRENE TGCC/CEA ## #-Q- irene ###################### #-Q- irene #MSUB -r METRICS_LMDZ # Job name #-Q- irene #MSUB -o METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- irene #MSUB -e METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- irene #MSUB -n 1 #-Q- irene #MSUB -T 14400 # Maximum elapsed time #-Q- irene #MSUB -q ::default_node:: #-Q- irene #MSUB -c ::default_core:: #-Q- irene #MSUB -Q normal #-Q- irene #MSUB -A ::default_post_project:: #-Q- irene #MSUB -m store,work,scratch #-Q- irene set +x #-Q- irene-amd ###################### #-Q- irene-amd ## IRENE TGCC/CEA ## #-Q- irene-amd ###################### #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -r METRICS_LMDZ # Job name #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -o METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -e METRICS_LMDZ.out_%I #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -n 1 #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -T 14400 # Maximum elapsed time #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -q ::default_node:: #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -c ::default_core:: #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -Q normal #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -A ::default_post_project:: #-Q- irene-amd #MSUB -m store,work,scratch #-Q- irene-amd set +x #-Q- ada #!/bin/ksh #-Q- ada ####################### #-Q- ada ## ADA IDRIS ## #-Q- ada ####################### #-Q- ada # @ job_type = mpich #-Q- ada # @ requirements = (Feature == "prepost") #-Q- ada # Temps Elapsed max. d'une requete hh:mm:ss #-Q- ada # @ wall_clock_limit = 4:00:00 #-Q- ada # Nom du travail LoadLeveler #-Q- ada # @ job_name = METRICS_LMDZ #-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie standard du travail #-Q- ada # @ output = $(job_name).$(jobid) #-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie d'erreur du travail #-Q- ada # @ error = $(job_name).$(jobid) #-Q- ada # pour recevoir un mail en cas de depassement du temps Elapsed (ou autre pb.) #-Q- ada # @ notification = error #-Q- ada # @ environment = $POST_DIR ; $Script_Post_Output ; $SUBMIT_DIR ; $libIGCM ; $DEBUG_debug ; $BigBrother ; $postProcessingStopLevel ; $R_INIT ; $R_BC ; $StandAlone ; $RESOL_ATM ; $RESOL_OCE ; $RESOL_ICE ; $RESOL_MBG ; $RESOL_SRF ; $RESOL_SBG ; $YEARS ; $DIR_OUT ; $MASTER ; $libIGCM_SX ; wall_clock_limit=$(wall_clock_limit) #-Q- ada # @ queue #-Q- lxiv8 ###################### #-Q- lxiv8 ## OBELIX LSCE ## #-Q- lxiv8 ###################### #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -N METRICS_LMDZ #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -m a #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -j oe #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -q test #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -o METRICS_LMDZ.$$ #-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -S /bin/ksh #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ###################### #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ## CICLAD IPSL ## #-Q- ifort_CICLAD ###################### #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -N METRICS_LMDZ #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -m a #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -j oe #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -q std #-Q- ifort_CICLAD #PBS -S /bin/ksh #-Q- default #!/bin/ksh #-Q- default ################## #-Q- default ## DEFAULT HOST ## #-Q- default ################## #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: 1525 $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: cetlod $ Author of last commit # $Date:: 2020-04-27 10:39:22 +0200 (Mon, 27 Apr 2020) $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #set -eu #set -vx date #-Q- ada export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 #D- Task type DO NOT CHANGE (computing, post-processing or checking) TaskType=post-processing ###################################################################### . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh #------- . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_comp/libIGCM_comp.ksh #------- IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR_PATH} #------- ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_debug_Check ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_card_Check ( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_date_Check ###################################################################### #set -vx # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test if all was right before proceeding further # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit if [ ${StandAlone} = true ] ; then CARD_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR} else CARD_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card ${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP ${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/POST ${RUN_DIR_PATH} fi #================================== # First of all # # Read libIGCM compatibility version in config.card # Read UserChoices section # Read Ensemble section # Read Post section # Define all netcdf output directories #================================== IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration ${CARD_DIR}/config.card # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Activate BigBrother so as to supervise this job # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_BigBro_Initialize #================================== # Then set up several directories #================================== R_OUT_ATM=${R_SAVE}/ATM DIR_OUT=${DIR_OUT:=SE} RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH} IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive ${R_FIGR} IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR} IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR} IGCM_sys_MkdirWork METRICS/SE_${YEARS} #================================== # Get the file #================================== IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmth.nc ${RUN_DIR} IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmthNMC.nc ${RUN_DIR} #================================== # Group of metrics we will compute #================================== GroupsOfMetrics='LMDZ_PCMDI LMDZ_JetLat LMDZ_OverOceanRegions' MP_Version=v3 #================================== # SET UP THE PATH (wont be done in libIGCM_sys because setup_runtime.sh is way too intrusive) #================================== . ${PCMDI_MP}/work_install_${MP_Version}/PCMDI_METRICS/bin/setup_runtime.sh for metricsGroupName in ${GroupsOfMetrics} ; do #================================== # Appropriate configuration template #================================== IGCM_sys_Cp ${PCMDI_MP}/work_install_${MP_Version}/PCMDI_METRICS/doc/parameter_files/input_parameters_${metricsGroupName}_template.py template.py #================================== # Configure template for histmth.nc #================================== IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py path_and_filename \'./${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmth.nc\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py filename \'${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmth.nc\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py attributes_provided \'IPSL_Extended\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py Login \'${LOGIN}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py model_versions \[\'${config_UserChoices_TagName}\'\] IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py experiment \'${config_UserChoices_ExperimentName}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py realization \'${config_UserChoices_JobName}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py project_id \'IPSL\-${config_UserChoices_SpaceName}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py ModelFreeSpace "\"${config_UserChoices_LongName}\"" IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py case_id \'${metricsGroupName}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py obs_data_path \'${R_IN}/ReferenceDatasets/climatos\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py metrics_output_path \'${RUN_DIR}/METRICS/SE_${YEARS}\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py model_clims_interpolated_output \'${RUN_DIR}\' #================================== # Compute metrics #================================== python ${PCMDI_MP}/work_install_${MP_Version}/PCMDI_METRICS/bin/pcmdi_metrics_driver.py -p template.py if [ ${metricsGroupName} != "LMDZ_OverOceanRegions" ] ; then #================================== # (Re)Configure template for histmthNMC.nc #================================== IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py path_and_filename \'./${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmthNMC.nc\' IGCM_comp_modifyFile template.py filename \'${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmthNMC.nc\' #================================== # Compute metrics for histmthNMC.nc #================================== python ${PCMDI_MP}/work_install_${MP_Version}/PCMDI_METRICS/bin/pcmdi_metrics_driver.py -p template.py fi #================================== # Export metrics to mongoDB system #================================== IGCM_debug_sendAMQP_Metrics METRICS/SE_${YEARS}/${metricsGroupName} ${metricsGroupName} done #================================== # Save files #================================== IGCM_sys_Put_Dir METRICS ${R_FIGR} IGCM_sys_Rm -Rf METRICS IGCM_sys_Rm ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${YEARS}_1M_histmth.nc # Clean RUN_DIR_PATH (necessary for cesium and titane only) IGCM_sys_RmRunDir -Rf ${RUN_DIR_PATH} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Finalize BigBrother to inform that the jobs end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IGCM_debug_BigBro_Finalize